OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kills Wireless To All Other Devices In The House?
Jun 3, 2012
So recently I got a new Macbook Pro. It works great, but as soon as it connects to the wireless internet in our house, my husbands hp computer will have horrible connection. Same for my husbands xbox 360. If he trys to play Modern Warfare 3 or any online game on his360 while Im is connected to the internet, he will have one bar ofI connection and the game will be unplayable. Same if he trys and play diablo 3 on my laptop. Went from 90-110 msec to over 2500+ once connected.
I know absolutely nothing about macs, so there isnt much I can do there. Have tried connecting with ethernet cords and same thing occurs. Just to be warned I am not super tech savvy, so please explain any ideas to your best abilities.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 30, 2008
Upon receiving the monitor, I immediately plugged it in to my Macbook, using the Mini-DV to VGA adaptor I already had, for use with projectors. The monitor was good, but a bit blurry and not too sharp, due to the analog signal. So I ordered a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor. When it arrived, the improved picture quality was immediately apparent.
However, as time went on, I noticed my wireless connectivity was getting terrible. Extremely slow Safari page load times, and upon going to Terminal and pinging my router, I would often get response times of 21000 milliseconds, or worse! I did a lot of research, on router firmware, on wireless connectivity, etc., but to no prevail. Then, on a whim, while continually pinging my router, I removed the DVI adaptor from my monitor. The ping instantly dropped from tens of full seconds to just a stable 0.4 milliseconds! Using my VGA connection resulted in no worse wireless connectivity than without it, but upon plugging in DVI and stressing the connection a bit (i.e. downloading a large file), the connection went bonkers. The pings also immediately jump from 0.4 milliseconds to a range of 1-4 milliseconds, regardless of any "stressing".
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Mar 15, 2009
Sorry to mention the 'W' word, but wondering if anyone has had this issue.
Basically Apple wireless keyboard works perfectly in Windows, but the Bluetooth power management kills it after just a few seconds, which is extremely irritating. It works after you've 'woken it up' again though.
I can't find anywhere to change this, and no joy with a forum search / Google.
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May 6, 2012
how this can be done and if i can use an iPod touch/Mac or even a Windows machine. what would the login screen look like?
Mac mini
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Apr 11, 2012
Since performing a software update this weekend, each time Time Machine approaches the end of a backup it kills the wifi on my router. Kills in the sense that wifi is completely down for all devices and a router reboot is required. I've turned TM off for the time being.
Hardware: Macbook pro 2011, OSX 10.7.3. TM backing up wirelessly to QNAP NAS via netear router.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 27, 2012
I am the only user on this account so I am using my admin account. How do I change the name of the folder with the house icon in my harddrive? I tried something that involves enabling a root user but that is only to change other account names. I need to change the name of the folder with the house icon.
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Apr 11, 2012
My colleague has a very strange Lion/WLAN/Mail/Safari problem. He does the following steps:
1. Start up MacBook Pro
2. Start Mail
3. in Mail he clicks the following link [URL]Hint: This is from the Welcome Mail from Apple "Congratulations to your new iPad" >> it links to the iPad Manual
4. Safari tries to open the linked PDF - stops after a few seconds
5. WLAN crashes
6. he has to reboot cable-modem an WLAN-Modem
7. Internet + Mail runs fine after restart
I tried to send him the following link: [URL] He could download this PDF - WLAN was alive I sent him this link: [URL]After clicking this link WLAN crashed. WLAN-Modem is a Netgear Router Cable Modem is UPC MacBook Pro with newest Lion installed - he just bought this machine a week ago. Whe compared all the usual settings, i found no misconfiguration - we reset Safari - but no cure.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 22, 2012
All of a sudden when I attach my external hard drive my Internet does not connect over Airport Wifi. The issue is not isolated and as soon as i dissconcnect the extnal the netrnet connects again. Everything was fine before but now that is not the case. I have tried starting from scratch with the hard drive and this does nothing. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a New MacBook Pro ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 6, 2010
I'm considering buying a wireless N router but i'm curious of one thing:
I have a macbook pro with wireless N, but another computer in my house is only wireless G. If were both connected at the same time will my macbook still get the full speed of wireless N, or will having a wireless G connected slow it down to G speeds?
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Jun 21, 2012
All my wireless Bluetooth devices keep dropping off .Do I need to replace a Bluetooth board or item in my 2009 MacPro? What should I order?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), bluetooth
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Mar 14, 2012
how can i see which devices are connected to my wireless network?
Info:Macbook Pro 13", Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Mar 28, 2012
I just got a Mac Mini no too long ago and while moving to my new apartment, my wireless router had a tragic accident and is no longer with me. So I thought "hey, I will just use my Mac Mini to broadcast a wifi signal so my other devices can connect to it." So I spent the morning setting up the internet sharing in the Mac Mini system preferences. Got my Dell Studio 1555 to connect with no issues. But my roommates acer notebook won't pick up the wifi signal at all. Checked it on both of our smart phones (both are android models), my nook, and even my ipod touch. It is only showing up on the dell for some reason. I was wondering if anyone else has encoutered this issue before Mac mini is currently set up with 128bit wep with a 13 character password.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 30, 2012
I lose my bluetooth connection.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010)
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Apr 23, 2012
I recently bought a new Imac. Do I have to set up a wireless router or can my other devices connect thru the Wifi built into the Imac??
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Oct 19, 2008
I have a Time Capsule. I'm connected to it for internet no problems. I can connect to it's harddrive no problems. Time Machine connects and writes and disconnects like it should, no problems.
