OS X V10.7 Lion :: Does Upgrading It Retain Or Discard Junction Points
Jun 21, 2012
I would like to eventually upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion or Mt Lion, but I am concerned that my junction points will become invalid. This is my first Mac, and I am unfamiliar with the upgrade process. I do have Time Machine setup, but I'm worried that it won't retain my junction points. Will upgrading remove them, and if so, is there any way to back them up?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 14, 2012
I am running Lion 10.7.4 on Mac mini server. Some posts to the mailing list got held and need approve. The problem is I cannot remove those posts from the pending list. Is there a way to remove them from command line or GUI?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 18, 2012
Is there any way to retain color in the icons in finder windows? It is difficult to differentiate between grey icons.
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Mar 20, 2012
Is it possible to install Lion on the guest account and retain Snow Leopard on my own account? Would this be an alternative way to partitioning the disk?
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Jun 20, 2012
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to use the RADIUS service in Lion Server with APs that aren't Apple AirPorts?
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Jun 5, 2014
Trying to discard an app into TRASH and I receive a message that "app cannot be removed because it is locked."Â How can I unlock an app???
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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May 30, 2012
I have a MacBook with OS 10.7.4 and use Safari and the Wi-Fi connection to access the internet. The computer will not save Wi-Fi settings from one session to the next. When I start up only the left side of the menu bar is displayed, and does not show the right side containing the connection icons. It will not allow me to access System Preferences, will not load Safari, and will not let me make any configuration changes. When I shut down the computer (some times as many as 3 times) and start up again it shows everything and works OK. The network was created on an iMac which shows everything to be normal.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 24, 2009
I was wondering if there was a solar-panel type thing that you can leave out in the sun all day, then bring it in to charge you laptop during the night. The solar chargers I found online seemed to be only for active use (you plug your laptop in and it charges the battery in while you use it, extending the battery charge). Are there solar chargers that retain the energy they absorb? And if so, would they be powerful enough to charge a MBP (late 2008, so I don't have the 'wonder' battery).
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Jul 18, 2009
I can't seem to get DVD Player to retain and use saved zoom settings for all disks. I have a Standard Def TV and don't like large bars at the top and bottom of the screen, so I use "Standard Display - Widescreen Mode" so I tried to Save the opreset and clicking the "Use for All Disks" check box. When I insert another disk, the zoom reverts to "Normal" (unzoomed) mode. I've tried deleting the DVD Player plist file, but that has no effect. I also tried unchecking the "Video Zoom" box under DVD Player Prefs (Previously viewed tab/Always use Disk settings), but that doesn't let the preset be used for all disks. Basically, the Save Preset option seems useless unless you view the same disk again.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a friend who plans to put an HP Mediasmart server in his house to automatically backup his MacBook and PowerBook as well as centralize his pictures and songs. He currently has the two notebooks mentioned above, 2 iPhones, and 4 or 5 iPods.
Once all of the local libraries are emptied out onto the server I'm a little stuck for what to do. I know iTunes 9.0 will stream music to all of the devices in the house. But when he leaves the house with one of his devices he's got to take the music or pictures with him.
This presents me with a few concerns:
1. Is there a way to reset the license on each song downloaded from iTunes - kinda starting fresh - so that he can sync his music with any one of his devices without getting an error about the file not being licensed to use on a particular device?
2. Building off the question above - is there a way to legitimately remove the license restriction so he (and his family) can all have the same copy of a song on their personal device without having to fuss with the license restriction?
3. When they are going on vacation (for example) and they want to take music and pictures with them on one of the notebooks how do they do it?
4. On that same vacation when they take a bunch of pictures and download music while they're out how do they get the music or pictures off the notebook and onto the server where the master library is going to be?
5. Should iTunes and iPhoto be "pointed" to a "Photos" or "Music" folder on the server, is that the best way to centralize all of the music and photos?
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Aug 27, 2009
I want to do a clean/fresh install of Snow Leopard tomorrow. I can deal with reinstalling apps, etc. but I really don't want to lose my iTunes library, mainly my play count. Crazy, I know, but hey lol.
What's the best way of doing a fresh install without losing it? File->Library->Back Up To Disk? Will simply saving my iTunes folder to an external, then copying it to the fresh install work?
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Jun 25, 2010
Just added 11 tracks to iTunes and was sorting them via the info Tab, name of track artwork etc, when adding artwork to the tracks some tracks refuse to retain the picture. Seven out of the 11 tracks refuse to retain the artwork to be exact. I have never had this happen before so a bit confused at the moment
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Feb 3, 2012
iMac 2.66 GHz
OS X 10.6.8Â
Unable to retain "short year settings" in Preferences > Language & Text > Formats. Â
Am able to set the year setting in the customize window to two digits with the pop-up menu for the year, which then appears correctly when the customize window is closed. However, after the Preference window is closed and re-opened, the year appears in 4 digits. The is occurring on one of the accounts. Â
The same procedure was used to set the date formats in the Administrator account, where it worked correctly.Â
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Sep 7, 2014
Almost finished with the G4 powerbook cleanup.  when I click on the network connections, there is a long list of access points. I want to remove them. How do I do this?
PowerBook, Other OS, identified as OS X10.5.8
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Nov 4, 2010
As a DJ, I rely heavily on iTunes' file-viewing options "Date Added" and "Date Modified" in order to gauge how old files in my collection are. However, each time I move files from my computer to my external, 'date added' and 'modified' reset. Clearly 'moving' files to an external is really copying them to an external, but maybe there is a way to copy library content while retaining or freezing the iTunes library's DATA connected to the content....? Is there a way to get iTunes to realize that the identical files previously on my computer are on the external with respect to 'date added?'
