OS X :: Create A Personal Secure Certificate For Encrypted Email?

Sep 10, 2009

How do I create a personal secure certificate to encrypt my email?

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MacBook Pro :: Websites Not Encrypted - Can't Recognize Certificate

Sep 3, 2010

Are any of you having this problem? Yesterday I installed the most recent patch from Apple in my Macbook Pro, can�t remember the number of it, sorry about that. Today I noticed a serious fault in my computer. When I�m trying to access any website that is supposed to be encrypted (ie. Paypal, banks, etc) they aren�t encrypted or are only partially encrypted. I am pretty sure that this wasn�t happening before. I haven�t installed any software recently and everything was working fine until yesterday, the day I installed the security update. So I guess it�s not a coincidence. When I try it on Firefox the websites are not encrypted and when I try it on Safari I get a warning from Safari saying that it can�t recognise the certificate or that is invalid. Any of you have experienced this?

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OS X :: Secure Deleting Files Within An Encrypted Disc Image?

Jun 28, 2008

I have a question about OSX 10.4.11 and secure deleting. My understanding is that even after secure delete has been used to erase a particular file, older fragments of that same file can remain on the hard drive. Assuming this also applies to secure deleting files from a mounted encrypted disc image (created using the disc utility), would I be correct in saying that even if file fragments remained, once the image is unmounted, those file fragments would be encrypted like everything else within the disc image. I guess what I'm really asking is whether, when one deletes a file from an encrypted disc image, that file data is moved outside of the encrypted data blocks into clean drive space. I don't see why this would be the case but was wondering whether anyone knew.

I appreciate one can always use the free space eraser within disc utility to "mop up" but I'm still interested about individual file deleting.

(Btw, this is my first post and as a courtesy, I did search the forums for this topic but didn't find anything. If I missed something in my search and this has already been answered, apologies!)

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MacBook Pro :: Keep The Internet Connected To A Secure Network WPA2 Personal Without Logging In Everytime?

Apr 5, 2012

How do I keep the internet connected to a secure network WPA2 Personal without logging in everytime?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Won't Create Partition Scheme (encrypted)

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up a new partition scheme for all my storage. I just purchased another drive and will buy a 1 or 1.5TB drive next week. I'd like to encrypt certain partitions. Please read on...

Hopefully someone can help me. This is my current setup:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2 465Gi 407Gi 58Gi 88% /
devfs 113Ki 113Ki 0Bi 100% /dev

Plato is my iPod - I use 40GB for music, the rest for backing up files.
Wittgenstein is my backup. I exclude backups of ~/Music, another big DIR and ~/Movies and it has room to backup everything else.

I also have an 8GB USB stick that I've named "mnemosyne".

What I am purchasing. I am waiting for my new 500GB 7200 drive to arrive, which will replace the current 500GB main drive. I also purchased a 32GB flash drive.

What I'm getting in the near future. I'm purchasing a 1TB or 1.5TB internal drive and building an external HDD from it within the next two weeks. I'd like to split it to 500GB for backups, the rest for media storage. I'd like to encrypt my current /System dir, my ~/Documents and all preferences from my my Applications.

I've heard filevault is prone to errors. Is this true? Are there any other full disk encryption options for mac? Would dm-crypt work through macports without corrupting my filesystem? Can I use truecrypt and create an encrypted container of say (what is now) ~/Documents

Creating the partition scheme


1) Can I resize a partition once I've created it if there's physical space left on the HDD?
2) Should I leave some space without a partition? Or should I just name it something benign and use it as a "dropbox"
3) What options do I have for encryption on a mac?
4) Is filevault prone to errors? Any benchmarking tests out there?
5) Can I use dm-crypt through macports and have a FDE setup that won't fail because it's through macports and not native? In other words, I realize all encryption schemes can fail, but I'd like to minimize risk.
6) How would I have some movies on my main HDD and others on the external volume? Is that possible? Or would I need to create two partitions for that? So, say, I want to store 40GB of everything that is currently in ~/Movies on my main HDD. Just create a partition for that, and then another partition on the external volume at 210GB?
7) How do I create separate partitions in mac?
8) How do I easily mount all partitions from all hard drives?
9) Is rsync and a script my best option for encrypting backups since Timemachine has no security whatsoever for backups?
10) What filesystem should I use? (I'm only using OS X on my macbook)
11) Any sample partition map you could share with me that will help me build this properly?
12) How do I set up a link so Mac OS X will read the partitions like they are now and display over on the left side of Finder.app as they show now? I.e. a list of Desktop, $username, Applications, Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create A New Encrypted Image

Sep 8, 2014

Tried this several times via disk utility. 

