OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Never Ending Demand For Password For Getting Email
Mar 14, 2012
I use three Macs. This is an IMac 24 on Leopard. But the problem also happens on the other Macs, one of which is on Tiger and the other Snow Leopard. I repeatedly get a Mail propt to give my password. If I give it or if I just hit "cancell" the problem continues. If I hit cancel and immediately hit "get mail," everything works. I should also note that this has been happening the last three weeks. Before that I had no trouble, but earlier still I had this same problem. I did nothing to cause it to go away. Our Ipads have no difficulty.
As part of Apple's plans to help trim the footprint of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, the new system will cease the customary installation of several gigabytes of printer drivers and instead load only the files necessary for existing devices, relying on Software Update to obtain new drivers in the future as needed.
Prepared for anything
Back in the late 80s, Apple began bundling PPD files for various PostScript printers with its System Software. The files identified features specific to each model, making it simple for users to take full advantage of each model. However, as the consumer market for printers expanded, expensive PostScript licensing was left behind for simpler and cheaper alternatives that relied on custom driver software unique to each printer manufacturer.
Microsoft began installing lots of third party printer drivers with the installation of Windows to make it simpler for users to install their printer without needing to obtain printer software themselves, a practice Apple also adopted. However, as printer manufacturers have expanded their printer software offerings to differentiate their hardware with special software features such as ink management and other add on utilities, the size of driver software has expanded rapidly.
Additionally, printer drivers are being updated more frequently and new printer models are appearing quickly enough to make it hard for operating system releases to stay current. Both Apple and Microsoft now support the ability of printer installation software to search for new or updated drivers online; Leopard began handling updates for HP drivers in 2007.
Just in time downloads
With the release of Snow Leopard this spring, Apple will put an end to the default installation of tons of drivers, according to people familiar with the latest test releases of the software. Instead, it will only install a select subset of drivers, including support for any currently attached printers or those that had been installed on the same Mac under previous versions of Mac OS X.
Sources say the system will review devices attached via USB and will scan the network for any printers advertised as available via Bonjour in order to create a short list of drivers that need to be installed. Any new printers that are attached after the installation of Snow Leopard will cause Software Update to check for drivers online.
This new policy will shave several unnecessary gigabytes from the Snow Leopard footprint, compounding the savings related to the new HFS+ file compression for compacting read only files and the compression and/or removal of unnecessary NIB files that will result in a greatly reduced size of applications on the new system.
Skinny new software
A similar practice has been put into place in GarageBand 09, which offers a series of free video instructions for learning how to play instruments. Rather than installing all of the videos by default, the new app allows users to download just the lessons they want, saving considerable disk space.
The same policy could also be applied to foreign language localization files and fonts, which currently consume lots of disk space but are only used by relatively small portions of the Mac OS X user base.
While software developers have historically relied on the luxury of constantly expanding, cheap hard drive space to ignore any need to be conservative in the amount of files loaded during installation, Apple's interest in deploying systems that use more expensive but faster SSD devices has resulted in new efforts to make Snow Leopard smaller and leaner than the system it replaces.
About a week ago I enabled FV1. Overnight, the encryption and deletion of the original folder appeared to complete.However, I now have a never ending 'Secure Erase' process showing up in Activity monitor. By never-ending, I mean its always there, although as far as I can tell the secure erase process finished days ago (and surely, on 54GB home folder, it shouldn't take this long anyway). In any case, Finder shows my disk space as freed already.I'm not experiencing any lag in the system, no increased fan speed or temp; in fact, the only way I know its happening is because it
i. appears in AM and Top
ii. it strips the life out of my battery when I'm not on AC Power.
I've tried re-booting to no effect. I've even tried killing the process but it just restarts itself.In Finder from within Snow Leopard, I see two home folder images. There is one with a home icon that appears to be an alias. 'Get Info' says it has 0MB size. There is another 'no access' folder whose size is indeterminate, as Finder never completes the 'Calculating' process.However, looking at these same two folders from Lion (on another partition), the folder with the home icon shows up as a 54GB sparse bundle. The folder with no access remains inaccessible and of indeterminate size.The issue is not critical. If the worst comes to the worst I can wipe this disk and re-install from a clone, but I'd rather find a better solution, if possible.
When I tried to check my email on my mac this morning I got a message saying the account was offline. It asked for my mobileme password which I put in but it was rejected with the message:
"The MobileMe IMAP server “mail.me.com” rejected the password for user “xxxx.xxxx”
Enter your password again or cancel."
I also get this pop-up message when I re-enter my password:
"There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “MobileMe” or try again.
The server returned the error: Moved: [URL]
I know the password to be correct as I've signed into both my mobileme and icloud accounts online. I switched to an icloud account several weeks ago.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), email account issue
Direct TV On Demand requires an access point for streaming video. The simplest fix is an ethernet cable between my DSL modem and the DVR. This is not practical, as the DSL modem has only one ethernet port, and it is going into my Airport Express. (and it is several rooms away) Direct TV recommends a Cisco WET610n ethernet bridge. My problem is that the Cisco techs say there appears to be compatibility problems between the two. The Apple tech said flat out that the WET610n cannot connect downstream from the Airport Express. He said he did not know if the WET610n could connect to the Airport Extreme, which does have extra ethernet ports. I can return the WET610n. I MAY be able to return the Airport Express and upgrade to the Airport Extreme. Does any know for sure wether or not the WET610n will operate wirelessly with the Airport Extreme, which boasts true 5 ghz 802.11n capability? Does anyone have a known solution? Direct TV has given me some Geek telephone numbers, but I haven't contacted them yet.
