OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Screen Goes Black At Random Times?
Jun 6, 2012
iMac 27 the screen goes black at random times. If left for a time and by pressing ctrl, Shift Eject, the screen comes back and can remain on for the rest of the day. However, the next day the same thing happens.
Energy saving set to - Hard disk never sleep, Screen sleep in 15 mins.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 19, 2009
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I have a external monitor plugged in and I use my Macbook Pro (2009 Uni) as a secondary monitor. Randomly, the macbook screen just goes black. If I move my mouse on to the macbook screen, I can see the mouse cursor, but the rest of the screen is black! It's driving me mad!
The only fix is to un-plug the monitor adaptor or adjust display arrangements. It's really cramping my style.
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Jun 27, 2012
I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off. What do I do?
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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May 5, 2012
For the past week, my screen goes black several times a day and I need to restart with the start button to restore.
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Sep 24, 2010
The screen randomly turns black without any major reasons. It doesn't seem to be a sleep mode/screen saver thing as the music continues to play on. I can adjust the volume or pause the music with the keyboard but the screen just won't turn back on. I have to shut it down using the power button and it happened several time the last couple days. Anyone else experience the same thing and got a solution?
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Mar 21, 2012
Do not want a nuisance to escalate into a serious problem thru benign neglect. Random black screen -- Turn monitor off then on, and all comes back fine. No loss of power in machine, no fan quirks, no overheating. Is it the Monitor? or the graphics card?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 6GB DDR2 SDRAM
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Mar 15, 2012
Ok I did some updateing and now get a black screen after booting. Here is what I did WAS running 10.5.8 Updated to 10.6 using a USB Downloaded and installed 10.6.3 Combination update (everything worked great) Installed iLife 2011 Downloaded latest update for iLife because is said I could not use it unless i updated.
Restarted fine logged in, showed display background. Then all black. Rebooted, black screen. Reboooted again, Black screen.
The issue only came up when I did the software update for iPhoto, iMovie,iWeb,iEverything else..
I have a 3.06 intel core 2 duo with 4 gig ram and 500 gb free space. Backed up on time machine on seperate HDD still plugged in to USB. Since I don't have USB selected as a boot drive can I still boot from the install 10.6 USB?
iMac 3.06GHz, 4GB, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 3.06GHz, 4GB
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a 2006 Macbook that when powered up, the screen stays black, the machine beeps 3 times, and sleep light blinks 3 times before the process repeats over and over. When doing a search, I saw something about the RAM but
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Apr 26, 2012
I have an iMac 21inch, Late 2009. I found after it was runing really slow that my hard drive was failing. It told me there were SMART errors on the drive. The computer is out of warranty and I'm in the middle of no where so i have no Mac store to take it to. I bought a new drive, same model, and installed it into the computer. It turns on fine, but after the Apple logo and spinning coge wheel the screen flashes, shows the blue back ground like its going to load the desktop and then goes black.
I've tried connecting an external monitor to it and shows up like an extended display. I've tried connecting it to another Mac, a Mini, and the Mini can boot off the iMacs hard drive just fine. If it Target Disk mode the Mini and boot the iMac I get the same flash of blue desktop then it goes black.
This is where it gets weird though, I'm sure your thinking, ok the screen is going bad... BUT, I boot off an Ubuntu CD, or the AHT disk and it loads fine and has no turning black. Its only when booting into the Mac OS or the installation disk.
One last note is that when its at the black screen and I'm sure its loaded the desktop, if I hold the power button down for about 3-4 seconds, till I hear a click. I then press the button again right away and the screen flashes on showing me the desktop and everything, for about 2 seconds...
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Aug 23, 2010
Every once and a while, usually when my MacBook is running on it's battery, the screen will show a black screen for nearly only a millisecond or two. It's not too bothersome, and it usually blinks back to normal before I can notice it, but nevertheless I don't want it, and from what I can recall, this only started happening after I installed the Snow Leopard Graphics Update. Is anybody else getting these problems on their MBPs or MBs? MacBook config details in my sig.
