IÂ just updated to Lion 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.1 and imported my Leopard iTunes Library. I can Get Info on individual tracks but when I shift select or command select multiple tracks the iTunes window turns gray and nothing can be selected. iTunes just freezes until I press the Escape key. So far, everything else works as expected - the only problem is selecting multiple tracks (which worked fine for me on previous OS and iTunes versions).Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.7.2)
If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?
I have some movies on which I'd like to put multiple audio tracks. Here's what I'm doing. First, I add the second audio track in Subler and save. Returning to iTunes, I'm not given the option to switch in iTunes or QuickTime 10. So I go back to Subler and turn one track off, saving again. Now I'm given the option to switch. But the audio doesn't work. The standard track works fine. Switching to the other one makes a popping sound and then pure silence. Switching back works fine. This also happens in QuickTime 10.
So I tried to enable/disable via QuickTime 7 Pro. Turning a track off forces me to resave the file, but not like Subler, oh, no. QuickTime 7 Pro forces me to reencode the whole thing as an MOV, which takes forever and is pointless. I've done this without having to save before. What's going on? How do I add a second, selectable audio track that works on things in iTunes without QuickTime 7 Pro forcing me to save MP4s as MOVs and [insert any audio filetype with zero video whatsoever here] as MOVs as well?!
I have just tried to add to albums to my iTunes library. The albums are in folders on my hard drive. Previously I just selected 'Add to Library' from the iTunes drop down menu. This would create a copy of the tracks in my iTunes Library. From there I could drag and drop them into a playlist.I select 'Add to Library' as usual. Select the folder and hit 'Open'. iTunes then creates a playlist for that folder but looks like it is playing the mp3's from their original folder location. It is not actually adding the tracks to my iTunes library.
As far as I know I have not changed any setting. I have been back in and revisited all of the settings options but can't see any issues there either. I have been using this 'Add to Library' method for around 10 years so am curious to find out what is wrong.
I am trying to dispense with my Bose speakers - they clutter things up with too many wires. I can get acceptable sound quality from my Mac speakers if I adjust the equaliser settings but adjusting the setting track by track will take forever. Is there a way to apply an equaliser setting (say, Bass Booster) to several tracks at once? If not I guess I will have to invest in wireless speakers.
Is there a good guide to having your ITunes library on multiple macs? I have found a couple of links and some stuff here but none of them seem very good, as they use third party software (Dropbox) or Automator scripts that you have to run everytime you open your library.
I want to manage 2 iTunes library on my Mac, one for my musics and the other one for my Podcast, ITunes U, Movies and TV Shows. The reason why I want to do this is because I keep my songs on my Mac HHD and the podcasts and video files on my External HHD. I built these two libraries, the podcast library is setted to copy the files directly into the EHD iTunes folder, and my songs library don't, I manage it myself. The problem is that when I quit one library and open another, the preferences are imported, they have the same preferences. How do I manage to keep one preference in one library and another preference in the other?
i'm having trouble assigning MULTIPLE pieces of album art to MULTIPLE tracks SIMULTANEOUSLY. i see that i can add multiple arts to a single track by:
.. selecting a single track by highlighting -> get info -> artwork tab .. selecting and playing a single track (so that the speaker icon appears to the left of the track in the playlist; paused or not) -> dragging artwork into the artwork pane in itunes; artwork gets added only to the track with the speaker icon regardless of which track(s) are highlighted. if there is existing artwork, new art gets added (does not replace old art).
also, adding a single piece of art to multiple tracks can be done by: selecting tracks by highlighting -> get info -> info tab -> artwork field (note: artwork FIELD within info TAB of 'get info' dialog, not artwork tab).....................
so here's the deal. I have an 80GB drive in my MacBook, which is currently where my iTunes lib resides.
I also have a 250GB external drive. What I want to do is keep my music on my laptop, but store movies and TV shows on my external drive, yet still be able to access them along with my music... know what I'm saying?
I have my iTunes library stored on a NAS, UNRAID, and I currently do not have my files copied into the iTunes library. They reside on the UNRAID in a movies and movies folder, so the iTunes library itself is fairly small.
However, this is what I would like to do. Since I have several AppleTV and several other Macs running. I'd like to keep one Mac on 24/7 and have iTunes open all the time pointed to my NAS iTunes.
I want to remove all my music from itunes and save each song as individual files on an external hardrive (not as the itunes library file) is this possible or do i need to re record all my CDs individually?
I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.
