I tried setting a shortcut for "All Applications" -> "Zoom" so that I can have a keyboard shorcut for the green button/maximize button at the top (you can probably tell I just switched over from Windows). I set it to control+Z (^Z) and in FireFox when I look at the Window menu at the top I see "Zoom ^Z" like it should work, but it doesn't. When I click control+Z the Window menu at top sort of flashes/highlights real quick but the zoom function is not called. When I manually go to Window-->Zoom, it works.
I'm using Mac Mini with a Logitech keyboard with a built-in trackpad as HTPC. Therefore, I need a keyboard shortcut for zooming in and out in a browser (any browser). No pinch to zoom on Logitech. Ok, regularly, there is cmd plus / cmd minus to do this. On the english keyboard layout, these keys are next to each other and next to backspace. And it works. However, I am from the Czech republic and therefore using Czech layout. In it, minus is mapped as the first key left to the right shift. And it works for zoom out. BUT, the plus sign is mapped on the numeral 1 and hitting the cmd button alone changes it from plus to the number 1! So there is no way for me to hit the combination of keys cmd and plus.
I just upgraded from Tiger to Leopard. When I had the old Tiger software installed, I was able to zoom in and out on my screen by holding down the Control key while scrolling with my mouse.
But since I installed Leopard (not Snow Leopard, since I am using a G5 Tower PowerPC), this key combination no longer works.
This former screen zoom feature is important to me because I am a graphic designer with a neurological condition (tremors in my hands) that makes selecting fine points in graphic applications difficult unless I zoom in.
Note: using the normal graphics apps magnifying glass feature does not help me, because the select points still stay small, but using the old screen zoom method made the points larger and easier for me to select.
I recently got a MacBook Pro 2Ghz and therefore would like to try Safari out. I used Firefox on Windows and I loved the shortcut to the Google Search (CMD+K).
But it isn't there in Safari. So I googled it and found out I can make my own shortcut for it. This is what people have said I should do:
1. Open System Preferences. 2. Click on Keyboard & Mouse. 3. Click on Keyboard Shortcuts. 4. Click the �+� to add a new shortcut. 5. Choose �Safari� from the Application menu. 6. Type �Google Search�... (without the quotes) into the Menu Title field. Those three dots are an ellipses, formed by typing Option-semicolon (not three periods). 7. Press Command-K in the Keyboard Shortcut field. 8. Click �Add�. 9. Close and reopen Safari.
I couldn't make the ellipses through Option-semicolon, but alt-X. I think it's because it's a Danish keyboard, but I don't know.
But here's the problem: It doesn't work.
I've done it step by step and I've tried to restard the computer and done it again, it just doesn't work.
command-option-apostrophe does not work in Apple Mail for me (Mail 7.3, OS 10.9.3). This is the keyboard shortcut used to decrease the quote level of a quoted line in a Mail message. In other words this is the keyboard shortcut for the menu item:
Format --> Quote Level --> Decrease
It hasn't worked for me since at least 10.8. Are others having this problem or do I need to dig more deeply through system extensions, looking for some kin of conflict?
OS 10.9.3. This morning the Finder keyboard shortcut Command-W stopped closing windows and instead opened a folder burried fairly deeply in my Home folder. I moved that folder and managed to get Command-W to stop opening it, but it will still NOT close a window in Finder. Nor will it close windows in applications. What does happne is that the frame of the window flashes (but it remains open).
(Running 10.4.6 on an eMac btw) As I type this in a Firefox window, I am unable to type ANYTHING in Finder. I created a new folder and tried to rename it - nothing's happening. Typing won't work in Finder Search, or Folder Info either. Nor folders i create on the Desktop. I tried closing Finder and re-opening. No luck. I can type in every other program.
After working fine for a few weeks, the keyboard backlight suddenly doesn't work anymore. When I press F6 (more light) I get the on screen box, but it won't go up beyond 0 and a circle with a line through it is displayed below the indicator/status.
