OS X :: Can't Make Any Secure Connections Using Safari?
Feb 19, 2009
Safari won't let me log into paypal or mobileme (gives an error msg. about "secure connections"), Apple Mail isn't working, and a message has been popping up and telling me that my IP address on my network is already being used.
For several of the accounts on my iMac, I've set parental controls to "try and limit access to adult content" When I do this, Safari stops being able to access "https" websites such as gmail.com etc. If I set the parental controls setting to "unrestricted access" the problem goes away. I don't want the kids to have "unlimited acess" but I do want to let them access "https" sites as appropiate. I've seen several old threads on this subject, but nothing so far that I could find related to it being caused by the parental controls or how to fix it. I'm running OS X 10.6.3 on an iMac quad core. I'm also very new to the Mac world (6 month) so I'm pretty much at the beginner level.
I have read that macs are supposed to be secure, but are there any basic things I can do to make it more secure?as I am still sort of learning mac os, I may need step by step directionsI am currently on a macbook pro i7 2010, snowleopard 10.6.3
I just purchased an Airport Extreme (802.11n) to replace my old Linksys router (so that I can have wifi). After I have everything installed, I went to Symantec's Security Check page and ShieldsUP! page to make sure my connection is secure.
To my horror, Symantec says that one of my ports is OPEN (ICMP Ping), while all others are CLOSED. In my limited understanding, this is definitely not the most desirable situation--not as good as my old Linksys, whose ports are all reported as STEALTH. ShieldsUP! just said that I failed because of the open ICMP port.
My questions are:
1. Is this the best Airport Extreme can do? 2. Am I safe? 3. Can I change any settings to make my network more secure?
I can't find much info from Apples' documentation and the Support website.
I have been using Safari faithfully since it was released, and in the last week it has developed a strange problem. I can't recall doing anything different that would have caused this problem, but now whenever I try to load a secure website (https), I get the error message "Safari could not load the page https:xxxx because it could not connect to the server." I have tried resetting Safari, but that didn't fix the problem. I have also thrown away the following files (Safari_1.2.pkg, Safari (folder), Safari (application), and com.apple.Safari.plist) and reinstalling a new version of Safari, also without success. I should add that Internet Explorer will always load the pages that choke Safari, but I hate using this program. Has anyone ever heard of this before, and does anyone know how to fix it? Here is a link to the error message I get when I try to log in to my .Mac account:
When I start up Safari and load my home page (google.com/ig) it takes way to long (>30 seconds). After doing some testing I found out that Safari seems to be hanging when I make secure requests. I found that out by removing the Gmail and Google Calendar gadgets from my home page and it loaded right away. But then when I go to gmail.com and log in I have to wait again. Also at that time I can't use any other tabs, they all just sit there and spin like they are loading.
Has anyone else had this issue? I know its a Safari issue because Chrome it just fine. Any ideas?
What's your favorite safari extension? and are they secure? Cause apple said that they are done by third-party developers. So are they approved by apple?
My dad set up a managed account for me on my family's iMac and now Safari 4.0.3 will give me the the following error message every time I click on a link to or type the address of a secure website:
Safari can't open the page "pageAddress" because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "serverAddress".
I'm curious about what might cause this because it's stopping me from using a lot of user login pages (i.e.: the Google Accounts login page.) Is there some way that my dad could fix this (I'm not the administrator, as mentioned first.)?
Tried to send a secure message to the customer service of the Chase.com. After hitting the "Send" button, it said "Error: 500". Had no problem with Google Chrome.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try to sign in to my online banking, I get a message that says: Cannot connect to secure server therefore cannot complete your sign in. The different banks I use all give me the same message.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), IBM Net Vista, iMac15-inch, Acer PC
I am using Safari 4.0.2. I was trying to login to Facebook, but yesterday, I got this message that says: "Safari can't open the page [URL] because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server [URL]." It has continued to happen.
