OS X V10.7 Lion :: How Many Library Folders Should There Be

Apr 15, 2012

How many Library folders should there be, and where?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Using Time Machine From Another Mac To Restore Library Folders

Apr 27, 2012

I am using TM from another machine, (which has died) to restore folders onto a working system, some of the folders I need are in the User Library, but how do I display the User Library in TM?

Mac Pro Dual 2.66 4G RAM
MacBook Pro 15 ins 2.6G 4G RAM
80G Video iPod
iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.6.7),
Also running XP via Parallels

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OS X :: Why Does OS X Have So Many Library Folders

Jun 8, 2009

I have one in the root of my hard drive, One in the system folder and another in my user folder.

Coming from Windows recently, I'm assuming this library scheme is OSX's version of the registry?so.

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OS X :: What Is Difference Between Library Folders

Jul 30, 2009

I've been wondering, what is the difference between ~/Library (i.e. the home-folder's Library), /Library (contained in the root) and /System/Library (contained in the System folder)?

I've been installing a couple of plugins for QuickLook and whatnot and I'm always confused as to which Library to use. They all for example have a folder called -/QuickLook. And installing the plugin works in all of them. I know if I put it into ~/Library it will only be available for me, but what would be the difference in placing them in /Library or /System/Library?

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OS X :: Two Library Folders - Safely Trash?

Sep 11, 2009

I am tidying my HD prior to upgrading to SL and have just realised I have 2 library folders one on the HD (21gB) another in my user account (10gB). Do I need them both and if not which one can I safely trash?

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ITunes :: Delete Old Library And Folders?

Jul 5, 2012

I have done too much to itunes. I have both wav files from recorded records and burned cds. To make my life easy and to fit all this music on my ipod. I want to start over on MBP and convert Wav files to mp3.

How do you creat a new itunes library and convert the wav to mp3?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: Possible To Arrange Music Library Into Folders

Apr 17, 2010

I am just learning about Itunes. Is it possible to arrange the music library into folders to make it easier to find songs to put on playlists.

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Mac Pro :: Moving Library, Applications And System Folders Across To An SSD.

Oct 8, 2010

Firstly im well aware of the other threads roaming around the forum, but im having troubles with all of the options do this i find. I'm also aware that people might find it hard to believe that someone who has shelled out for a couple of SSD's might be having problems doing this, please, just need the help, no flaming.

Basically, just acquired 2x new SSD's and im wishing to transfer my OS and Applications over to them, so i can boot from them.

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OS X :: Lots Of Dupes In The Folders Of Itunes Library

Jan 11, 2011

Recently my buddy's macbook pro died. When we realized it was on it's way out, we moved his itunes library to an external hard drive. We had to consolidate it a couple times to get everything. We setup his new macbook pro to look at the external drive for his itunes library.

However, the new macbook pro is still storing music files locally (the external drive is always plugged in). I did a consolidation last night and noticed something weird. It's not jsut looking for the files that arent in the itunes library on the external drive and adding them, it is making full copies of the itunes libraries on the external drive. So, that means that my buddy has about 4 of each song in his itunes library folders (only one copy of the song shows up in itunes itself). So his Dave Matthews folder will show the album Crash as it's own folder, but within that folder there will be four copies of each song that is on the album.

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OS X :: Looking For Program That Can Search With In System And Library Folders.??

Sep 4, 2009

I installed a scanner driver (Musteck A3 600 USb scanner) and found it so dame useless and frustrating that I went out and bought an epson 10000XL scanner (even sharper than my V700). which has a very good driver (I use silverfast for my Epson V700)

but this dam musteck driver still shows up in Photoshops Input list. (there was no uninstaller on the mustek disk. and it is one of the most useless things I have ever bought)

if i take the Twain plug in out of the Photoshop plugin inputs folder, the the Epson Scan is no longer on the input list..

I have tried looking for where this bloody scanner driver is to remove it but cant find it.

is there any search program that will actually look inside the system and library folders to find files.

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OS X :: Read Only Permissions On System And Library Folders

Sep 16, 2009

I'm running 10.5.8 of OSX and have some strange permissions problems. These have been around for a while and whilst they aren't so bad that I can't live with them, they're really annoying and I want to install Snow Leopard but would like to fix this first. When I go to a lot of the folders in the upper hierarchy of the OSX install (the likes of System and Library), I can't modify the contents of any of these folders even as admin.

