OS X V10.7 Lion :: Certificate Warnings Since Mac OS 10.7.4?
Jun 5, 2012
Since I updated my MBP to Mac OS 10.7.4 (from 10.7.3) I'm getting certificate warnings in Safari on every SSL/HTTPS connection. The screenshot below taken when accessing the Apple discussion boards shows the detailed warning (translation: "Safari cannot verify the websites' identity", red text: "The issuer of the certificate is invalid"). Note the expiry date of the certificate is 01/06/2013. I can avoid this warnings when turning OCSP and CRL of in Keychain -> Preferences -> Certificates which actually not a solution for the problem. Especially because the warings appear again after some time.This happens on my MBP when being connected to our company's LAN. We are using a proxy server running Squid3 on Ubuntu for internet access. The proxy server is configured to deliver a .pac file for auto-configuration.
The problem occurs since Mac OS 10.7.4 so I believe something has changed in the way Mac OS gets notified of invalid certificates. This change doesn't work behind (at least) our proxy server. My iMac at home is running Mac OS 10.7.4 without these issues, another MBP from a colleague encounters the same issues. I know about the difference between CRL and OCSP but I don't see a way to force Mac OS to use the former setting (whatever that was).Â
Just recently, I've started getting warnings from Time Machine when I'm away from my home where my Time Capsule is located. Every hour, I'll get two warnings that I have to dismiss. If I turn off Time Machine, the warnings go away, but I'm forgetting to turn it back on when at home. I've been using Time Machine/Time Capsule for more than a year now and this just recently started acting this way.
I revoked my APN cert online @ [URL] to try and clear out some configuration issues on my server. Now I need to create a new APN. Unfortunately in Server.app the old cert is still showing and I only get the option to "renew" it. how i can get this reset?
I am trying to use the certificate assistant to request an certificate from CA. However I encounter this error. User interaction is not allowed. I tried to sent to email and failed too witht the same error. I have also try to repair via first aid and all are fine. Also tried to unlock my keychain but nope still can't.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Macbook Pro 15" Early 2011
I am desperate for help because whatever I do I cannot get my own certificates to work. When I first set up Lion Server a so-called Intermediate CA and a corresponding SSL server certificate was automatically installed and that works fine. Now, I wanted to create my own Certificate Authority (CA) and a leaf SSL server certificate.[URL]First I created my own CA, and then I created a new certificate with the Server App (ID type "leaf", certificate type "SSL server". (see screenshots below), and I had it signed by my own CA. When I checked the certificate it said "valid".Next, I exported the certificate from the keychain (as .p12) and then I went to Server App's "Import a certificate identity" to drag and drop the certificate onto the window. So far so good.
When I opened the list of certificates (Server App -> Hardware -> SSL -> Edit ) the new certificate showed up once, and after the Server App had tried to install the certificate it simply did not show up any more. I have copied the important parts of the certificate below (private parts have been cropped).The common name and the DNS name are "myserver.domain.private", and yes, DNS is working fine.(I stopped started services and re-booted in between creating and importing the new certificate.)Â
The warranty on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro 13" expires in 2 days and my battery seems to be dying. I wish it would hurry. This morning, I got a "Service Battery" warning with a "Check Battery" message in the Power section of About This Mac. Took my machine to the Genius Bar this evening and it passed the battery diagnostic with 81.1% health.
90 minutes later, I'm sitting outside at Barnes & Noble next to the Apple Store and I get another Service Battery warning. My full capacity charge is down to 3928 from the 4258 mah observed while at the Genius Bar. I carried the machine back to the Genius Bar but it was, unfortunately, closed. They made note of the warning and set an appointment for me to come back tomorrow.
Now (a few hours after my last Genius Bar visit), my charge capacity is 4210 - very slightly above the 80% capacity level needed for the tech to replace my battery. Why is my machine so schizo? Any chance there's a relationship between the machine's temperature and reported charge capacity?
When opening a PowerPoint file, Keynote often gives you warnings about changes that happened when the file was converted from ppt to keynote. Can someone please let me know how to prevent these warnings?
My son mistakenly done a purchase that didnt go through due to non sufficient amount, how can I cancel this order I dont want to pay for it any more ....
I have had a few probs lately with some spinning beach balls & a few Kernel Panics. Today, I did a Repair Permissions (as that is what most advise doing first when dealing with most issues) & the RP report found a bunch of errors (all seemed to be Java ones) that it stated as repaired. However, there were three others that are different and the first was: ACL found but not expected on "private/etc/apache2/users". Repaired "private/etc/apache2/users". Is this now OK? The second & third are "Warning" ones which has a novice like me very concerned as I do not know what they mean/are or what risk they pose/damage that they might be doing - they are:
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Admin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/readconfig" has been modified and will not be repaired. Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Admin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/writeconfig" has been modified and will not be repaired.
can someone tell me what this means, how bad it is & how it can be fixed easily by a novice? I have also run an app called "Clean My Mac".
ive ensured that the date/time of my computer is accurate for the certificate verification (its right down to the minute. its also set to auto update)
I don't have any odd versions of chrome or anything like that. In fact, it doesn't matter what browser it is (Google notifier, as well as OSX mail give errors as well)
The only thing thats different is im on the wireless network at an internet cafe but it never gave this error before. i dont have any network that i can connect to besides this one to test that idea until i go home
I'm not able to connect to my network, and I'm stock. I'm not a MAC user generally. So I'll try to explain to you briefly what I've been trying to do. No command line stuff! Switching my computer on shows me that I have 3 networks available, I tried to connect to the one I want, it prompted me for the username and password, and kept the authentication option as Auto. Clicking enter doesn't do anything! It should have prompted up for the certificate to install. I checked to see if I have the certificate previously installed using the keychain utility and there wasn't anything there. I even deleted the login key, but its still showing an error in Safari "you are not connected to the internet".