Safari wont open any pages such as youtube, facebook etc saying that it cannot establish a secure server. This just happened about 3 hours ago just as my mac went to sleep. The only new thing I did was use an HDMI cable to connect to my TV. The mac had been shutdown for low battery because i fell asleep on movie. Anyways, I woke up plugged in my charger only to find that i can't connect to certain sites... Further compounding my problem is a taskbar that says "The certificate for this website is invalid. You might be connecting to a website that is pretending to be <url here>.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I've tried doing things with proxy. I've tried resetting Safari. I've tried doing things with cookies. I've tried disabling extensions. Next step is to try throwing my laptop out the window. This only started happening yesterday and there is no issues with other sites. It's not my internet connection. I can't get to Facebook by direct URL or through google or through links in my history. Macbook Pro bought in 2012 with Mountain Loin.
I've tried doing things with proxy. I've tried resetting Safari. I've tried doing things with cookies. I've tried disabling extensions. Next step is to try throwing my laptop out the window. This only started happening yesterday and there is no issues with other sites. It's not my internet connection. I can't get to Facebook by direct URL or through google or through links in my history. Macbook Pro bought in 2012 with Mountain Loin.
I'm setting up Safari for a child, and have Parental Controls enabled and am customizing the list of sites that can be visited. I'm allowing [URL] and have multiple http and https Netflix URL's allowed. However, when I test accessing this site, Safari gives an error stating that it cannot establish a "secure connection". The same computer, with a different account, can access the same URL without the error. My assumption would be that since I specifically allowed several [URL] URL's, that this would work just fine. By granting specific access, you are bypassing Parental Controls in a controlled way.
I have been having this problem for a while. It happens every now and then, sometimes more often too. Sometimes at random times, when I try to access https websites in Safari such as Internet banking, signing in into eBay etc, it has an error.
It says "Safari can't open the page because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server signin.ebay.com.au". To resolve this problem I always have to turn off my Airport and then turn it back on. See screenshot - [URL]
I've also tried opening it in Firefox and it also doesn't work. In Firefox, the error is "Data Transfer Interrupted: The connection to signin.ebay.com.au has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred." See screenshot - [URL]
I did work out that one reason I don't get anywhere close to the so called 8-9 h battery life on my i5 MBP is that I use Opera as my Browser. Even though I force the Intel GPU it seems with Safari the battery estimate looks a lot better (still only at minimum Brightness it reaches 8-9h and never on 50% birghtness as Apple says).
But since I only use the Touchpad and not a mouse to control the Browser I thought that the more important stuff Safari should be able to do too at least as a mobile browser.
I put some gestures in BetterTouchTool (same as for Opera). (i.e. single tiptap for back and forward, twofinger tiptab to switch tabs, threefingerswipe up/down to open and close tabs, in short I imitate the mouse gestures I am used to.
a. What is the best way to port my bookmarks? And (optional) is there any reasonable way for syncing? I use Opera Link for all my different PCs, OSs and it works brilliantly because all I have to do after a reinstall is typ in name and password and everything is setup in seconds. I never used mobile me and do not really intend to do so, as it costs and I don't benefit from any family license, and I don't feel the need for any other mobile me feature. It is simply a little overpriced for simple syncronisation.
b. How do I change(not add) short cuts? I found a page for all the safari short cuts and there are many of them. I don't really like some of them though. One of the reasons I think Opera is superior to most other browser are the single key short cuts. They are off by default because they would most likely confuse anybody who doesn't know about them but they make everything more efficient.
The most important being all though it is a default setting and not really a single key short cut is the . instead of CMD+F and Enter instead of CMD+J. And I'd like some single key for CMD+G. I don't know how to change it in Safari and if I change it globally somehow it probably wouldn't work, because it is important for this kind of shortcuts to differntiate between a I am just writing something state and the I am not typing anything but want to control the browser state. It is my understanding only the browser can really do that.
The reason is simple and being that it works so much faster. In Opera with mouse gestures you can do almost anything with the mouse and never have to lift a finger to get most things done where Safari often needs a cmd+click or whatever. And you can navigate expecially big sites faster than they are loaded only by keyboard. Press "." some String and Enter to get to a certain menu item and klick it. CMD+F a String CMD+J is as weird as it may sound to some, just worlds slower. It gets even worse if you only have one hand free to do the same task.