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Jun 21, 2012
Every few weeks my iMac will suddenly freeze, the screen going black or white or pink etc. The only way I can get the computer back is to hold down the power button to force a shutdown. Then after a restart everything is OK for a few more weeks. Usually it occurs when I am on the internet. I click on something and suddenly the computer is frozen. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and usually use Safari. Ironically when I opened this forum 5 minutes ago there was a similar sounding problem at the top of the list!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.
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Apr 11, 2009
I have an old HP Pavilion 700 that I am having trouble with. A few months ago, I replaced its power supply because the fan inside of it would start up for about a second and then shut off. The problem I am having now is the fan (shown in pic) connected to the motherboard is shutting off at random times and causes the external display to go blank. But the fan inside the power supply will always stay on though. Sometimes, I can get the computer completely booted up for about 10 minutes and use it just like normal before this happens. Other times, I can only get as far as the startup screen before the fan and screen shut off.
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Dec 2, 2008
I'm using a Macbook 13" and am running 10.4.11.
So the problem that I'm having is that at random times I lose connection. At the same time the PC-s that are connected to the same network have connection, plus the ISP said that everything seems to be fine on their side. So there seems to be an issue with the WiFi on the MB. It just loses the connection and can't find it for about a minute and some times it takes about 5 minutes for it to reconnect to the network. And the problem isn't limited to only one network, but actually happens in different networks. It started as a minor inconvenience, but now it's starting to really bug me. And it seems that I'm not even making it up: [URL]
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Jul 30, 2010
I am a new mac user and a sound similar to the "Frog" sound effect keeps playing at random times and with no apparent reason. It just plays and at different times...Sometimes it's every 20 seconds, sometimes more or less. I disabled the sound in System Preferences and it kept playing. I don't know what else to do since i'm new with mac I also reseted the PRAM and it stopped for a while but now it started again. I've noticed that most of the times it sounds when i'm charging the battery, i don't know if it has something to do.
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May 24, 2012
I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 4, 2009
The last 2 days my iMac has completely frozen on me at random times. Frozen meaning, no mouse movement, no keyboard activity (caps lock not responding) and no OSX activity whatsoever. Temp at the time 41C, CPU Usage at 21% or smth, Fan speed at around 1200rpm. However, I don't get the infamous kernel panic error. I haven't changed anything hardware wise. I did have a couple of months ago the graphics glitch problem. Last software update was the iWork one. iMac is Aluminum 20' with C2D 2.4 and ATi 2600 Pro.
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Dec 6, 2009
So essentially the title says it all. My Macbook has been making the "eject-a-cd" noise at random times since about yesterday. As of yet I have not attempted a restart.
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Mar 16, 2010
my mbp has a very strange problem. when i was using my computer it will open a window of safari once in a while. and i am sure i didn't thouch anything.
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Feb 14, 2009
I have experienced these kernel panics lately, at completely random times, I don't know what the problem is. All I really have so far, is the panic.log.
My specs are:
Powermac G4 MDD 2003
1gb ram
80 gb hard drive
1.25GHz PPC G4
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Mar 12, 2012
I have random hangs in OS 10.6.6, I have been noticing these hangs *more* after a period of inactivity (screensaver, after inactivity of 20 or more minutes) , but I have had the system hang on me while I am using it actively as well. OS 10.6.6 has been on this drive since 7/2011 , without hangs but I recently upgraded Firefox to 10.0.2, - perhaps a factor?
Energy save set to never for sleep on either CPU or display. I do put to sleep if I am leaving for a while.
FYI On Launch, my MacPro opens Mail , iCal and Firefox. The Mac is a January 2007 Mac Pro Quad core 2.66gh. I never had a single hang with the computer until this.
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Aug 28, 2009
I was planning to get Snowey and a SSD at the same time, but the latter had to wait. So far, I�m seeing at least a ten seconds improvement in boot time with Snow Leopard:
17" Macbook pro unibody 2.93 Ghz, 4 GB ram 7200rpm HD
before SL: boot up from 39 to 55 seconds
after SL: boot up time from 30 to 39 seconds
Ok, so there is no interest in this topic.
For me boot time is a rather important criterium.
And I think the fact that SL reduce this with almost 10 seconds is AMAZING.
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Aug 28, 2009
I have a new 09' 20" iMac Core Duo 2.66 with Snow Leopard.
