OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Had To "force Quit" Microsoft Word Several Times?
Apr 10, 2012
I have a 2008 13" Macbook. Within the past few days, I've had to "force quit" Microsoft Word several times. I've never had to do this before. All my software is up to date. I moved the Firefox app from my Applications to the trash. Does this uninstall it? My hope is that it would and I could just reinstall it. I have yet to download it again. I have also had to Force Quit Microsoft Word several times. This is my main concern. I am entirely reliant on my laptop for income, as I am a journalist. Do I NEED to get a new Macbook?
Today, after updating to Snow Leopard, I have been noticing that when I have been working on a word document (Office 2008), when I quick (command + q), it will go to close and then suddenly crash asking me if I want to send a crash report and relaunch. Has anyone else been having this happen to them? It has happened a few times today to me. it is always when I am quitting with a document open (but saved).
I've noticed the past couple of months that as I'm using Firefox, i'm having to have to 'force quit' many times a day. it's getting really annoying - i'd switch back to safari, but i love using firefox (minus this issue).anyone have the same problem, or a solution b/c it's getting a bit frustrating.
Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?
Since Tiger and even more so with Leopard, I have found the 'Force Quit' command to be a pointless white elephant.
When the spinning beachball hits it tends to make the application unresponsive and then spread to all other apps. Attempting to bring up the force quit function is equally fruitless. Of course, by the time it eventually pops up, the offending application has either quit itself (I'm looking at you Adobe CS4) or has become responsive again (I'm looking at you Safari).
Has anyone noticed any improvement in Snow Leopards?
Having problems today and yesterday regarding spinning beach ball and inability to force quit. Resort to power button restart.
Both times I was online using Safari browser. Now temporarily using Firefox just to see if this happens again or not. Meanwhile wondering if it is safari or possibly because I've had iwork 09 opened while browsing.
Just as a test while the ball was spinning, unplugged my server connections, then plugged back in. But this wasn't the issue. In addition, checked preferences when this happened tonight.
Below are the plist files that may reference some help:
after doing my upgrade to snow leopard whenever i go to open microsoft word 08 for mac, it prompts me something about "xxx" was a font downloaded from the internet do you want to allow or not allow... but it doesn't do it once... it does it for every font soooooooooooo annoying. i ended up having to just force quit. is there a way i can fix this without having to sit and allow all of those? not clue how long it will take cause it kinda hangs a little in between each prompt. it didn't do this before i upgraded to snow leopard. i need to have access to word by this weekend cause i have a class that starts on saturday.
After opening a MSfile the Leopard top menu when using Microsoft Word 2008 has been changed to Chinese. This issue only happen with this product and not with the rest of the Microsoft tools that I have installed in my MacBook (example: Powerpoint). I'm including a print screen (as you can see only the iOS menu is changed to Chinese and not the software menu). I extremely need to change it back to English!
All of a sudden Word and Excel won't open any more. I just get a message that says "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
I have some software such as mail, text edit running and suddenly it stop responding. The mouse cursor keep on spinning for a long time. What you normally do is hit Option + Command + Esc to force quit the software. After i've done so. The software crashed and ask you to send in the crashed report and everything else is very normal. But the software dint actually quite. i can still see a small indication (at the dock) below the icon that the software still running and when i hit Option + Command + Esc again. I still can see the software in the force quite dialog, it doesn't report it as stop responding. When i check the Activity Monitor, there is nothing there.
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I waited a long time to upgrade to Safari 5.1 because the first time I installed it, it kept my fan on constantly / ate up all my CPU. I deinstalled and got the previous version. Finally, when no longer able to watch BBC content, I upgraded and got 5.1.4.
Safari used to work great. Now it decides that it has to force reload all pages about once every 40 minutes. It dumps all my cookies so I have to sign back into everything I had open - the facebook, Netflix, twitter, email, etc. It doesn't even remember what Netflix movie you were watching so you have to rebrowse - just because of the force reload. And if you somehow miss clicking on every open tab at the time to start the reload, then the next time you go to that tab it will start all the reloads again. Sometimes I just force quit Safari altogether and restart, clear my whole cache and dump all my cookies. Then I can get a clean hour out of it.
