OS X :: Ending Up Background Tasks To Free Up RAM

May 13, 2010

I just noticed I have 58 background tasks running according to istat. Any way to end them to free up ram?

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OS X :: Free Ram - Close Windows App Running In Background?

Apr 27, 2009

I've got verry litle apps running but my amount off free ram aint that big , is this normal? I have 2 gb in total. also , is there a way to close that windows app running in the background? i dont even know what it does.

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OS X :: How Do I Open Videos With A Wmv Ending?

Mar 2, 2009

I am a computer knowledge lightweight and I need help with this one. I have a 1 year old 24" iMac and every time I open videos with a .wmv ending, the machine downloads them but all I get is gibberish text. Do I need a program to open them? It seems like everyone sends me videos with .wmv

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Software :: What File Ending With .msi

Sep 10, 2008

What is a file ending with a .msi? How am I supposed to open it, what do I need?

Per Tore Woie

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Mac Pro :: Fixing Never-ending Disk Activity?

Mar 9, 2009

For some strange reason, my early 2008 Mac Pro keeps making hard-drive access sounds / head-moving sounds. It's been doing it non stop for 3 days now. The sounds are short, about 3 per second, about as fast as you would read this: "grind grind grind" then a short half-second pause, then repeat. Sometimes there's a longer 1-2 second delay. But it almost always seems like triplets, "grind grind grind"

I have no apps or background processes running that I've been able to discover. I've checked startup items, launch agents, and launch daemons.

I've checked Activity monitor but I see nothing unusual, and no correlation with any cpu activity.

I've checked disk utility and SMART is verified, permissions are repaired, and the disk is verified to be "OK."

I've tried fs_usage, lsof, and top, and see no correlation to anything.

I'm clearly missing something and am hoping someone can point out what it is? What else can I do to determine what the disk activity is doing? Are there any apps or other UNIX commands to check? Or is my drive dying?

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QuickTime :: Video Clips Ending In Wmv?

Apr 28, 2012

How can I view video clips downloaded from the internet ending in wmv on my Mac?  I have Flip4mac and QuickTime but have been unsucccessful in watching clips. I am able to listen and watch on windows. 

iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Applications :: Candybar Dock Background - Options Under Preview Background Are Grayed Out?

Jun 11, 2010

I cant figure out how to change the background color of it in candybar. I'm sick of the standard grey mac color.When I'm in candybar I go to the dock section-->view-->dock-->preview background..the options under preview background are greyed out. Also when I am in the dock section-->view-->background-->change color. I try changing the color but it doesn't change. Am I doing something wrong..or what?

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Software :: Change Login Background / Reset The Original Background?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro and I have been recently changing around my backgrounds including my login background. However, when I changed my background via command in the terminal by switching the defaultdesktop.jpg with another picture in the CoreServices folder, My picture does not show up on the login screen instead it is just a plain blue screen. Is there anyway to restore the original login background settings?because I actually found a program "loginox" that easily changes the login picture however, it will not open because it says I have changed the original background photo.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Never Ending Secure Erase

Feb 29, 2012

About a week ago I enabled FV1. Overnight, the encryption and deletion of the original folder appeared to complete.However, I now have a never ending 'Secure Erase' process showing up in Activity monitor. By never-ending, I mean its always there, although as far as I can tell the secure erase process finished days ago (and surely, on 54GB home folder, it shouldn't take this long anyway). In any case, Finder shows my disk space as freed already.I'm not experiencing any lag in the system, no increased fan speed or temp; in fact, the only way I know its happening is because it

i. appears in AM and Top

ii. it strips the life out of my battery when I'm not on AC Power.

I've tried re-booting to no effect. I've even tried killing the process but it just restarts itself.In Finder from within Snow Leopard, I see two home folder images. There is one with a home icon that appears to be an alias. 'Get Info' says it has 0MB size. There is another 'no access' folder whose size is indeterminate, as Finder never completes the 'Calculating' process.However, looking at these same two folders from Lion (on another partition), the folder with the home icon shows up as a 54GB sparse bundle. The folder with no access remains inaccessible and of indeterminate size.The issue is not critical. If the worst comes to the worst I can wipe this disk and re-install from a clone, but I'd rather find a better solution, if possible.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Never Ending Demand For Password For Getting Email

Mar 14, 2012

I use three Macs. This is an IMac 24 on Leopard. But the problem also happens on the other Macs, one of which is on Tiger and the other Snow Leopard. I repeatedly get a Mail propt to give my password. If I give it or if I just hit "cancell" the problem continues. If I hit cancel and immediately hit "get mail," everything works. I should also note that this has been happening the last three weeks. Before that I had no trouble, but earlier still I had this same problem. I did nothing to cause it to go away. Our Ipads have no difficulty.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Getting Non Ending Beep On Gray Screen After Welcome Bong

Mar 12, 2012

When I turn it on I get the welcome bong but the screen just stays grey and there's a non ending beep sound coming from it. What can I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: IWeb And IPhoto Quit Constantly, Is This Result Of Ending MobileMe?

