OS X Mavericks :: Mail Viewer Window Keeps Disappearing?
Jun 17, 2014
The Mail viewer window opens briefly on Mail startup but disappears immediately.
It will open from a minimised window (while the program is open) or by opening a new viewer window only.
This has started happening since Mavericks was installed - before this, the viewer window always appeared automatically when I clicked on Mail or command-tabbed to Mail.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Every few days when I try to open Mail app message viewer window from the minimized state, by clicking on the App icon in the Dock, it will not open -- even though Mail app is running. When this starts happening there is no way to make the message viewer appear, even though Mail app has not crashed does appear to be running. Also, at this time, any minimized emails will not open from the Dock either. If I restart Mail app this fixes it, but the problem comes back.
minimized email messages often seem to get lost by the Dock after this happens as well, so I lose track of messages I had minimized for future reference (they no longer appear in the Dock and I have to find them and open them and minimize them again... since I sometimes minimize several messages in the Dock to respond to or have for easy reference this is annoying).
The left column of Apple Mail viewer window has a function at the bottom allows you to see pop up the "Mail Activity" but very little activity shows in there. Nothing like the separate Activity function which you can open from under the drop down "Window".Â
Is the Mail Activity in the viewer window not working properly or is it supposed to show only very limited Mail Activity? Â
Would be convenient to not have to use the separate window for viewing Activity.
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Mac Air OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
Mail viewer window closes immediately after starting Mail. It flashes up in a small frame and then closes. If I try to view in full screen mode, it will open and then shrink to the top quarter of the page. The lower 3/4 page will be black and it will not allow me to do anything.Â
I'm having the same problem with Mail but with the latest Lion version (OS X v.10.7.3).Can't quit Mail, can't read messages, can't shut down.I just moved to an Apple computer with the hope to live in the "promise land" of no more crashes.Never happened to me on a PC a problem like that.
I have OS X 10.7.4 on a MacBook Air and 80% of the time, I have to force-quit Mail. It's a real pain since it prevents shut downs so I have to remember to force-quit it each time.
Mail [snow leop] stops displaying messages in viewer window until I open a new viewer window. That is the message text in the right window section does not show. I have looked for an item in Preferences and find nothing relating to this. This is an issue that occurs more often now. What need I do?
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
I have a small problem that didn't happen previously. As you know, when you download something on mac, a download window appears and you see the download progress. And when it's down you simply click on the file to open it, within that same window. But recently all my downloads disappear after they finish downloading and I have to go into Finder and into the downloads folder to find my file which gets a little inconvenient when downloads pile up in the folder. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Mail.app (Version 7.3 (1878.6) under 10.9.4) is driving me nuts with its superfluous animation. I run dual displays. I keep my main Mail window on my secondary display. When I click Reply (or Reply-All), the email I am replying to flies out and does its cute little flyover to the main display.Â
Is there a way to control this lame behavior? I thought Apple was against animations for the sake of animation. It's completely useless and a UI hindrance. Jakob Nielsen laughs at this, by the way. (Suggesting that I use my main display is not a fix. The software should adapt to my behavior, not vice-versa.)
I open mail and it launches since it is showing in the dock and the mail menu is visible. The main mailbox window is missing and most all of the menus are greyed out, even in the window menu where it allows you to select a window to see the main mail window is not showing up.Â
I have manually rebuilt the mailbox database and that did not work. I deleted the "Account.plist" file from the ~/library/mail/MailData/ folder and this seem to work. When I launched mail after I deleted this file the Main mail window was there with all my mailbox folders and emails. The only thing missing was the inbox for my main email account. Mail required that a new email account be created otherwise it would quit, I create the email account and everything was fine, until I quit out of mail. The next time I launched it again i was back to not have the main mail window. The only way to get it to come back is to delete the "Account.plist" file again and created the main email account. The only work around I have at this point is not to quit mail.Â
The finder window on my MacMini (OSX 10.7) keeps dropping off the screen and cannot be retrieved. Where did it go? Clicking on the Finder icon gets no results.
