OS X :: Snow Leopard - Very Poor Battery Times?

Sep 2, 2009

Macbook pro, 2.5 ghz , 4 gb ram (bought in June)

After the install of snow leopard, and a full charge. My battery at 96% showed only 2:45 hours, over the past 30 minutes with little no usage n the laptop (other than letting it sit at the office and periodically checking battery) I am seeing 81% charge and 2:05 on the charge.

The screen is dimmed, display sleep is set to 5 mins, computer sleep to 15....

Anyone else seeing this?

Health on my battery shows 97%, 67 cycles.

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OS X :: Poor Print Quality Under Snow Leopard?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a 24" iMac (purchased last spring) and an HP Deskjet 842C inkjet printer. The photo print quality was quite good under Leopard, but is very poor under Snow Leopard (I'm using the latest updated version 10.6.1 with the Gutenprint print driver, 5.2.3). The images have a noticeable bluish cast, and considerable banding. Changing the print quality and paper type does not solve the problem, in fact, the image quality usually suffers. HP has not updated the drivers since 2005.

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OS X :: Poor IChat Video Quality In Snow Leopard

Oct 21, 2009

I just tried using iChat for the first time in SL (I usually use Skype) and experienced something *very* odd.

First, the specs:
Late-2007 MBP
2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo
GeForce 8600M GT

The problem:

For the first few seconds of a chat, the video quality was gorgeous. But then my hard drive(?) (could've been the fans, I dunno) would start getting really loud (it sounded like a particularly intense Time Machine backup) and the video got extremely "blocky" until it was basically useless; after a few minutes the audio started to go, too.

We tried this a couple times with the same results. I rebooted my computer & AirPort, but no change.

My chat partner experienced no problems with audio or video (he's also on SL).

According to SpeedTest.net, my connection speeds are 12.31 Mb/s down/1.13 Mb/s up.

Skype and Google Talk video continue to work just fine.

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MacBook Air :: Poor Battery Performance Even After Replacing The Battery Under Warranty?

Feb 27, 2012

Apple Macbook Air late 2010, has been giving me poor battery performance even after replacing the battery under warranty. I am unable to find a solution, even the local apple service provider seems confused. Should I go for a replacement?My Macbook Air runs on the OSX 10.7.3 with all updates as on date. I use only softwares such as Microsoft Office for mac, Safari, Mail, iChat, iTunes regularly.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Snow Leopard Boot Times?

Aug 28, 2009

I was planning to get Snowey and a SSD at the same time, but the latter had to wait. So far, I�m seeing at least a ten seconds improvement in boot time with Snow Leopard:

17" Macbook pro unibody 2.93 Ghz, 4 GB ram 7200rpm HD

before SL: boot up from 39 to 55 seconds

after SL: boot up time from 30 to 39 seconds

Ok, so there is no interest in this topic.

For me boot time is a rather important criterium.

And I think the fact that SL reduce this with almost 10 seconds is AMAZING.

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OS X :: Start Up And Shut Down Times For Snow Leopard?

Aug 28, 2009

I have a new 09' 20" iMac Core Duo 2.66 with Snow Leopard.

Shut Down: = 7 Seconds. Tried 4 times, same result.

Start Up: 42-44 seconds to Login Screen

Login To Desktop fully loaded: = 6 Seconds

I am not impressed by the Start up or Login. I believe I clocked Leopard at the exact same speeds.

Overall I am not noticing much difference in anything.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Boot Times Slower?

Sep 4, 2009

In Leopard I had times where I could boot in almost 15 seconds, some times at 21 seconds if it was running slow and for the most part it was 17 seconds. All these times btw are recorded at time of power button press to desktop screen.

In Snow Leopard the times have almost doubled.... Fast boot in Snow Leopard is around 20-30 seconds for me now and a slow boot (which just happened) took a little over 40 seconds.

Anyone else experiencing this? Besides the boot times SL feels a lot faster in system responsiveness than Leopard.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard In 64-bit - Longer Boot Times?

