MobileMe :: Sync Mail/calendar/contacts Across Multiple Apple Devices?

Apr 30, 2012

If the mobileme sync services not longer work after moving to iCloud, how do you sync your mail/calendar/contacts across multiple Apple devices?

G5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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ICloud :: Sync Mac Mail Settings Across Multiple Devices?

Mar 1, 2012

So... I used to use MobileMe, and now we have iCloud.  :|  Grrr. 

I switched back to Mac Mail after using Gmail for a while... but I have like 10 email accounts, all their own IMAP setups.  I just added them all to my desktop Mac last night. 

I'd like them (and all mail rules, etc) to also show up on my iPhone and my iPad and my Mac Air.  This used to be doable with MobileMe.

Is there any way to do this now?  Best I can tell, unless I'm missing something, iCloud only syncs the iCloud mail account itself. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.9.3) Sync Apple Mail / Signatures And Rules Across Devices

Jun 25, 2014

I would like to know if apple mail is supposed to sync both signatures and rules across devices.

I recently had to create 3 signatures on 3 separate devices and am now realizing that rules don't carry over from my iMac to my MBA or MBP. 

if they're not supposed to sync (which makes absolutely no sense) hopefully apple will fix this in yosemite. 

finally, i will say that, while being a huge apple fan (and would never switch to a pc), i've seen apple mail become one of those neglected softwares and have steadily gone on the decline in terms of features and consistency among devices that are supposed to communicate to one another.

All my devices are using osX 10.9.3

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ICloud :: Sync ICal Calendar Subscriptions Across Devices?

Feb 7, 2012

How do I sync a Google Calendar subscription on my iMac with iCloud Calendar and my associated iOS devices? I subscribe to my google calendar on my iMac (because my University forces me to use google calendar) but cannot see the events on my iCloud account, MacBook or iPhone4.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Calendar Fails To Sync Between IMac And Other Devices

Jun 25, 2014

Syncing calendars between my iMac and devices continues to fail horribly. 

It really never has functioned well from the Mountain Lion days. With Mavericks, Calendar syncing is useless. Must be rocket science! 

If the system doesn't double everything up, it gets appointment times incorrectly. 

Seems like Apple has determined that the iPad is Grand Lord of all calendar data—not the iMac. You can delete the data file on the iPad with SyncMac but the data is not gone. It remains in the iPad permanently waiting to take over. 

This morning I used SyncMac to delete the data on the iPad to rid it of incorrect appointment times. Syncing again did nothing to fix the issue. Appointment times are all different and totally incorrect in the iPad compared to the correct data in the iMac. 

I give up on the application. Print a blank calendar, have a pencil ready, and maintain your data the old fashioned way. 

It used to just work. Not anymore and especially since iCloud which I will not use. I have no interest in giving my data to a second party in a foreign country so that they can grant me permission to access it. My clients don't agree to this arrangement. Nor do I.

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MobileMe :: Sync My Calendar If I Do Not Move To ICloud?

May 22, 2012

how will I sync my calendar if I do not move to iCloud

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MacBook Air :: Can't Sync Contacts Or Calendar From IPhone / IPad

Dec 8, 2014

Just bought a Macbook Air (Yosemite) but  can't sync contacts or calendar from my iPhone or iPad?

MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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ICloud :: Unable To Sync Contacts Or Calendar In Mac Office 2011?

Jun 12, 2012

ICloud will not sync my contacts or calendar in Mac Office 2011. ICloud does however sync to my PC at work running Microsoft office 2010 and also to my IPad and IPhone. Does anyone know how to fix this?


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Software :: Sync Address Book With MobileMe Contacts

Jul 24, 2008

Am I the only MobileMe user that suffers from the issue of not being able to sync my address book with MobileMe contacts? I have an 18month old 24" iMac and a 12month old MacBook Pro. As suggested, I synced everything prior to MobileMe going live. When MobileMe kicked off I tried to sync everything up. I constantly had problems with contacts, being told to check that the data on my computer was valid and then re-syncing. I tried all the suggested articles from MobileMe Support but none helped. I became very frustrated with the whole thing and decided to re-install Leopard on my MacBook Pro. After installation I installed all the software updates and then atempted to sync with MobileMe.

With a fresh OS X installation I selected the option to "replace all data on my mac" - YET AGAIN I WAS GREETED WITH THE SAME MESSAGE: "Contacts could not be synced due to inconsistent data." It doesn't make sense. I have an iPhone which syncs pretty well with my contacts held on the MobileMe servers. I'm able to make changes on my iPhone that are reflected on MobileMe and vice versa, so why the problem syncing conacts with my Macs? What's the craic Apple, why can't you boys and girls in Cupertino clean up this mess? There's a lot of unhappy MobileMe users out here with renewals pending...

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MobileMe :: Sync Contacts To MacBook Pro Running Lion?

Jun 26, 2012

How do I sync MobileMe contacts to my MacBook pro running Lion?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: Sync Multiple Devices To ITunes Library?

