OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Shut Down Mac Mini 'operations Still In Progress'
Mar 14, 2012
I can't restart or shut down the mini, due to "operations still in progress." How do I workaround this problem? It seems to occur after I've done a Software Update. The only way I can shut down is with the power switch.
When I try to shut down or restart the system, it shows that I have to stop or cancel the operations in the finder? it shows that : The finder can't quit because some operations are still in progress. You can cancel or stop the operations ,and then try again.
My MacBook Pro is not allowing me to shut it down because it says "The Finder can’t quit because some operations are still in progress", how can I find out which operations are still in progress?
I have a problem with the Macbook Pro (Late 2010) of my friend. He installed MacBook Yosemite last week and it worked fine. But now when he start's his macbook it is booting normally but when the progress bar of the booting screen is at about 30% the MacBook just shut down.Â
PRAM and SMC Reset were not successfully, and i have the same problem when i am trying to get into Safe Mode. Recovery Mode is enterable, and i already copied some important files for him through the terminal.Â
My wife did an improper shut down by holding the power key while something was working on it. She is running mavericks on the system. Now it will start to boot and shut down when progress bar gets half way. Disk utility says it can not fix problems, and when I try to reinstall mavericks from disk utility, it either says hd is locked, or it won't show me hd.Â
I'm in Lion touchpad does not work. Pressing one finger does not stand the text, and one finger does not move objects on the screen. On the second computer, everything works, but here I have to select and move all three fingers.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am the user of Mac mini intel i7 with Lion OS. I have to shut down the mini using the power button. This happens everytime I have use itunes 10.6.1.Why is that? and how can I fix it.
Time machine failed in progress as my hard drive failed. I have an "in progress" file on my external harddrive that is about 160 GB. I would like to try and load this back onto a new harddrive. Migration assistant is not responsive nor does Time Machine recognize the external drive when connected.
Occasionally I see a Download screen showing a download strip/meter of files being downloaded. Other times I'm downloading,for example a yousendit file, but can't recall where to go to see % complete. I'm on Lion OS. I did go to Downloads but not there. I'm downloading to a Folder within a Folder on my desktop.
I purchased Lion at the App Store. I hit Download, it goes grey for about 3 seconds, then "Download" shows again. I get no progress bar. It appears to be locked up for some reason and won't start the download. Lion is listed in my Purchases, so the purchase appears to have gone OK. It just won't start the download. I am running OS 10.6.8, on a 2x2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon.
I dragged the following to the trash: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.appstore.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.storeagent.plist ~/Caches/com.apple.appstore ~/Caches/com.apple.storeagent
Maybe it thinks I have already downloaded but I can't find it in my Downloads, and the "Download" button would not be there if it thought this.
I was at the genius bar today and was told to do a recovery of lion. To hold down option key while starting and then pick the recovery drive and follow instructions after a few hours it went back to the start of asking for my apple id info again the computer didnt ever show the progress bar moving i exited and atempted to start and just sat at the white apple screen and never moved i then have started the process again... How long should this take before seeing any progess on the progress bar? When computer does restart will it come up he usual log in screen or not?
My Late '09 Mac Mini absolutely will not shut down normally through the command. (specs in sig) I went through the command yesterday, took a nap and when I came back to the computer nearly 5 hours later it still hadn't I've fixed permissions. Is there anything I can do?
I received my new iMac 27" yesterday and as it has Lion pre-installed I ran Software Update to check.It did this OK, but then my second attempt it had an issue with one of the files and wont complete.Since then when I clcik install items it minimises to the doc, but no sign of progress and does nothing (it seems)Â How can I get this to work properly again as it should?Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Magic Mouse, Wireless keyboard
Today when I turned on my MacBook Pro (Mid 2010 model) , the apple logo appeared as normal, but then the spinning gear and a progress bar appeared under it. Now everytime in turn my computer on, this progress bar will appear, get to about the 2/3 mark and then the computer will abruptly turn off. I have read articles about this saying that I have to format my hard drive. I want to know if there is a way to fix this problem with out having to format my hard drive.
