Mac Pro :: Random Crashes And Reboots - Snow Leopard Broken
Sep 8, 2009
Installed Snow Leopard on my 1st gen Mac Pro and had nothing but trouble: random crashes and re-boots that have gotten so bad that now it crashes during boot up. Part way through the spinny wheel you get after the boot-up Apple logo either half the screen goes orange (!) and it crashes, or the centre of the screen corrupts and it crashes or I get the multi-lingual grey screen of death. Same happens if I boot from the Snow Leopard DVD. Pretty unhappy as you can imagine: can anyone suggest anything? I've tried re-seating the graphics card , blowing out the dust and I've rotated all the memory: makes no difference.
Is there an event log or something? I leave it on all the time, good airflow around it and it's on a ups. It didn't crash for the first year but now it's almost daily. I use this one for the house itunes server so it's extra frustrating. Any ideas on what to look for? I've made no mods at all, even the RAM was from apple (when I bought it).
My computer keeps restarting itself while running World of Warcraft (and only WoW) and when it reboots I get an error screen that looks like this [URL]....
I have tried re-installing the game and even completely re-installing OSX. I have the most current version of the game installed.
I just bought my new 2012 macbook pro a couple weeks ago, and so far it has crashed and rebooted by itself four times. Three of those four times, I had only been running a couple programs, such as Chrome and Mail, while all others were closed. the entire computer will freeze for about 6-7 seconds (no response to mouse movement/keyboard) and then shut down and reboot.
Is this a bug with OS X Lion? or the new macbook Pro? or my macbook pro specifically indicating there's some sort of defect?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have random hangs in OS 10.6.6, I have been noticing these hangs *more* after a period of inactivity (screensaver, after inactivity of 20 or more minutes) , but I have had the system hang on me while I am using it actively as well. OS 10.6.6 has been on this drive since 7/2011 , without hangs but I recently upgraded Firefox to 10.0.2, - perhaps a factor?
Energy save set to never for sleep on either CPU or display. I do put to sleep if I am leaving for a while.
FYI On Launch, my MacPro opens Mail , iCal and Firefox. The Mac is a January 2007 Mac Pro Quad core 2.66gh. I never had a single hang with the computer until this.
Since I use Snow Leopard I get randomly (around 1 to 10 ) freezes. When I get it I can click some applications but can't make changes in it. The beachball keeps spinning for some seconds and after the wait I can just continue working. I first thought it was Firefox, because it almost everytime happens when I am browsing the web, but I get the same with Safari.
It's getting verry annoying now :-(
I already checked: - Repair disk - Repair disk permissions - Run Apple diagnostics
Repairs my 1.5 year old mbp already had: - 2x keyboard - Topcase - Logicboard - Superdrive
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I have a external monitor plugged in and I use my Macbook Pro (2009 Uni) as a secondary monitor. Randomly, the macbook screen just goes black. If I move my mouse on to the macbook screen, I can see the mouse cursor, but the rest of the screen is black! It's driving me mad!
The only fix is to un-plug the monitor adaptor or adjust display arrangements. It's really cramping my style.
Late 2008 MacBook, online via WiFi. Since upgrading to 10.6, about 50% of the time I wake the lappy, apps cannot resolve hostnames. Ping by IP and dig to resolve names works on the command line. However, no apps can get DNS. Safari and Firefox report "offline" mode. Anyone else see this? A reboot is the only fix I've found, and that's a pain.
Ok ever since the SL upgrade I cant ssh to my machine. I can't even ssh to it locally. I use ssh in order to work around the screen sharing without mobile me subscription. Ssh does not accept my password and after 3 failed attempts it quits. I've done ssh-keygen, sudo ssh... and even tried the full path /usr/bin/ssh (which I believed worked once) but I may have been hallucinating from all the madness. Here's the verbose logging...I'm afraid to muck with the ssh config files...Why would this all of a sudden stop working?
Ever Since I updated to Snow Leopard, I haven't been able to run software update nor install anything via the Installer app. The installer never gets past the "Accept/Decline" window. Once I click "Accept, it'll just bump me back to the initial installation window. I tried updating the OS with 10.6.1, downloaded from the Apple site, and the Installer won't run!! Disk Repairs, nor maintenance scripts, neither zapping the RAM did anything
Every now and then, i get these random flash of black near the top of the screen. Its like a quick split second blink. I never had this problem in regular leopard. I'm not sure if I have a faulty GPU but I think i might too cause when I'm on battery power 9400m, the graphic performance goes down.
iMac 27 the screen goes black at random times. If left for a time and by pressing ctrl, Shift Eject, the screen comes back and can remain on for the rest of the day. However, the next day the same thing happens.
