OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Mail Repeatedly Asks To Verify Certificate
Jun 30, 2012
Using Mail 3.6 on 10.5.8. When I send from my .me account I am repeatedly ask to verify the recipient, with an oval connect button. Can I stop mail from asking me this every time?
After upgrading to Safari 5.1.4 I'm constantly getting error meesage pop-ups similar to these.Currently I'm running Lion 10.7.3 My computer time & date is correct. I have reset Safari's cache / cookies, etc to no no avail. On some websites its no displaying graphics properly and its starting to get extremely frustrating.Safari is running in 64-bit mode .Is it time to uninstall Safari 5.1.4 and install the previous release?
Message was edited by: blads
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" Cinema Display
1. Very recently I keep getting the message 'Cannot verify certificate of server' on a great number of webpages on my mac,including this apple site.  This has been around the time of getting an iPhone, perhaps a coincidence?   I have never seen this message before. I press 'continue' however it's getting a bit annoying.Â
2. Also, since getting this message my facebook page cannot load properly on safari (mac). It comes up mis-aligned on the page, in times new roman font,  with no colour or logos/images. This is around the time of changing the password of my facebook account via my iPhone, again, not sure if this is a coincidence. I'm on snow leopard 10.6.8. Â
I cannot login into the iTunes-Store or iTunes-Account on my MacBook Pro. The following problem occures:
1) I type in the correct Apple-ID and password,
2) my Apple-ID appears in the left corner in iTunes - but nevertheless:
3) iTunes repeatedly asks for my password - again and again. I am absolutely sure that I typed in the correct password, because I also use the same Apple-ID + password on my iMac and everything is fine on the iMac (but not on my MacBook Pro).Â
Additional information:My girlfriend and me use the same mac + itunes to log in with each our Apple-IDs: The same problem for her on my MacBook. I already reinstalled the newest iTunes Version from apple.comOn my iMac everything works fine (with both accounts).Â
Woke up this morning, flipped open my MBP, and I see an Error Message that says that the Certificate is Invalid for SMTP Mail server. I looked, but it says it doesn't expire until 2014. So why does this message happen and what does it mean? I quit Mail, and then Restarted anyways to see what happens and all seems to be OK. But what does it mean and where does this message generate itself?
I have tried to send a mail via my account with German t-online-Mail, size abt. 5 MB, this mail is sent repeatedly and not saved in the file sent. My iMac keeps sending this mail as it seems for ever.
I cannot read my mac.com mail through mail.app anymore. It always worked, recently it says: Mail server rejected the password. this happens on my desktop powermac (tiger) and powerbook G4 (leopard). The only way to read mail is through icloud (webmail) or on my ipad. What has changed?
Info: PowerPC G5 Dual 2 GH, 12" powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
mail will not send and continuously asks for password and rejects last documented password change. I cannot send mail only receive it on the MacBookPro BUT...I can get web mail and use send on iphone...mail cannot be received on iphone now.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mail rejects all possible passwords
I have been unable to use Mail for over a year now due to the fact that no matter what I do it asks me for my Gmail password every two minutes. I thought I would give it a try after upgrading to Yosemite Beta and I see it is still the same situation. Hard to believe that after YEARS of this known issue there is still no fix. Mail is unusable in this state and it forces me to us ***whisper*** Outlook ***gag***. Â
At least on Mavericks I could use Google Chat in Messages but that functionality is broken now in Yosemite. Â
I have deleted every Google related item in my keychain, deleted and reinstalled the account, said really nice things to my mac and it still won't cooperate. Now when I try to add the account In Yosemite it will only connect with Contacts and Calendar and can't even make the connection with Mail, Messages or Notes. Â
Strange because my Google Drive sync works just fine!Â
When i sign on to my computer, the mail pops up and asks for my password. I put it in and it declines it. Then i reset my password and still doesnt work.
I just downloaded the 10a380 build of snow leopard, and burned it using disk utility to a DL DVD. The burn completed successfully and the computer recognizes it. Every time I click on Install, it opens the installer and I press continue.. it says "Finding Disks" with a blue progression bar for about 30 seconds, and then exits the installer. I even rebooted the computer, holding down option, and when it gets to the screen with different partitions, the disk ejects itself. I have bootcamp with windows 7 installed if that makes any sort of difference.
I have tried to install Snow Leopard on my Macbook running 10.5.8, but the installation fails every single time. I have verified and repaired both the disk and the disk permissions, reset the PRAM, and removed all external devices from the system. Something of importance, the installation always makes it through the first reset, and then crashes afterwards during the second part of the installation. I am wondering if I should erase the disk, and install Snow Leopard, and then restore from a Time Machine backup, but this would be a last resort method.
Anytime I open the preferences in Mail and click on the "accounts" button, Mail prompts me with the "Mail can't verify the identity of Account" window and asks me to verify the certificate. This wouldn't be a problem, except I deleted the account months ago since I let my domain and account expire. I even opened my keychain and deleted all instances of the domain login details and certificates, and yet it still pops up in Mail. What gives?
After installing Snow Leopard, it asked me where 'System Events.app' was. It wanted me to browse to find it, but I didn't know where it was, so I cancelled it.
