OS X Yosemite :: Mail Viewer Window Closes Immediately After Starting Mail
Dec 6, 2014
Mail viewer window closes immediately after starting Mail. It flashes up in a small frame and then closes. If I try to view in full screen mode, it will open and then shrink to the top quarter of the page. The lower 3/4 page will be black and it will not allow me to do anything.Â
When i double click the HD icon on my desktop the screen flashes real quickly and the window pops open and closes. If i use the 'Go' option in the menu bar i can only view in column mode. when i chose list mode the window flashes and closes immediately.
ALSO when i got to view options.. i do not have all the choices. the bottom half of the window is missing (ie:show items, snap to grid etc)
Anyone know WHY? i have tried trashing the finder plist from preferences.. to no avail. i have zapped PRAM. i have used disk util to repair. Any other ideas?
I'm having the same problem with Mail but with the latest Lion version (OS X v.10.7.3).Can't quit Mail, can't read messages, can't shut down.I just moved to an Apple computer with the hope to live in the "promise land" of no more crashes.Never happened to me on a PC a problem like that.
I have OS X 10.7.4 on a MacBook Air and 80% of the time, I have to force-quit Mail. It's a real pain since it prevents shut downs so I have to remember to force-quit it each time.
Every few days when I try to open Mail app message viewer window from the minimized state, by clicking on the App icon in the Dock, it will not open -- even though Mail app is running. When this starts happening there is no way to make the message viewer appear, even though Mail app has not crashed does appear to be running. Also, at this time, any minimized emails will not open from the Dock either. If I restart Mail app this fixes it, but the problem comes back.
minimized email messages often seem to get lost by the Dock after this happens as well, so I lose track of messages I had minimized for future reference (they no longer appear in the Dock and I have to find them and open them and minimize them again... since I sometimes minimize several messages in the Dock to respond to or have for easy reference this is annoying).
The Mail viewer window opens briefly on Mail startup but disappears immediately.
It will open from a minimised window (while the program is open) or by opening a new viewer window only.
This has started happening since Mavericks was installed - before this, the viewer window always appeared automatically when I clicked on Mail or command-tabbed to Mail.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
The left column of Apple Mail viewer window has a function at the bottom allows you to see pop up the "Mail Activity" but very little activity shows in there. Nothing like the separate Activity function which you can open from under the drop down "Window".Â
Is the Mail Activity in the viewer window not working properly or is it supposed to show only very limited Mail Activity? Â
Would be convenient to not have to use the separate window for viewing Activity.
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Mac Air OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
Mail [snow leop] stops displaying messages in viewer window until I open a new viewer window. That is the message text in the right window section does not show. I have looked for an item in Preferences and find nothing relating to this. This is an issue that occurs more often now. What need I do?
OSX's Mail.app used to display the actual colored flag in the (classic layout) viewer's flag column; visible and compact. I've noticed recently (since the iOSemite update?) that it displays the words (Red/Orange/ etc.) instead. With a narrow column that used to accommodate the flags, this now shows "R…/O…/ etc. instead. Since my Mail window is only a 1/2 screen wide, there is simply no room for an inch-wide column.Â
Is there a way to make Mail show the actual flags in that column, rather than the verbose names of the flags?Â
If not, I can of course rename the flags into a single-character name, so it fits
I run OSX 10.5.8 with Mail 3.6. I have used Mail templates successfully many times. Today I decided to make a custom template and followed the directions in Mail Help. When I saved my custom template, Mail closed and gave me the report window. The report could not be submitted. I can open Mail and do all normal Mail functions, except for the templates. Now, every time I open templates, the Mail app closes and gives me the report window, and each time the report window will not submit the report. I don't really need to make custom templates, I was just trying to learn something new. I do like the standard templates and would like to be able to use them. I closed Mail and re-opened. I shut down the computer and rebooted but no luck. How I can get back to the way things were?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've added a Google Apps account to OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 few weeks ago to use it in Mail, but I removed it last week. I tried adding it back during the weekend, but I've been getting this error: "Mail couldn't discover the account settings for the Mail server domain"Â
This comes after I click "Set Up" and tick Mail only. I don't have 2 step verification enabled for that account and I didn't change any account settings since adding it last time.Â
Also, I can still see the account (as well as other Google account that's currently not added to OS X) in Accounts.plist located in: ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailDataÂ
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), (9,2) 2.9GHz i7, 8GB, 480GB SSD
Since I update to yosemitee on 11/30 MAC mail will not connect to my mail server. I have deleted and re added the account, tried every setting that my provider has for incoming and outgoing but the problem seems to be with the apple update.Â
I am trying to set Apple Mail as my default mail application, but invariably, when I try to send an email from another program, it opens Outlook instead.