Jul 2, 2012

I have no access to iWeb and iPhoto 9.3, whch is very inconvenient now I can't move my website to another server due to mobile me endings Can i get them to work agian? and how? Here the first lines of the reports 

Process:         iWeb [587]
Path:            /Applications/iWeb.app/Contents/MacOS/iWeb
Identifier:      com.apple.iWeb
Version:         2.0.4 (200)
Build Info:      iWeb-4060000~21


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Iphoto 9.2.3

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Final Cut Pro X :: Batch Adding Intro / Ending And Watermark To Multiple Videos?

Jun 24, 2014

How to batch add an intro, ending, and watermark to multiple videos and be able to export multiple videos using FCPX? 

I can do this in Premiere Pro, but I have switched to Apple for almost everything since 2000 and hate to go back to (ack, spit, cough) anything else.  

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OS X :: Tell When Tasks Has Done Its Maintenance?

Dec 27, 2009

we all know OSX keeps it self nice & neat, with automated maintenance tasks The question is: How can i tell when OSX has done its maintenance? I thought it would be in console but unsure of the task name. In Windows it would be in Event log.

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MacBook Air :: How Is The Performance For Day To Day Tasks?

Oct 23, 2010

Well? Is there anyone using the 11.6" as the primary computer? If there is, post your thoughts here. Is the screen too small? How is the performance for your day to day tasks?

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Mac Pro :: Freezes When Performing Certain Tasks?

May 27, 2012

My Mac pro has been freezing recently which requires me to hard boot and I'm not quite sure whats going on. Let me go a bit more into detail. Now when I say freeze, I don't mean beach balling, I mean literally the entire screen is motionless and I must hard reboot. Its odd really, the computer only freezing when doing certain tasks, such as when I render 3D graphics with Cinema4D, or whenever I play certain games on steam.I have recently installed windows as a partition for bootcamp, but I don't believe that is the issue. I have experienced the freezes while running my machine in both Windows and Mac. Its important to note that when booting my Mac in SAFEMODE, the freezing does not occur while performing the same tasks. So this leads me to believe there is a process going on thats causing the computer to freeze up? What I think I have managed to rule out as problems:

- Not a Hard Drive failing issue, I booted from my backup hard drive and the freezing still occurs.

- Not a Heat issue, I've installed iStat and my top temperature barely raises to 60 degrees celsius when freezing occurs.

- Not an issue with the Windows partition, as I booted from my backup drive that is without the partition and the freezes still occur.

- Not a Ram issue, I took my ram cards out and swapped them around. 

One other things... Not sure if this is relevant, but upon one of the freezes, I rebooted and got this on my startup screen, It was bizaar and it froze here as well. This only occured once but I snapped a photo of it.

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OS X :: Windows So Slower At Most Everyday Tasks?

Dec 12, 2009

Most people here know that if you have two computers, both with the same hardware, and one is running Mac OS X and one is running Windows, the Mac is usually faster in most aspects. I know that Windows is, in general, a much less efficient OS, but specifically, why? I've heard that a lot of it is due to the fact that Windows will try to do 100 useless things if you ask it to do one simple thing, also I've heard that Microsoft wrote Windows by getting loads of people to go off and do different parts of the OS, then they would just paste it together rather than taking off the useless parts, fitting each part together and optimizing it. I just need a more straightforward answer as I will be using it in an essay.

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Software :: Kernel Tasks Killing Mac

Jun 1, 2009

a dim bloke get his system up and running properly again. I've got Mac G4, running OS10.4.11 The poor ol thing is running horribly slowly now. Looking at "activity monitor" I can see that "kernel_task" is using up 95% CPU when I have no apps running. So what can I do to bring the ol Mac back into the land of the living? Please please please remember I'm now into unfamiliar territory and don't understand any computer type jargon.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unix Maintenance Tasks In It?

Mar 20, 2012

Do I still need to use software like Macaroni [URL] to ensure routine maintenance tasks are run regularly?

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Mini Mac Very Slow For Everyday Tasks

Apr 10, 2012

Mini Mac very slow for everyday tasks.

