Hardware :: IMac G3 Keyboard M2452 Doesn't Work With Intel Mac And Leopard?
Aug 26, 2009
I have an iMac G3 keyboard that I'm trying to use with my MacBook, it works PERFECT, except when I press caps lock it just stops working. Also, when I first plug it in the Caps Lock light flashes green for just a split second. Is there any chance of getting hold of some software that would help?
When I am in Mac's "Pages" or messaging in "Mail", the keyboard "END" button doesn't do anything. When I isited the Apple store, theirs didn't seem to work either, except when using Microsoft Word for Mac. Ironic, huh? Does anyone know anything about this??
I was installing windows with Bootcamp.so i started the installation process got past partition and now i am stuck on select cd-rom boot type no key board or mouse will work and i cannot eject the windows cd everytime i restart it goes to this screen..I tried a dell keyboard with usb and that didn't work any other suggestions.i feel like if i eject the cd it will help i just want to get back to Lion and all that awesome stuff on my computer.
Every once in a while my sound just either stops working, or won't come on when I begin to play something. I try moving the volume up & down, turning things on & off, plugging and unplugging headphones, etc, and there seems to be no consistent method to get it back to functioning... What could be going on to cause this?
I experience this problem for 2 days now. The wi fi says it is connected and all the bars are full but id doesn't load a single page!
The internet i've got is vergin so normally is very fast.Downstairs where we have a desktop computer connected to the D-link is working as normal.
When I open the network diagnostics in mac it shows : wi fi is green , wi-fi settings is green, network settings is failed(red), ISP failed(red), Internet failed (red), server failed red.
(Running 10.4.6 on an eMac btw) As I type this in a Firefox window, I am unable to type ANYTHING in Finder. I created a new folder and tried to rename it - nothing's happening. Typing won't work in Finder Search, or Folder Info either. Nor folders i create on the Desktop. I tried closing Finder and re-opening. No luck. I can type in every other program.
After working fine for a few weeks, the keyboard backlight suddenly doesn't work anymore. When I press F6 (more light) I get the on screen box, but it won't go up beyond 0 and a circle with a line through it is displayed below the indicator/status.
I tried setting a shortcut for "All Applications" -> "Zoom" so that I can have a keyboard shorcut for the green button/maximize button at the top (you can probably tell I just switched over from Windows). I set it to control+Z (^Z) and in FireFox when I look at the Window menu at the top I see "Zoom ^Z" like it should work, but it doesn't. When I click control+Z the Window menu at top sort of flashes/highlights real quick but the zoom function is not called. When I manually go to Window-->Zoom, it works.
I bought a rocketfish bluetooth adapter(usb) and i have a PowerMacG5, and i just got the newest bluetooth wireless keyboard but the fn key wont work at all. i cant change the volume or the use the previous, pause/play keys, or fastforward because the fn key doesn't work.
My keyboard and trackpad doesn´t work. I have a macbook pro 17" from 2008, and i upgraded the OS to Snow Leopard. I even tried with Lion, because i read somewhere that this could solve the problem, but so far, nothing.
I used my Wireless Aluminum Keyboard over in Mac OS. I recently installed Vista 32-bit over bootcamp. After I boot Windows, I cannot use my Wireless keyboard. I paired using Windows help assistant or whatever but still cant use it. Do you guys have any same problems? What do you guys do? Is there any Apple Software update for this problem? I checked Apple support page but no luck!
I am running Mac 10.5.6 and I have installed VMware Fusion so that i can try and run Windows XP since i have some useful applications. However, when it boots i cannot get the mouse or keyboard to work which means that i cannot do anything on the virtualisation.
I've recently installed more ram into my macbook pro, and now the keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. My wireless mouse does work however. I tried taking the new Ram out and turning the computer back on that way, but the keyboard still won't work.
Currently I have a white iMac. It's the one that looks like the G5, but it's not a G5, because it has the iSight and an Intel processor. It's running Tiger. I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard. Would it run okay?
Here are the specs: Version 10.4.11 Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory: 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Have a iMac G5 with built in BT. I used it downstairs yesterday and took it back to the spare room where it usually is used. Fired it up today and I find that the BT mouse is fine BUT it ignores the keyboard. I tried; Replacing batteries. Checked that the suspect keyboard worked on my mac mini (it did). Tried my other BT keyboard on the iMac same problem. So, why does it recognise the mouse but not the keyboard? I do not have a USB Keyboard, so now I cannot Log in to fix it! I am guessing that the pairing has gone BUT surely it would simply see the keyboard as a new one and start setting it up. Something is stopping keyboards working with BT, very strange - could a loose BT module cause this? Or will I have to buy a USB Keyboard now to use my iMac?
I leave my imac on all the time, I have a wireless bluetooth keyboard and sometimes when I hit the keyboard my imac doesn't wake up. Is this an issue that anyone else has delt with? Is it a keyboard issue or a computer issue?
When trying to install a fresh copy of the OS what key/key-combination would you hold down after inserting the (Leopard) disk, if the keyboard isn't an Apple one? Holding down the C-key doesn't work.
I feel something might be up with my 4850. I get some weird rendering in WoW (in OSX) and it doesn't seem to preform very well in COD4 (in Windows). Seems like these issues recently started.
Anyone else have an issue like this? Seems like when I first started using this system I had no problems. I have installed latest drivers.
I have SMCFan going on a higher speed to reduce heating. Done everything I can think of and stilll having issues. Am I missing anything?
I'd like to find some sort of program (OSX prefer) to do a stress test on the graphics card if there is one if there is one.
i bought before a month a new imac 21.5 . i also have an ipad2 and iphone4 ,, my facetime on imac doesnt work i cant choose prefences (and when i m trying to logging in says try your internet connection) my wifi connection is absolutely right .ipad and iphone works ok.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), problem with FaceTime
My macbookpro was prepared and partitioned by an Apple authorized reseller and I got it with one user installed and hdisk partioned with bootcamp and windows on one partition.I decided to use migration assistant to move my previous account from an ibook to the new macbook.Everything went flawlessly but when I am working with the new account I cannot have the trackpad working at all: no scrolling, no pinching, no rotating, ecc
I updated to Snow Leopard. I have an HP 6310 All-In-One. The scanner portion worked fine prior to the update, now an "Unknown Error" constantly occurs preventing me from scanning documents. Image Capture doesn't even recognize there is a scanner available. I have downloaded the most recent driver from HP, (2007), but it still does not work. Will I have to wait for HP to build a new driver specifically for Leopard?
I just installed Win 7 in bootcamp on my mac pro and want to be able to connect to it and control it from my MBP on a local network. I used to just use RDC when I was running win xp sp2 - worked great. Now, RDC doesn't work. I turned on screen sharing and installed realvnc in win 7. But, I can't use RDC still and I tried using chicken of the vnc and also the command-k: vnc:// work - I set up realvnc to only require a password set in that program, the ip addy is correct, and realvnc says it is up and running on the mac pro.
I'm a relatively new Mac user so I'm not sure if it's user ignorance or something is wrong with my computer but nothing happens when I insert a cd into the drive. Nothing shows up in iTunes, Finder, or on my desktop. Shouldn't I see an audio CD in iTunes? And if I put a blank DVD into the drive, shouldn't it show up in Finder so I can burn files to it?