OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Wireless Internet Connects For A Few Seconds Then Disconnects For A Few Seconds?
Jun 29, 2012
I am using a Mac Mini with a Realtek USB wireless dongle to connect to the internet. The software and drivers appear connected perfectly and i see the wireless utility and I can access my wireless network, which says signal strength 100%. I connect to it and it accepts the wireless key. Says connected. Then after a few seconds the connection is lost and it says 'Disconnected'. A few seconds later it connects then disconnects and this continues indefinitely but Safari never allows me to access any webpages.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6), USB Wireless Dongle
Recently got the new Mac pro and the internet connects briefly via (wire less) and then disconnects after 30 secs. I notice the DNS server switches numbers. After this happens I no longer have internet connection.
Connecting via ethernet is no good either. It doesn't connect at all. I did do a migration from another system. I am wondering whether the setting were saved from my previous system and are getting corrupted with the new system.
I'm having trouble connecting to the internet. (had no problems before).
It started last week, but a day before was fine.
the problem is that I log in to my macbook... it gets connected to the wireless, but after 10 seconds it turns off.. then on again in 10 seconds.. and so off again... and so on..
I tried to configure the internet connection... but doesn't give me any errors...
I have an iMac model identifier 9.1, with Mac OS X v10.5.8 and safari version 5.0.6. All programs are running normally (fast) except safari. When I try to load webpages it takes about 11 seconds to fully load. All other computers in my house are connected to the same internet and running fine. What do I do to make the loading faster?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I'm running Leopard (10.5.1) and so is my father's Mini.
I successfully used screen sharing when both computers were in my office and also when I took my father's computer across town to a friend's house and shared screens across town. When I shipped my father's computer back to him in another state and we just tried screen sharing, the sharing worked for 5 seconds or so each time and then aborted. This is very consistent. Screen sharing always connects and then aborts after five seconds or so.
Any thoughts on what could be going on? (FYI: to ensure that the firewall isn't causing any screen sharing issues, the firewall on both computers is set to allow all connections.)
I had a problem over the weekend where my iMac would wake up seconds after putting it to sleep, and also rebooting after shutting it down. The full story can be seen on this thread here: [URL] At first I thought it was caused by an installation of iMagneto, but it eventually becomes clear that it was caused by what I presume was a corrupted folder (Application Support).
I've not been able to find out any more info about this bug outside of the Apple support forums so I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. The original thread in the Apple forums dates back to early September so it looks like the 10.6.1 and 10.6.2 updates didn't address it. Is it a very rare bug I wonder?
Windows and other SMB users can no longer connect to 10.6.8 Server Mac Mini. SMB service is "running" in Server Manager, and all settings look correct, and haven't changed since November 2011. Restarting the service doesn't fix it. I'm not a samba expert, so I don't know what to do. Googling the pdb_get_methods_reload error yields all sorts of things, but I'm hesitant to try any of them as I don't want to disrupt any of the other services.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
I have an iMac5,1 operating OSX 10.4.11. Recently, the reader has started to reject all DVDs after a few seconds. Reading about similar problems, I bought a laser lens cleaner. The problem still remains - the cleaner disc is rejected after a few seconds.
The instructions with the disc are designed for tray input rather than slot input. How can I play the disc from OSX commands? I have tried DVD player but pressing the play button it informs me it does not recognise the disc.
I just brought my computer from work to my home and now it's freezing. The G4 running osx 10.4.. freezes about 15 seconds after each restart. The screen is still active but mouse/keyboard is frozen. If it is kept on after a few minutes the computer starts to get very loud, with all the fans working overtime.
I've tried opening it and making sure everything is seated and plugged in well. Tried different mouse and keyboard. Tried running disk permissions. Tried starting to run scripts but can't get to then before the comp freezes. Tried safe mode but it still freezes too.
Any ideas or do i need to go back to the office and get the restore disk and start over reinstalling anything?