Sep 10, 2009

Doe anyone else think that, when booting into 64-bit mode, your boot times are longer? I swear mine are 2-3 seconds longer. Performance seems just a tad bit better, so I'll stick with 64-bit mode, but I wanna see what other people think.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Screen Goes Black At Random Times?

Jun 6, 2012

iMac 27 the screen goes black at random times. If left for a time and by pressing ctrl, Shift Eject, the screen comes back and can remain on for the rest of the day. However, the next day the same thing happens.  

Energy saving set to - Hard disk never sleep, Screen sleep in 15 mins.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Poor Wi-Fi Performance When Using Battery?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a MacBook (late 2007) and I've noticed that my internet crawls when I'm using the laptops battery power. I can be downloading a file at 200 kB/s under A/C power, and as soon as it goes on to the battery it'll drop to 10 kB/s. I'm assuming some kind of power saving is being activated, but this has only happened recently. Around the same time this started happening, I updated my computer to 10.5.8 and I also turned in my computer to the Apple store to have the palm rests replaced for having cracked under the weight of the lcd. Would this problem be caused by either the update or the repair, and if not, what could be causing it?

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MacBook Pro :: Very Poor Battery Life?

Jun 2, 2012

I know this has been asked many times before but seeing as im a new mac user ill ask anyways. I bought my Macbook pro 13" i5 yesterday and have noticed the very poor battery life. A partial reason i bought a mac was because of the long battery life advertised. My battery is lasting 3 hours off charge ( the same as my 3 year old eePc) I have called support but unfortunately being a Sunday no one is available to chat. Lets see my chances on here.What can I do to make my battery life last longer than 3 hours!?It the battery drains even when im just browsing the net with no other applications open... as im writing this it has already drained from 59%-50% within a 10 minute time span.. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)

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Mac :: 13" Macbook Pro Poor Battery Life

Aug 10, 2009

I just bought a 13" MBP over the weekend as an upgrade to my original series white Macbook bought July 2006.My understanding is that the battery is rated for 7-8hours. Yet I do not see any improvement over my previous 3yr old Macbook regarding battery life.Right now, I have the screen set on dimest, nothing else running other than the browser, battery is at 80% and it says 4 hours remaining. What gives?I have had this Macbook and my old white macbook sitting next to each other doing pretty much the same thing and the % battery remaining seemed to track pretty close between them. The new Macbook doing better, but not by much.I used migration assistant to copy over the system. But I've done a new install since then. Could it somehow remember the old Macbook's battery performance?

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MacBook Pro :: Poor Battery Life Of Brand New System

Sep 10, 2010

So I've had my MBP 13 for 3 weeks and i took a screenshot of coconut battery. I've noticed crappy battery life so does the 94% mean my battery isn't doing as good as it should be? Shouldn't it be at 100 since its new?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life With Flash Video Seemed Poor?

Nov 28, 2010

I used my 13.3/1.86/4GB MBA to watch football today and was pretty surprised with the poor battery results. Would this seem normal?

Took off charger at 11:45AM CST, battery 100%Apps open - Mail, Chrome, Parallels with Win XP running, no XP apps open11:45-12:00pm - Simple browsing, no flash running (I use FlashBlock)12:00pm - I start up one window for NFL Sunday Ticket Online, Flash fullscreen video and one window for my Yahoo Fantasy Sports which also uses Flash. For the bulk of the time the NFL game is on fullscreen video with my Fantasy app running in the background1:15pm - I notice my battery is down to 48% with approx 1 hr 10 min remaining. I check my screen brightness and it is at 100% (not sure why), I reduce brightness to 50%1:15 - I use the computer same as at 12:00pm but now at 50% brightness
2:20 - My computer goes into hibernation (there was a low battery warning about 5-10 mins earlier.

So I essentially got 2 1/2 hours of usage with the bulk being heavy usage with flash. For the bulk of the time the computer was using 50-60% of the processor and the exhaust was about 3400rpm (the fan was audible but not loud). Does this usage time seem normal for what I did? I would have expected at least to get 4-5 hours with a 13.3 using flash. Also I was surprised that the battery life didn't improve at all after dropping screen brightness from 100% to 50%.

