OS X V10.7 Lion :: 2 Folders With Same Name In Same Directory
Apr 22, 2012 where 2 folders with same name exist in one folder, and they have the exact same path, how is that possible.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
where 2 folders with same name exist in one folder, and they have the exact same path, how is that possible.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a macpro 1.1, with mac os x lion server 10.7.3. Everything works great. I created a virtualHost in my server app called myVirtualHost.mydomain.com and manualy enabled +Indexes on that virtualHost. When I access the myVirtualHost.mydomain.com gives me a nice list with all the content of the sites folder.my problem is that the list is very poor files/folders have no icons, I want little icons for the different types of content in site files/folders, just like in snow leo server.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), lion server
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
I'm a mac newbie coming from linux. In order to not have all applications in the /Applications top folder, I create some empty folders in the /Applications folder and move apps there (to group apps).
It seems to be ok for me to create folders in /Applications that are owned by me without giving a password, which seems a little bit funny. (/Applications belong to the admin group as also I am in and admin group can write in /Applications. In Linux I have to to "sudo mkdir" to make folders in the corresponding folders).
Is there any problem with moving apps (owned by root) into these new folders that are owned by me?
I have a folder with numerous subfolders, each containing numerous files that i would like to batch unlock (vs tediously unlocking each individual folder).
failed attempts involve:
- tried the following terminal action: sudo chflags -R nouchg ( as suggested on this website (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106237) but it did not work.
I did not try the other suggestions on the website because it started getting really complicated and i was afraid to do something that may cause damage/delete my files
- tried unlocking the folders and subfolders, however each individual file within the corresponding folder/subfolders remained locked
Partial but suboptimal solutions tried:
- i found a partial but not optimal solution to my problem on this site:
however, the option-command-I will only allow me to unlock files each subfolder at a time (as i need to actually highlight the files themselves).
is there a way where i could just unlock all the folder/subfolders/files within an entire directory in one fell swoop?
My system:
- the new MBP running Mac OS X 10.5.2
i am a new mac user and i apologize in advance if there is some simple solution to this problem that i have yet failed to discover,
Ok, so I know that: mkdir .testhiddenfolder will create an invisible folder on my home directory. but how do i do this if i have an external drive called "G-Drive M2" .... is it mkdir G-DriveM2/.testhiddenfolder, or mkdir volumes/G-DriveM2/.testhiddenfolder
sorry if this is a way basic question. I'm totally new to unix and Termianl
Couldn't find it anywhere! Did Apple take this off on purpose? Are they planning something new?
And also something to mention, Server Admin 10.5.6 and Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 DOES NOT WORK on Snow Leopard. The only way to manage my Server is to use Screen Sharing app <-- IT SUCK.
My home has a .vim info file but no .vim directory so where am I supposed to put syntax plugins.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Back on the "other" computer there was an area that all web pages and videos were stored. We could get in there and copy out an item if we needed. I used to know where it was in Leapord but now in Lion I can't find the application support and cache for Sfari or Chrome. I need to look for something in the cache.Â
MacBook Pro - iMac - Mac Pro and 1 pc, Mac OS X (10.6.1), Final Cut Studio 2
I am trying to setup test server with following services:
Open Directory
Profile Manager
Software Update
But not having much of success. I have installed 10.7.3 on virtual machine (Using Fusion 4) on Mac Pro and given a 4 GB of RAM. This machine is running in its own bubble, it has no communication even with host. So I have configured DHCP and DNS services which seems to be working fine (I have confirmed with another client which can get IP and DNS server address from this server).
Now whenever I have tried to run OD setup using both tools (Server App and Admin Tool), it takes forever to configure (more than 1 hour) and then it fails with error saying "check your network settings". I have checked and machine has proper IP address (tried both DHCP and Static) and also used "lookup" utility to resolve the DNS address both ways (forward and reverse).
Anyone else have issues with slow directory content display with Lion? Having the same issue with 3 machines. It is agonizing up to 30 seconds to display the contents of directories. Think this would be a no brainer, but obviously not. This happens when opening files from within programs and simply in the Finder. Two of the machines are MacPro 2x Quad Core machines with 14GB RAM. Wouldn't think either machine would have any problem with doing this simple task.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2 x 2.26 Ghz Quad-Core 14GB DDR3
System Preference is locked and no action possible with it. Time Machine has been restored and System Preference is still locked. I have reinstalled Lion and I need to retrieve only my mails from Time Capsule. Could you tell me where mails are located on Time Machine?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I have files in a stack and, in the file's directory, I hide the extension, stacks does not update the fact that the extension is now hidden unless I remove and re-add the stack.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've recently upgraded to Mac OS Lion Server, and I'm having a big problem that's keeping me from finishing my last bit of work on a project. I've been trying to create network users so that they can sign in on any computer, and access their files via the server, but I've been told time and time again to create a Directory Administrator.Â
When I try to create one, I get this error
On my Mac Mini, I have set up a new user because of problems with the OS. So far, it is working fine. I also have a G5 running OS 10.4.11. There is an account on both machines with the same name. However, the new account on the Mini is a different name. The G5 does not offer the "login as" (at least that I can see, so my access to the new account on the Mini is limited to a dropbox. To simplify: A is the account on both the Mini and the G5, B is the account only on the Mini. I tried extending the permissions on B's home directory, but that did not work. Using get info, I unlocked the file then tried to add A to the list of users. For some reason, nothing happened.Â
How can I give user A permission to access user B's home directory on the Mini?