Any image created can simply be opened without me being asked for any password!! 

how to successfully create a new encrypted disk  image. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.6Ghz I7 - 1Tb Hdd 16Gb late 2013

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Software :: Won't Create Empty Encrypted SparseImage (128 Aes )

Dec 4, 2008

My sparseimage is screwed. Is there anyone that can create an empty encrypted sparseimage with 128 aes using Mac OSX that they can send to me?

PM for email address.

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OS X Mavericks :: Create Personal Keychain?

Jun 26, 2014

if I create a new personal Keychain, in this example I called "Test", everything I save into my new "Test" goes to my iCloud too? Or remain just local into my computer? 

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OS X :: Create Personal Application Folder - Reinstall?

Mar 3, 2010

I am soon (Apple can release the i5/i7 Macbook Pros anytime) to become a Mac user. I have been a *nix developer for years. What is the "best practice" for application installation. Is it common for people to create a personal Applications folder? I am thinking of what happens when I have to upgrade to a newer version of Os X. I am hoping to not have to re-install all of my apps. On my Linux laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 x64), I install all applications in /opt, which I just backup before doing an upgrade.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Create A Password-protected (encrypted) Disk Image In Mac OS X 10.3 Or Later?

Jun 8, 2012

I've done all of this and it won't open. I double click on it, the default program to open it is diskimagemounter and nothing happens when I double click.(Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Create A Secure Folder?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm trying to create a secure folder to pop documents in. i've tried using disk utility, failed, permission issues even though i'm adminstrator, tried the cmd line (scary) so what else?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Send Encrypted Email With Mail?

Apr 17, 2012

using certificates to send encrypted emails from the Mail app. However, it's outdated and no longer supported by Apple. Do you guys know if 10.7.3 works the same way? Basically, I want to use a secure certificate to encrypt my outgoing email messages. I'm running 10.7.3. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Email Attachment From Encrypted Disk

Jun 6, 2014

I have encrypted my macbook pro hard drive with FileVault and now find powerpoint files attached to emails are rejected by some recipients, with the following bounceback message:"An email you have sent has been blocked.This email has NOT been delivered to its destination as it contains an encrypted or password protected attachment. Please resend without the password protected attachment and it will be delivered to its destination"Other file types (jpeg, pdf, word) seem to get through and resaving the PowerPoint file as PowerPoint 97 let it go through. The presentation is not locked or password protected.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Log Onto Personal Email Account?

May 28, 2012

I am currently out of country and unable to log onto my personal email account via Comcast.net.  It is requiring me to have JavaScript activated.  But I have looked almost everywhere for a download for either my iPad or 4s iPhone runnning most current iOs. Is there a location to download or is it even available for iOs devices?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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MobileMe :: Can Get Rid Of ICloud Account Set Up To Personal Domain Email

Jun 19, 2012

When iCloud first arrived, I guess I signed up for it using my regular e-mail address. This e-mail address is at my own personal domain. I've had MobileMe and just got rid of it, essentially transferring it over to iCloud. So I now have two iCloud accounts, one set up for my personal e-mail, one with my old MobileMe stuff including my Calendar, Contacts, and Me.com E-mail (which I do use sometimes). What to do? I don't want 2, as it will get so confusing. Any way to combine? Can I get rid of the iCloud account set up to my personal domain email? Also, what about my iTunes Store account, which is set up with personal domin email? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.2)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Insert Personal Credentials And Info In An Email

Jul 5, 2012

how to insert personal credentials and info in an email

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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ICloud :: Create An Email Group To Show Group Name Not Individual Email Addresses?

May 7, 2012

I need help to create an email group to show only the group name and not the individual email addresses within that group.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: How To Create HTML Email

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to create an email newsletter using Entourage 2008 for Mac. I've been searching everywhere for the past hour and can't figure it out. I can create an html page displaying what I want in the e-mail very easily, however I don't know how to get it into the e-mail. Do I need to pay for a service for this or what?

