Mac Mini :: Won't Control Temp / Fan Shut Down
Mar 3, 2010
Im running a Mac Mini 2.1 on OSX. Using SMFanControl its showing me 1600-1700 rpm and a temp of 151F as i type this but spikes between 140-170F is this normal? I have to run a fan behind the computer for any kind of gaming or else it shuts down ( due to heat im sure )
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Nov 1, 2009
I was just adding some Quicklook plugins when my temps started to soar. I have restarted, repaired permissions, removed said plugins, and tried other accounts. Nothing is lowering the temps. Weird thing is is Activity Monitor is showing NOTHING using the processor nearly enough to jump my temps to 85 C with nothing running.
I'm "controlling" the issue for now by ramping my fans to full speed. Even with this I am hovering around 70 C...a good 10-15 C above what I am normally at (and was at 30 minutes ago).
*Note: Normally running fans at 6000rpm would give me temps in the mid to low 40 C range
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Sep 23, 2009
I've used my computer everyday this week at school at home. At school I usually only have safari/textedit open. My cpu temp NEVER GOES ABOVE 45C
no matter what I'm doing since I just take notes/surf the internet.
Last night I decided to update to 10.6.1. I was playing some odst, but I decided to leave my computer on and just shut it down thinking that when i switched it back on tomorrow (today) that the update would take affect. os x does say I have 10.6.1 but as soon as i switched my computer with text edit running my cpu temperature shot to 60c and its stayed that way up till now. I can't find my cpu being used by some random processed but as I'm a real temperature freak, this is kind of annoying. Has anyone had this problem with 10.6.1 (10.6 is fine). My computer is a Late 2008 15" u Macbook pro
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Jun 30, 2010
I've been waiting a long time for the 2010 MPs. My G5 still works for everyday stuff but when I start working on RAW files from my Canon 7D, in LightRoom2 and CS4 it really bogs down. When I look at the activity monitor both CPUs are 100% for extended periods of time.
Has anyone got any experience or opinions on if a new 2010 Mini Server would be a significant upgrade to my PPC dual 2.0 G5? From what I could find the G5's GeekBench is a lowly 1816 , and Engadget tested the 2.4 GHz 2010 Mini at around 3385. That's more than double.
I plan on buying the new MP whenever it might come out but this old G5 is really starting to cramp my work flow and honestly keeps me from doing the photography work that I like to do.
FYI- I don't make any money with my equipment it's purely a hobby thing, and I've picked the Mini Server edition because of the faster HDDs, and I don't need the price and peripherals that an iMac comes with.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a Mac Mini Server with Lion (I am new to Mac) I have a file on the desktop that will not delete move or open. the file name is 108207.temp.mp4 .
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MAC MIN SERVER
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Mar 19, 2010
I downloaded a program to monitor my late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro's temperatures. Just a few minutes ago while playing music/playing an ONLINE game real briefly it warned me that my CPU temperature was too high. (167˚ F) Is that too high of a temperature? What should the "range" be?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a MacBookPro5,4 2.53GHz with one fan and only the 9400M. After updating to 10.6.3 the operating temperature seems to have risen from about 43 degrees C to about 48. It has been getting warmer here in Japan so the ambient temperature is different but I still think this rise in temp. is due to the update. I have smcfancontrol installed and set to 2500rpm instead of the normal 2000, but it seems to be not enough to keep the temp. under control, as it did before the update. Any relatively hard use of the cpu and the temp goes up to 60 degrees.
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Sep 12, 2014
I used to just closed my Mac instead of pressing the shutdown button; I tried this time but I cannot shut it down anymore, also my keyboard cannot control the volume or turn on the keyboard-light. Also I remember there is like a back-up shortcut (or something like that don't know what is it exactly named) consisting of three keyboard button.
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Sep 15, 2010
My Late '09 Mac Mini absolutely will not shut down normally through the command. (specs in sig) I went through the command yesterday, took a nap and when I came back to the computer nearly 5 hours later it still hadn't I've fixed permissions. Is there anything I can do?
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Apr 3, 2012
My Mac Mini with Lion OS does not shut down on its own. Everytime I have to forcefully shut it .
