Software :: What File Ending With .msi
Sep 10, 2008What is a file ending with a .msi? How am I supposed to open it, what do I need?
Per Tore Woie
What is a file ending with a .msi? How am I supposed to open it, what do I need?
Per Tore Woie
I am a computer knowledge lightweight and I need help with this one. I have a 1 year old 24" iMac and every time I open videos with a .wmv ending, the machine downloads them but all I get is gibberish text. Do I need a program to open them? It seems like everyone sends me videos with .wmv
View 10 Replies View RelatedFor some strange reason, my early 2008 Mac Pro keeps making hard-drive access sounds / head-moving sounds. It's been doing it non stop for 3 days now. The sounds are short, about 3 per second, about as fast as you would read this: "grind grind grind" then a short half-second pause, then repeat. Sometimes there's a longer 1-2 second delay. But it almost always seems like triplets, "grind grind grind"
I have no apps or background processes running that I've been able to discover. I've checked startup items, launch agents, and launch daemons.
I've checked Activity monitor but I see nothing unusual, and no correlation with any cpu activity.
I've checked disk utility and SMART is verified, permissions are repaired, and the disk is verified to be "OK."
I've tried fs_usage, lsof, and top, and see no correlation to anything.
I'm clearly missing something and am hoping someone can point out what it is? What else can I do to determine what the disk activity is doing? Are there any apps or other UNIX commands to check? Or is my drive dying?
I just noticed I have 58 background tasks running according to istat. Any way to end them to free up ram?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I view video clips downloaded from the internet ending in wmv on my Mac? I have Flip4mac and QuickTime but have been unsucccessful in watching clips. I am able to listen and watch on windows.
iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
About a week ago I enabled FV1. Overnight, the encryption and deletion of the original folder appeared to complete.However, I now have a never ending 'Secure Erase' process showing up in Activity monitor. By never-ending, I mean its always there, although as far as I can tell the secure erase process finished days ago (and surely, on 54GB home folder, it shouldn't take this long anyway). In any case, Finder shows my disk space as freed already.I'm not experiencing any lag in the system, no increased fan speed or temp; in fact, the only way I know its happening is because it
i. appears in AM and Top
ii. it strips the life out of my battery when I'm not on AC Power.
I've tried re-booting to no effect. I've even tried killing the process but it just restarts itself.In Finder from within Snow Leopard, I see two home folder images. There is one with a home icon that appears to be an alias. 'Get Info' says it has 0MB size. There is another 'no access' folder whose size is indeterminate, as Finder never completes the 'Calculating' process.However, looking at these same two folders from Lion (on another partition), the folder with the home icon shows up as a 54GB sparse bundle. The folder with no access remains inaccessible and of indeterminate size.The issue is not critical. If the worst comes to the worst I can wipe this disk and re-install from a clone, but I'd rather find a better solution, if possible.
I use three Macs. This is an IMac 24 on Leopard. But the problem also happens on the other Macs, one of which is on Tiger and the other Snow Leopard. I repeatedly get a Mail propt to give my password. If I give it or if I just hit "cancell" the problem continues. If I hit cancel and immediately hit "get mail," everything works. I should also note that this has been happening the last three weeks. Before that I had no trouble, but earlier still I had this same problem. I did nothing to cause it to go away. Our Ipads have no difficulty.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When I turn it on I get the welcome bong but the screen just stays grey and there's a non ending beep sound coming from it. What can I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have no access to iWeb and iPhoto 9.3, whch is very inconvenient now I can't move my website to another server due to mobile me endings Can i get them to work agian? and how? Here the first lines of the reports
Process: iWeb [587]
Path: /Applications/
Version: 2.0.4 (200)
Build Info: iWeb-4060000~21
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Iphoto 9.2.3
How to batch add an intro, ending, and watermark to multiple videos and be able to export multiple videos using FCPX?
I can do this in Premiere Pro, but I have switched to Apple for almost everything since 2000 and hate to go back to (ack, spit, cough) anything else.
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx. I haven't had any problem until today. For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
I have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedToday I tried opening my keynotes presentation file to make amendments to it and when I double clicked on it, the program loading bar only loaded up a third of the way and then hanged. I then tried to save it to a flash drive and use it on a different computer, but when I tried to copy it over to the flash drive it gave me this error: "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "garment styles" could not be read or written error code - 36".