Starting this morning I am being driven crazy by the Character Pallett launching unexpectedly on its own and then crashing almost immediately. Then it attempts to launch again, flashes briefly on screen, and crashes again. My crash log shows the same repeated process.[Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalI nconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: (index >= 0) && (index < [_itemArray count])'] It's pretty impossible to get anything done. I tried reinstalling OSX combo 1.6.8, but the installer would not see my startup drive as being eligable; I then reinstalled Snow Leopard 10.6 and attempted to update to 10.6.8 that way. But this attempt lead to an error that cancled the install. So now I am running 10,6, but with many apps that require 10.6.8. And the Character Pallett keeps poping up and then crashing even with 10.6. I'm beginning to think it may be a hardware problem, either ram or logic board issue; but I lack the diagnostic skills to figure it out. I thought of trying to launch the Character Pallett on purpose, but when I open the System Preferences and click the box that would place the Keybaord icon in the menu bar (which is the only way I know to get to the Character Pallett) the icon doesn't appear. The check mark doesn't even stick.
I'm having a problem with Apple Mail. It won't let me open .doc attachments in a compose window, yet I can open .docx attachments without issue. For example, when I compose a new message and attach a document, I like to double click the attachment within the message to confirm that I'm sending the right file to my client.
With 10.5, this wasn't an issue. Everything opened as expected. But with 10.6, I get an error message that says "Mail was unable to save the attachment "file_name" to disk. Verify that your downloads folder exists and is writable." Again, this is ONLY happening with .doc files and it happens no matter which account in Mail I choose to send from.
Suddenly Mail has stopped sending emails. Connection Doctor says server is 'offline' and I should ensure passwords and settings are correct. But I changed NOTHING - it just suddenly stopped sending and receiving!
I'm using a late 2012 iMac and a Retina MacBook Pro, both with very latest OS - same problem on both. I've restarted my TimeCapsule and BT HomeHub
I am having an issue installing Snow Leopard on my computer. Every time I start the installation process, the process makes it to the first restart, and then crashes. I am running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and using a early 2008 Macbook. I have tried verifying the disk, but Disk Utility says the disk is fine with no issues. The hard drive was recently replaced so I doubt that their is a problem there...does anyone have any advice on how I should install Snow Leopard?
On 10.6.2, I noticed that in the Get Info window, permissions for a file could be changed without having to "unlock" the operation with the administrator password. This was not the case in Leopard, which required the admin password before permissions could be changed through the Get Info window.
I found this to be concerning from a security standpoint. I had hoped that 10.6.3 would fix the issue, but it still appears to be a problem. I've noticed this on three different machines, two with clean installs of 10.6 and one with an upgrade from 10.5. Does anyone else notice this issue? Am I right in assuming that this is a security issue? The ability for permissions to be changed for any file directly from the Finder's Get Info window without even an admin password seems to be rather insecure to me.
I decided to create a USB installer of Snow Leopard from my OSX Install DVD that were bundled in my MacBook Pro. I was wondering if disk utility verifies my USB disk image to compare it to the OSX SL install DVD and verify that the installer's DVD image matches the one in the USB? If the process was sucessful, does this mean that there were no problems creating the image?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 2.5,4GB, 500GB HDD, nVidia 330m
My boss and I are both using Macbook Pro's running Snow Leopard. We have always used IP based network printers for printing. He decided this morning he needed to print to a different printer on the network.When he tried to add the printer on his mac he goes to IP printer, used LPD, and starts to type in the IP address of the printer. It never comes back from verifying the printer. If he forces it, it won't print to it.
Since we are identical configurations I tried it on mine, followed the exact same steps and yet I can add the printer no problem.Any thoughts as to what might be wrong on his Mac? He can ping the printer by IP, he just can't add it. I also checked to make sure he and I are on the same VLAN.
on doing a disk utilities scan it came up with this - "Problems were encountered during repair of the partition map" why won't it let me repair this problem?
I'm trying to install a SSL Certificate on a mailserver under 10.6 server. I dont know what to do by intermediate certificate and choosing type on certificate assistant.
For the last week or so I've been having an increasingly regular problem with Mail. Upon launching, the app opens a dialog window saying, "Mail can't connect to the Google account 'Gmail'. Enter the password for user (username)." Then when I enter the password, the app crashes. Sometimes clicking the "Cancel" botton allows the app to open, but sometimes that results in a crash as well. Also, when I can launch Mail successfully, sometimes when I try to send mail, the outgoing mail will sit in the Outbox unsent. Â
I've been getting these warnings with both my Yahoo and Gmail accounts. Until a few days ago I was using Yahoo as my primary account, but the inability to send mail caused me to switch to Gmail as my primary. After a couple days of smooth sailing, I'm now getting the same errors with my Gmail.
So between today and yesterday I have just been doing some casual maintenance with my Mac Mini. I decided I would run the First Aid program in utilities just to make sure everything is doing well. I was just wondering what is the difference between the two options "Verify Disk" and Verify Disk Permissions"- what exactly do each of them do? It almost sounds self-explanatory but can someone shed some light for me?
I've ran all the verification tests on each hard drive I have and repaired them when needed. So far it has only been my external WD hard drive that needed to have a repair, though I didn't notice anything wrong with it prior to running the verification test. Basically, I'm just wondering what each of the functions do.