ITunes For Mac :: Moved Library From PC To NAS - Duplicated Files In Album Folders
Aug 20, 2014
I recently moved my itunes library from PC to a NAS to use with my new Mac. With the exception of a couple hiccups everything was fine. I then asked iTunes to copy all the music to my ipod and convert the tracks to 256mb (I have re-ripped my cd collection as lossless and chosen the option to replace existing copies of the songs which were lossy).
I have 264GB of music in my iTunes library but when I looked at my NAS just now I saw 540GB of music backed up!! I then looked in one folder and saw every song had been duplicated so songs were named things like "Song.m4a" and "Song1.m4a", but this hasn't happened in every album folder - of course I have way too many to go through them individually.
How I can stop it from continuing and most importantly how to clear all the duplicates from the folders on my NAS so it only holds the 264GB of music that the iTunes library displays.
I just upgraded to SL. Now I got crazy on my Trash. Whenever and Whatever I drag a file, a movie, a pic, everything, it will not move the the trash. Instead system warms me "This item will be detect immediately, you can't undo this action." And the item is detect directly. I always have a empty trash.
I'm trying to move emails from the "On My Mac" section from one mac to my new one. I've successfully transferred the folders from ~/Library/Mail and they show up, but the folders are empty when I open the mail application on my new mac the folders are empty.
iTunes 10.5.3 (3). The last group of songs I downloaded and encoded to mp3 continue to duplicate and show up in itunes everytime I sync my iPhone or iPod. I keep the library stored on an external hard drive and always change "iTunes media folder location" to the EHD, which is also annoying. I've deleted the default folder in Lion but the songs keep showing up in m4a format. I then have to start all over. (tags, info etc.) This is the first time I've had this problem and I'd like it to stop.
I tunes imported vid files that I had on my hd last year, now, I decided that I didn't want these in ITunes, so I deleted them from ITunes. I then burned all of these files to a DVD and then deleted them from my downloads folder where they were always kept. Today I noticed that deep within ITunes, there is a folder called ITunes music and in that folder there is a sub folder called movies, where I discovered duplicates of the vid files I had previously deleted from my downloads folder which were imported by ITunes last year. I didn't know this could happen in ITunes!
I moved my iTunes library to an external drive, but now my apps are gone? I do have iTunes match and iCloud, so my songs are all on the cloud, but none of my apps are showing... I copied everything over, consolidated, but I must have messed something up as I think I have too many library files on the external drive now. I can see all my files on the external drive, but they are not showing up when I open itunes. It looks like it linked to a new copy of a library as only my most recent apps are showing, nad none of my existing ones are on itunes. What should I do to fix this? How do I know which files to delete?
I have somehow managed to end up with iTunes splitting music between folders ( was not me honest ! ).
I have two Music folders within the same path.....A lot of my CD's now mysteriously have music split between two folders e.g. a single CD has Tracks 1,2,3 in one Music folder and track 4,5,6,7 is split in the other Music folder.....the same Album name exists in both locations but tracks are split between. iTunes / Preferences / Advanced - "Media Folder Location" = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/One level below this iTunes Media Folder Location structure there is another Music folder = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/Music *** I can only play songs using iTunes that point to this Red music folder location ***
I have the following checked ( enabled ) : "Keep iTunes Media folder organised""Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to Library"
I have ran from "File" / "Library" / "Organize Library" Menu the : "Consolidate files" "Reorganise files in the music folder" can't be run as it's greyed out
how do I merge back CD Tracks that have been split across these folders ?
I moved my entire 1.4TB iTunes folder to my Drobo. Then I went into preferences and changed the iTunes Media Folder Location, and I also have Keep iTunes music folder organized. That worked fine all of the music, movies and TV shows opened up fine. Than after adding a new HDD to my drobo I opened my iTunes and all of a sudden it gives me the ! next to all my files and wants me to locate them, and the folder is still the same in the folder location. Is there anyway to fix this, or to automatically reconnect all my media instead of doing it 1 by 1.
I have accidentally moved my whole music library to trash is there a way of moving it all back to iTunes, so far i seem to have to individually pull out each track from trash?
According to iTunes it's already been submitted to my account through the cloud, yet when I go to download in my library it's not there. When I go to iTunes it won't let me download as it says it's already been purchased. How do I get this to work?
Can you point me to where the solutions are?, which are:
1. Whenever I try to play music and videos through Front Row, it says, direct quote: "there are no items in your iTunes library", when in fact I have 5000+ songs, dozens of TV shows and movies, all of which work fine in iTunes. I made sure a) all media files are CHECKED (Selected) in my library, b) the Consolidate Library function has always been ON, c) iTunes is open and d) my iTunes library is in the default location, i.e. user/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music. 2. Photos appear correctly in Front Row and DVDs play, I just can't see my videos and music. 3. One interesting thing: the Album Art screen saver also says that "Your iTunes library does not contain any songs with artwork", while most of my iTunes music have album art embedded and they display correctly in iTunes.