Shut Down: = 7 Seconds. Tried 4 times, same result.
Start Up: 42-44 seconds to Login Screen
Login To Desktop fully loaded: = 6 Seconds
I am not impressed by the Start up or Login. I believe I clocked Leopard at the exact same speeds.
Overall I am not noticing much difference in anything.
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Sep 2, 2009
Macbook pro, 2.5 ghz , 4 gb ram (bought in June)
After the install of snow leopard, and a full charge. My battery at 96% showed only 2:45 hours, over the past 30 minutes with little no usage n the laptop (other than letting it sit at the office and periodically checking battery) I am seeing 81% charge and 2:05 on the charge.
The screen is dimmed, display sleep is set to 5 mins, computer sleep to 15....
Anyone else seeing this?
Health on my battery shows 97%, 67 cycles.
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Sep 4, 2009
In Leopard I had times where I could boot in almost 15 seconds, some times at 21 seconds if it was running slow and for the most part it was 17 seconds. All these times btw are recorded at time of power button press to desktop screen.
In Snow Leopard the times have almost doubled.... Fast boot in Snow Leopard is around 20-30 seconds for me now and a slow boot (which just happened) took a little over 40 seconds.
Anyone else experiencing this? Besides the boot times SL feels a lot faster in system responsiveness than Leopard.
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Sep 10, 2009
Doe anyone else think that, when booting into 64-bit mode, your boot times are longer? I swear mine are 2-3 seconds longer. Performance seems just a tad bit better, so I'll stick with 64-bit mode, but I wanna see what other people think.
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm aware of the Airport issue mentioned on these forums (and have tried the kext fix for that without any luck). I have KPs when watching 4+ minute long videos on Youtube (have no issue using iMovie for longer videos or watching videos from my own harddrive), sometimes when the screensaver is on or shortly after the computer goes unidle, and sometimes for no apparent reason. I've already had 2-3 KPs in the past 4 hours. This is my first Mac and not at all what I was expecting.
Sometimes the screen will flicker rapidly, other times I will get a black screen, pink screen, or the screen will "glitch" and move halfway to the left (right is now on the left and left on the right). I can sometimes delay the crash if I pause the video (the screen starts to twitch or have "lightning" flashes across parts of it) but it will eventually crash anyway.
I usually use Firefox but have had the same crash in Safari so it's not browser-related as far as I can tell.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 13, 2009
Since I use Snow Leopard I get randomly (around 1 to 10 ) freezes. When I get it I can click some applications but can't make changes in it. The beachball keeps spinning for some seconds and after the wait I can just continue working. I first thought it was Firefox, because it almost everytime happens when I am browsing the web, but I get the same with Safari.
It's getting verry annoying now :-(
I already checked:
- Repair disk
- Repair disk permissions
- Run Apple diagnostics
Repairs my 1.5 year old mbp already had:
- 2x keyboard
- Topcase
- Logicboard
- Superdrive
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Sep 1, 2009
Every now and then, i get these random flash of black near the top of the screen. Its like a quick split second blink. I never had this problem in regular leopard. I'm not sure if I have a faulty GPU but I think i might too cause when I'm on battery power 9400m, the graphic performance goes down.
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Sep 8, 2009
Installed Snow Leopard on my 1st gen Mac Pro and had nothing but trouble: random crashes and re-boots that have gotten so bad that now it crashes during boot up. Part way through the spinny wheel you get after the boot-up Apple logo either half the screen goes orange (!) and it crashes, or the centre of the screen corrupts and it crashes or I get the multi-lingual grey screen of death. Same happens if I boot from the Snow Leopard DVD. Pretty unhappy as you can imagine: can anyone suggest anything? I've tried re-seating the graphics card , blowing out the dust and I've rotated all the memory: makes no difference.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a 2008 13" Macbook. Within the past few days, I've had to "force quit" Microsoft Word several times. I've never had to do this before. All my software is up to date. I moved the Firefox app from my Applications to the trash. Does this uninstall it? My hope is that it would and I could just reinstall it. I have yet to download it again. I have also had to Force Quit Microsoft Word several times. This is my main concern. I am entirely reliant on my laptop for income, as I am a journalist. Do I NEED to get a new Macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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