I have checked the Get Info and seen that it says that "You can only read" under Sharing and Permissions. Surely as admin I should be able to have read and write. I have attached a pic of a screenshot of the Get Info for my System folder. How am I now not a member of the "System" group (I am sure that I haven't had these issues the whole time I have had Leopard...only in the last 6 months) and what is the "Wheel" group?

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Applications :: Is It Possible To Rearrange The Folders In The IPhoto Library

Dec 28, 2009

I have been handling my family's photos for some time now, using iPhoto on my mac. Now I am about to buy a ReadyNas. I want to store the iPhoto library there and give the rest of the family access to it. The problem is that I am the only mac-user, all the others have windows.

The plan is that they will use Picasa when reading from the iPhoto library. There is a problem though. I am afraid that it will be all messy since iPhoto stores both modified pictures and the originals. I addition to this the subfolders to these main folders have got inconsistent names since the photos were taken before I started using iPhoto. The result will be that the person using Picasa will see tons of folders with just a few pictures in them.

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ITunes :: Use One Library.itl File For Two Different Media Folders?

May 20, 2012

Can one itunes library.itl file be used for music in two different itunes media files? I have an Air. Want to have music in MP3 format on the Air and the same music in Lossless format on a large external HD. Would like same playlists etc for both types. Lossless takes up too much room on the Air but for playing tunes on the road, MP3 is fine. Want to keep same music as Lossless for archiving and for playing on very good speakers at times; would be kept on the external HD. Would like to have the same playlists, ratings, etc., for music that is in both MP3 and Lossless format. For example, rating Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album as a 5 for both the tracks that are in MP3 format (that live on the Air) and the same tracks in Lossless format (that reside on the external HD). I realize I could have separate iTunes folders on the Air and the Ext HD but then would have to duplicate all the data on playlists, ratings, etc. for the two independent iTunes folders. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: ITunes Library - To Replace Existing Folders'

Aug 13, 2010

I copied my cousin's itunes music folder onto my external hard drive so I could add it to my own.

I dragged the artists into my iTunes music folder.

I was asked whether I wanted to replace existing folders... e.g we both had "Arctic Monkeys" folders.

I CLICKED REPACE ALL... What a mistake.

I'm very much into music and I have lots of songs, whereas my cousin only had a small library.

Now, my "Arctic Monkeys" folder only has a few songs in that she had, and i've lost loads from my library from many artists that both of us had.

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Software :: Pubsub And Feeds Folders In User Library?

Dec 5, 2009

In user/library/pubsub/feeds: the Feeds folder contains a gazillion items and I am not sure what they are. I am also not clear on the definition of the pubsub folder and what feeds are. Is it some sort of cache that I can get rid of on a routine basis? I am one to keep things clean and know that SL does a lot of its own maintenance and I don't mess with the system or system library folders. Just at times in my user folder, only when I know exactly what I am doing.

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Applications :: ITunes Library Missing - Empty Folders Shown

Oct 23, 2010

On itunes, I have my account/library and my wife has hers. For some reason her library disappeared. Her folder is still in the music folder along with mine, but her music, apps will not show up in itunes and her account name also is gone when opening itunes with option c I can see both accounts and when I choose hers and itunes opens everything is blank if that makes sense.

She is afraid to do a sync because she is afraid she'll loose the apps, music and other items from her itouch. I don't want to mess with it because I'm nervous about messing my library up as well trying to restore hers. Is there anything I can do to get her library to load in itunes and not distrurb mine and resync her itouch and my iphone? I didn't see any answers to this specific 2nd account issue and I hope the description of the issue is clear.

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MacBook :: Move PDF Folders Or Books To PDF Library In IBook On IPad?

Mar 15, 2012

How do I move PDF folders or books to PDF library in iBook on my iPad?

iOS 5.1

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ITunes For Mac :: Moved Library From PC To NAS - Duplicated Files In Album Folders

Aug 20, 2014

I recently moved my itunes library from PC to a NAS to use with my new Mac. With the exception of a couple hiccups everything was fine. I then asked iTunes to copy all the music to my ipod and convert the tracks to 256mb (I have re-ripped my cd collection as lossless and chosen the option to replace existing copies of the songs which were lossy). 

I have 264GB of music in my iTunes library but when I looked at my NAS just now I saw 540GB of music backed up!! I then looked in one folder and saw every song had been duplicated so songs were named things like "Song.m4a" and "Song1.m4a", but this hasn't happened in every album folder - of course I have way too many to go through them individually. 