I even tried re-installing OS X, but it still does not work! Here is the computer I am using: 17-inch 2.0 gHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.4.10) iMac from October, 2006 with iTunes 7.3.1 installed and working. I have had this problem since (I think) iTunes 6.
I accidentally deleted a whole album off of my iTunes. It contained over a hundred songs from multiple albums. How do I get the album back? Can I use TimeMachine? If so, how? It keeps saying "searching for AirPort"
I can't find the album in my files on my laptop either.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), I have iTunes 11.1.5 (5)
I have been trying to download the new U2 album without success. The store site saysit has been downloaded to my library, but unfortunately it is not there. How to resolve this problem?
How can you copy a song to an additional album within the library. I have a couple of song in one album and I want them also to appear in an another album. How can I do that?
When I select any song from this one, specific album in my library, iTunes will hesitate for a second, and the Quicktime-esque player window will automatically appear too. This happens only with this one album, and it's very frustrating. I will attach a screenshot of the problem. And also, if I go to close this player window, the song stops.
I copied a lot of songs to my cell phone so I can here them wherever I go. However, i noticed that because of the album artwork, I couldn't copy as much songs as I wanted. Is there away I can remove the artwork embedded in the mp3 files WITHOUT reimporting them back to iTunes? I don't want to remove the artwork from the iTunes library, just from the phone card. Is there a separate application that can batch-handle ID3 tags and artwork? i copied the songs from my macbook to the m2 memory stick using a usb adapter so i can use the songs on my ericsson. I think it is really annoying that iTunes requires songs to be in the library to handle them. I could really use a separate application or a script/folder action that would do the trick - freeware or shareware
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?
i had my entire iTunes library, about 150GB of music files, stored on an external hard drive that was starting act wonky. so i bought a new hard drive and copied all the music folders onto that new hard drive. but now iTunes doesn't recognize all those files in the new location. how do i reconnect my iTunes library to this new hard drive?
unfortunately, i've already deleted the old music files from the old hard drive so hopefully i don't need to do something with that.
I have done too much to itunes. I have both wav files from recorded records and burned cds. To make my life easy and to fit all this music on my ipod. I want to start over on MBP and convert Wav files to mp3.
How do you creat a new itunes library and convert the wav to mp3?
Recently my buddy's macbook pro died. When we realized it was on it's way out, we moved his itunes library to an external hard drive. We had to consolidate it a couple times to get everything. We setup his new macbook pro to look at the external drive for his itunes library.
However, the new macbook pro is still storing music files locally (the external drive is always plugged in). I did a consolidation last night and noticed something weird. It's not jsut looking for the files that arent in the itunes library on the external drive and adding them, it is making full copies of the itunes libraries on the external drive. So, that means that my buddy has about 4 of each song in his itunes library folders (only one copy of the song shows up in itunes itself). So his Dave Matthews folder will show the album Crash as it's own folder, but within that folder there will be four copies of each song that is on the album.
Can one itunes library.itl file be used for music in two different itunes media files? I have an Air. Want to have music in MP3 format on the Air and the same music in Lossless format on a large external HD. Would like same playlists etc for both types. Lossless takes up too much room on the Air but for playing tunes on the road, MP3 is fine. Want to keep same music as Lossless for archiving and for playing on very good speakers at times; would be kept on the external HD. Would like to have the same playlists, ratings, etc., for music that is in both MP3 and Lossless format. For example, rating Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album as a 5 for both the tracks that are in MP3 format (that live on the Air) and the same tracks in Lossless format (that reside on the external HD). I realize I could have separate iTunes folders on the Air and the Ext HD but then would have to duplicate all the data on playlists, ratings, etc. for the two independent iTunes folders.
On itunes, I have my account/library and my wife has hers. For some reason her library disappeared. Her folder is still in the music folder along with mine, but her music, apps will not show up in itunes and her account name also is gone when opening itunes with option c I can see both accounts and when I choose hers and itunes opens everything is blank if that makes sense.
She is afraid to do a sync because she is afraid she'll loose the apps, music and other items from her itouch. I don't want to mess with it because I'm nervous about messing my library up as well trying to restore hers. Is there anything I can do to get her library to load in itunes and not distrurb mine and resync her itouch and my iphone? I didn't see any answers to this specific 2nd account issue and I hope the description of the issue is clear.