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MacBook Air :: Poor Battery Life - 3 Hours With Normal Use

Feb 21, 2008

I can't seem to get 3 hours of life out of this battery and I wanted to know if I was alone on this. I've drained it multiple times and my capacity is at 4829. Sure, with the screen dimmed all the way and everything turned off I can reach 4 hours, but that's not why I purchased this machine. With my screen on max, no bluetooth, and WiFi on, I struggle to get 3 hours. This is with normal web-browsing, typing in word, etc. Forget about watching a movie, because the time remaining will just drop like a rock. I don't recall what the max capacity was on these batteries. If it's 5200, then I'm already at ~93%. At what point do I go into Apple to demand a new one?

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MacBook Pro :: Poor Battery Life With No Service Option?

Jul 19, 2009

I've been getting poor battery life on my MBP for about a month now. I get like 90 minutes to 2 hours max with brightness down and bluetooth off. I tried calibrating to no avail, and finally I'd had enough and called Apple.

I still have 8 months left on my original warranty. The guy on the phone told me that unless I bought Apple Care for the extended phone support, he could not help me. So I said fine, should I just go into the Apple Store? He said no, they would refer me back to him and he still couldn't help me. So I asked him if my one year warranty included battery problems like I'd outlined, and he said yes, but that I'd need phone support. WTF?

Okay, that makes zero sense and I'm annoyed now with his endless loop of nothing. Basically I can't get a part of my purchase that's covered under warranty taken care of because I haven't bought Apple Care yet? That's ridiculous. Has anyone else heard of this? Of course, I always buy Apple Care for my products, but when I purchase it varies within the first year based on when I have the money.I made a Genius Bar appointment, but I was really hoping to not have to go there today. Just wondering if anyone has some insight on this.

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MacBook Air :: Poor Battery Life MBA MC969 Mid 2011?

Jun 10, 2012

Have MBA 11.6 MC969 Mid 2011 with Lion 10.7.4 and use only for web browsing and Skype. Battery Power life is about 100 min per cycle.

And then 0% of power of life. Any idea what to do?

MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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2011 Macbook Pro Sluggish And Poor Battery Life

Jul 6, 2012

I have a 13 month old macbook pro. Recently it has been operating VERY sluggishly. Its slow/jumpy when scrolling through internet pages, through documents, pictures, downloads etc. The little rainbow 'loading' icon (i'm sorry i'm not sure what it's called) seems to appear all the time, when doing most things.I've also noticed that my battery life has gone appaling. I charge it up and get a couple of hours tops now and the 'time remaining' icon jumps up and down massively now rather than remaining relatively constant.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Poor Battery Life With 13.3" 4gigs Ram Variant?

Nov 15, 2010

I recently got a 13.3 with 4 gigs of ram, and lemme preface this by saying that it is a phenomenal computer. I have an ipad, and using airdisplay to do wireless dual monitors is a sight to behold.

However, I've noticed a rather disturbing battery drain on my MBA. It came at about 86% charged, and after a full charge I've noticed fairly significant battery drain. I didn't time anything, but it hit ~50% battery after an evening of really sparse usage (brightness 50%, wifi on, no mp3s playing, click2flash installed and no flash content used).

I figured it was first day jitters and recharged it to full, then watched a single video on hulu with flash enabled and full screened at the same 50% brightness with 80% sound. After a 3 minute video, I was already down to 97%. Then I searched online for average battery life, finding out that it was capable of handling 11.2 hours of light browsing usage from anandtech. This took a max of an additional 10 minutes, which dropped the battery to 95% (no flash was on and hulu was closed). I shut the lid and opened it again this morning after 8 hours of standby and it was at 94%.

I don't feel very confident that this MBA can last half the day if I was using it non stop, let alone a full 11.2 hours. I want to know if this is a battery defect on my own laptop and warrants a replacement, or if this is the status quo.

