OS X :: Finding Information About Snow Leopard And Windows 7
Aug 15, 2009Has anyone installed Windows 7 on your Mac using Parallels and Snow Leopard?
View 1 RepliesHas anyone installed Windows 7 on your Mac using Parallels and Snow Leopard?
View 1 RepliesWhen I got my new Mac, it asked for my personal information, Where can I see that or how can I change it?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat is system volume information
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2,1
I was just on PayPal making an email payment to me. How did PP know that I didn't have "Joe Jone's amial address in my book. Also, Skype went into my address book (without my knowing it) and made every person in there a listing in my Skype contact window?I keep information in there that I don't want to "be out there".
iMovie '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I lost all of my input calendar information. I hope my inputs such as birthdays, events, etc., have been stored somewhere on my computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Powermac G4 AGP (M7628LL/A) that has the AGP slot without the 'power-supplying' tab at the front of the slot. Therefore my NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video card (ADC/VGA) will only enable me to use the VGA outlet, and not the ADC. I have two Studio Display Monitors (M7649) and cannot use them.
I need to know (1) What other monitors will work with this G4 (in case I cannot fulfill #2), and most importantly (2) Which motherboard can I replace this one with that will enable me to use the video card in it's fullest?
could anyone please provide more information about the RAID controller? Could I continue to use my Adaptec 5805 when switching from a PC to a Mac Pro?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep having a popup (left center screen) that sort of looks like a small folder with the word easyNAT at the top. It only last a fraction of a second so I can't screen capture or even study it closely (it's taken a long time just to determine it says easyNAT).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI really wanna update to SL on day 1 but I am taking several online classes and need the following apps to work out of the box:
MS Office 2008, Firefox, Adobe CS masters, VirtualBox and Real Player (school uses realplayer for all video lectures...I smell a pay off...)
can anyone using SL Gold master or the latest pre release confirm if this software works?
One of the biggest gripes i have with Leopard is Spotlight. I have a 4gb usb drive i put mp3s on to listen to in my car and every time i plug it in Spotlight starts indexing it which means i get stuck with slower read/write speeds until it is done. Is there any way in 10.6 to turn off Spotlight for external drives?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen do you think Walt Mossberg and David Pogue will review SL? Wil we see it before friday?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Late 08 Unibody MBP, and I ordered 6gb (one 2gb and one 4gb) of Ram from OWC to install with Snow Leopard (super fast kitty ). So first I installed Snow Leopard with my orignal 2gb of Ram, and it was fine. Then, I installed the 6gb of Ram and it booted up fine and I checked "About this Mac" and it said "6gb of ddr3 ram" or something like that. So I thought all was well. After that, I was transferring some large files from an external HD over to my Mac (clean install), so I went to have some lunch
View 10 Replies View RelatedEver since installing snow leopard my ram has been acting different. By that I mean, when I'm encoding a blu ray in Handbrake and open Activity Monitor it shows 4GB of RAM used (this is after encoding for over two hours). With leopard it would be around 15gb RAM used after a few hours?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWell I received my refurbished 27" i5 about two weeks ago. Since taking it out of the box it has consistently rebooted itself and sometimes even shuts down where I can't power it back up unless I remove the cord from the machine and reinsert it. I tried everything to troubleshoot, zapped PRAM, Reset SMC Controller, logged times after removing USB components, ran multiple quick and full hardware tests. Finally I gave one last attempt and wiped my drive clean and reinstalled snow leopard...Not a single one of these measures worked.
So today I finally called applecare for the first time ever. THey were extremely helpful, didn't try to walk me through troubleshooting steps since they understood that I already tried them all. They instead stated that since Im at around 28 days since ordering (may 14) that I can have it repaired or they can claim the one I got as DOA and ship me a brand new one. Once I receive the new one I ship the old one back. They also bumped up my delivery to overnight since I have been putting up with the reboots and trying to troubleshoot myself.
I wanted to know where I can find the Snow leopard dmg file. I'm trying to install it via USB but I need to find the image first. I was told to go to the apple developer webpage but I can't find it there. Maybe i'm looking in the wrong place.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk, So I have heard what others are saying , but I just want to be sure, I have a Late 2009 White Macbook (Feb. 4, 2009). It is running Leopard 2GB RAM, 64 BIT, 120 HD, BLUETOOTH, ECT. I was curious if my Macbook will be able to run Snow Leopard because some people say it needs 4GB RAM and I can replace my ram, but I really just want to run it smoothly on my macbook.
View 14 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine is interested in snow leopard because of the chinese handwriting feature. He has one of the original white macbooks. Will it work on that model or is it limited to the macbooks with trackpads that can do the 4 finger swipe?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anyone runninf SL on those original macbooks (I have the 2 ghz CD, it runs tiger well, but was going to upgrade). Is it too slow on that machine.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have taken some measurements from my PSU and since I have not seen this sort of info posted anywhere else and it is not in the service manual I thought I'd share it here.
refer attached
Note ** The voltage on pin 4 varies according to the temperature of the PSU and ranges between 1.7V and 2.5V - Higher voltage = lower temperature.
