ITunes :: Put All Music From Multiple Computers / Devices Onto One External Hard Drive?
Jul 5, 2012
I have two desktop macs, a macbook air, two iPads, and two iPhones. I have one Apple account that I use for all music - including music my college aged kids download. My problem is that I would like to get all the music into one library, delete the duplicates, then have the external drive store all the music. Is there a practical way to do this? This way I can set up my devices so that they all have the same music and playlists.
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Feb 4, 2012
what is the best way to sync different music to multiple devices
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Oct 23, 2009
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
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Feb 7, 2012
Is it possible to play music from multiple libraries over a single device, with control over the playlist possible from multiple devices/computers? Baiscally, in one of my smaller offices, everyone has a Mac or PC with iTunes, along with various iPads, iPhones etc etc. They randomly pick some tunes to play from each of their individual machines.
I would like to setup a system where there is a single device (Mac/PC/Airplay/Apple TV etc) with decent speakers, where anyone can submit a track(s) to play from their library, be it on their Mac, iPad iPhone etc. to stream through the central system.I would then imagine using the Remote app to control it.
They should all be able to submit tracks simultanously, rather that one device connecting with a Airplay at a time. This would also work in a party senario. Guest rock up, pair their device with the system, and they can all submit track(s) from their device and it goes into the playlist...
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May 24, 2010
On my external drive I installed 10.5.8 on it and I've only used it with my macbook pro for booting up. Is it possible to plug it into, for example, a mac pro and run the partition or does it only work with one machine?
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Apr 5, 2010
I have read and plan to follow the advice that was in the insightful post titled "itunes with external hard drive instead of internal hard drive." In addition to running iTunes from an external hard drive on my iMac I would also like to run iTunes, from the same external hard drive, in my living room (with some set-up using the TV as the monitor). I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I'm assuming I need to set up more of a server to serve multiple locations. And, I'm hoping all the smart people that read this can offer some sort of assistance. The end goal would be that I could listen to iTunes (music I want to listen to) on my Mac in my office and my wife could be listening to iTunes (music that she wants to listen to) in the living room. Ideally the setup in the living room would be one in which I could change the TV input from DVR, to DVD, to iTunes, so that the iTunes input on the TV would like the iTunes program on my computer (and that would be the only possible program from that input setting).
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Aug 19, 2007
In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?
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Apr 16, 2012
My hard drive on my iMac died. However, I saved my music on my back-up Seagate Drive. Now my iMac has a nice new drive and a freshly downloaded copy of iTunes. I found the music on the back-up drive. So far, so good. Now, all I gotta do is get the music files from the back-up to iTunes.So:
(a) How do I do that, since my efforts so far have been unsuccessful.
(b) Can I assume all my original lists and albums are kaput and will have to be recreated and reorganized?
(c) When I sync my iPod to the new library, can I assume it will scramble my existing iPod configuration to meet the new lists and album configuration?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 13, 2012
I'm trying to set up our home network so that everyone can access our large music library through a hard drive attached to apple extreme, but manage all of their other iTunes media files (apps, podcasts, etc) on their own devices. Is it possible for iTunes to have this type of split personality?
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Jan 6, 2011
I have 100gigs of music so I successfully transferred my iTunes media to an external hard drive, and identified this new location within iTunes/Preferences/Advanced/Location. Everything worked great until I had to shut down and start up.
Now, it no longer recognizes the media library. When I try to play a track in iTunes, iTunes says the original file could not be found. It prompts me to locate this one track, which I do, and that one track will play. All of the other tracks have the (!) sign next to them in my iTunes library.
I have double checked the settings in my iTunes preferences, everything appears to be configured as when I first made the successful transfer (identifying the external hard drive as the location).
I've made sure to restart once the external hard drive is connected.
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Jan 14, 2011
So I checked the threads on here and tried multiple ways and cant figure this out.
I have a MBP, itunes 10.1.1, and a western digital passport essential.
I loaded pictures and my old itunes library off a HP pavilion desktop.
