OS X V10.7 Lion :: Clicking Link In Mail Kills WLAN?
Apr 11, 2012
My colleague has a very strange Lion/WLAN/Mail/Safari problem. He does the following steps:
1. Start up MacBook Pro
2. Start Mail
3. in Mail he clicks the following link [URL]Hint: This is from the Welcome Mail from Apple "Congratulations to your new iPad" >> it links to the iPad ManualÂ
4. Safari tries to open the linked PDF - stops after a few seconds
5. WLAN crashes
6. he has to reboot cable-modem an WLAN-Modem
7. Internet + Mail runs fine after restartÂ
I tried to send him the following link: [URL] He could download this PDF - WLAN was alive I sent him this link: [URL]After clicking this link WLAN crashed. WLAN-Modem is a Netgear Router Cable Modem is UPC MacBook Pro with newest Lion installed - he just bought this machine a week ago. Whe compared all the usual settings, i found no misconfiguration - we reset Safari - but no cure.Â
I am using Mail and Firefox. Suddenly today, when I click on a link in an email, the browser navigation to that URL no longer works.When I click on the link, the browser comes to the foreground, but the URL is not passed into the browser and whatever was previously in the browser remains, rather than navigating to the linked page.I remember having this issue year ago in the Windows world. I am not aware of any changes to Mail or Firefox preferences.As a test, I changed the default browser to Safari, and the links from emails work normally.
This happens with my PowerBook Titanium G4. I have a good wifi connection but when I click a link in, say my e-mail, the Internet Connect status screen comes up. Very puzzling.
Info: iMac Intel 20 in., Mac OS X (10.5.8), PowerBook G4 - 400 Titanium, PowerMac G4 QuickSilver (2002), Du
I have a link I am trying to click via applescript do javascript
I can return the frames html by doing
tell application "Safari" do JavaScript "document.getElementById('iframesearch').contentDocument.getElementById('frmAcc ountList').innerHTML" in document 1 end tell
I clicked on a link and received pink lines all over my screen, in the window, the desktop, everywhere. I rebooted the computer and it was all gone so I went back to the link, clicked on it, and pink lines appeared everywhere again. So I took screen shots of the open window with pink lines in it, closed the window and took a screen shot of the desktop that had pink lines all over it. I rebooted the computer all the pink lines were gone so I opened the screen shots and none of the pink lines were in the screen shots either. So I went back to the same link once again and I got pink lines everywhere.
When I load the installation CD I get a message 'PowerPC applications no longer supported'. I would like to find a way to configure the WLAN without using the wizard on this disk that I'm unable to see. Brother support doesn't appear to address the problem. Â
I managed to download and install the driver from Brother but do not have a clue about TCP/IP and how to set up a static IP address manually.Â
I have a Linksys WAG120N DSL router and a Mac Book Pro running Lion OS. Â
i use silverlight to watch instant netflix but i didn't know it is such a memory hog. i should have noticed that when i watch instant netflix on one window and browsing regularly on the other that the movie would hiccup each time i click on a link in a website or each time i visit a new web page. it doesn't slow down the computer or anything to make it unusaeable. but, i am concerned of the page outs since i don't want my harddrive to work overtime. is this something i have to live with?
I don't normally have my sound on, but I have of late. It seems that my keys may be sticking, or trackpad, or mouse .. Â
Symptoms: I can hear constant beeping, like you are clicking on a link that is not working, you get that Ding/beep. It is constant, like your continuing hitting the enter button on a link that is not working.Â
I reboot and the sound stops. I don't think it is the mouse - and I do not always have it turned on. Sometimes also when I log in, when you type password, there are characters already entered, and it keeps going ... I have to hard reboot.Â
As far as I know I have not dropped this laptop, nothing has been dropped on it. I can not see if any of the keys are pushed in, and the trackpad looks normal.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Since performing a software update this weekend, each time Time Machine approaches the end of a backup it kills the wifi on my router. Kills in the sense that wifi is completely down for all devices and a router reboot is required. I've turned TM off for the time being.Â
Hardware: Macbook pro 2011, OSX 10.7.3. TM backing up wirelessly to QNAP NAS via netear router.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So recently I got a new Macbook Pro. It works great, but as soon as it connects to the wireless internet in our house, my husbands hp computer will have horrible connection. Same for my husbands xbox 360. If he trys to play Modern Warfare 3 or any online game on his360 while Im is connected to the internet, he will have one bar ofI connection and the game will be unplayable. Same if he trys and play diablo 3 on my laptop. Went from 90-110 msec to over 2500+ once connected.
I know absolutely nothing about macs, so there isnt much I can do there. Have tried connecting with ethernet cords and same thing occurs. Just to be warned I am not super tech savvy, so please explain any ideas to your best abilities.
All of a sudden when I attach my external hard drive my Internet does not connect over Airport Wifi. The issue is not isolated and as soon as i dissconcnect the extnal the netrnet connects again. Everything was fine before but now that is not the case. I have tried starting from scratch with the hard drive and this does nothing. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a New MacBook Pro ?
After clicking on 'get mail' the download bar shows activity but no mail is downloaded to the inbox. Checked to see if for some reason mail is being downloaded to another box but not so.I know that mail is being sent because I can receive it on my iphone under same email address.Email was working ok until yesterday when this started happening. Not sure what to check or how to correct.