Info:Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2009
Does anyone have any ideas on why this might be occurring? I've only installed a few applications on the Mini and no hacks.
The monitor will shut off but the Mini won't go to sleep on its own.
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Apr 15, 2012
I'm connected to my Samsung HDTV via HDMI and I'm unable to control the volume from the volume slider or sound control. When I select "SAMSUNG" in the device for soudn output, it says "The selected device has no output controls and the Output Volume slider cannot be changed.
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Feb 15, 2012
My mac mini wont shutdown shut down after 10.7.3 update
Info:Mac Mini 2.66gHz 8g RAM, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 1 Tb Time Machine backup
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Mar 14, 2012
I can't restart or shut down the mini, due to "operations still in progress." How do I workaround this problem? It seems to occur after I've done a Software Update. The only way I can shut down is with the power switch.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 20, 2012
When I select Sleep mode - nothing happens. Does not go to sleep.Now suddenly, when I select Shut down - the MacMini does not shut down but obviously working in a loop. I have to do a hard power down.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
I am the user of Mac mini intel i7 with Lion OS. I have to shut down the mini using the power button. This happens everytime I have use itunes 10.6.1.Why is that? and how can I fix it.
Mac mini
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Feb 5, 2010
I am setting up a mac mini for a friend who is an elderly and I need an easier way to turn on a mac mini instead of having him reach down in the bottom and extend his arm all the way into the back of the mini. Is there a remote control somewhere that can be programmed?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have the 2.53ghz with 4gigz of Ram MacMini from Xmas 2009.A few of you know that I had been trying out different SSD's before finally jumping on with OWC 60gig SSD. I've had it for about 2 months now and it works great except I've recently been having my computer freeze and the beach ball of death appears constantly when on Safari and sometimes iMovie. After shutting down the computer manually, sometimes booting up will leave me at the grey screen for minutes before i shut it down and wait maybe 30 mins before i fire it up again, which usually works 9/10 times.
I also noticed the beach ball delaying certain processes like loading Safari or a webpage. For example, I have my OWC External hooked up via FireWire800 with just my music and videos, however occasionally if im browsing thru websites or loading a program it'll cycle the external and have the beachball as if trying to load something before proceeding. It is more an annoyance than a problem.
I ran disk utility on all my drives as well as the Apple Hardware Test CD to see if maybe my Logic Board was the problem. I did the general test as well as the indepth test, both show negative signs of a problem.Can anyone shed some light on what could be the problem?Should I put the factory drive back in and take it to Apple to run their diagnostic test?Could the SSD be failing? (I could RMA it, but didn't know if its an Apple issue vs OWC)
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Apr 7, 2009
I am getting a pop up "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?".
The one we get, if pressed the power button to switch it off?. The problem is not consistent and mostly I get if left inactive for some time(random). I have run the hardware test(installer DVD and pressing D) without any issue found.
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Jul 5, 2009
I've just been watching something on BBC Iplayer (using opera) and the CPU temp is up to 65 (with ambient temp 33). Is this normal? (finished watching and it's now at 60.) Also, the last few days I noticed the mouse button not working properly, sometimes I need to click twice for it to actually work, and if I was holding down the left button to drag, it kinda lost it's connection (so while dragging and moving things around the desktop they'd stop while the cursor still moved as I was still moving the mouse... and the mouse button was still pressed in all that time). I'm thinking it could be to do with temps as it has been really hot here lately (but then shouldn't the fans kick in?).
I've done an archive and install but it was still the same last night (mouse 'click' seems to be working ok right now). I 'think' the temps have been going up to 69, but I didn't make a note for sure. Should I do a clean wipe and install in case one of the programs is conflicting or something?
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Sep 14, 2009
I just started using the aluminum MBP 15" and used to have 13 Macbook aluminum. and as far as i can tell the 13" did not get as hot as my 15" I just installed a fan and temp controller and even with running the fan higher then default os 10.6 temps reached 165 F I freaked out and cranked up the fan to 5000 RPM and temps dropped so far. So, How hot are these MBP supposed to get until it no longer safe?? And its not even close to being where the MBP is: sitting in my office on a desk where its cold and i have to drink tea to stay warm.
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Sep 23, 2009
How do I find out the CPU temp of my iMac? Its Intel 2007, running Tiger. Also, what is the idle CPU temp of this machine?