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OS X :: Create Clickable Email Hyperlink

Mar 6, 2010

In windoze I can type, for example person@server.com?subject=Fish&body=Cod and when I send the email with that in, the person I send it to can just click the link and it will: create a new email put the person it goes to in the 'to' field put the subject in the subject field put the word 'cod' into the body However, when I do this in snow leopard, I just get an unclickable line of stuff, much as you have probably viewed above. Also, when someone sends me an email with a similar link, it's also not clickable and I have to laboriously create a new email with all the fields remembered and filled and gone back to and well you get the picture. How do I make it clickable? It's not the same as a clickable URL, I've discovered, so that didn't work.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Create Mac Email Address

Jun 27, 2012

How do I create an email address using @mac.com?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create HTML Email

Aug 29, 2014

what to use to create html emails in Mail.app.

Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 10GB SDRAM 740 GB fusion drive

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ICloud :: Create An Additional @me Email Address?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a @me.com e-mail and when I got my mAC, a friend helped set up 3 others.  When I send an e-mail, I use the drop down menu to select which e-mail to have it come from. I do not recall how he set it up.  I need to create another one. and I am at a loss. 

Imac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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MacBook Air :: How To Create A Group Of Email Contacts

Sep 9, 2014

How do I set up a group in my contacts for a large group that I use often, and then how to I use it. I tried setting up a group with everyone in the group, but then I tried typing in the name of the group but it will not work. I want to click on the group and have all the group email people drop into the message, and avoid clicking on each group member..

all mac products

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Mac Pro :: Secure Empty Trash Is Secure?

May 10, 2010

I have about 60 GB of data on a new 750 GB drive that I want securely erased as I am passing that drive on to someone else.

Zero out the drive or do a 7 pass is secure BUT takes a long time for 750 GB

What if I drag those files to trash and do a SECURE EMPTY TRASH - much quicker as I am not writing 750 GB of zeroes but is it as secure?

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Applications :: Outlook 2011 - Cannot Open / Create Email

Oct 28, 2010

I am fairly new to the Mac world and have been using Entourage flawlessly for my needs. I upgraded to day to Office 2011 and am having nothing but trouble with Outlook. Every time I try to open a new mail or create and email or really just click on anything, I get the spinning wheel. At this point it is rendering it unusable. I have tried removing the account and reinstalling it.

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OS X :: Create Address Book Group From Email Recipients?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm in college and get a lot of emails from a lot of different groups and I often have reason to save them as a group in address book, but I usually stop once I realize that I need to add each of the people to my address book one by one, and then add them all to a group as I go.

Is there a way to streamline this? In an ideal world I would like to be able to create a new group in address book and just copy/click and drag all the address from the email to the group. But, like I said before the biggest issue right now is having to add each person to address book one at a time, simplifying that process alone would be a huge help. Any suggestions, is what I'm thinking of even possible?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Create Email Alerts In Mac Mail

Jul 5, 2012

When sending an email to a pecific address.I need a pop-up elert to remind me about something before I press SEND.Simple is better, just a huge "STOP".

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ICloud :: Create An Additional Email Address That Uses/will Merge With The Original .mac Id

May 16, 2012

This is probably pretty basic, but I'm getting a lot of confused answers re : Apple ID vs email accounts. 

I want to use the same Apple ID, but create a second (easier to spell!) email account name. Is this possible on .mac/iCloud? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create Email Profile On Mail To Access Gmail

Sep 1, 2014

I know how to create a email profile on OSX Mail to access GMail. My question is if the GMail mail will be downloaded locally to my machine or will it remain on the Google servers. I WANT it to remain on the servers, ie I only want to access my emails through Mail. Otherwise most of my HDD will fill up with email and also I will not be able to access my emails when I do not have my machine on hand. what happens when I delete an email in Mail? Will it also get deleted in GMail?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Safari :: Can't Create An Email Message Because Google Chrome Doesn’t Support

Mar 23, 2012

Until today, I have been able to email using reader. Today, I am getting the following error message: Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome doesn’t support sending webpages from Safari. 

I am using Safari browser not Google Chrome.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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