My roomate as a powerbook g4 1.5ghz, it had been running 10.4.8. The computer will go into sleep mode randomly about every 10-15 seconds. Doesn't matter what program he's using. If he leaves the comp off for a few hours, it wont do it for a while and he can use it. Only thing we've found online is that people had that problem when they had faulty trackpads/trackpad sensors. But we don't think that is the issue we weren't getting an error message as they were in the console when it would occur. We called a local mac shop and they said it'd be 100 bucks to diagnose the problem, and probably it sounded like he would need a new logic board for another 700 + Labour.
A friend at school had the Apple Service Diagnostics 2.5.8 boot disk. He told us to give it a shot rather than paying the 100 bucks to get it "checked out" as it would most likely tell us what, if anything was wrong. We ran it, all hardware and software tests passed w/o any errors. We even tried doing a full format and reinstall of OS X 10.4.1, it got through the install procedure, and it seemed to be working ok for about 30 minutes, then suddenly the problem started again! So I that makes me think its not software related. So far two software "tests" and one full ASD hardware test got us nowhere. He's tried a lot of stuff he found online, but nothing has worked. Such as resetting all the various rams and sensors and PMU.
All right, so the problem started when I installed Growl for Mail.app.
I installed it, launched Mail, got a beach ball hurling towards me, then it quit.
That is the main reason I think it has something to do with Growl.
So I guess my question is, what should I do? Right now the only thing I know to do is "uninstall" it. By the way, does anyone know the files to delete if I want to "uninstall" it?
I am a total newbie to MAC's and made the plunge and got a MacBook Pro 15 inch with built in camera...
I am trying to run Skype or iChat and the video in preview mode freezes after it initially starts in both programs. I tried to reboot but the same result is happening...
New 13" MBP, and the time to sleep is about 15-30 seconds. My 12" powerbook would do it in a third of the time. Any thoughts? How long does it take others?
I've got my mom's Gateway Quad-Core desktop PC (running Windows 7) hooked up at my house for the time being. I have an Airport Extreme as my router, and also an Airport Express used as a network extender. I hooked up the Airport Express this morning, and that's all configured correctly and working properly (so it's not an out-of-range issue). The Gateway Desktop has a full 5-bar connection, and is running a USB D-Link DWA-140 wireless network adapter. The problem is that it cuts the connection literally about every 30 seconds.
Here's what I've done so far:
1) Installed the updated D-link drivers. Didn't work.
2) Installed the NEWER, updated Ralink drivers (parent company for D-link...the DWA-140 adapter has the RT-2870 inside, so I used the appropriate driver, which I thought surely would fix it...that's what everyone told me to do thus far). Didn't work.
3) Checked my USB Power Settings in control panel and set them to never put the ports to sleep. Rebooted. Didn't work.
4) Right-clicked the adapter under "devices" and checked the power management settings. Set them to "maximum performance" (that's all I could do).
I wonder if it is something to do with gmail. as gmail has been asking to store emails on my local drive and I have been saying no as I was worried it might be a virus or something - maybe I have too many emails on the system. I just dont know. I am using Firefox in the meantime but feel frustrated as I dont know my way around as well and I have work to get on with!
Two days ago, I pluged in a Maxor hard drive that loaded some softwear onto my computer. I reformatted the drive because it did not work. Shortly after this I started reciving this message:
"You can't open the application NotificationExec because Power PC applications are no longer supported."
I cannot type for more than seconds before any program kicks my out to the message again. It has taken 15 minutes just to type this post.
I have one G5 on my network that the fan comes on every 60 seconds. I have done everything I can, including moving the temperature sensor. If the sensor needs to be replaced, who extensive is it and can I do it myself?