Jul 26, 2010

sync my ipad, ipod touch and iphone to the computer and i will be able to sync the songs to all them devices?

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ITunes :: Sync Different Music To Multiple Devices?

Feb 4, 2012

what is the best way to sync different music to multiple devices

iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X :: Sync Multiple Calendars Between ICal And Gcal / Works Only Between Primary Calendar

Sep 3, 2009

I was thrilled to discover the (advertised) easy integration in Snow Leopard between iCal and Google Calendar. Additionally, I use Mobile Me to keep everything sync'd between my computers and my iPod touch. But, upon tinkering between iCal and Google Calendar, it seems there is no simple way to integrate multiple iCal calendars with multiple calendars in a single Google Calendar account, in way that allows it to all still sync with Mobile Me. It seems that the sync only works between the "Primary Calendar" of the Google Calendar (the first calendar created in the account) and iCal -- there's no way to also.

The closest I can seem to get is to have my primary account with google calendar sync'd (say, with my personal calendar), and then have "Delegate" calendars linked up with my work, class, etc calendars. But, none of these calendars "delegate" or "primary" seem to want to sync with Mobile Me. I'm hoping the MacRumors Army might have some ideas... Is spanning sync the only solution?

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Software :: Apple Opens New IPad-like MobileMe Calendar Beta?

Jul 22, 2010

Apple has launched its new beta V2 update of the MobileMe web-based Calendar, sending users announcements that allows them to opt into the new program, which brings shared calendaring and an iPad-like appearance.

Opting into the new beta upgrades the calendar data in a way that makes any changes connected to the new format. Users who choose to leave the beta will lose updated changes, as Apple warns in the signup process.

The new Calendar requires users to upgrade to the latest iOS 4 for iPhone and iPod touch, the latest Mac OS X 10.6.4 or the most recent MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.1 for Windows, and demands a modern web browser, minimally Safari 4, Firefox 3.6, or Internet Explore 8.

Apple also notes that the new calendar beta does not support Microsoft Outlook behind a proxy server, and does not support push updates for Windows and iPad users. The iPad will fetch new data when its Calendar is opened, while Outlook running on Windows will fetch new event data every five minutes. Other iOS devices and Mac will continue to receive push updates normally.

Users with lots of calendar data may be warned that their older data will be incrementally upgraded over the next hour.

The new MobileMe Calendar features an iPad-like slider control at the bottom for rapidly navigating to future and previous months, and a calendar and notes view that appear to be tear off pads of paper. Also like the iPad Calendar, it presents a Day summary and List view of upcoming events.

MobileMe users can opt in to the new beta by logging in and requesting an invite. The new Calendar update is the latest in an overhaul series that began with Mail. The new updates use the latest SproutCore frameworks to create a very desktop-like experience.

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MobileMe :: How To Back Up Mail Contacts

Jun 28, 2012

How can I back up Mail contacts on MacBook Pro? (My iCloud account only shows iPhone contacts).

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6), MacBook Pro early 2008 or 2007

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Applications :: App For Syncing Google Mail, Contacts And Calendar?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm getting my Mac tomorrow I've been using the iPad for a while now and I sync to Calendar, Mail, Contacts using ""

I'm wanting to ask if there is a good Mac App, maybe an all in one type app?

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Intel Mac :: Managing Multiple IOS Devices On Different Apple Accounts From The Same

May 30, 2012

May be a very simple question to answer, but can I manage multiple iOS devices on different Apple accounts from the same iMac? 

I ask as whilst I'm totally Mac'd, my partner who has her own Apple account has a Winows laptop and experiences problems updating iOS software on her iPhone 4S and iPad 3 Gen via the laptop. I'm thinking the problems may be overcome if we manage her iOS devices through my iMac.

Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPad 3 Gen, iPhone 4S, iPods.

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ICloud :: Mail Won't Sync To Any Of Devices?

Mar 17, 2012

Calendar, contacts, reminders and bookmarks work well in syncing all of my IOS device and my iMac. I can't get Mail to sync on any of the devices.

iMac 20 2.4 Intel, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Multiple Devices Same Mail Accounts?

May 16, 2012

Does anyonme know if when you have multiple mac products (i.e. I have an iPad, iPhone, Macbook and an iMac) and you have the same mail accounts set up on all of them if can set it that when you read an eamil on one device it appears as read on all the other devices? Annoying having to go through all 4 devices to "read" the emails.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Will It Work For PC Running Outlook 2010 Mail, Calendar And Contacts

Mar 27, 2012

Will lion server work for PC running outlook 2010 re mail, calendar & contacts?

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ICloud :: Share An Apple Account Between Multiple Devices Just For Music?

Mar 19, 2012

My family has a macbook pro with all our music on it and a few iphones 4s's. We all want to have the same music but we all have seperate apple accounts. Is it possible to share an account for just music?