After upgrading to Safari 5.1.4 I'm constantly getting error meesage pop-ups similar to these.Currently I'm running Lion 10.7.3 My computer time & date is correct. I have reset Safari's cache / cookies, etc to no no avail. On some websites its no displaying graphics properly and its starting to get extremely frustrating.Safari is running in 64-bit mode .Is it time to uninstall Safari 5.1.4 and install the previous release?
Message was edited by: blads
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" Cinema Display
When ever I use air drop I get an invalid Apple certificate. I then go and delete my Apple user name in Preferences/Users and then reestablish the same user name and password. Air Drop then works but once I close finder it will not work again unless I go through the same procedure. How can I keep the certificate valid permeantly?
How do I redeem a gift card that had the code denied, and I know it should be fine? Who do I contact at Apple? My code is complete, and I can read it. I also checked my account to see if it is activated, and it is. I checked to see if the code was correct many times.Â
In the last month, I've been getting "unknown certificate" notices from Safari. I don't see anything wrong with the certificate details, but I'm not sure what to look for. The notices tell me that without the certificate, I won't know if it is a trusted site: the purpose of the certificates I guess. None of the notices were from first time sites. i.e. I was going there on purpose, not through any links, etc. What's up? Should I be concerned? How do I detect if I SHOULD be concerned by information in the details of the certificate?
1. Very recently I keep getting the message 'Cannot verify certificate of server' on a great number of webpages on my mac,including this apple site.  This has been around the time of getting an iPhone, perhaps a coincidence?   I have never seen this message before. I press 'continue' however it's getting a bit annoying.Â
2. Also, since getting this message my facebook page cannot load properly on safari (mac). It comes up mis-aligned on the page, in times new roman font,  with no colour or logos/images. This is around the time of changing the password of my facebook account via my iPhone, again, not sure if this is a coincidence. I'm on snow leopard 10.6.8. Â
Are any of you having this problem? Yesterday I installed the most recent patch from Apple in my Macbook Pro, can�t remember the number of it, sorry about that. Today I noticed a serious fault in my computer. When I�m trying to access any website that is supposed to be encrypted (ie. Paypal, banks, etc) they aren�t encrypted or are only partially encrypted. I am pretty sure that this wasn�t happening before. I haven�t installed any software recently and everything was working fine until yesterday, the day I installed the security update. So I guess it�s not a coincidence. When I try it on Firefox the websites are not encrypted and when I try it on Safari I get a warning from Safari saying that it can�t recognise the certificate or that is invalid. Any of you have experienced this?
In my keychain access I have the following: com.apple.kerberos.kdc and com.apple.systemdefault both show "This root certificate is not trusted" AND Dashboard Advisory shows "This certificate was signed by an unknown authority." I don't know what the notices mean (beyond the obvious that something is untrusted) nor do I know what to do about it.
The last few weeks I'm suddenly getting tons of "Warning: the certificate isn't valid" error messages when I go to sites on Safari. Normal sites: Facebook, Chase bank, amazon -- nothing suspect or out of the ordinary. I haven't downloaded anything suspect, virus scans reveal no issues, no viruses... is this problem something inherent to the latest update of Safari? Or, is there a setting I need to change - a box I need to tick - to make this stop happening? It's so constant now that I can barely use Safari because every new URL generates authentication messages.Â
Everytime I try to enter Gmail using Goggle Chrome, I get this message.Here it is the entire error message:Â Â The server's security certificate is not yet valid!You attempted to reach gmail.com, but the server presented a certificate that is not yet valid. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate can be trusted. Google Chrome cannot reliably guarantee that you are communicating with gmail.com and not an attacker. You should ensure that your clock and time zone are set correctly on your computer. If they are not, you should correct any issues and refresh this page.You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain.
I ran the flashback checker, but now every time I log onto ANY site on the internet my computer says the site does not have a valid certificate and is not trustworthy.
I'm on a G4 laptop, running 10.3.8 and iTunes 4.7.1 I'm connected through a Motorola SURFboard SB5100 with cable, no router beyond that My problem popped up approx. 4-5 weeks ago. I'm not sure exactly when, or what I did to cause it. But I think I updated to 10.3.8 from 10.3.7 around that time.
Whenever, I click "Buy Song" or "Sign-In" in iTunes, i get this error:
"iTunes could not connect to the Music Store. An unknown error occurred (-9813)"
WHAT MY COMPUTER IS/IS NOT DOING:....................
Woke up this morning, flipped open my MBP, and I see an Error Message that says that the Certificate is Invalid for SMTP Mail server. I looked, but it says it doesn't expire until 2014. So why does this message happen and what does it mean? I quit Mail, and then Restarted anyways to see what happens and all seems to be OK. But what does it mean and where does this message generate itself?
Using Mail 3.6 on 10.5.8. When I send from my .me account I am repeatedly ask to verify the recipient, with an oval connect button. Can I stop mail from asking me this every time?
"the identity of xxx cannot be verified" comes up constantly. I keep selecting trust always but 10 minutes later it's back again. Since I always have mail open, it's popping up constantly. Very annoying. How do I make it stop. I can send and receive mail but this warning won't stop.