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Feb 10, 2010
im running at cpu temp of 82C with my fan running around 2000 rpm with the mbp in my sig. Is this a normal temp to fan rpm ratio? Why is bothers me is that im use to my Mb flaring up its fans every time it got hot.
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the right section. I'm looking for location of flash temp files on SL. I'm running latest version of flash and safari.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 with dual Xeon 2.66GHz. One of my favorite apps on my Macs is iStat Menus for which I purchased a family pack. I am running latest version 3. However, when I added it to my Mac Pro I am getting goofy CPU temp readings. At idle I am reading about 60C on one CPU and 55C on the other. But then if I fire up all the cores (Handbrake for example) then the reported CPU temps DROP to about 48C and 43C (notice same differential of 5C between CPUs). All the fan speeds stay the same so it is not extra cooling kicking in. Seems to be reading the wrong thing.
I know with Intel that the CPU just reports the distance to Tjmax and then the software reading that number takes the TjMax reading for that particular CPU model and figures out the corresponding Tj. It almost seems to be what is happening is that iStat is reading the "distance to TjMax" and reporting that without doing the math. That would account for the reading working backwards I suppose.
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Oct 4, 2007
I was wondering what the 'normal' operating temp for the hard drive in an emac is supposed to be. According to iStat, the hdd in mine is currently running at 77 degrees C. It has only been on for about an hour and a half. I'm pretty sure no hard drive should operate at this temp.
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Apr 2, 2008
using Ichat the other day running a full screen chat, and I saw the temp of the CPU rise to about 65C and the fans started spinning up 6200.... That was understandable as the CPU was under load... but after I closed the ichat down, the CPU temp dropped down to about 50C but the fans stayed at 6200 for a long period of time. probably about 10 minutes or so... then they slowly crepted down to 2500.
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Apr 23, 2008
What is your heat sink temp when the cpu is running hot, like 90+ degree C?
I recently performed the excess thermal compound removal procedure. Now I am worried that my cpu and heat sink are not in 100% contact, due to the very small amount of paste applied.
My heat sink sits at around 50C under normal load (cpu temp ~ 60). But at high load, cpu up at 90+ C, my heat sink is still at around 50-60C. Is this normal?
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Oct 18, 2008
i've recently bought a mac pro with this spec:-
1x2.8 ghz quad core
2 gigbit ram
320 hdd
ati 2600
my new mac pro was cool in the beginning but, these last days is acting really weird, right now i'm using my mac pro like it's a jet plane about to take off, the sound of the fan is to noisy, i mean i've checked my temperatures and fan speed and i think every thing is normal but this:-
CPU B temp is 126c or 260f
fan speed of the exhaust and cpu fan are between 2700-2800 rpm
this only happens when i run games with high graphic or when i use video codecs ("xilisoft ipod video" convertor avi -> mp4, "submerge" for adding subtitle to movies and xilisoft dvd to ipod convertor) or a program that needs high speed, but the fan and the temp does not cool down even if close all of the application , i can only stop it when i shut down my mac pro , so every time when the noise start, i get this fear and shut down my mac pro for few seconds then i turn it on again to cool it a little bit, and some times it doesn't unless if i turn it off for more than 5 minutes
i even opened my case to look inside and touch my parts (ram, gpu, logic board, cpu) of course after i unplug the power cord , but what i found is that my ati gpu card was very hot when i checked the temps with my fingers i kind of burned my finger when i touch the ati card , is this is normal??
and my istate pro is telling me that cpu b is 126c but the gpu is the hottest part in the computer
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Mar 17, 2009
I wanted to see how hot my temps would get at max so I ran handbrake for 30 minutes and Cinebench simultaneously over and over. This room does not have A/C. As soon as Cinebench started running the multi core render for a while the machine was at max temp.
CPU A 157 Fahrenheit Northbridge 126 Fahrenheit
Remember, I set the temps to display in Fahrenheit and not Celsius. So I would assume CPU A was maxed out at 70 Celsius.
Is this okay/normal when pushing the machine to a max temp? And what in the world is the Northbridge temp? It just looked important so I listed it. lol
Also how can you tell the temp of the GPU?
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