Information: Power Mac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.10) Network Administrator
I've got a strange issue with my PowerMac dual 1.8GhZ and I can't figure out where it's coming from.Last Saturday I experienced a Kernell Panic while using Safari and the Dictionary (MacOS 10.5.1).Since then, whenever I try to start my computer, it shuts itself down while the grey screen with the Apple logo is on screen. However, this isn't always the case:I can use my computer 'normally' if I press the option key at start-up and manually choose my startup disk.
I can boot from a Panther or Tiger installation disk, but not Leopard.If I try the hardware test the computer shuts itself down in the middle of the test.TechTool works and didn't find any issues with my computer. Nor did Disk Utility.I tried to erase both my internal hard-drives and do a clean install of Tiger, but the problem is still there (I have to press option at startup).I tried to reset the PRAM and Cuda/PMA. Doesn't resolve the issue.When I tick 'Restart automatically after power failure' in Energy Saver my Mac will indeed restart, meaning it thinks there was a power failure.Any idea what it might be? And why it only happens in certain situations?Do you think it's a hardware or a software issue?
Information: PowerMac G5 dual 1.8GhZ Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I just realized today that there are entries made in System.log (visible in Console) every 10 seconds. They are trying to run a MOTULauncher, which is probably some type of driver for a recording device I installed at one point but no longer use. Here are the entries in the log (the same repeats every 10 seconds):
4/22/09 1:14:53 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher[7164]) posix_spawnp("/System/Library/Extensions/MOTUFireWireAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS/MOTUFireWireConsoleLauncher.app/Contents/MacOS/MOTUFireWireConsoleLauncher", ...): No such file or directory 4/22/09 1:14:53 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher[7164]) Exited with exit code: 1 4/22/09 1:14:53 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 4/22/09 1:15:03 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher[7165]) posix_spawnp("/System/Library/Extensions/MOTUFireWireAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS/MOTUFireWireConsoleLauncher.app/Contents/MacOS/MOTUFireWireConsoleLauncher", ...): No such file or directory 4/22/09 1:15:03 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher[7165]) Exited with exit code: 1 4/22/09 1:15:03 AM com.apple.launchd[68] (com.motu.MOTULauncher) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
How to go about stopping this? I've been searching on my computer trying to find a configuration file or something, but I can't seem to find where this is being called.
I just got a new macbook pro. I am trying to blue tooth my music and album artwork over to it from my old macbook. When the Artwork was transferring, it transferred before the music, it stopped right before it got done and I got the beach ball. Bluetooth file exchange turned off, so I thought maybe it just got hung up and tried the transfer again. Again Bluetooth file exchange quit right before completing the transfer of album artwork and a message popped up saying I had low memory on my hard drive. I started the process with about 24GB free on the HD, I watched it go from about 5MB yes MB down to 2MB within seconds. I restarted the computer and it went back up to 3.7 and I watched it drop to 3.5MB. All of this fluctuation continued even after the transfer quit and bluetooth file exchange closed. I don't think any other programs were open.
What just happened? Is my new computer in any kind danger since I was transferring files from the old which had the problem?
How can I tell where all this space was taken up so I can delete whatever is taking it up?
For the first 39 seconds the screen white. It takes another 25 seconds for the imac to be in watcha you call it--standby mode. In all 64 seconds. Wonder how long it takes the i7?
I can't find any other thread out there about this. I was wondering what the fix for when my iMac 27 c2d comes out of sleep and pinwheels for about 4-5 sec. It only started doing this when I updated to 10.6.2
This really isn't a bad thing, on my iMac i5 with a the stock configuration configured with 2 cores and 3GB of RAM on Windows 7 Profession 32-bit, my VM boots in 2 seconds; the boot is so fast that it displays the Vista-like scroll instead of the 7 splash screen during boot. Basically I'm curious what's going on here? I'd like to do the same on Mac Pro which takes about a full minute for Windows to load up. The drives on my a Mac Pro about 5x faster than the iMac and I have a 4 processors and 4GB of RAM allocated to Windows... Both are running Parallels 5 for VM and both uses 64GB for the virtual disk.