OS X Technologies :: Clicking Onclick Link With In A Frame?
Mar 16, 2012
I have a link I am trying to click via applescript do javascript
I can return the frames html by doing
tell application "Safari" do JavaScript "document.getElementById('iframesearch').contentDocument.getElementById('frmAcc ountList').innerHTML" in document 1 end tell
This happens with my PowerBook Titanium G4. I have a good wifi connection but when I click a link in, say my e-mail, the Internet Connect status screen comes up. Very puzzling.
Info: iMac Intel 20 in., Mac OS X (10.5.8), PowerBook G4 - 400 Titanium, PowerMac G4 QuickSilver (2002), Du
I clicked on a link and received pink lines all over my screen, in the window, the desktop, everywhere. I rebooted the computer and it was all gone so I went back to the link, clicked on it, and pink lines appeared everywhere again. So I took screen shots of the open window with pink lines in it, closed the window and took a screen shot of the desktop that had pink lines all over it. I rebooted the computer all the pink lines were gone so I opened the screen shots and none of the pink lines were in the screen shots either. So I went back to the same link once again and I got pink lines everywhere.
My colleague has a very strange Lion/WLAN/Mail/Safari problem. He does the following steps:
1. Start up MacBook Pro
2. Start Mail
3. in Mail he clicks the following link [URL]Hint: This is from the Welcome Mail from Apple "Congratulations to your new iPad" >> it links to the iPad Manual
4. Safari tries to open the linked PDF - stops after a few seconds
5. WLAN crashes
6. he has to reboot cable-modem an WLAN-Modem
7. Internet + Mail runs fine after restart
I tried to send him the following link: [URL] He could download this PDF - WLAN was alive I sent him this link: [URL]After clicking this link WLAN crashed. WLAN-Modem is a Netgear Router Cable Modem is UPC MacBook Pro with newest Lion installed - he just bought this machine a week ago. Whe compared all the usual settings, i found no misconfiguration - we reset Safari - but no cure.
I am using Mail and Firefox. Suddenly today, when I click on a link in an email, the browser navigation to that URL no longer works.When I click on the link, the browser comes to the foreground, but the URL is not passed into the browser and whatever was previously in the browser remains, rather than navigating to the linked page.I remember having this issue year ago in the Windows world. I am not aware of any changes to Mail or Firefox preferences.As a test, I changed the default browser to Safari, and the links from emails work normally.
i use silverlight to watch instant netflix but i didn't know it is such a memory hog. i should have noticed that when i watch instant netflix on one window and browsing regularly on the other that the movie would hiccup each time i click on a link in a website or each time i visit a new web page. it doesn't slow down the computer or anything to make it unusaeable. but, i am concerned of the page outs since i don't want my harddrive to work overtime. is this something i have to live with?
I installed mountain lion dp 1 on a partion, but when I downloaded skype it's not linked with notification center, can I make my skype notifications appear on notifaction center
I don't normally have my sound on, but I have of late. It seems that my keys may be sticking, or trackpad, or mouse ..
Symptoms: I can hear constant beeping, like you are clicking on a link that is not working, you get that Ding/beep. It is constant, like your continuing hitting the enter button on a link that is not working.
I reboot and the sound stops. I don't think it is the mouse - and I do not always have it turned on. Sometimes also when I log in, when you type password, there are characters already entered, and it keeps going ... I have to hard reboot.
As far as I know I have not dropped this laptop, nothing has been dropped on it. I can not see if any of the keys are pushed in, and the trackpad looks normal.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
At the end of each week I need to mail out a link. This link is a link to folder on a windows network.Its one of those tasks that I have made a little quicker by making a template in mail.app. However I have to go in and amend that link each week so that it points to the right location. This is tedious still and as a result human mistakes can still be made.This is my process at the momentIn mail app I select a templates Then I select send again or use the keyboard short the subject then needs to be amended and I replace the XX with the week number.then I select the link ctrl click and select edit linkAgain both of the XX get replaced with the week number.once complete I then hit send.Then move onto the next brand.The first option would be week number then this is slightly more involved but some kind of selection box to select which brands to recieve the email? I've looked up a number of scripts and link/html mail seams to be very awkward. Hopefully I have covered everything that needs to be listed Matt
I may have found a solution for all the people out there who upgraded their hd's to a 7200rpm and have the clicking noise. Apple released a firmware update for the 7200rpm drives that shipped with the uMBP. You can get the file from here.I don't know if this will fix only the hd's shipped with the MBP or any 7200rpm drive but its worth a try.PS: Also i ask that anyone who tries this please report back on your results.
