Applications :: Multiple ITunes Library Settings On Mac?
Mar 10, 2010
I want to manage 2 iTunes library on my Mac, one for my musics and the other one for my Podcast, ITunes U, Movies and TV Shows. The reason why I want to do this is because I keep my songs on my Mac HHD and the podcasts and video files on my External HHD. I built these two libraries, the podcast library is setted to copy the files directly into the EHD iTunes folder, and my songs library don't, I manage it myself. The problem is that when I quit one library and open another, the preferences are imported, they have the same preferences. How do I manage to keep one preference in one library and another preference in the other?
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Oct 19, 2009
Is there a good guide to having your ITunes library on multiple macs? I have found a couple of links and some stuff here but none of them seem very good, as they use third party software (Dropbox) or Automator scripts that you have to run everytime you open your library.
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Jan 23, 2006
I recently decided to delete all the iTrip stations from my library but I couldn't left click/drag to select them all because you can't.
Command 'a' doesn't help either because it selects all the songs in the library, where as I only wanted to select certain ones.
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Mar 12, 2009
so here's the deal. I have an 80GB drive in my MacBook, which is currently where my iTunes lib resides.
I also have a 250GB external drive. What I want to do is keep my music on my laptop, but store movies and TV shows on my external drive, yet still be able to access them along with my music... know what I'm saying?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have my iTunes library stored on a NAS, UNRAID, and I currently do not have my files copied into the iTunes library. They reside on the UNRAID in a movies and movies folder, so the iTunes library itself is fairly small.
However, this is what I would like to do. Since I have several AppleTV and several other Macs running. I'd like to keep one Mac on 24/7 and have iTunes open all the time pointed to my NAS iTunes.
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Dec 25, 2010
I went to open my itunes and it said "itunes needs a library to open" then it would only let me choose a library that was dated to last july. I clicked on it and it opened my library from that date. I am really mad because it will now only open that library and im missing almost a thousand songs that have been downloaded since then. Why can i only open a previous library? Are all the songs, movies, and other settings that i have changed in the last 6 months gone?
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Feb 7, 2009
I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.
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Nov 18, 2009
Okay so here's my setup:
MacBook Pro (10.6.2)
Mac mini (10.6.2)
Airport Extreme with a USB Hard Drive
I would like to set up one ITunes Library so both of my computers can access it. Furthermore I would like to be able connect my IPhone to any of the computers in the house and sync my music, podcasts and applications as normal. Here's what I've tried so far (which worked with my music, but didn't work with podcasts and IPhone application, etc).
1. Copied all the music to my Mac mini.
2. Opened iTunes Preferences and pointed my library to the 'Music' my NAS drive.
3. Went to File > Library > Organise > Consolidate Library.
Now my NAS iTunes library has all my music, but has no library file or XML file in it. Plus if I add ratings to any of my music, the information is not transferred over to my other computer.
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Jul 26, 2010
sync my ipad, ipod touch and iphone to the computer and i will be able to sync the songs to all them devices?
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Dec 30, 2008
First one was a portable 500gb freeagent, and also I put it in a folder in my 1.5tb time machine drive. Tonight I am updating the second, and I think I'm noticing a problem, but not sure. First of all, when I move my library locatation in preferences to the ext. drive in preferences, and do consolidate library the "info" on a few of the songs still shows a filepath leading to the built in hard drive on my mac (the original library). Also, when I perform the Library>consolidate library function it seems like it copies all of the files that are already on the drive, too. So they only appear in itunes once but they appear in the actual folder more than once, in appended form. Anyone else think this is unnormal. How do you manage a library on mulitple drives? The original reason I did this was to clear some space on my macbook's hard drive, but I'm always too scared to delete the files on it.
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Mar 30, 2012
Since upgrading to Lion my Music library "By Album" is sorting very badly, some albums are broken up into multiple sections.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 31, 2008
The goal: To have all computers in the house use the same itunes library. Now the new ReadyNAS by NetGear has the option to put all the itunes music on there, and it shows up on the network as a shared library. Is there a way for multiple computers to share the same library on a external hard drive, or in this case, time capsule. I can see where a networked itunes library (like a shared computer) would work just fine for playing music, but you run into problems when say, you want to transfer songs to a ipod, iphone, etc.
One option would be for one of the computers be the main music server, and have that computer be the one to do the music transfers, but what if that computer is off. Multiple computers on same network, sharing same itunes library, but still able to manipulate the files?
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Mar 25, 2007
I need some advice on organizing my library, because I have thousands of pictures and badly need a concrete way to organize them within iPhoto.
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Sep 20, 2009
Which files do they need to get my library exactly as I have it now? The way the photos are organized by me (Not the individual dates the were imported as the 1st time) I spent hours organizing my library by month/even for the last 5 years. In finder do I just copy the entire iPhoto library to my external HD? or some specific set of files.. remember I will be putting it on a brand new iMac for my mom.
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Mar 17, 2010
I want to share 1 aperture 3 library with multiple users. I do NOT want them to have any deleting or adding control.I want to share 1 itunes library. I want multiple users to HAVE control. I know it has something to do with the share folder.