In fact, in the time it took me to type this post on my desktop computer, my macbook air has dropped down another % to 93% with absolutely nothing running and no active use.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: No Battery Available Error After Installing New Battery

Feb 19, 2012

I have just put in a new Mac battery but my computer is saying "no batteries available" - what to do?

macBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Had To "force Quit" Microsoft Word Several Times?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a 2008 13" Macbook. Within the past few days, I've had to "force quit" Microsoft Word several times. I've never had to do this before. All my software is up to date. I moved the Firefox app from my Applications to the trash. Does this uninstall it? My hope is that it would and I could just reinstall it. I have yet to download it again. I have also had to Force Quit Microsoft Word several times. This is my main concern. I am entirely reliant on my laptop for income, as I am a journalist. Do I NEED to get a new Macbook? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Heat And Battery

Sep 9, 2009

I recently updated my 2009 macbook alu (2.0ghz) to snow leopard. Everything seems to be working fine except the battery life now gets about 3 hours instead of 4 hours with everything being used max brightness etc. suspect as others have posted that this is due to the heat issues. My laptop feels noticablly hotter and istat says the cpu gets to 65 celcius when I'm on safari. Under Leopard, it never broke 60. Are other people having heat and battery issues and if so has anyone found a fix yet for this.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Battery Is Not Full But It Say It Is

Mar 24, 2012

My Battery say 97% and says Battery is charged even my charger is glowing green how can I fix this       

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: MacBook Pro 3,1 OSX 10.6 Needs Battery Update

Feb 26, 2012

I recently updated my MBP 3,1 to Snow Leopard.Because I have recently purchased the unit I decided to make sure all the firmware etc was up to date.I discovered that the Battery UpdateBundle 1.3 was not installed. Uopn trying to install the update I receive an error stating that the update requires 10.4.10 or newer to run.I am pretty sure that 10.6 comes after 10.4..Is there are reason as to why whis is occuring?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhone4, MacBook Pro 3,1

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MacBook :: Battery Not Charging After Snow Leopard Upgrade?

Oct 27, 2010

I went from Leopard to Snow Leopard last night and now my battery status is NOT CHARGING. It seems I am not the only one who has this problem.My question is WTF.I have replaced my power adapter magsafe and my battery within the past 1.5 years.Do I need to go back to Leopard? Will this even solve my problem?I have the older 13" white macbook.

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life Longer In Snow Leopard?

Sep 2, 2009

Rev B with ssd.

Brightness at 50%, Bluetooth off, wifi on.

Being using for about 2hr now and it's showing 1:12 hr left,....

Does upgrading to Snow Leopard has anything to do with this?

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OS X :: Does Coconut Battery And Istat Pro Work Yet With Snow Leopard?

Sep 2, 2009

Does coconut battery and istat pro work yet with snow leopard?

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OS X :: Battery Life Drastically Reduced After Snow Leopard?

Sep 6, 2009

I own an aluminum MacBook from 2008. I just installed Snow Leopard on it, and after a full charge, it says it only has three hours left. While on a full charge on Leopard - it would have five hours left.This thing ain't even a year old. I've not raped the battery with electricity. Normal use, this happened exclusively after installing Snow Leopard.This is wierd. I though Snow Leopard was supposed to be using less power, or perhaps it's oposite? Does anyone know?

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OS X :: Does Not Sleep, It Shuts Down, When Battery Runs Out After Snow Leopard?

Oct 31, 2009

Whenever my battery gets drained, my MacBook Pro turns off as if the battery was pulled out, I lose all my work when this happens.This started after I installed Snow Leopard, before, it would just go to sleep and my work is safe.

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MacBook Pro :: Lost Battery Life After Switching To Snow Leopard?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a MBP Classic (early 08) and I've noticed that the battery life seems to have dropped ever since I switched to SL. I should have conducted a more scientific experiment just before the switch, but I didn't, so I can't be sure. Is anyone else having a similar experience with Snow Leopard?

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