Mac mini (Mid 2011), iOS 5.1

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Intel Mac :: All Of A Sudden Take Several Minutes To Do Tasks

Apr 18, 2012

Why is my iMac all of a sudden take several minutes to do tasks it usually does in seconds?.

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MacBook Pro :: Heats Up When Not Doing Heavy Tasks

Aug 30, 2014

My MackBook Pro heats up pretty bad even when i'm not doing heavy tasks. What could be the cause? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid 2012

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OS X :: See An Excel-style Layout Of My Tasks In ICal?

Sep 29, 2009

I was thinking about how nice it would be to see an Excel-style layout of my tasks in iCal with rows and columns for the quick editing of properties.

Individually editing each task with + I is frustrating.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook Pro Keeps Stalling At The Simplest Of Tasks

Mar 7, 2012

Recently, after installing Messages from the Apple website, my MacBook Pro has been struggling to perfrom the simplest tasks such as switching tabs in Safari or typing out a sentence in Pages. When it happens the laptop is unresponsive and the coloured mouse wheel appears for about 20-40 seconds and then it will work. It is extremely agrivating. I have thought about reinstalling but surely there is a simple reason

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MS Windows Equivalent Tasks/program On Mac OS?

May 22, 2012

Where do I find the equivalent of Remote Desktop Connection on Mac OS X Lion? I like the feature in MS Windows where I can click on the "MS orb/All Programs" and all of my programs are there? Is there a way to customize something like this in Mac OS? I hate to go to an Application folder and launch my application that way.

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Applications :: App To Show ICal Calendar And Tasks On Desktop?

Jan 5, 2011

Would u mind giving me a piece of advice?Currently i am seeking for an app that would show up on my desktop(and stay there) and show there tasks for today."Rainlendar" looks good but i didn't succeed in finding way for app to take info from iCal automaticly.

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OS X :: How Can I Sync To-Do's And Tasks From MAIL To GMAI And Vice Versa

Jan 10, 2009

So I have OS X's MAIL set up with Gmail. IMAP to be exact.

So whenever I delete Mail within Gmail or MAIL, the other program is updated to represent itself in the same way.

For the past few weeks i've been looking for a place to jot down my to-do's and notes within a computer and figured Gmail was perfect since I tend to visit Gmail at least once a day. at least.

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OS X :: Looking For A Tool To Repair Permissions And Perform Other Routine Tasks

May 12, 2009

I explained my MBP problem in this thread and AppleCare support advised me to repair my permissions.

Now I know there are about a dozen apps that do this, but can you give me some recommendations? I want 'the best' if there's even such a thing.

Paid or free, I don't care ... as long as I don't have to wipe my entire system.

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OS X :: Mac Not Doing Simple Things Like Copying Files And Other General Tasks?

May 13, 2010

A few days ago I took the back off of my MBP to clean some of the dust, and put it back together. now when I start up I get a bar under the spinning gear that disappears after a few seconds. My start up and shut down have been really slow and often hangs on shut down, when I first installed Snow leopard, every thing was instant.

Recently I have been having weird application crashes and problems with installing programs from a DMG (steam). iTunes has given me errors and so has Mail, it just suddenly crashed and asked me to rebuild the messages constantly until a re-boot.

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MacBook Pro :: Notebook For Performing Business / Home Tasks

Aug 16, 2010

I'm in the process of researching my next notebook purchase. If people could attempt to maintain an unbiased viewpoint that would be very useful. I'm a qualified accountant currently offering personal tax and finance advice. The form factor I've decided on is 15". I've considered the 13" but I can't justify giving up the screen real-estate (and the fact I'd go for the hi-res screen) for the added mobility. My everyday tasks are split between work and home use. As a general oversight these include multimedia, photo editing and extensive MS Word/Excel. Assuming I go Mac OS I will also require decent Virtualization performance on the occasion I need to run Windows software I use for my work. The packages cannot be found in Mac OS form.

The following factors are also important:
-Build Quality
-Battery Life
-Value for Money Hardware & Specification

From the first two points you can see why I am considering the 15" mid-range i5 MBP. But I am struggling to overcome the third point. For example a similar specfied Vaio E Series is approx. $1000 ($700) a-drift and includes a BDVD player. But bad experiences with windows notebooks have taught me that they are generally built to last 18-24 months at the very best. If I could find a machine with the build quality and battery life of a MBP with a windows OS I'd be more than happy. Don't get me wrong, I love Mac OS, however the financial industry in the UK seems to be significantly dominated by Windows software and I refuse to run two machines.

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