I have had problems with my macbook for a while now. When I am at school I need to log on a 802.1x wlan with a certificate. For some reason I decided to change the trust settings, and after I did that my internet has become very unreliable. It is like the airport turns on and off all the time. I use iStat and when I look at the Network in and out values they keep changing from 0 to normal speed every second.
Today I tried to delete the certificates from school, and I think I made it work. I added two DNS numbers and a domain search address. But when I got home and started Firefox, it wouldnt work. If I went on a site, it would work, but if I clicked something, it would say that I wasnt connected.
I checked the network settings, and it said approved instead of connected. I deleted the DNS settings, and now I think its working again at home. But now it probably wont work at school. Does anyone know what to do? Has anyone had this problem?
I am using an IMac connected to the internet via wlan. While my windows laptop which is connected to the same wlan has no problem, the imac connection to the wlan is very unstable. Working online is thus a problem.
If there is a way to link my yahoo mail acc to my MAC OS mail, so that I can use the mail fuction. I use to be able to sync but after reformatting my com I am unable to do so. While trying to connect, an mes pop out said, you got to pay a fee to yahoo to get pop3 service.
I'd like to be able to save an attachment from an email to my hard drive, and then have it replaced in the email by a link or alias that links to the file on my hard drive. Basically, so I can remove the attachment from the email and save space in my Exchange inbox allowance, but still be able to easily find the attachment from my hard drive if I need to refer back to it. I had this feature in Lotus Notes from my Windows days and it was really useful - is it possible on a Mac?
About a week ago I got a DrayTek Vigor 2910VG router. The thing's a dream in terms of features (VoIP, Dual WAN, USB port, etc.), but WLAN has been a complete headache. After a fresh restart of my iMac (see my sig for the computers on my home network, all of which are affected by this problem), I can usually connect to the WPA/WPA2-encrypted WLAN. Then, for reasons I can't determine, I will lose all access to the Internet and to other computers on the local network.
Since updating Safari recently to 5.1.5, if I choose the Mail Link to This Page command, instead of opening Mail.app with a new email with the link pasted in, it launches Google Chrome and, in Chrome, goes to the email login page for Google webmail. If I choose the Mail Contents of This Page command, I get an error message stating: "Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome.app doesn't support sending webpages from Safari. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send webpages." Safari is set as my default browser. This behavior started immediately after the 5.1.5 update.I use these commands pretty regularly and, through many version of mail.app and Safari, there has never been a glitch. Any ideas, folks? Or is this a bug introduced by 5.1.5 or some other recent Software Update? (Software updates are completely up to date and on 10.7.3.)
I'm running Safari 5.1.4, and Mail 5.2 on a system running OS 10.7.3. I am trying to send a link to a page from safari using CMD+SHIFT+I. When I attempt to do that, I receive a message that Safari cannot find an email application. I checked Mail's preferences, and it is listed as the default mail application. How to get Safari to find Mail?
When I try to click on a link in my email on my Mac it cannot find the Firefox application and just gives me an error message. I know there is somewhere to specify what browser to open but I can't find it.Â
I've been working on this for about 8 hours and I'm going nuts. I am using an Imac OS X version 10.5.8.I purchased a Canon MP560 today and can't figure out the problem. I don't even know where to start. I'm trying to connect the wireless printer using Airport. There is nothing listed when I click on 'Preferences- Print and Fax'.
I read the instructions that came with the printer several times, up to a point. I clicked 'wireless lan setup' on the printer. It's asking me for a lan access point and a wep key. I've used Google until I can't even think anymore. I read Airport is like a router, or can be used as a router. The blue light is on on the printer, and it says it's searching for a connection but can find one.
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
When i click on an email link in a site to contact, then by default Mail app opens! Is there a way to override the opening with Mail and just simply be able to copy the email link in order to use it with my web based email acount?
Before updating software (10.6.8), in Mail, clicking a message in the inbox caused the message to appear in its own separate window-- not just in the pane below the inbox. I'm not sure why this function is no longer available. I guess I could delete Preferences (where?) and see if that does it.
I need to substitue a word/phrase with a web address. Example: Go here where when clicking on here opens a website. Is there an easy way to do this within a a website? I run a bulletin board and reference websites. I would like to put a word or phrase instead of teh website address.
Upon receiving the monitor, I immediately plugged it in to my Macbook, using the Mini-DV to VGA adaptor I already had, for use with projectors. The monitor was good, but a bit blurry and not too sharp, due to the analog signal. So I ordered a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor. When it arrived, the improved picture quality was immediately apparent.
However, as time went on, I noticed my wireless connectivity was getting terrible. Extremely slow Safari page load times, and upon going to Terminal and pinging my router, I would often get response times of 21000 milliseconds, or worse! I did a lot of research, on router firmware, on wireless connectivity, etc., but to no prevail. Then, on a whim, while continually pinging my router, I removed the DVI adaptor from my monitor. The ping instantly dropped from tens of full seconds to just a stable 0.4 milliseconds! Using my VGA connection resulted in no worse wireless connectivity than without it, but upon plugging in DVI and stressing the connection a bit (i.e. downloading a large file), the connection went bonkers. The pings also immediately jump from 0.4 milliseconds to a range of 1-4 milliseconds, regardless of any "stressing".