So I had wanted to get the bluetooth keyboard for my desk setup for my macbook air and went to the apple store to find out they didn't have any. I was that they didn't have any because they usually would have atleast two shelves of them. Asked a guy and he said to go online and order it. Well I wasn't going to wait 5-7 days for it to ship. Tried two best buy locations around there and the second one I got the last one! Anyone else found they are in short demand in their area??
with the news that Apple may allow for streaming iTunes to an iPhone anywhere from your home, i can anticipate more demand for the Mac Mini. I was looking into getting one as a music server to share my home library thru my MacBook remotely thru Hamachi. Now if I can do the same to a portable device, i am SOLD.
I am a computer knowledge lightweight and I need help with this one. I have a 1 year old 24" iMac and every time I open videos with a .wmv ending, the machine downloads them but all I get is gibberish text. Do I need a program to open them? It seems like everyone sends me videos with .wmv
For some strange reason, my early 2008 Mac Pro keeps making hard-drive access sounds / head-moving sounds. It's been doing it non stop for 3 days now. The sounds are short, about 3 per second, about as fast as you would read this: "grind grind grind" then a short half-second pause, then repeat. Sometimes there's a longer 1-2 second delay. But it almost always seems like triplets, "grind grind grind"
I have no apps or background processes running that I've been able to discover. I've checked startup items, launch agents, and launch daemons.
I've checked Activity monitor but I see nothing unusual, and no correlation with any cpu activity.
I've checked disk utility and SMART is verified, permissions are repaired, and the disk is verified to be "OK."
I've tried fs_usage, lsof, and top, and see no correlation to anything.
I'm clearly missing something and am hoping someone can point out what it is? What else can I do to determine what the disk activity is doing? Are there any apps or other UNIX commands to check? Or is my drive dying?
How can I view video clips downloaded from the internet ending in wmv on my Mac? I have Flip4mac and QuickTime but have been unsucccessful in watching clips. I am able to listen and watch on windows.
I have no access to iWeb and iPhoto 9.3, whch is very inconvenient now I can't move my website to another server due to mobile me endings Can i get them to work agian? and how? Here the first lines of the reports
Sometimes I can send mail and sometimes I cant. When I can't I sometimes get the 'problem with outgoing server address' message, but the address is correct. Sometimes test messages sent by me to me go into the Important mailbox but not into the Inbox.Messages that have failed send end up copied several times in a folder called Bin.
I have not been able to figure out how to set a password on the Apple email application. When I called AppleCare, they said you can't set a password. Does anyone know anything about being able to set a Password for access to their Mac email?
I've tried and tried to save it but it just stays blank. I've deleted the email account several times but without success. I've also noticed that Safari will not save my internet login password. I'm staying in a hotel and every 24 hours or so, I'll need to re-login. Using SL & Safari the username stays there but not the password. Before the SL install everything was fine, my email password and the hotel username & password would always be input and remembered.
I've set up various email accounts in Mail. I've had no problems downloading email but I'm cannot send emails. I can log on to my ISP's [Orange] Web Site so the password is correct. Everytime I try to send an email I keep getting a request for the password. I type in the correct password and Mail asks for it again and so on and so on.
My email address is <my>@<adddress>.wanadoo.co.uk. Incoming mail server: pop.wanadoo.co.uk User name: <address>.wanadoo.co.uk@fs Password: <password> Outgoing Mail Server: Account Information Description: left this blank Server Name: smtp.wanadoo.co.uk Advanced: Use default ports clicked Authentication: Password User name: <address>.wanadoo.co.uk@fs Password: <password> Under Advanced I have set the: Port: 110 Authentication: Password
I cannot see what I am doing wrong. In Outlook Express there was an option to enter yout smtp settings and then there was also a section for your ISP requires authentication. In that you would either click use the same settings or you would enter in different settings, if sending your mail through a different ISP. I also have accounts with other ISPs so would need to do same in Mail but I'm not sure how. Having said that, if I solve the current problem it would more than likely resolve the other one. I've tried pinging smtp.wanadoo.co.uk but nothing happens. However I can ping mail.btinternet.com so I know one of my ISPs works at least. Orange status line says the broadband service is working without any problems so unless that's false info, I'm doing something wrong.
A pop up keeps asking for my password for an email that I have deleted. It is not in my email list or address book. If i enter the old password it will go away, an hour later it will pop back up. It is getting annoying.
On my macbook pro and Imac, since i installed Lion instead of leopard, my emails account stops working and asking for my password. By filling it in it works again for one day or some days. Repeating action...
Mac mail application keeps asking for email account password for my each of my email addresses. I have a password noted in the mail preferences under each of my email accounts.