On my Mac, when I try and open my external hard drive off the desktop and click my itunes library file I stored from my old HP it simply wont open. I right click it and click open with itunes and the file icon fades off my screen very quickly like its trying to import it but wont. I have tried dragging it and holding option when opening itunes, which actually does display the playlist but only with explanation points because the files cannot be found.
I just want to be able to plug my external in and listen to my playlist I have stored on the western digital, on my mac book without erasing my current itunes playlist on my MBP.
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May 3, 2012
can i move all my music from itunes onto an external hard drive to free up some memory?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 7, 2012
I have an Intel iMac and wish to move the movies and music I have in ITunes to a WD 2TB MyBook Studio External Hard Drive, free up my hard drive and still use iTunes. What is the easiest way to move movies to the external drive and then wipe them off my computer to free up space.
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Jun 14, 2012
i successfully rerouted iTunes so that the program would find my music library on external hard drive. Two days ago, my Apple MacBook computer was updated to the Lion operating system. iTunes was also updated.Now I have to go back into iTunes and give the program new instruction to go find the music files on external hard drive.My folder on external hard drive, called "iTunes Music," contains various music files and also, I notice, a folder called "iTunes." Within that "iTunes" folder, the following folders or files are located: [code] I do not understand any of this. I do not understand WHICH FILE OR FOLDER I should instruct iTunes to go to in order to find the desired music files.Once the desired files are found, they should appear in the iTunes window on screen. This is not happening.
I have tried holding down the Option key while starting iTunes, which yields a window that asks for me to CHOOSE LIBRARY. I choose the iTunes library file ( iTunes Library.itl) that is located on external hard drive. However, NOTHING HAPPENS. iTunes does not do anything. When the program opens, nothing is visible in the iTunes window, where normally songs are listed. No playlists on the lefthand side. NOTHING.
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Jul 2, 2012
I need to move the music and movies from my MacBook Air (original) to an external hard drive, after I do this, do I create a new music folder and media folder on my computer to load music/movies in via the dedicatd external drive and then would I be able to move the newly imported to the external drive which would be my main site of storage?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Moving music/media
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Dec 10, 2014
I transferred my music from my old computer to an external hard drive. Now trying to get my music to load into my new computer via external hard drive but I do not think it will due to the extension of .itl. what shall I do?
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.2
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Jan 28, 2008
I recently moved my music library to an external library by changing the pathway in Edit/Preferences/Advanced and then consolidating the library. Everything worked for a while but now when I open itunes it is not able to find all the files. Bizarrely for a lot of albums it can find one or two of the songs but the rest all get the "Unable to locate original music file" error message. The music is all there on the hard drive but I don't want to have to manually locate each one. Does anyone know what is causing this or have a script to locate the rest of the music automatically?
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Jan 11, 2009
Is there a easy way to transfer purchased iTunes music onto a external hard drive other then burning them to a cd/dvd?
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Feb 5, 2012
Is there a way I can use my external hard drive without the files being transferred on to my computer? as like like my iTunes music being on my hard drive without them being copied onto my computers hard drive ? because i dont have that much memory and i wanted my external hard drive to be the source for my music files and not my computer.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Dec 27, 2010
I am running out of space on my laptop so I am moving all my music to an external hard drive. If I keep my file directory structure and naming the same, can I simply "re-point" iTunes to this new storage location and all my songs (etc...) will keep working in iTunes? Will storing the music on an external hard drive effect the performance (speed) of iTunes and/or iPod syncing?
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Feb 22, 2007
I want to connect 1 External Hard Drive to 2 Computers. How do I do this????I have tryed to use both wirewire ports but when i plugged in the second computer it wnated to dasiychain it to the other one both computers freezed as a result DONT TRY THIS!!Do I have to get a splitter (Plug spliter into External hard drive then two firewire cords come out of one) is this possible???kinda like a headphone splitter but with firewire ports
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Feb 18, 2012
How do you restore your itunes music folder from time machine back-up to an external portable hard drive?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 29, 2009
I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro.The MB Pro is connected to an OWC hard drive via eSATA.I would like to connect the iMac to it as well via FW 400 since the hard drive has a FW 400 connection.Will the iMac recognize it and can it write to it as well, regardless whether the Macbook Pro is on or not?