I've been trying to make my desktop look cool, and here's what I got so far. (attachment). If you can see, my dock has the white frame around it (2D Dock). And I want to get rid of that. I've tried putting it back to 3D and using CandyBar to change the dock to a blank picture... but CandyBar is being weird and not letting me do it.
what keyboard combination did my cat inadvertently press so that I'm now seeing a black frame surrounding active areas in whatever window I'm working in. Including the text entry box that I'm typing this into? Also, various menu items are duplicated. Such as Restart Restart, Shut Down Shut Down, Log Out Log Out, etc. Where did this suddenly come from and how do I get rid of it? Tried restart. 10.5.8.
Since the new line of MBP I have fallen more and more in love with the black frame around the display on these MBP. Feels like the display is much easier for the eyes.
Do anyone know if it is possible to buy a skin/coverfoil/etc to cover on the alu frame around my MBA display?I have found a lot of pages/webshops that provide skin for the front/back and trackpad, but nothing for the frame around the display.
I've got a mid 2009 MBP 2.66 and maye around 2 weeks ago I started ripping my DVDs with handbrake and I was getting like 100 fps... Now however I'm only getting 30 or less sometimes and it's only using 38% of the CPU whereas before it was using like 90-95%. I haven't changed anything.
i have a brand new MBP 2012 and if i push down on the bottom right of the space bar it sticks out over the frame and stops me from completely pushing it down.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have h.264 footage from smartphone with 29.8 fps (container mp4) and converting to ProRes via Compressor i have the issue as follows:
1. If i set automatic fps in Compressor to 30fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks smoothly.
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
2. If i set automatic fps near original 29.97 fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks stutters (especially if you pay attention to the part of footage, where child is going toward a house wall).
converted footage available here: [URL] ....
Original footage: [URL] ....
However, if I repeat the same processes in Adobe Encoder, footage playbacks smoothly in both cases:
Footage converted via Adobe Encoder 29.97fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
Footage converted via Adobe Encored 30fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...
It does not matter which type of ProRes i choose, problem persists in all of them under 29.97 fps.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a perfect condition G3 Lombard Powerbook I have stopped using the last year or so. Rather than collecting dust I was considering tearing this apart and building a wireless photoframe. I would keep OS X fully functional along with the DVD drive and all external ports. Would you crack this baby open or keep it intact?
I use the dvi interface to connect to it at 1920 x 1080.
The problem is about the frame rate that after 10 / 15 minutes of flawless palying, drops consistently. I've tried VLC and QT with Perian but the problem is the same.
The only way I can use it, is activate the mirroring function and keep the resolution to 1280 x 800.
The strange fact is that the cpu is quite free and the temperature never goes more than 62 celsius. I think that the problem could be an overheting of the video adapter. The fan, while I watch movies, is stick to 6200 rpm.
I bought a macbook pro a couple of days ago and just noticed that there is a white grayish blemish on the right side of the frame. It's somewhat visible.I tried to clean it off but it looks like the "paint" is sanded etc. Should I return it or keep it? I paid over 2k for it, I feel that I should get a good quality machine.I'm thinking about keeping it because it's just a small area that has the blemish and it's not that visible.
I'm looking for a Picture Frame that will always remain on my desktop. A widget will only show when you hit the dashboard icon and then disappear with a click. I would like a picture frame that will remain on my desktop and automatically shift through my selected photo's.
Information: 2.66Ghz Quad Core Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I thought I saw a presentation somewhere of someone adding a picture to an email that had a picture frame using iPhoto! I would love to send a picture of my baby cousin with a frame around it and I do not know how! Does anyone know?
I am wishing to take a frame from a video that was mistakenly took instead of a photo with my iPhone. I am wondering if it is possible to convert a few frames of different videos to jpeg photos?
I would like to use them on a Christmas Photo Card. I have played with the computer for 5 hours and haven't gotten task accomplished.
The devices and applications I am using are: MacBook Pro OSX Version 10.9.5; iPhone 5; Quick Time Player 10.3; iMovie 10.0.3; and iPhoto 9.5.1.