Energy saving set to - Hard disk never sleep, Screen sleep in 15 mins.
Apologies if this is known, and yes I searched and could not find anything about this issue. And no I am not referring to smcfancontrol, but Fan Control. Is it working or not working for anyone else under Snow Leopard? This is on a Jan/09 UBMP 17. I upgraded to Snow leopard, found that the pref pane was not working, uninstalled it, reset the SMC, rebooted and reinstalled. Still not working.
Since installing Vista... sorry, I mean Snow Leopard, Handbrake has stopped working. It opens but the moment I click on the DVD I want it to import it crashes and displays a massive report.
Wanted to get the file size for all the files in a folder. Common sense would lead someone to believe that if that have 40 things selected and you ask for the info on them, it would give you all the info in one thing (ie total size, file types etc) but 10.6 is just being stupid about it: are there any other ways (or patchs) to stop this from happening?
I use Firefox as my main browser, but I'll occasionally use Safari. I'm running Snow Leopard and this tab UI bug just started happening in Sarafi. Here is a screenshot: I've deleted Safari using AppCleaner and reinstalled from the Snow Leopard install disk, but it did not fix the problem. Its not a huge deal since I rarely use Safari, just wondering if anyone else has experience this? It happens if I click a link on a page and "open in new tab"
So my optical drive in my MBP will read single layer DVDs but not dual layers. I am currently running 10.5 and my end goal is to have 10.6 (snow leopard) on my MBP with a clean install. Problem is, my purchased copy of 10.6 can't be read by my MBP. Here is my thought process: 1st Option: Use the Remote Install OSX application to use another drive on my network. So I boot up the program on other macs in my house, restart my MBP while holding down the option key. Yet, my airport network never shows up on the white apple loading screen (just Macintosh HD). So I can't get the remote drive stuff to work.
2nd Option: Use an external HDD. Problem is is that I didn't know you have to have a blank partition for this. I have a 1TB WD External HDD with 18gigs free, but in order to make a partition, I would have to erase the drive first (am I correct on this?) I can't lose this data, and I don't have another external HDD. So is my only other HDD option to buy like a USB 16gig thumb drive (or really really cheap external), partition it with snow leopard dmg on it, and install with that?
Alright first of all, Hello to you all, I've been reading this forum for a couple of month even though this is my first intervention and i need a tip. Alright my situation is the following: I have:
-Macbook Pro Unibody -Macbook C2D -Snow leopard Disc x2 -Snow leopard image I cloned to a hard drive partition.
The situation is I have bought two licenses for Snow leopard because i have two macs. The macbook pro is the computer i use everyday and is fully functional. The macbook however took a big drop about a year ago and the display was totally broke along with the DVD and the hard drive. I retrieved an old HDD i had with leopard installed and put it in the macbook along with an external display and i now use this computer as a media center. The problem is i want to install snow leopard on it. The DVD drive is broken hence the reason i made a disc image and i wanted to install from the disc image. SO i restart the macbook with the alt key and as expected, the image from the usb drive is detected and i launch the install. The problem comes from the fact that when the installation starts, the external display is set as secondary display and i cant control the installation which is displayed wont eh broken display. Is there a way to remotely install SL or to set the external display as only display at boot through holding a bunch of keys?
When I attempt to access Street View under Snow Leopard (by dragging the little "person" icon to a street), instead of getting a photo of the street, I get a black screen. No photo at all. If I then click Street View's full screen icon, I finally get a photo but the navigation bars are no longer overlaid on the screen. And you can't "grab" the photo with the mouse pointer to change your perspective view (can't look up, down or to either side). Further, the navigation icons in the upper left corner don't work either. You're simply stuck with the single view photo that comes up at first.