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Sep 22, 2009
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
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Oct 19, 2009
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
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Jan 30, 2009
I've reinstalled 10.5.6 and I am manually dragging over my important files from old system (also 10.5.6).
Both systems have iTunes 8.0.2 installed.
I'm trying to import my EQ settings in iTunes (that I created) but have no luck.
I've read elsewhere I need the .itl file in the iTunes folder, but iTunes 8 doesn't seem to offer one.
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Oct 19, 2010
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping"
So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Oct 8, 2009
I am an American originally from Asia. I have an iPhone 3GS and my iTune is setup to US as country. I would really like to buy songs from the Taiwan iTune store (because the Albums are in Chinese and may be there are episodes I want to watch).
Any advice from the forum? I have multiple laptops in case that becomes a necessity for the setup.
P.S. I want to be law abiding and everything. I just hope that commercial entity understand that while I want to be a full blooded American, I have another cultural background, and I also appreciate things from my past life. Just hope that this is an easy hoop to jump through.
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Aug 11, 2010
Im new to Itunes and I have a set of cds say the set is called Open Heavens and it has 4 cds in it. Is there a way I can put all 4 in one album. Im going to sync it over to my ipod so I want it to show me when I click on music the name of the series then I click on it which will be open heavens then inside I will have the choice from my 4 cds.
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Jul 13, 2010
Anyone have any idea why iTunes 9.2 doesn't seem to wan to remember my view settings for that I've configured for each of the various sections of iTunes (i.e. Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, etc.)?
If I switch to my Apps section, I've noticed that it consistently shows me my list of apps in 'List View' which I hate. If I switch it to Icon View, then go about normal use of iTunes for a while (browse other sections, perhaps sync my iDevice, perhaps quit the app and re-open later to listen to music, etc...), upon returning to the Apps section, it will once again show me my Apps in 'List View'.
This is just one example, but it would seem that all of the view settings across the board are simply not how I had previously set them up, and changing them to the way I would like them to be setup only works temporarily (as everything strangely gets switched back again in the near future).
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Dec 24, 2010
I have 4 computers linked to my Apple ID and numerous IPhones and IPods. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I purchase a song, and successfully download it, using my computer. The only way to get it to the other computers is by transferring it via my IPhone or IPods. It seems as if I've downloaded something once from Apple, then they don't let me download it again onto a registered machine using the same Apple ID. Therefore, I transfer music/app content using my devices. Isn't this what everyone does?
Now, Mac app store is coming! How the heck am I going to download content onto one computer and then transfer it to another computer (Apple says the 1 time purchase will be good for all your computers). Do you think Apple will allow multiple downloads of the same software to any computer associated with you Apple ID? If this is the case: Why not allow us to do the same thing with our ITunes purchases? Anyone care to chime in and letting me know if I'm off base, or have any suggestions, etc.?
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Apr 25, 2009
I have imported my DVD collection into my hard drive so I can have the entire TV series on my Mac without swapping DVDs all the time (I want to access them via Front Row). Currently the format is AVI and cannot be imported into iTunes. I can however open the movie in quicktime, save as a reference file, then import into iTunes. However, this would take me hours and hours with my video library. If I convert them to *.mov format, it would also take hours and hours. I know there's a program called videodrive that will import them all, but I'd like to buy it only as a last resort. Surely there must be a way to do it via Automator or something?
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May 31, 2009
Just wondering id anyone knows how to create a single itunes entry for multiple conversions of the same film. When you buy a movie from itunes store you get the ipod and appletv versions.
I've got a couple of family dvd's I want to convert to appletv and iphone - but i don't want multiple line items in my itunes..
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Nov 9, 2009
For example I've got an artist on there with several and i mean several songs of his that are under travie, and travis mccoy, and also t pain, and t-pain. lil'wayne, lil wayne is there an app that could change all of this easily for me, because i would like the names to be the same in the songs as well so highlighting and clicking get info won't help to much.
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Jan 3, 2010
My wife and I both share our iMac, and for ease of use we both have seperate profiles set up. This works great with programs like iMail, however, I have not figured out how to share the iTunes library across both profiles. If it helps, I do have an airport extreme with external hard drive..
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Jan 18, 2010
I have just transferred my iTunes content to a larger hard drive in my Mac Pro. I did this by changing the 'iTunes Media folder location' and then, using the 'Organise Library' feature, I consolidated my library. All went well until i remembered that my wife also has an account on this Mac with her own iTunes library which references the same content but in the old location.
My question is - what is the best way to get my wife's iTunes library to reference the content in the new location?
Also, I noticed that iTunes 9 now stores downloaded apps in the iTunes Media folder rather than in the users home folder. How does iTunes handle multiple iTunes libraries storing apps purchased via different iTunes store accounts in the same folder?
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a bunch of itunes libraries and it's a pain to switch between them (open itunes while holding the option key and select the library). I don't think itunes lets you have more than one open at a time, but I didn't know if there was a third party plugin or something.
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