OS X :: Does The Force Quit Command Actually Work With Snow Leopard
Sep 3, 2009
Since Tiger and even more so with Leopard, I have found the 'Force Quit' command to be a pointless white elephant.
When the spinning beachball hits it tends to make the application unresponsive and then spread to all other apps. Attempting to bring up the force quit function is equally fruitless. Of course, by the time it eventually pops up, the offending application has either quit itself (I'm looking at you Adobe CS4) or has become responsive again (I'm looking at you Safari).
Has anyone noticed any improvement in Snow Leopards?
I wanted to force quit an application on my first gen MacBook running Mac OS X 10.6.3, so I looked up the short cut key command from the Apple menu. I saw that it was option-command-power-button. I pressed these keys, and my Mac instantly displayed a black screen. After about five seconds, my Mac made the usual sounds of starting up. I booted up, and nothing seemed to have been affected, so I double checked Console, which didn't help much. I looked up the short cut key command for force quit online. The Internet says its option-command-esc. I tried the command, and up popped the force quit prompt. So why is the short cut key command WRONG on my Apple menu?
Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?
Having problems today and yesterday regarding spinning beach ball and inability to force quit. Resort to power button restart.
Both times I was online using Safari browser. Now temporarily using Firefox just to see if this happens again or not. Meanwhile wondering if it is safari or possibly because I've had iwork 09 opened while browsing.
Just as a test while the ball was spinning, unplugged my server connections, then plugged back in. But this wasn't the issue. In addition, checked preferences when this happened tonight.
Below are the plist files that may reference some help:
I have a 2008 13" Macbook. Within the past few days, I've had to "force quit" Microsoft Word several times. I've never had to do this before. All my software is up to date. I moved the Firefox app from my Applications to the trash. Does this uninstall it? My hope is that it would and I could just reinstall it. I have yet to download it again. I have also had to Force Quit Microsoft Word several times. This is my main concern. I am entirely reliant on my laptop for income, as I am a journalist. Do I NEED to get a new Macbook?
I have the latest update for Safari on my MacBook Pro 17" (running the latest Lion update). Lately, the command-Q (quit) option under the File menu is greyed out/not available. I tried using the Quit function from the dock icon for Safari--no good, either. I have to Force Quit in order to close Safari.
I'm getting rather panicky now. I was trying to connect to a network drive on my MacBook when I got a beachball. Nothing would work, not even force quit would come up. So I held down the power button until it went off, and then switched it back on again. It got as far a blank blue screen but no further. I tried it again and this time it didn't get past the grey screen with the Apple logo and the spinning wheel.So I took the battery out, unplugged from the mains and held the power button down for over 10 seconds. Then held down Command Alt P R to reset the PRAM. That didn't solve anything.This is the first reboot since some security updates on Saturday past. I'm running Leopard and it's an oldish Macbook, Core 2 Duo with 2 x 2 GB sticks of RAM.
my trackpad is frozen and I also could not get force quit to work, I closed the top down and now I cannot get past the login and the cursor will not move, does anyone have any ideas
I have some software such as mail, text edit running and suddenly it stop responding. The mouse cursor keep on spinning for a long time. What you normally do is hit Option + Command + Esc to force quit the software. After i've done so. The software crashed and ask you to send in the crashed report and everything else is very normal. But the software dint actually quite. i can still see a small indication (at the dock) below the icon that the software still running and when i hit Option + Command + Esc again. I still can see the software in the force quite dialog, it doesn't report it as stop responding. When i check the Activity Monitor, there is nothing there.
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have my drive partitioned between Tiger and Snow Leopard. I am trying to move myself over to Snow Leopard so I don't have to keep switching. The problem is that my old apps that alledgedly will work in SL, give me an error box when I launch them. It happens with Appleworks 6 and Quicken 2007. I've installed Rosetta but don't know what else to do.When I launch either application, it says it unexpectedly quit and gives this info: Process: [code]
I can't empty my trash can as I get a message stating "This operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). I tried using the program "Trash It" and nothing happened, not even an error message. I tried the program "Force Empty Trash" and get the message "rm: /Users/MYUSERNAME/.Trash/*: No Such file or directory" I even tried using terminal using this command: "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" and no avail.I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.8?