I truly never really understood this whole speed thing with browser because loading speed is rarely an issue if you have a fast connection. IMO it is all about the time you need to get to where you want to be.
c. code/abreviation/shortcuts for search engines? That should be fairly easy because you can easily teach it to Firefox, but I don't know how. In Opera again only stupid people use this search box. The one you click and select a search engine and than typ something and press enter. Most people just use a short cut for the search engine and typ in the normal address bar. Like you typ "maps London" and it opens google maps and zooms to London. The same works for pretty much anything and is brilliant because you can search in the german and english wikipedia by only slightly different short cuts. It is slow to first having to use the mouse to select the search engine, then go back to the keyboard and typ something. Who does that? In fact with out this search box nonsense you get a real simple gui. I have the fit to width button and the address field and thats all you really need in Opera.
In FF you can go to manage your searches and put codes in and works the same as in Opera. It is more difficult to set up but it works. I guess in Safari it should work too and Safari would give me about an extra hour of battery life or more as the estimate is telling me when I CMD+Q Opera. No Idea what Opera is doing when it ain't doing anything.
I'd love to use Safari more, it's so fast and smooth, but whenever I use it's RSS reading function it feels so redundant and dumb, it's like why don't I just go to the blog as I normally do? I love how in Firefox I can just see all the new stories quickly in a drop-down menu and go stright to the ones I want to read right away, is there no way at all to do that in Safari? Or is there some plugin program out there that does that?
I have acrobat installed, and every time I view a pdf through safari, it views it with acrobat. I want it to do it with Preview instead, but I don't know how!
in other words when I'm in Safari, and I click on a link of a pdf file, I want it to display the pdf in the browser with Preview instead of acrobat.
How can I add the feature to Safari that is on FireFox that let's you type in for example "Mac Rumors" in the address bar (not the full url) and it pulls up the macrumors.com with just those two words?
How can I add the feature that allows my bookmarks on my toolbar look like this in FireFox: (JUST the icons instead of the typical text only in Safari)
Also what is good to organize bookmarks?
That is mainly it, I just want those two features. To me Safari works a heck of a lot better than FireFox. FireFox for me always crashes even when I have no add ons or anything. YouTube is usually slow and it is just better to use Safari to me. Any advice for the above features on Safari?
how do i tell safari to use my wireless connection instead of ethernet?
at work my mac pro is connected to our company network via ethernet. but i also have a verizon dsl connection via airport. i only want safari to use my airport connection, and everything else to be using the company network via ethernet. for the life of my i can't figure this out. i have searched the interwebs high and low.
I decided to try safari 3 again after I got Leopard, I like it except for one thing, some links will open in a new window that in other browsers would open in a new tab. is there any way to make Safari do this by default without having to command click on the links?
just got my imac last week and i am using a wifi router (netgear) to connect to the internet. certain websites will make safari freeze. i can still quit safari, but once i try to open it up again it cannot connect. i check my network preferences and it finds my network, i try to connect but no luck. i know ive got the right password and everything, and once i restart the machine it automatically finds and connects to my network and im good to go again until it freezes and i go through the process again. ive called apple and gotten no working solution. they told me to reset safari and clear caches which i have done and that hasnt helped. looking for any advice you've got. also, i was thinking about picking up an airport router. could that possibly solve my problem? is it possible that the imac doesnt communicate well with the netgear router?
Just thought I would post this article from when the Safari 4 beta came out and would not work with 1Password. I just did the same thing with the final release of Safari 4 that came out today and it worked just fine. The only thing different is you need to change the value to 5530.17 instead of 5528.16.
Im sure 1Password will fix it in the next day or two, but for those of you who cant wait this will work.
having my eyes get used to the 1900x1200 resolution in my 17" unibody macbook pro's screen is probably not good with the macbook air's 1280x800 resolution i use at home, so i need to press "cmd -" every time i browse some pages.
is there any way to make safari load pages with smaller text size? 1 press of "cmd -" is probably good enough.