How I can stop it from continuing and most importantly how to clear all the duplicates from the folders on my NAS so it only holds the 264GB of music that the iTunes library displays. 


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Use Own Icons For Folders And HDD

Mar 19, 2012

is it true that i can't use my own icons for folders and HD etc on lion anymore?

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6), FC studio 2

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 2 Folders With Same Name In Same Directory

Apr 22, 2012

where 2 folders with same name exist in one folder, and they have the exact same path, how is that possible.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Silently Sync Local Folders With Remote Webdav Folders?

Jan 21, 2009

I'm looking for software that can silently sync local folders with remote webdav folders.

It would also be nice if I could just relate to the local folder, and the software would automatically synce new files in both directions.

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OS X :: Unable To Access Folders / Folders Are Locked After Transferring Files From External Hd

Aug 28, 2009

I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD. When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??

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OS X :: Using Snow Leopard/can't Open Child Folders In A Shared Folders From Windows XP

Aug 11, 2010

I've set some share folders, from windows xp I can open the folders (even create files) and see the child folders but when I try to open them I get access denied.

I'm using snow leopard 10.6 on a mac mini, can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?

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Software :: Adding Bookmarks And New Folders Under Multi-level Safari Folders?

Jan 20, 2004

I have a question for the the Safari geeks out here (1.1.1 version 100.1, running on MacOSX 10.3.2): I have imported my bookmarks from a Mozilla install on a Linux box, based on a hint I found here with the debug options (worked great!!!), and I have the following questions related to adding a new bookmark (based on the fact that my bookmarks are organized in multi-level folders, e.g. OperatingSystems->Linux->Security->Firewall, etc.):

- when opening Bookmarks->Add bookmark ..., how could I possibly collapse all the levels, so that I can easily scroll, and open/drill down into the appropriate level of bookmarks, without having to scroll thrrough all (by default) expanded levels? ... especially critical as some sub-categories may match names, with different higher level bookmarks, thus having to make sure I am where I want to be (e.g. I have a Security folder under OS->Mac, as I have one under OS->Linux, and I have to remember which one I am under, if the "parent" is out of the scrolling window);

- is there any easy way to add a new "level/folder", through Bookmarks->Add bookmark, at the time of salvaging a new one, vs. having to open the Bookmarks in a new window, adding the folder, then returning to add the new bookmark?

I hope the above makes sense ... I am probably hopeful - also - that people may have already run into this before

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ITunes :: Create Folders On One IPad And Sync The Folders To Multiple IPads?

Jun 6, 2012

Is there a way to create folders on one iPad and sync the folders to multiple iPads? I have 23 iPads and I want to have all the folders match for easier access for students.

iPad 2

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Obtain A Soft (not Printed) Listing Of All Folders And Sub Folders On All Of Drives

Sep 3, 2014

I have 4 drives on my mac pro and tons of folders, some with sub folders.  I need a searchable listing of all folders and sub folders to consolidate, re-organize, etc.  I don't mind buying a utility but would like something that can do all of the above and either let me search and organize the list or let me dump it into Excel. 

Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Show All Shared Folders On Mac?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a Windows PC. It has lots of shared folders. Suppose the name of the PC is "WinPC1". If I use a Windows laptop, I could easily see all shared folders by typing "\WinPC1" in the address bar. 

Now, I am using a Mac. I know I can add specific folders by adding the server as "smb://WinPC1/<individual folder name>", but it cannot map the root "smb://WinPC1". Suppose there are 100 shared folders, then I would have 100 mounted folders on Mac. 

Is there any way to map the root folder, like in Windows PC? I mean I only want a mounted folder for the "smb://WinPC1", not "smb://WinPC1/docs", "smb://WinPC1/musics",... and so on.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Converted Folders To IMail And They Are 'On Mac?

Feb 27, 2012

I am new to Apple. I would like to set up folders in iMail like I had in Outlook. In fact, I converted my folders to iMail and they are 'On my Mac." I tried to drag them to the accounts where I want them, but it won't work. Any suggestions?


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Create New Folders In Mail

Mar 13, 2012

How can I create new folders in Mail? 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloading To Specific Folders?

Mar 20, 2012

Is there a way to direct downloads to a specific file instead of the "downloads" folder?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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