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.2 Hangs / Crashes Whenever Plug Apple Devices Into Sync

Jun 2, 2014

Since upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked.  I get this script in my console   

03/06/2014 06:40:14.480 SyncServer[37207]: [0x7f9b7940bc90] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 56576303104 bytes free in davidcolbert.
03/06/2014 06:40:14.482[208]: ([37207])


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ITunes :: Sync Contacts Empty And Sync Mail Accounts Empty/dimmed?

Apr 11, 2012

I use iCloud for syning Mail & Notes. Contacts, Calendars and Documents & Data. I am 100% sure that in the past in iTunes/Info tab "Sync contacts" and "Sync Mail Accounts" showed all my different Address Book groups and different email account to be synced. Since recently they seem disappeared and I only see my different Calendars to be synced. Why are both Sync contacts empty and Sync Mail Accounts both emtpy/dimmed. BTW if I check Sync contacts I get a message that they are synced through iCloud etc. etc. Now if I enable on my Mac another email account in Apple Mail it is not added to my iPhone/iPad anymore. How can I change that ? 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2 X 3.2 HGz Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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Applications :: Won't Sync Mail App And MobileMe

May 16, 2010

I've just renewed my MobileMe account after several months of it lying idle, but I can't get it to sync with the Mail application on my mac.

All the settings are still the same from when the subscription expired. The MobileMe only offers help in setting it up to sync for the first time.

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Software :: Won't Sync Mail Accounts With MobileMe

Jul 14, 2008

I have an Apple laptop and an Apple desktop. Both are running 10.5.4 and have the MobileMe 1.1 s/w update.

On the laptop, I've set up my Mail accounts, contacts, keychains, bookmarks, etc. as I want them.

I access MobileMe in System Preferences and indicate I want all data on MobileMe replaced by the data on my laptop.

As soon as the sync has completed, I access MobileMe in System Preferences on my Desktop and indicate I want all data on my desktop replaced by the data on MobileMe. Unless I'm missing something, the laptop, MobileMe, and the desktop should all by in sync at this point.

Without touching either computer or accessing MobileMe, I'll get a message on my laptop and/or desktop within an hour telling me that more than 5% of my Mail accounts have changed and asking me what I want to do. If I look at the details of the change, the before and after views of the account are absolutely identical. I've tried resetting the sync history via iSync but that doesn't help. I really don't want to alter the changed percentage that triggers the message because it could be useful for Contacts, etc.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Multiple Mail / After 10.6.2 Mobileme Update

Nov 11, 2009

I installed the 10.6.2 2 days ago, shut down the computer, and let it rest overnight. When I booted, I had no immediate problems. Then that whole mobileme outage thing occured. No biggie, everything functioned fine. After the outage, I had booted Mail to find that only my mobileme account was added. I tried a mail/accounts sync, but nothing happened. I re-added each other account (gmail and college) with no problems, even all the mail was still stored that had been downloaded.

Now I'm finding some little tweaks are off. My "unread messages are bold" was unticked, despite never having altered these settings. Signatures for the accounts were 50/50, with some being removed and some remaining. Anyone else experiencing weird things like this since the combo of the 10.6.2 update and mobileme? The only additional change that happened on my computer was installing Parallels 5 upgrade.

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OS X Mavericks :: Sync Up Apple Contact Book And Exchange Contacts?

Jun 25, 2014

I have a bunch of contacts in my Apple Contact book but am using Outlook for Mac 2011 for email, contact management, and calendar.  I have read that you have to sync your Apple contact book to your exchange account rather than directly to the Outlook for Mac 2011 programs so you don't create duplicates (contacts coming from the Apple address book AND the Exchange server).  However, I can't find anything that tells me how to sync the Apple Contacts with my Exchange account.  I figure at that point once synced, my exchange account will push the new contacts from the Apple Contact book back into Outlook for Mac 2011 making everything whole.

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Software :: Sync Mail Contacts To Gmail Account?

Oct 10, 2008

Is there a way to push my Mail contacts to my gmail account?

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Applications :: Sync Mail With Mobile Phone / Ical Does Not Represent My Calendar In Entourage

Jan 12, 2010

So, i have been using entourage for a couple of years and had no problems. I now want to sync my mail and calendars with my new phone (Nokia N97 mini). To do this I believe I have to use Isync, so I have set the sync services preferences in entourage to 'sync events and tasks with ical and .Mac'.

I have a few queries:

1. when I do this my calendar in ical does not represent my calendar in entourage - there are additional events in the ical calendar (it doesnt recognise that these have been deleted from entourage). Ical is also set to sync with mobile me and that has the same additional events as ical.

2. in ical it says I have 2 calendars 'entourage' and 'entourage 2' however 'entourage' doesnt have any events on it. So I deleted it but it just keeps coming back

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OS X :: Sync Multiple Macs With 1 Mail Account?

Feb 28, 2010

So, I got my MacBook Air.Can I sync my MBA and my iMac (and, like I already am, my iPhone) Mail accounts with each other? The iMac and iPhone sync it great (read/unread/deleted syncs perfectly).

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