How can I make Mail the default mail application for my entire system?
I just moved to my new Macbook Air with Mavericks (from and older MBA with OS 10.7.5). When I clic the send button now on an outgoing message, it doesn't send immediately, something it did do with the older version of mail. Rather it spontaneously sends some time later.Â
How I can set it so that it sends the message immediately upon clicking "send"?Â
I haven't installed any plug ins, altered the accounts, or done anything different in mail today. For some reason, it all of the sudden stopped opening - can't even get a main screen up when I launch it. I've tried deleting plists, holding shift on start up, checked for any problematic mail being downloaded via my iPad, repaired permissions and even tried to launch yesterday's version from Time machine. I've tried opening Mail without being on the internet too. I have an exchange account and a mobile me account on there, and both have been working perfectly until today. I have a 2009 Unibody Macbook Pro running 10.6.4. My crash report is almost twice the length of the allowed word count so can't post it - is there a specific section I should cut and paste?
I am new to Macs so please excuse my lack of knowledge or skill on this platform. Mail crashes each time I opening it. Meaning it opens then immediately quits with a report. I did a safe boot and ran system utilities which said everything was fine. I don't know what to do next.
Am I imagining it, or did Cmd-W use to close the active tab only? Now when I want to close a tab,I hit Cmd-W and suddenly my entire Safari window closes.I notice in the File Menu that Cmd-W is set to close window and there is now no keyboard shortcut to close a tab.When did this change and why? Is there any way to get the old functionality back? I am using Safari 5.1.7, Mac OS X 10.7.4 on a Mac Pro
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 core 3.2 GHz + 6GB RAM
Mail keeps starting up at login. In the preferences>accounts and login items it's not listed, so there's nothing to remove there. Please, how do I stop from mail opening at startup, I don't want to use it, as I do everything via webmail.
Whenever I'm on my Mac-book Pro, I always get these pop up windows (like, the ones with the yellow triangle and exclamation mark). But before I can even read them, they close by themselves—they pop up for, like, less than a second and then close. It's kind of annoying, and I don't know if I should be worried about them or not... I would like to know what they say, but that's not going to happen apparently.
i saw another post with a similar problem, but what specifically is happening is that i have iCal set to sync with Gmail calendar. mac mail keeps starting up to show me appointments and nothing else. as far as i can tell the calendar reminders are the only thing that is causing mac Mail to start. i have disabled my email account in mac mail also.
Mail is not working properly in OSX10.10.1. I would like to revert to gmail as the default email viewer. I recently got a new hard drive which doesn't have chrome.If so can I use chrome for mail and safari for the web?
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail (Optonline.net). Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
For the last week I find that after sending an email with attachments that it remains in my draft box after sending. The mail shows up in the sent box, but it never get's deleted from the draft box until I resend it. This is happening on both my MBP and iMac. Both machines connect to iCloud for mail.
I have a new iMac, which came with Lion. I am now using system version 10.7.3. Â
Everything (as far as I can tell) transferred correctly from my previous computer, by way of Time Machine. Except that Mail does not work at all. I spent a lot of time with Apple tech support, to no avail.Â
Here are the symptoms:Â Mail does not show ANY messages or mailboxes -- just a grey, completely empty window -- not even empty folders -- not one folder, not one smart folder, not one message -- everything in the View menu is greyed outI can get all the windows to show up except the main oneif I select "New Viewer Window" in the file menu, Mail crashes and I have to force quitif I select "Message Viewer" in the Window menu, I get the empty grey window.Â
The first tech support person said everything would work when it was finish indexing. Of course that was not true.Â
The second had me delete and reinstall the accounts. Then the program spent a lot of time apparently syncing the IMAP accounts, but still nothing in the window.Â