I bought a rocketfish bluetooth adapter(usb) and i have a PowerMacG5, and i just got the newest bluetooth wireless keyboard but the fn key wont work at all. i cant change the volume or the use the previous, pause/play keys, or fastforward because the fn key doesn't work.
My keyboard and trackpad doesn´t work. I have a macbook pro 17" from 2008, and i upgraded the OS to Snow Leopard. I even tried with Lion, because i read somewhere that this could solve the problem, but so far, nothing.
When I am in Mac's "Pages" or messaging in "Mail", the keyboard "END" button doesn't do anything. When I isited the Apple store, theirs didn't seem to work either, except when using Microsoft Word for Mac. Ironic, huh? Does anyone know anything about this??
I used my Wireless Aluminum Keyboard over in Mac OS. I recently installed Vista 32-bit over bootcamp. After I boot Windows, I cannot use my Wireless keyboard. I paired using Windows help assistant or whatever but still cant use it. Do you guys have any same problems? What do you guys do? Is there any Apple Software update for this problem? I checked Apple support page but no luck!
I am running Mac 10.5.6 and I have installed VMware Fusion so that i can try and run Windows XP since i have some useful applications. However, when it boots i cannot get the mouse or keyboard to work which means that i cannot do anything on the virtualisation.
I've recently installed more ram into my macbook pro, and now the keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. My wireless mouse does work however. I tried taking the new Ram out and turning the computer back on that way, but the keyboard still won't work.
I was installing windows with Bootcamp.so i started the installation process got past partition and now i am stuck on select cd-rom boot type no key board or mouse will work and i cannot eject the windows cd everytime i restart it goes to this screen..I tried a dell keyboard with usb and that didn't work any other suggestions.i feel like if i eject the cd it will help i just want to get back to Lion and all that awesome stuff on my computer.
I have an iMac G3 keyboard that I'm trying to use with my MacBook, it works PERFECT, except when I press caps lock it just stops working. Also, when I first plug it in the Caps Lock light flashes green for just a split second. Is there any chance of getting hold of some software that would help?
I can't seem to get DVD Player to retain and use saved zoom settings for all disks. I have a Standard Def TV and don't like large bars at the top and bottom of the screen, so I use "Standard Display - Widescreen Mode" so I tried to Save the opreset and clicking the "Use for All Disks" check box. When I insert another disk, the zoom reverts to "Normal" (unzoomed) mode. I've tried deleting the DVD Player plist file, but that has no effect. I also tried unchecking the "Video Zoom" box under DVD Player Prefs (Previously viewed tab/Always use Disk settings), but that doesn't let the preset be used for all disks. Basically, the Save Preset option seems useless unless you view the same disk again.
I bought a retina macbook pro (the uptated version of august). it is the mid 13inch version. unfortunately my trackpad does't zoom anymore in the safari... is it an option that toggled off or is it a problem that i am having???
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
When I visit websites, I constantly have to hit the zoom in button in the Safari menu bar. If I don't do this, there are words that overlap on the page. Is there a way I could make Safari remember my zoom options? I have 18 point selected under the Advanced section of Safari System Preferences. I also use Chrome and Chrome seems to remember my view options.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), iPhone 5S, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPod
I alternate between French and English regularly when typing, but every time I have to go to System Preferences (or add an ugly flag that does not match the color-scheme to the status-bar) and change the language. Is there a way to have a keyboard shortcut that switches between two keyboard shortcuts?
After Update to os lion 10.7.4 on 11t may 2012 my keyboard "h" doesn't work anymore. I only can type a "h" by copying it from another text and paste it into my text.
i can not zoom in and zoom out in the finder's windows with the folders as in snow leopard i was able to make the folders bigger with the zoom pinch in and out but i was unable to do with it in mac lion
I set my fn key to display all windows (same as F3 default). I would like to remove this, but it doesn't show up on the system preferences shortcut list. Pressing "Restore Defaults" does nothing to alleviate the problem. Is there a way that I could reset all of my default shortcuts through terminal or something more powerful than system preferences?