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I recently upgraded to Lion and now I see some strange test.txt documents on the lowest level of my hard drive. They are filled with some xml and soap stuff. Last one is made nearly a year ago. What frightens me is that it contains passwords. The documents are found by spotlight so a password search on my mac will come up with those documents.Were are they coming from?Can I safely remove them? an example:
I am managing a bunch of Macs and we are using Active Directory groups to assign certificates for 802.11x. I am binding the device to AD using JAMF software and was wondering if I could use a script to then add the deive to an active directory group.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
After a reinstall I can´t config Open Directory Master.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have several messages "Module: SystemCache Misconfiguration detected in hash 'Kerberos'" in my System Logs. Having browsed the forums, I found this most likely to be caused by User Records in the local LDAP database created with Workgroup Maager instead of Server.app. [URL]I wanted to fix these entries with the directory editor pane but the tool fails to connect toDirectory service /LDAPv3/ I supply wrong user credentials, the message indactes a wrong username or passworf, but if I give the right credentials for the administration user of the LDAP directory, it simply sais "failed to connect (5000)". how I can convince the directory editor to let me edit the database?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a new macbook pro, and when I popped my old secondary hard drive in, I notice that half of my mp3 files are now shown with a little lock next to them. I can manually un lock them one at a time, but I'm a professional DJ, and I have thousands of files. how to unlock an entire directory in one fell swoop? I didn't lock them to begin with, so this is aggravating.Â
I cannot save bpm or cue points to files while they're locked. My serato scratch live software will also not save overviews while they're locked.Â
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
1) In an environement that contains two directory servers (one master, one replica), how does a client find the replica in the event that the master goes offline?
2) Is there any command to issue from the client side that will return all available directory servers in the domain?
I have been reading through the Lion Server pages for Active Directory and came across the following question. Does the procedure listed in the URL below allow the users whose Macs are joined to the OS X server, to login with Active Directory credentials. Pass-through auth. for lack of a better term. [URL]...The procedure reads as if it is just joining the server to the domain and not configuring authentication.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to enable the root user from the Directory Utility Edit Menu. It was greyed out. Why and how I can enable the root user?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've got a new Mac Mini Server that I'm using to set up file sharing for the first time. I've enabled OpenDirectory and verified that the users I'm creating are being created in (they show up in the Server app and Workgroup Manager app, but not in System Preferences | Users).Â
File sharing seems to be working fine, but I don't like the fact that each user has access to their home folder share when they connect to the server using a mac elsewhere on the network. I prefer only the shares I explicitly set up to be available.Â
Thus, a couple questionsWhy is there a home folder created on the server at all? Do I really need a /users/johndoe folder for each and every account in OD?How can I configure sharing such that I won't see the home folder when I connect from another mac on the network? I don't want to leave little "cubby holes" for my users to stuff files into
Im having all kinds of 'not found' issues with lion server but i think alot of them may stem from not being able to stop kerberos from running on Open Directory.Therefore currently im running two Kerberos realms OD and Active directory.. When I try and stop it in terminal it errors see below...Â
shutting down kadmind
kadmind shut down
shutting down kdc
then on server admin it shows kereberos for OD as "running".. still so i know it hasn't worked?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have created an automator workflow to remove and recreate my temporary directory in my home folder.Â
Is there a way to schedule this workflow to run at user login (or at boot time)?Â
We have a local Admin account on all Macs, enterprise wide, for local and remote administration.
All Macs are joined to Active Directory. Our users DO NOT have Admin rights.Â
On ALL our LION Macs (10.7.4), when joined to Active Directory, we lose functionality to the local Admin account.
We can log into the local Admin account, but the desktop is useless. Nothing opens. We cannot create any files/folders without getting an Access Denied error.
AND then best part... everything on the Desktop, files/folders, are gone! Almost like a bran spankin' new account. With no access to anything locally.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
With the update to OS-X 10.7.3 did anyone lose the entire Library folder from their user directory? I didn't notice until I started working on the installation of an application (beta version) and found the my entire ~/Library/ folder gone, all 57+ GBytes of it. I'm restoring it from Time Machine two days ago, but I wonder what happened with the update to completely remove it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo this is my first time really implementing Macs in an Active Directory environment and everything is going fairly well, except when it comes to the Home directory. All of my users are running 10.7, and with the latest patch, they can all log into the Domain without any issue. The problem is that their Home directory in the dock is displayed as a question mark. I'm guessing I'm missing something in the configuration, but everything looks right. Anyone have the 411 about how to set up a Mac user to map a Home directory to a network share on a Wiindows 2008 AD network?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)