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Apr 19, 2012
I have been trying to access my external hard drives that are hooked up to my mac mini from my imac and cant seem to do it. They are listed in the shared folder on the mac mini already.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 6, 2010 I don't have the same functionality with iTunes. Basically, I can't use iTunes at all anymore as the interface for my music and videos. Once the external drive is mounted, I can navigate through it and play individual songs, but I can't use iTunes to do that. All my previous Playlists show up down the left side of iTunes, but there isn't any music in them.
I downloaded 2 songs yesterday, made a Playlist out of them, and because the path in the Advanced tab of the iTunes Preferences is correct, it automatically added the songs to the external hard drive. I synced my iPod and it was completely erased except for the 2 new songs. Is there a way to use iTunes to navigate my music like I used to when I stored the information on the internal hard drive but keep the information on the external drive? I have a Mac running Snow Leopard and the latest version of iTunes.
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May 13, 2012
How would I go about backing-up the disk if the image doesn't appear under devices? I went to the "Restore" tab/button, but I can not choose the hard drive in the first field. I could have sworn my hard drive was formatted for Mac, but I may have formatted it back to FAT32. I know the disk still functions because when it is powered on, it cycles with/without being connected to my MacPro, but after that, it will only cycle if connected (confirming connection). It does run again when I connect the firewire cable. Here is my equipment: 8-Core MacPro 16GB-Mem RAIDMacOSX 10.6.8 | 2 X 1TB Internal HDD&Aug-2008 15" MacBookPro(That I used the Maxtor-External with mostly) DEVICE IN QUESTION500GB Maxtor One-Touch PlusFireWire 400 6-pin Connection Bus (2 Ports)Purchased in Early 2008 from Staples I can fit the back-up on my 2nd HDD in my MacPro or in my other External: 2 TB G-Technology G-RAID External1 x eSATA | 2 x FireWire 800 9-pin | 1 x USB 2.0Self Powered DC-IN I have had a nightmare searching for answers, so any options you might have would be tremendously helpful. I can't lose the data because I have everything I did during film school on there. That stuff is basically what you pay for when you go to film school, you pay to show what you can do and what equipment you have used.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2x2.4GHzQuadCore 16GB-Mem 2x1TB HDD
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Mar 19, 2012
My family has a macbook pro with all our music on it and a few iphones 4s's. We all want to have the same music but we all have seperate apple accounts. Is it possible to share an account for just music?
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Mar 12, 2012
I'm trying to find the easiest solution to our family music situation. 4 users, 4 devices (ipods, ipad, imac, pc laptops), and 4 different musical song interests. I'm sure there are millions of households that have the same exact situation. I want to be able to pull up only my musical library, not my kid's music, and then easily synch it to my ipod. Everyone in the family wants to do this same thing. I have spent alot of time trying to search the forums/internet and there does not seem to be one "most popular" solution. I did setup iCloud for each family member using a different Apple ID than my main Apple ID, and I'm happy that ALL the music shows up on my ipad. But between iCloud, MobileMe, Home Sharing it all gets very confusing. Some say to setup multiple computer login accounts, and others say to setup 1 playlist for each family member and synch from that playlist.
I would think 1 itunes account allows you to easily share a purchased song with 4 users, instead of buying songs twice.
So here are a few of my questions-
1-Is it best to have only 1 itunes account and then synch all devices off of 1 main computer?
2-Or since we each have iCloud accounts, will they be able to synch their ipods from their own pc laptop?
3-And when they synch, what is the easiest way to exclude other users music in itunes? (other than unchecking hundreds of artists)
4-Or setup 4 separate computer login accounts on the imac and then keep 1 itunes account? If so, how does this work when they open itunes?
Imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 26, 2012
I have a Mac that my wife and I share. We own and iShuffle, iPod, iTouch and two iPhones. My wife's iPhone is her own and my iPhone is through work. We only have one Apple ID and we share our iTunes. What do I need to do to make all devices work together on iTunes with relative ease? Do I need to create multiple Apple IDs? Can we link them together so we don't have to log in and out of iTunes, yet keep it so that what she does with apps / music on her phone doesn't effect what apps / music I move on my phone?
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