But I need to configure the Time Capsule to change the wireless security settings.
But when I opened up the AirPort Utility, it gives me the "AirPort Utility was unable to find any Apple wireless devices" crap, and the only thing I can do is click the "Rescan" button, with no avail.
The Time Capsule is literally only two feet away from my MacBook Pro, so signal cannot be an issue here.
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Jun 1, 2008
I have an iMac at home. I have two airport express devices with hifi systems connected. I use iTunes to play music, podcasts,radio, .. on the different hifi systems dependent on where I am in the appartment.When using the remote control on the iMac it seems to me that it isn't possible to select the wireless devices for sound output.
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Aug 9, 2010
When I am on my wireless network at home, I cannot print to my printer (via AirPort).When I go to the router and connect with ethernet cable, the AirPort magically detects itself in seconds.I have Windows 7 computers running bonjour and they can print just fine using AirPort.I was able to print fine wirelessly to the AirPort but today it's not working.
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Aug 22, 2009
I caught it in the Activity Monitor. Was running my CPU usage high. Is there a way to stop it? And sitll be protected?
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Apr 2, 2010
I am using a Mac PowerBook running Leopard 10.5.8. Somewhere along the way my Home Folder (Little House) changed to just a folder on the dock. It has all the correct stuff in it but how can I change the icon back to the house? I am not permitted to drag the Home Folder (House) icon on to the dock. No big deal but wonder how it happened and how to correct this. I do notice sometimes for a split second the House Icon will appear but immediately switch back to a folder.
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Mar 24, 2009
I have just bought a notebook with a Tv board integrated but the problem is the antenna: I would like to watch the tv everywhere in my house, without connecting anything to the pc.In my house my pc is connected to a wireless net and I have a traditional antenna slot and a free satellite decoder with motorized parabola.
Exists something than let me see the traditional and satellite tv on my pc using the wireless connection?I know that i could transmit in streaming but I need a pc connected to the antenna and a very fast net; it's expensive and I don't know if it is worth.I know that there are audio and video repeaters (Cobra, Rimax, Philips) but they need power, It would be a good solution but the receiver would have to be something very little like a usb stick or a PCIMCI board but does it exist?
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Apr 7, 2010
For some reason using two magic mice in the same house, the mice will connect with any computer configured to use magic mice. So you switch one on and suddenly you're controlling someone elses computer. is there no control over this?
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May 3, 2012
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
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Aug 8, 2010
i really need to be able to share files quickly and easily around my house, the simplest was would to use and external HD, but i dont have one.
So i was wondering if i could partition some of my iMac's HDD and make it into a local drive, so my iBook and windows computers would literally see it as another HD, is this possible?
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Feb 11, 2012
I have a Macbook Air, 1.7GHz dual core i5, running 10.7.3 and cannot add a printer via the network or see the other macs in my house.
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May 3, 2010
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and installed MyWi to work with my iPad. I also tried it on my MacBook Pro using Bluetooth. After I paired my iPhone and MacbBook Pro together everything worked fine. Now under the Airport Menu I see a separate category labeled "Devices" which is just below where my Home Network is.
My questions is how do I go about deleting this? I've tried everything. I deleted my device under Bluetooth Preferences, quit MyWi, messed around with the Network Preferences and it still appears under the Airport Menu. I even clicked connect but of course that doesn't work since I quit everything and deleted the device in Bluetooth settings. It's not even listed under "Preferred Networks" when you click on the advanced tab. It appears as "(my last name) Hotspot" and is under a tab labeled "Devices"
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Oct 1, 2009
Audio Decoding on the 2009 Mac Pro causes the CPU temps to hit near 100% load temperatures and voltage requirements... Yielding a 30(c) rise in temps and a 50w additional power just for the task of Audio playback. Is this an OS X issue or hardware? This issue appears to invalidate major marketing points of the platform.
Its frustrating seeing a MP3 file played in Quicktime, bring the CPU voltage and temps so high.... This Can't be good... Ripping a DVD and listening to music pushes the Core i7 CPU to near 80(c) temps!! Basically bug turns the Mac Pro into a Heat Miser..
In this POST, VIRTUALRAIN took the time to document the severity of the long debated issue with detailed charts and data.
This issue has garnered the time and attention of many MR users and everyone attention to get to the bottom of this apparently
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Mar 29, 2010
Here's a new one (for me anyway).
2007 MacBook: 2.16 Ghz, 3GB RAM, Intel GMA etc.
Anyway, all of sudden, any motion I make kills the backlight of the screen. In the right light you can still see things and the computer still works perfectly, just extremely hard to see. Have to do a restart in order to get going again.
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Jun 30, 2012
When I have it in my room it's maintains a cool temperature; but when at the desk, it gets extremely hot. I'm using Wi-fi.
Could it be the environment? The room is dark while the desk/office area is typically brightly lit.
Could it be the distance from the wi-fi access point? The wi-fi strength meter is always full although the room is closer to the access point than the office.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 22, 2014
I need to rename the label associated with the house icon in Finder. How do I do that?
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Jun 10, 2008
The lack of a security slot to cable down the airbook is drving me nuts. I like to putter around in my local coffee house and leave my mb pro cabled to the table when I go to the head or wander off in a fog. I'm thinking of inventing my own security system -- or maybe having a machine shop drill a hole. or calling Steve and asking him why he created this problem in the first place.
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