I use iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on Mac. I spend some time googling and searching for solutions for my problem, but everything is either outdated or simply doesn't work. I have a smart playlist with all songs that are matched on iTunes Match, but which are below 256k bitrate. I want to delete them from the library, so I can download new 256k versions of them. This is supposedly possible by using Option + Delete, but that doesn't work for me. I also tried all kinds of other combinations like SHIFT + Option + Delete or CRTL + Option + Delete and none of them work.
I have followed the steps for restoring my iTunes library from my Time Machine backup. When I go to choose the library (which I copied to my new computer), the file remains grey and can't be selected. I copied two companion files that had .itdb labels as well as the library file (all were from the most current backup and showed that I had opened them the last time I used my computer before it died). I could not find any .xml files related to this iTunes library (some of the help said there would be files like this as well). My old computer was running iTunes 10.6.1, same as my new computer. Suggestions?Â
The old computer is a 2008 MacBookPro. I can't get it to start up at all, but have the Time Machine backup from the last time it opened (last week). I'm trying to open the library on a 2011 MacBook Air.
If I want to forward multiple messages from one email account to another in Apple Mail (an old account to a new one), how can I select multiple messages at once, yet send them separately? (As opposed to the default where it forwards it all as one giant message.)
iTunes freezes up when I select movies in my Library. I just downloaded a few new movies and now I cannot scroll to where they are without a freeze up. I have restarted numerous times, and have not opened any other programs while trying to access my list of movies.
I cannot select more than one photo because only one (very large) photo appears in the window where I normally select them. The slide bar (bottom right) is not the problem as it is set on the smallest photo size setting.
I recently had a HD disaster, all my music (aprox 50000 tracks) got lost. With FileSalvage I got them back, problem is they all lost their id�s, now they are displayed by number. Musicrenamer works on the ones with id3 tag, but I�m still up the creek without the proper instrument. Itunes wont let me get the tracknames as the music wasnt imported using itunes. Anyone know if there�s a way around this? Third party software to get tracknames? I need acces to gracenote or similar database..
All of my music has come from the iTunes store, and I have updated the ones available to non-DRM status for the $0.30 that Apple charges. Now my question is, is there a quick way of seeing which songs I have that still have DRM on them? I think it's only a few, but I'm trying to figure out without clicking CMD+I on over 1,000 songs.
Okay so here's my setup: IPhone MacBook Pro (10.6.2) Mac mini (10.6.2) Airport Extreme with a USB Hard Drive
I would like to set up one ITunes Library so both of my computers can access it. Furthermore I would like to be able connect my IPhone to any of the computers in the house and sync my music, podcasts and applications as normal. Here's what I've tried so far (which worked with my music, but didn't work with podcasts and IPhone application, etc).
1. Copied all the music to my Mac mini. 2. Opened iTunes Preferences and pointed my library to the 'Music' my NAS drive. 3. Went to File > Library > Organise > Consolidate Library. Now my NAS iTunes library has all my music, but has no library file or XML file in it. Plus if I add ratings to any of my music, the information is not transferred over to my other computer.
There are a couple of my puchases from iTunes that didn't make it over to my new laptop when I transferred everything from my old laptop. The old laptop has now died, so they are probably lost forever. I really don't mind re-purchasing these tracks (it's only a handful), but when I look for them in the iTunes store, there isn't the option to 'Buy', it only says 'Purchased'. How can I get iTunes to let me buy these tracks again?!
everything's in iTunes Plus now and of the 400+ DRM'd songs I had before, I still have 10 left. After the initial wave of iTunes plus upgrades, I was down to 40 or so. More and more came in until now I'm down to ten. Am I going to be able to upgrade these soon? I see the songs are available for purchase in iTunes Plus...
First one was a portable 500gb freeagent, and also I put it in a folder in my 1.5tb time machine drive. Tonight I am updating the second, and I think I'm noticing a problem, but not sure. First of all, when I move my library locatation in preferences to the ext. drive in preferences, and do consolidate library the "info" on a few of the songs still shows a filepath leading to the built in hard drive on my mac (the original library). Also, when I perform the Library>consolidate library function it seems like it copies all of the files that are already on the drive, too. So they only appear in itunes once but they appear in the actual folder more than once, in appended form. Anyone else think this is unnormal. How do you manage a library on mulitple drives? The original reason I did this was to clear some space on my macbook's hard drive, but I'm always too scared to delete the files on it.
Ive got a compilation album in iTunes, with it sorting by artist. I got round that problem by putting an abbreviation of the album name at the beginning of the artist title, but now the track numbers are not in order like all my other albums.
In order to burn an album you can't simply click on the album cover and tell it to burn what's stored in the library... you have to make a playlist from it and burn that.
But it has a mind of it's own. You can't sort the list and burn it the way you want it to.
I even had it sort by track number and it burned it out of order.