OS X V10.7 Lion :: AFP Appending In Front Of Command+K?
Jan 31, 2012
I have a client who just got a new MBP, so today was the first day he had it on the all windows network.There's shares on a 2008 R2 server that, on my identical MBP model, I can map just fine with command+K, using smb://servername or smb://ipaddress Both work fine for me, and prompt me for credentials.Â
Oh his new one though, it bombs. In the connection box after you hit return, instead of showing "connecting to smb://blahblah" it shows "connecting to afp://smb://blahblah" For some reason, even though I am manually specifying SMB:// as the target, it still prepends AFP:// in front of that AFTER we try to connect.Â
Only thing I've found all morning searching is someone who told another user having a similar issue to use lower case, not upper case. Since we were already using lower case, not helping, and using upper case made no difference either.Â
What can I do to kill this AFP:// automatically putting itself in front of the SMB:// As I said, 2008R2 server and windows AD netwtork, neither mac is part of the domain. Just using passthrough authentication (which worked fine on his previous model Core2 Duo MBP and still works fine on my 2011 15" quad core i7 MBP with current Lion). Â
What's really frustrating is I hit this once before a few years ago when I first switched from a PC based laptop to my first MBP, and while I found an answer quickly back then, this time I'm not finding the answer anywhere.Â
Macbook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 256GB Sata3 SSD, 8GB RAM
I upgraded to Lion and sadly, Front Row is not supported. I somehow found the Front Row app in my systems folder and moved it to my Applications folder. Front Row now shows up in my applications folder, as well as Launchpad. However, when I go into Front Row, it does not recognize any of my media from iTunes. I tried out this website: [URL]..blog/frontrowenablerforlion to no avail. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make Front Row work in OS X Lion.Â
Any news of Front Row in Lion? Apple is selling the mac mini without any new interface? Apple really needs to offer us something over front row which I don't think has been updated since 2007. So Apple how about it?
How can I trim a few seconds off the front and end of an MP3? I looked at GarageBand but it wants to create a new projects and all sorts of stuff that aren't related to this simple task.
I accidently deleted some file on my computer that wouldn't let me start up my MacBook pro, 13 Inch, so I had to press Command- R at start up (brought me to Lion Recovery) and I choose reinstall lion and I started it yesterday morning and all day and over night. It's barely half way through and it says "148 Hours Left" which is crazy.. Should I just wait? is this normal? what do I do?
I'm trying to access some files that are available through CVS in my boss' computer.
The problem I'm having is that everytime I try the CVS command I get the same -bash: cvs: command not found response. I've also noticed that the which command does not show any response:Â
ME-MBP-2008:/ me$ which cvs ME-MBP-2008:/ me$ Â
I've found the CVS stuff inside XCode.app folder (XCode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/cvs) but the terminal still seems to not be able to find the cvs command.Â
When calling the find command in finder (cmd-f), search criteria are by default set to Kind is Any. I'd like to add some, e.g. Sytem files are included (instead of having to do this manually in almost every search). Can't find anything on this in the net.
I'm using the mdimport command in my shell script to force spotlight to index a folder. Here is the code statement in my script that uses the mdimport command:Â thefolder=`pwd`# Force Spotlight to index the foldermdimport "$thefolder"Â
Whenever I run my shell script, I get this error :Â (Error) ImportPluginLoading: Couldn't load plugin 'Spotlight/Google%20Earth.mdimporter/ -- file://localhost/Users/test/Library/Internet%20Plug-Ins/Google%20Earth%20Web%20P lug-in.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Google%20Earth%20for%20Plugin.app/Contents/Library/ '
What is this error? Why is the Google Earth plugin getting loaded when I didn't ask for it?
There is a possibility that there is something amiss with my external hard drive. I have ejected the hard drive and read in a thread that there is a way to disable TM's continuous "local Snapshots" Backup with a command typed in Terminal. The reasoning is that TM uses a lot of CPU's? and things can become a bit sluggish. If I turn TM to "OFF", doesn't this stop the hourly snapshots on the INTERNAL hard drive?Â
I installed the FLAC Tools for Mac OSX a while back onto my machine, which added a program to the command line of "Terminal.app", and allowed me to convert media from and to the FLAC format using the command line, by simply running the command:
in the Terminal.However, now I no longer need the ecoder installed on my computer; the question is, if it's a command line based program
Info:iMac Intel Core i3, Mac OS X (10.6.8), ATI Radeon HD 4670, 4GB DDR3 Memory
I am teaching myself UNIX and messing around with the terminal and noticed when the book I am using stated you can us Â
ls | spell
to pipe the cpommands and spell check the list tht the ls command gets yet when I try to use the spell command it says it is not recognized and when I try and pull up the man page for it says it does not exist....any reason why it is not working?
When using finder and browsing through folders, it will only show me a list of recent folders. I use Lion. If I want to see all the folders or open up a less recent folder, I have to click "show all" at the top right hand corner. It gets tedious when I'm dragging and dropping files to different folders when I have to constantly click "show all" just to see the folders I want. Is there a way to override this function through the terminal? Is there a command I can use?
Using a mid 2007 IMac running lion 10.7.3. Both printers, HP laserjet p1606dn and Epson artisian 700 worked fine until I tried to setup airprint (couldn't figure that out). Now I can't print anything, not even a test page, from either printer. I receive a print error- "Unable to send printer command! Unsupported document-format "application/vnd.cups-command". I can scan from the Epson without a problem. I can run utility tasks, clean print heads, run print head alignment etc. But I can't print.
There are many things about Lion that irk the crap outta me, but this one is near the top. In ALL previous versions of Finder, one could, in list view, select a bunch of files by dragging over them, then, holding the command key down, add more non-contiguous files to the selection, again by dragging. If you try that in Lion, it starts dragging the whole lot of what you just selected to, usually, the root folder of the window you have open.Â
It appears that the only way to add extra non-contiguous files to a selection is to individually click each one of them.
A Java install occurred recently while I was using Safari. After the install completed, I noticed that the installation instructions specified all browsers be closed before installation took place. Can I "reinstall" this software from the command line with the browser closed?
I'm trying to intergate my companies AD kerberose with the services hosted on a Lion Server in a golden triangle setup. Here's what I've tried so far.Â
1. Bind to AD host.
2. sudo dsconfigad -enablesso
3. Make a Opendirectory Master
4. sudo kinit list, all listed services should point to AD KDC.
Given the disaster with Lion 10.7.3 and how it writes passwords in plaintext to secure.log I have migrated to FileVault 2. Now I want to securely delete the secure.log file. With the finder I can delete a file and empty the trash securely. But is there a way to remove files securely from the command line?
My Mac has my home folder on an internal HD (with the startup disk on internal SSD). How do I get the "locate" command to index (and hence be able to find) all files that are in my user folder (~/) and its subfolders? I want to be able to do this without changing permissions on my user files, of course.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Corei7, 16GB, SSD + 2T HD
After entering sudo command, terminal asks for password. After that it will not accept typing in password, I type and nothing appears. If I try to paste in password nothing happens.