I had already installed the latest Flash version ( before I ever tired Street View. Maybe that's the problem? Snow Leopard shipped with an older version of Flash ( and maybe Apple did that for a reason? I had also already installed Apple's most recent update for JAVA before trying Street View. On Apple's support forum and Google's help forum, I've found about 5 other people that are reporting the problem too. One guy said he was having the same problem and then it magically went away on its own? But I'm sure 99.9% of the folks that have already installed Snow Leopard simply haven't gone to try Street View yet. I bet it's broken for a LOT of people.
I have cracked my OS X 10.6.4 install disk, (which, it seems to mean that my iLife application disk wont work either). Is there any way to get a replacement? I don't always live near internet access, so Lion isn't really an option.
I recently bought the Snow Leopard 10.6.3 cd and was looking forward to the upgrade. I forgot my cd drive is broken. How can I get around this? I tried zipping the file on a friends computer and unzipping on my computer (so I could fit the software on a thumb drive). Not successful.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Broken disc drive.
I just installed Snow Leopard and the Modifier Key option no longer works. i.e. I can't switch the CTRL and COMMAND keys. The option dialog still pops up, but the keys don't actually switch. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a work around or a preference file I can change manually?
My macbook's optical drive doesn't work so I was hoping to find a way to remotely install Snow Leopard. I've got the most recent Leopard update. I could really use that extra six gigs!
I have a (managed) user account set up for my 6 year old son with time limits. I limit him to 30 minutes M-F and 60 minutes Sat & Sun. Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard the time limits don't seem to be functioning e.g. it doesn't tell him his time is almost up and it doesn't cut off his usage. I've even gone so far as to blow away his user and set up a new one and it doesn't seem to have helped. It still doesn't recognize time limits.
I've been searching but I can't find anywhere where my specific problem is answered. Short version: Does Remote Disc work in Tiger (10.4.11)? Long version: I have the following:
Macbook running 10.4.11; busted DVD drive PC running Win7 w/ Firewire port Snow Leopard install disc
I'd like to get Remote Disc running on my laptop and install over the network (using my Win7 PC). I've done the terminal hack which is supposed to enable Remote Disc on MacBooks. However, Remote disc doesn't show up in my finder (not sure that 10.4.11 has a place for it to show). Does Remote disc work with Tiger-Macbooks? Or do you need Leopard? If Remote Disc won't work, can a Win7 PC install Snow Leopard via firewire to a Mac? If possible, I'd like to avoid buying an external DVD drive, as it appears Remote Disc will work in Snow Leopard. Don't have a firewire cable on me but I could buy one -- just want to be sure it will work before I waste the money.
Normally consider myself quite able to troubleshoot my own problems, but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do here, and can't seem to find many others who have the same problem. The drag-and-drop function in Snow Leopard appears to be either broken or deliberately crippled. My work sees me having to move a lot of files from folder to folder, and I've discovered that, as of fairly recently, I can no longer drag-and-drop more than 85 objects from one folder to another. Up to 85, everything works just fine -- but if I select 86, upon dragging I get an "X-ed out" icon, like the "no smoking" or "no parking" circle with a line through it.
I'm not quite sure what to do about this, but would be very curious and appreciative if anyone else has the same issue, or has figured out how to solve it! This, combined with the lack of a "cut" feature in OS X has begun to really impede my workflow.
So, I have an old Mac Book Pro (circa 2006) that had become sluggish and old, so I wanted to completely reformat it and use it purely for Logic Mainstage.
The superdrive stopped working about a year and a half ago, so I wirelessly (a not so great idea, I now realise) connected to my iMacs superdrive and began installing Snow Leopard. However, the install crashed 3/4 of the way through and now the MBP shuts itself down after spending around 5 minutes on the grey apple/spinning disc logo on startup.
It seems like a lost cause but is there any way to fix this?
I have a 2008 iMac running OSX 10.6.5, 2.66Ghz Intel, 2 gig ram. I'm getting random blue screen crashes at least weekly. I don't have any hardware connected except an iomega external hd for Time Machine (and of course a keyboard and mouse). I'm never doing anything exceptional when it crashes. Usually just internet browsing (Chrome) or word processing (NeoOffice). The screen just suddenly goes gray/blue and I have to force it to shut down with the power switch.
I upgraded to Snow Leopard at the same time I installed Windows 7 (Boot Camp) and purchased the external hd. The problems started around that time. I have since wiped the disk and reinstalled both OSs, but am still facing the same problem.