Whether anybody got Snow Leo build 10A380 (WWDC'09) successfully running with 64-bit kernel? If 'yes' - please share your method. I've tried every approach that i know: "6+4" keys, arch=x86_64 flag specified for both nvram and com.apple.Boot.plist, lipo command against mach_kernel.
I use the Command 1, Command 2 keys in QuickTime Pro a lot to resize windows, but all of the sudden those key combos don't function at all. All Command key shortcuts seem to have left the computer.
Not reboot nor Repair Disk Permissions helps. Did I accidentally trigger something with a typo?
I purchased a new IMac Intel version and I am having a problem with AOL. I have always had a problem with AOL and my Macs (now on number 3). In the past, if I left AOL running it would not allow the Macs to close down without Force Quitting from AOL and AOL would not quit normally. With the new Mac, if I use AOL it won't quit and when I Force Quit it disconnects the Mac from the internet and I have to restart. As I live in Antigua both Apple and AOL have been useless at trying to solve the problem.
My dumb mac is always freezing up and the round rainbow thing will be spinning and I cant do anything but restart. How do I force quit? I know it says it on the mac but I don't get what the symbols are.
Our company has a SL server with Software Update service running. We have all SL Mac's except for one brand new iMac with Lion.Of course, the new iMac cannot get software updates from our server unless I make some changes on the server to accept Lion updates.
I'd rather not do that, as with only one Lion-equipped Mac, I don't want to take up the extra space for all the Lion-related updates. So, the question is, how can I reconfigure this one iMac to look to Apple's servers instead of our local server? I've looked and looked in the workgroup manager for where that assignment is, but this computer is not part of any group (user or computer) that might be inheriting the setting.
Is there a manual way to reconfigure the iMac to look to Apple's servers?
Due to some restrictions I can't let my users mount external HDD's/USB Flash etc. in RW mode. Onle read is allowed, so how can I do that without OS X Server installed?
I'm in an accademic environment, and I've got an iMac that's used as a monitoring device. Problem is, that students like to log out of the monitoring account and log into their account so they can check email/Facebook. They easy solutions (like move the machine or restrict student access) aren't viable. I can limit network logons to only specific accounts, but that doesn't stop them from logging out and trying anyways.
Having an issue where Preview is crashing at the end of a Save As (hangs briefly when the progress bar is full, then crashes) -- happens pretty consistently. Running 10.6.1 (on top of a fresh 10.6 install), but happened in 10.6 as well, though perhaps not as often. Have plenty of memory.
One snippet of the crash report: Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000010 Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread I have a vague feeling that the issue might not be in Preview, per se, but in the OS.
Courtesy of LifeHacker. I just noticed this little tidbit and thought I'd share it here for those that don't know. Cmd+Shift+Period Toggles Invisible Files in Snow Leopard.
mysqld has a ton of really nice startup options to help me debug my app. However I cannot figure out how to shutdown and restart MySQL from the command line and pass these options to mysqld.Snow Leopard and MySQL 5.1.56 MySQL Community Server.
I'd like to force quit just like in Windows when I press the Red Button. It's stupid that OS X minimizes it. ( programs consume alot of CPU power if you do this, I watched activity monitor and some programs use 10-20% in this state )
How do I setup OS X to force quit an application when I press the Red Button?
I have a Mac Pro with 10.5.4 (Intel 2.66 Dual-Core -- 5GB ram) installed. Things have been running smoothly for a long time, but recently I've had a few kernel panics, which seem to have gone away, but now it's very common for applications to freeze, and I can't unfreeze them by force-quitting--I have to power the G5 down by holding the power button.
Sometime when some application hangs I try to force quit it and the process completely disappears from the Activity Monitor, but the little white marker under the icon on the dock remains and there is no way to restart the application. Does any one know of an easy way out without having the restart the machine? I have a 2008 MBP with Leopard 100% up-to-date on the machine. I tried restarting the application directly from the Application folder instead of double clicking on the dock, and I got "An unexpected error occurred (error code -600)" -- according to Apple, error code -600 means: procNotFound - No eligible process with specified process serial number.
My MacBook Pro, now 3 1/2 yrs. old, crashed. I was able to get it up and running but it no longer responds at all when I try to force quit (Safari often "spins out"/beachballs and I have to power off and restart.