I have tried changing the file extension to a zip, then unzipping it and then renaming it but that did not work.(It wouldn't let me unzip it). I have also looked at the index file name to see if that was the problem, but that is as it should be.
I have also tried uploading it to a website and emailing it and it will not let me.
Is there anyway I can recover this file as I have been working on it for over a month and it is due next week, or will I need to start again?
I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.
Any idea how to get rid of it?
I was wondering if there is a small file size limit to the FAT32 file system. I recently picked up a 1TB WD external with Firewire (pre-formatted FAT32) and have been transferring movies and such fine, but I just tried transferring an HD movie (5GB) and some large .dmg's/.iso's and they all just fail with an error.
Is this a size limitation, and will i need to reformat the drive to fix it, or is there something else I'm missing?
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
Why does Mac OX 10.6.8 keep making copies of a file anytime I download, copy, or move a file? It will copy, dowload or move the file, then begin making copies until I reboot. This makes it impossible to deal wit hfiles unless I want to spend a lot of time rebooting after every time, then deleting all the redundant copies.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When ever I copy some files or create a file in my external USB drive which is a FAT32 one. file permissions are not preserved. All files/folders has 777 are permission. Is this how it work in mac or am I missing something?
MacBookPro5,3, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
When converting a .pptx file of 6MB to .pdf, the file size ballooned to 25MB. The original file was created on a PC. What happened?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The selected file does not appear to be a valid comma separated values (csv) file or a valid tab delimited file. Choose a different file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are getting a white screen with flashing file icon with question mark inside the file.
I have a Mac Air running Mavericks on a HFS partition and Windows 7 on a BOOTCAMP NTFS partition. I have some files that I want to read/write from/to both systems. Since OS X can't write NTFS and Windows can't write HFS either, and I don't want to use any 3rd-party tools/drivers, in OS X, I copy those files from NTFS to its HFS partition, make changes, then switch to Windows and sync them back to NTFS.
The problem is, after I copied a file from NTFS to HFS in OS X, it seemed ok. But when I switched to Windows, the very copied file in HFS partition had its size changed (bigger) although I didn't make any changes to it in OS X yet. This happens to almost every file I copied, text and binary. For those text files, I tried to open it with EditPlus in Windows and EditPlus reports the correct size on the status bar.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am willing to save on my hard disk the content of a SD card that contains mts files that I can access via AVCHD, BDMV, STREAM.
When I copy the whole SD card to save on my hard disk, I get an error message saying that the copy cannot proceed because one of the file contains information that cannot be read.
I was told on this group, that changing the structure of the AVCHD folder should not be changed. Can I delete the file that contains a bug ? or will I screw up the AVCHD folder ?
I have a concert I recorded and I would like to extract the audio from either the MPEG-2 file or the DIVX file. Is there any program that will extract either the AC3 or MP3 audio? If it is the AC3, what else do I need to use to convert it to MP3 or AAC or WAV?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust put together a CV using Open Office, it's currently saved as a .odt. I'll be sending this out to a few companies and I'd like to know what the best file type is to select that will be readable by everyone? When I go to 'save as' I see a long list of options and I'm not sure which one to pick so that PC users can view.
Or can they load the .odt file just fine?
I have a spareimage file and whenever I try to open it, I get an error saying "no mountable file systems".
It's a file that when mounted, I put private files in to encrypt them. I have about ~70GB of information on there that would be devestating if lost.
I got a file named myfile.dat from my supervisor and he said myfile.dat is a helix database file. I tried to open that file after installing helix server 6.1.5, but I couldnt open it. I am really in a confusion that whether the given file is helix format file or something. Can anyone tell me that how to open *.dat file or how to identify the format from the file extension.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI try to open an Open Office spread sheet and it simply saves the file as another file with the .cpgz extension which does the same thing. This did not happen a couple weeks ago; I think my download for Apple updates may be the culprit. My OS X is now 10.7.3, I believe originally it was 10.7.2 but I could be wrong.
The original document is a zip archive but now "saves as" a .cpgz archive. I have tried the "Unarchiver", which I just downloaded, but it only creates another file with subfolders, none of which appear to have my original spread sheet. (To be honest, I never noticed this Open Office spread sheet file was a zip file until a few minutes ago when I tried to unsuccessfully open it).
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
how can i delete a file that says that it is still use when the trash can is emptied and the file is not opened
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