I upgraded to Lion and sadly, Front Row is not supported. I somehow found the Front Row app in my systems folder and moved it to my Applications folder. Front Row now shows up in my applications folder, as well as Launchpad. However, when I go into Front Row, it does not recognize any of my media from iTunes. I tried out this website: [URL]..blog/frontrowenablerforlion to no avail. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make Front Row work in OS X Lion.
Any news of Front Row in Lion? Apple is selling the mac mini without any new interface? Apple really needs to offer us something over front row which I don't think has been updated since 2007. So Apple how about it?
Is there a way to make song names in iTunes display larger like they did in Front Row, so if you are across the room you can pick songs with a remote easier?
Does front row work with the new MacBook pro with the latest lion software cause on using my apple remote on the laptop it doesn't give me front row option
After several hours my mac is running linked to my LCD screen through MiniDisplay Port - VGA connector, Front Row simply doesn't start. It fades to black for a while but then it immediately fades back to the desktop.
I uninstalled every application might have affected Front Row (Caffeine, LastFm, TV Row) but it was useless. I even tried to fix permissions in the Disk Utility, but it didn't help.
What do I do if the front camera on my MacBook Pro does not work, but the green light next to the camera is on? I've tried use photo booth, facetime, skype to test the camera, the green light was on, but there is no image. It means my front camera's gone?
I have a client who just got a new MBP, so today was the first day he had it on the all windows network.There's shares on a 2008 R2 server that, on my identical MBP model, I can map just fine with command+K, using smb://servername or smb://ipaddress Both work fine for me, and prompt me for credentials.
Oh his new one though, it bombs. In the connection box after you hit return, instead of showing "connecting to smb://blahblah" it shows "connecting to afp://smb://blahblah" For some reason, even though I am manually specifying SMB:// as the target, it still prepends AFP:// in front of that AFTER we try to connect.
Only thing I've found all morning searching is someone who told another user having a similar issue to use lower case, not upper case. Since we were already using lower case, not helping, and using upper case made no difference either.
What can I do to kill this AFP:// automatically putting itself in front of the SMB:// As I said, 2008R2 server and windows AD netwtork, neither mac is part of the domain. Just using passthrough authentication (which worked fine on his previous model Core2 Duo MBP and still works fine on my 2011 15" quad core i7 MBP with current Lion).
What's really frustrating is I hit this once before a few years ago when I first switched from a PC based laptop to my first MBP, and while I found an answer quickly back then, this time I'm not finding the answer anywhere.
Info: Macbook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 256GB Sata3 SSD, 8GB RAM
How can I trim a few seconds off the front and end of an MP3? I looked at GarageBand but it wants to create a new projects and all sorts of stuff that aren't related to this simple task.
I have a PowerBook G4 that I am making into a tablet. Now, I'll mostly be using this for class notes, homework, online textbooks, etc. However, I'll also do a fair bit of using it as a "media centre." It still has tiger, and I'd like to run front row. It's awesome on my uMBP, but the s-video out is much more convenient than the mini-display port on mbp. Will Leopard support front row on ppc, or is there another way?
Im new to the forum for posting but have been around for a while soaking up info. I have a mac mini c2d 2ghz, ive had it for a few years now and its always behaved, its always on and is an excellent computer for what i need, its now running snow leopard. What i would like to do is turn it into a dedicated media centre as im looking at either a new mini or if i can stretch the wallet, an*i3 imac. Is there anyway i can boot directly into front row on my mini, without having to boot to the desktop, then to front row, i know its not so much bother to do the latter, just believe it would look better booting to front row or any other dedicated media centre software, All movies, pics and music will be stored on the minis hard drive or aliased to an external drive. I have searched in the forums and also with google, but cant find anything about the automatic booting into the media centre.
I have a bunch of videos all in different formats, I've just got an Apple Remote and I'd like to view all that content in Front Row. What's the best format to re-encode the movies in? Also is Handbrake the best program to do this with?
My sister has just bought an iMac last week and we've found she has iLife 09 installed on it, but shouldnt this be iLife 11? Also, she doesn't have broadband, just a 3G dongle connected to it, and she installed that fine, and everything works, except for watching trailers thru Front Row - it says shes not connected to the internet, even though she has internet access. We can screenshare (from my end at least) and we video chat, but she cant watch trailers?
I'm about to drop $3000 on a Mac Pro, and it amazes me that the IR feature that is in their entry level Mac Mini and MacBooks is not in their top-of-the-line Workstations. Why has Apple not included an IR sensor for use with the Apple remote? Does Apple think that Pro uses won't want to use Front Row on their Pro machines? Besides, I can think of a ton of other uses for the remote other than just Front Row. And using the keyboard stinks. What are you guys doing? Has anyone come up with a solution? How can I use the Apple remote with a Mac Pro? Also, while we're at it, Apple killed the iSight camera a while ago. What are you to do if you have a Mac Pro with a Cinema Display?
So in front row, all my tv shows are "untitled", but wait? Doesn't front row use iTunes as it's info stuff? Everything in iTunes is set up named, tags etc., but yet, front row keeps up with this crap. What can I do?
i'm trying to play a video on front row, but I'm not getting any sound from it. It's an .avi file, and I know it works as it plays in VLC and on my Windows box fine. There were also a few files that had no sound and no picture and other with sound and no picture.
I know very little about video, but I'm guessing that I need some codecs to play them? It's not a big problem, but I like bing able to play them with out have to get out of bed
on my Intel MacMini. Won't turn on with the remote or the Esc+Cmd shortcut. The remote works (I've tried it on my wife's MacBook), I've restarted and repaired permissions. Any other ideas, anyone? Or do I just have to wait for Leopard for a clean start?
On every MB I've used since they first came out, you could hook the audio and video up, close the lid, and if it went into sleep mode, the Apple Remote would trigger a "wake up" for mediacenter purposes on a TV/stereo. My SR MB w/ 10.5 doesn't do it. As soon as the lid closes, it's asleep no matter how I toggle the view between screen and external port. Front Row doesn't wake it anymore. Anyone else having this problem? I wanted to find out before calling and asking.
I'm sure people find Front Row fantastic but I have no desire to use it. However, I keep accidentally pressing Apple-Esc at which point my computer freezes for a few seconds and then starts up in Front Row. It's a PAIN. Does anyone know how I can turn it off or change the shortcut to something more difficult to press accidentally?
Does anyone know how to turn off the album artwork in Front Row? I have some songs I listen to that have some rather disturbing album art that I would prefer not looking at while I listen to the music. Also can you change the settings in Front Row so that the picture doesn't flip back and forth from one side of the screen to another when listening to music? The movement on the screen catches the eye and makes me look at the screen everytime it changes.
Is there a way to view photos in Front Row without iPhoto especially for those don't have iLife? A mate of mine's MacBook is running Tiger - he wants to view his photos using Front Row but doesn't own iLife'08 so currently he is unable to view them. Is there a way round this? Our other mates have Media Center on their PCs which they can simply view their photos from any folder/location which is a bit of a drag as iPhoto is required to view your photos in Front Row on Macs - quite ridiculous. They'd have a field day once they know he cannot view his photos using a media viewer software which they can on their PCs! If there is no other way round this, I'll have to pass on my old copy of iLife'04 to him. Hope you all had a good Xmas by the way.