My itunes lags with most operations. The most annoying is when I click a track in my library, it lags for like 3 seconds, I get a pinwheel, then the track plays. Sometimes the seek bar lags a lot. Opening the "info" for a track is very slow and invokes the pinwheel to peek its head out. Editing the info and having to write it to the tag is even worse. Adding new music is very slow, as the gapless, and album art, and other info that itunes collects each are very slow, and make the rest of iTunes almost impossible to use. Tracks don't skip or anything once they start playing, and theres no lag if I just let the tracks play through. I've disabled last.fm because I know that causes lag problems with the "fingerprinting" it does. When I added 3500 songs it took hours for all the scans to complete.
My macbook suddenly won't progress past the grey screen and the spinning gear. I have tried the procedures listed in one of the support documents, although I note they don't include OSX10.7 which I am running. I got to the part where it says try your system disk, problem is, I purchased through App store. I'm guessing at this stage I should have created an emergency boot disk.
Crash - why does my mac do this in the attachments, the screen goes black with a colour strip and sometimes the speakers screech, it seems to be quite intermittent, but some operations increase the likelihood of occurrence.
Im running a Mac Mini 2.1 on OSX. Using SMFanControl its showing me 1600-1700 rpm and a temp of 151F as i type this but spikes between 140-170F is this normal? I have to run a fan behind the computer for any kind of gaming or else it shuts down ( due to heat im sure )
After restarting my MacBook pro for updates, I clicked on my user icon which read 'update needed'. After entering my password it began to install the updates, but the progress bar just stopped halfway through, and 2 hours later it hadn't moved. I then switched off my mac and tried again and again but the same thing keeps happening.
My 2008 2.4ghz Intel MacBook is getting slower and slower at running basic operations. I have tried to free up my hard drive as it was very full. I free up 40 GB+ of space, but something is still filling it back up? Here is what my profile looks like:
How do I figure out what all this "other" material is? I thought it was due to a lack of memory after upgrading to Lion, but it has been getting dramatically worse, which doesn't seem like a memory issue to me.
When I select Sleep mode - nothing happens. Does not go to sleep.Now suddenly, when I select Shut down - the MacMini does not shut down but obviously working in a loop. I have to do a hard power down.
IT does this every time, but when I do command and r or other such keyboard commands, it goes I the recovery pahe with no problem. Whenever I tried erasing the iMac to reset it, it said the disk was locked.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), April 2008 model
I have the 2.53ghz with 4gigz of Ram MacMini from Xmas 2009.A few of you know that I had been trying out different SSD's before finally jumping on with OWC 60gig SSD. I've had it for about 2 months now and it works great except I've recently been having my computer freeze and the beach ball of death appears constantly when on Safari and sometimes iMovie. After shutting down the computer manually, sometimes booting up will leave me at the grey screen for minutes before i shut it down and wait maybe 30 mins before i fire it up again, which usually works 9/10 times.
I also noticed the beach ball delaying certain processes like loading Safari or a webpage. For example, I have my OWC External hooked up via FireWire800 with just my music and videos, however occasionally if im browsing thru websites or loading a program it'll cycle the external and have the beachball as if trying to load something before proceeding. It is more an annoyance than a problem.
I ran disk utility on all my drives as well as the Apple Hardware Test CD to see if maybe my Logic Board was the problem. I did the general test as well as the indepth test, both show negative signs of a problem.Can anyone shed some light on what could be the problem?Should I put the factory drive back in and take it to Apple to run their diagnostic test?Could the SSD be failing? (I could RMA it, but didn't know if its an Apple issue vs OWC)
since updating to lion i have had nothing but trouble. i had to change to use sync as i had been using mobileme. my imac would be stable for >50 days with loads of applications up and running. the best i can get now is 5 hours. the machine crashes, will not shut down (grey screen rotating bars for hours on end)