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May 6, 2012
Just bought a new iMac and I'm not completely familiar with Lion yet. I cannot figure out how to get my browsers to retain user/pass information. When I am prompted to save U/P info from a site I click yes, but when I go back to the site the sign-in info is gone.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 28, 2010
I want to make various items appear one at a time in Keynote, but I want it to be bulletpoint, image, bulletpoint, etc. However, it seems that I have to do all the bulletpoints at once and then other things, unless I make a whole bunch of different bulletpoint boxes, which is very annoying. to switch the build order to have items in between bullet points?
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Apr 24, 2006
I added all these songs into my new computer using my ipod. But when I took the ipod out, none of the songs work. They all have an exclamation point next to them. I know this means that there is no actual music file in my itunes folder. I tried to add them again, but had no success. I don't have my ipod anymore and I don't like all of those songs taking up space. Is there any way I can just delete the songs with the exclamation point next to them from my library and keep the rest of my music?
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Sep 8, 2009
At my university, there are multiple access points, all broadcasting on the same SSID with both 2.4Ghz (802.11b/g/n) and 5Ghz (802.11a/n) radios. In the spot where I'm having this problem, my Mac can see about a dozen of these access points with the same SSID. However, the problem is that I can't specify which one it will connect to. Here, there is substantial interference on the 2.4Ghz band, so it is unusable. My MacBook Air will usually connect on the 5GHz band, but it occasionally tries to switch to the 2.4GHz frequency on the AP, causing my connection to cut out.
Is there any way I can force my Airport to connect to a particular channel or access point? On my Windows machine I solved this problem by disabling the 2.4Ghz radio so that Windows would be unable to see those APs, but this doesn't appear to be possible on the Mac. I've tried searching for a solution without success.
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Jun 26, 2014
i have a video playing and a box in the top right corner of my screen as a different group. The video is at 0 on the Z plane , but the box is at 1000. I'm trying to draw a line from the bottom left corner of the box to a point in the centre of my screen (line is in the same group as the box) that I've motion tracked. I can make the whole group move fine if i set the the z plane position to 0 but I'd like to be able to move the camera in to get a DOF effect on the box. How can I anchor one end of the line to the corner of the box (Z position 1000) and the other to the motion tracked point on the video (z position 0)Â Â
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Sep 25, 2010
I'm having a small problem in Grapher. I'm supposed to graph a set of data points for a project, which I have done, but when I export the graph as an image, the data points aren't there. I think this might have to do with getting rid of the line connecting them (which I am not supposed to have). Is there a way to keep the data points visible in the exported image?
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Apr 10, 2006
Two emails in my mailbox have two exclamation points (!!) in the flagged column. I was unable to find what this meant in the help doc or on google. I was wondering if someone on here might know what this means. The two emails were sent via forms on my websites so I imagine maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway, any insight on these crazy exclamation points.
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Jun 18, 2009
I don't know what I've pressed on my keyboard and now whenever I type something on the document, bullets will appear on the left and the blue thingy will always end on the right *points at the screencap above*
I tried "clear formatting" but the blue thingy remains on the right! *points on the lower half of the picture*
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm currently working with cylindrical coordinates (r, theta, z), and I decided to test some simple graphs before I began working. The first graph I tested was r = 3 which should have yielded a cylinder, but I got a sphere instead as if I had graphed the equation in spherical coordinates! I decided to create a point set to see whether the app could plot cylindrical coordinates correctly by creating points with r = 3, and the points seemed to form a cylinder. So apparently, grapher can plot correctly in cylindrical coordinates, but not graph.
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Feb 14, 2009
I am using a MacBook Pro which has the following:
Processor - 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory - 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Mac OS X - Version 10.4.11
Today my finder started to run extremely slow at certain points. When I attempt to look in a folder that contains files that are greater than a couple of megabites it can take up to 3 minutes for it to work or show any preview images/icons. I just get the multi-coloured spinning circle. There is no disruption with any of the applications I am running or my internet access, just to the navigation through my files in my finder window. My Software and security updates are up to date and I hadn't recently downloaded any software. I did have to manually disconnect an external hard-drive last night as it wouldn't let me eject it through my finder window, stating the 'volume was in use.'
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Mar 31, 2012
Here is the console log for when my mac was freezing, I checked the cpu and memory usage when it was frozen using the istat toolbar app, and both were no where near full?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2014
I have an 8 hour session that I need to create and put on DVD and still retain the quality of video.Â
I am using DVD Pro 4.1.2.Â
Video edited on FCP 5.1.4.Â
I would like to create a DVD set with out having to guess about creating start and stop points.Â
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May 13, 2012
I've been debating switching to Lion, but I'm not really sure if it's worth it. I have Snow Leopard on my Macbook now and I have a general idea of what the upgrade includes, but I'm not positive. The one major reason I want to switch is to simplify syncing with iCloud.
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May 20, 2012
If I upgrade to Lion now, will I have to pay for Mountain Lion when it comes out?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 14, 2009
So my laptop case has been splitting near the screen and it also seems to swell at random points. I have never dropped my laptop, I take great care with it as I need it for school. Last time I went to the apple store they told me it was a cosmetic issue and id have to pay around $800.00 to get it fixed. This time I decided to call the national apple line. They told me they think it should be taken care of, and that some one was being dis ingenious in the store (did I get screwed maybe because some one's boss told them to stop giving customers replacements? I have no idea). So Now I am taking this to the apple store tomorrow. What do you think I should argue? I think since I have a 3 year protection plan, I should get at least my entire case replaced, if not a refurbished macbook pro/ or an upgrade.
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