I seem to have the following problem. not sure exactly how it started as my wife was using the mac at the time (she says she just dragged the safari to different desktop via mission control) but now the situation is as follows:
When I hit safari icon it switches on (I can see the little light dot underneath the icon and after right click I can see names of windows that are opened) however I can only see the Safari menu at the top but no window. If I scroll to the right or left to different desktops it's not there, the same goes if I double tap to see the Mission Control mode it's not there...
I so far figured out that once the Safari menu is visible on top of the screen I can go to View>Enter Full Screen and then Safari will come back into the full screen mode but once I unclick the full screen button in right top corner the whole window just swoops into the right top corner and it's nowhere to be found again.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27" Mid 2011, Ci5 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM
With Character Viewer open, the "Pictographs" and the "Emoji" characters appear too small to see their details on my 13" MacBook Pro. Is there a way to make them look bigger so I can see their differences better without having to click on each one?Â
I have already set the default application to open PDFs to Preview by using the "Open with..." and "Change All" option.Â
Now PDFs open in Preview, but I have a weird side effect:Â when I create a PDF (from Microsoft Word, etc.) the document is created with an Adobe Reader ICON, it then quickly changes to a Preview ICON (and opens in Preview).Â
PDFs are doing what I want, but the flash of Adobe Reader ICON (pun intended) is quite annoying. I have searched through the Adobe Reader Preferences and can find nothing that seems related.
OSX's Mail.app used to display the actual colored flag in the (classic layout) viewer's flag column; visible and compact. I've noticed recently (since the iOSemite update?) that it displays the words (Red/Orange/ etc.) instead. With a narrow column that used to accommodate the flags, this now shows "R…/O…/ etc. instead. Since my Mail window is only a 1/2 screen wide, there is simply no room for an inch-wide column.Â
Is there a way to make Mail show the actual flags in that column, rather than the verbose names of the flags?Â
If not, I can of course rename the flags into a single-character name, so it fits
I have a Mac Mini running OSX 10.9.3/Server 3.1.2 and a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.9.1. Recently I have noticed that files I create on the laptop are being automatically deleted. I have literally watched them disappear while I watch. The entire folder contents seem to be stuck at a point in time about 8 days ago. If I restore a file or subfolder from the trash, it disappears again within a few minutes.Â
The account in question is a mobile account. I have set HomeSync to sync manually, so I don't think that is the problem. There are no other folder sync (rsync, etc.) daemons running that I am aware of. TimeMachine is set up on the laptop but the remote disk is full and I need to start a new back up set (or get a bigger disk.)Â
Was forced to reload my OS. Now I am unable to open several apps whether I am on the OS or safe mode. Example; I can click on contacts and nothing happens. I can open my apple mail but can not view the email nor click on it to open. I can not open terminal. I can not open software update.Â
When I open up mail, the dock and the header bar both disappear and won't return even if I hover the mouse in the area. Have tried changing preferences for dock and have reset the dock - still not working.
I am losing random incoming emails in my .mac email address. I first discovered it last week when my wife was getting emails that I was copied on that I never got. Checked inbox, trash, junk, iCloud and never could find them. Then today, just by chance, I had to verify a link via that email address. When the verification is sent, I see it hit the inbox with the new email counter and then it immediately disappears. I have disabled all my Apple Mail rules and Smart Mailboxes. As I mentioned, I have checked everywhere I could think of that it might be going.
Info: MacBookPro7,1 2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.7), 8 GB 1067 DDR3 SDRAM
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail (outlook.com) in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on outlook.com will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on outlook.com to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on outlook.com so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
I need to take a screen shot from an entire window. When properly rendered this window is 5 times larger than the resolution on my MacBook or the external monitor I'm using. Â
To use the application, it's ok to scroll around the screen, but I want to capture an image that will show the whole window.Â
So, how can I either:
* Size a single window so that it is much larger than the screen (Dragging horizontally works but dragging vertically doesn't) - Or
* Se the screen resolution of an external monitor to something like 9600x5400 so that I will only see part of the window (The normal max resolution of the display is 1920x1080)Â
After my last OS update, all every time I open an app, it opens a window (where I last left it) and I have to click that away before going to the folder I wan to open. Well, it does not drive me crazy but is really annoying.Â