After checking out the system requirements for the upcoming Snow Leopard OS I'm wondering if my '06 MacBook 1.1 w/ a Core Duo processor meets the minimum requirements - specifically, the difference between a 32-bit processor vs. 64-bit processor.
"64-bit support requires a Mac with a 64-bit processor."
Let's have a list of applications that currently don't work under Snow Leopard 10A432.
CandyBar 3.1.2 - Unstable, becomes unresponsive after some time. Cannot scroll through installed icons.
Glims - Installs, but doesn't show up in Safari preferences.
Inquisitor - Installs, but doesn't show up in Safari preferences.
DNS-323 NAS Samba access is also broken in Snow Leopard. I can confirm this.
I need a word processor for Snow Leopard that will read and write to the .doc and .rtf formats. I had NeoOffice but it is basically far from ready for prime time. It will not format picture inserts properly and dropped two out of three pages of my document when I saved it. Yes, I did have the Snow Leopard upgrade for it.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI was thrilled to see Exchange support in Mail/Snow Leopard, but I am less than thrilled with the experience! I should note that my first tests were to set this up as an Exchange 2007 account; I have not yet attempted to use the Exchange IMAP type account, but shall try that later.
Setting it up was quite easy, and I was able to start retrieving emails immediately. Sending is another matter.
1. The sent emails do not show up in my Sent folder for that account, nor on any smart folders that I defined.
2. Multiple instances of the message are stored in the Drafts folder for some reason. There is always more than one message, and often more than two (once there were six copies of the message in the drafts!).
I have just gotten my macBook pro repair and all my itunes music I purchased was deleted, how can I get my purchases back?
iPod touch, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I have just installed Windows 7 via bootcamp and everything went smoothly, the only problem is that i have lost my DVD of snow leopard and want to install the 3.2 drivers on windows 7, however it is to my understanding that i need to install 3.0 from the DVD first. Is there any way around this without ordering another copy of snow leopard? ?25 might not seem a lot but on a student budget i would rather not shell out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to using Windows on a Mac but need to do it now for some video rendering applications that have transcoding, filtering, effects (like VirtualDub) that are only available on a PC.
I have a 17"MBP (3 months old), 2.8Ghz Duo, 4Gb RAM. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, was excited about 64-bit though I'm not an expert, I just heard it would be faster.
I didn't realize SL doesn't boot 64-bit anyhow, that you need to hold "6" & "4" at startup to get it to boot in 64bit mode. This surprised me because I figure many people assumed SL was 64bit! Just getting it to boot properly was a hassle. The 6 & 4 trick didn't work for me.
I had to edit the preference file which wouldn't save at first either because of permissions (I had to drag it to my desktop, edit it, save it, then drag it back to the folder and enter in my administrator password).
Only then did I realize my brand new eSATA Express Card didn't work in 64-bit mode. Upsetting because I just bought the hot new Sonnet Tempo card for $200 that claims to work with Snow Leopard. So until it works I'll be running 32bit mode on my Mac.
But if I want to run Windows 7, does this mean I can only run the 32bit version?
I want to know if you guys have a really slow windows 7 and/or Snow Leopard boot up time?I get a nasty white screen before the main selector kicks in.I'm using a mac mini late 2009.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just bought a Apple Mac Pro running Snow Leopard yet it does not print on any of the 3 printers connected to the network. The Mac sees the printer but there are no drivers for any of MY printers.
I have a HP 1020, Connon IP4600 and a Lexmark X324n XL all running of a Windows network.
Just wanted to let everyone know this morning I installed a brand new drive in my mac mini (320GB 7200RPM for the record)
Then booted off the snow leopard disk and did a fresh install.
The key is to go into the disk utility menu when the first snow leopard screen is displayed (I think the button is "continue" on the first screen). Once in disk utility you can format your bare drive and then upon closing disk utility the SL installer will come back and prompt you to install on the drive you just formatted.
This was using the $29 snow leopard upgrade disk for the record (and yes I already owned leopard for this machine).
SL is so far working sweet except for the lack of istat menus! They really need to get a move on and get that SL compatible version released.
I followed the basic installation procedure from [URL] to install on 10.5, but it won't install on 10.6. [URL]
When I contacted Paul at MadBoa, he said he'd send me a patch but I guess he got too busy, but he said it *will* compile under 10.6.3 also.
The source app is here: [URL] I'm using the tar.gz file as per madboa instructions.
By the way, I'm on a MBP, C2D, 2.8, 8GB 17" if that matters... and have 10.6.3, probably moving to 10.6.4 when it releases.