It takes up endless time to suffer through this bug and I see that it has been a bug for well over a year. What, if anything can one do about this? Why hasn't it been fixed?
Macbook Pro (2014) when I work with Microsoft office, Word, and use the "command v" keys the entire Word doc freezes and I need to reboot entire computer. What is this?
I was planning to get Snowey and a SSD at the same time, but the latter had to wait. So far, I�m seeing at least a ten seconds improvement in boot time with Snow Leopard:
17" Macbook pro unibody 2.93 Ghz, 4 GB ram 7200rpm HD
before SL: boot up from 39 to 55 seconds
after SL: boot up time from 30 to 39 seconds
Ok, so there is no interest in this topic.
For me boot time is a rather important criterium.
And I think the fact that SL reduce this with almost 10 seconds is AMAZING.
After the install of snow leopard, and a full charge. My battery at 96% showed only 2:45 hours, over the past 30 minutes with little no usage n the laptop (other than letting it sit at the office and periodically checking battery) I am seeing 81% charge and 2:05 on the charge.
The screen is dimmed, display sleep is set to 5 mins, computer sleep to 15....
In Leopard I had times where I could boot in almost 15 seconds, some times at 21 seconds if it was running slow and for the most part it was 17 seconds. All these times btw are recorded at time of power button press to desktop screen.
In Snow Leopard the times have almost doubled.... Fast boot in Snow Leopard is around 20-30 seconds for me now and a slow boot (which just happened) took a little over 40 seconds.
Anyone else experiencing this? Besides the boot times SL feels a lot faster in system responsiveness than Leopard.
Doe anyone else think that, when booting into 64-bit mode, your boot times are longer? I swear mine are 2-3 seconds longer. Performance seems just a tad bit better, so I'll stick with 64-bit mode, but I wanna see what other people think.
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
i'm looking at moving over to the Mac in a couple days and i just need to know the best free Word Processor that can open .doc files. 99% of my docs made in Word are of the 97-2003 variety and not 2007's .docx.
I have my drive partitioned between Tiger and Snow Leopard. I am trying to move myself over to Snow Leopard so I don't have to keep switching. The problem is that my old apps that alledgedly will work in SL, give me an error box when I launch them. It happens with Appleworks 6 and Quicken 2007. I've installed Rosetta but don't know what else to do.When I launch either application, it says it unexpectedly quit and gives this info: Process: [code]
iMac 27 the screen goes black at random times. If left for a time and by pressing ctrl, Shift Eject, the screen comes back and can remain on for the rest of the day. However, the next day the same thing happens.
Energy saving set to - Hard disk never sleep, Screen sleep in 15 mins.
I can't empty my trash can as I get a message stating "This operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). I tried using the program "Trash It" and nothing happened, not even an error message. I tried the program "Force Empty Trash" and get the message "rm: /Users/MYUSERNAME/.Trash/*: No Such file or directory" I even tried using terminal using this command: "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" and no avail.I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.8?
Whether anybody got Snow Leo build 10A380 (WWDC'09) successfully running with 64-bit kernel? If 'yes' - please share your method. I've tried every approach that i know: "6+4" keys, arch=x86_64 flag specified for both nvram and com.apple.Boot.plist, lipo command against mach_kernel.
I purchased a new IMac Intel version and I am having a problem with AOL. I have always had a problem with AOL and my Macs (now on number 3). In the past, if I left AOL running it would not allow the Macs to close down without Force Quitting from AOL and AOL would not quit normally. With the new Mac, if I use AOL it won't quit and when I Force Quit it disconnects the Mac from the internet and I have to restart. As I live in Antigua both Apple and AOL have been useless at trying to solve the problem.
My dumb mac is always freezing up and the round rainbow thing will be spinning and I cant do anything but restart. How do I force quit? I know it says it on the mac but I don't get what the symbols are.