I have OS X 10.7.4 on a MacBook Air and 80% of the time, I have to force-quit Mail. It's a real pain since it prevents shut downs so I have to remember to force-quit it each time.
I'm having the same problem with Mail but with the latest Lion version (OS X v.10.7.3).Can't quit Mail, can't read messages, can't shut down.I just moved to an Apple computer with the hope to live in the "promise land" of no more crashes.Never happened to me on a PC a problem like that.
Mail viewer window closes immediately after starting Mail. It flashes up in a small frame and then closes. If I try to view in full screen mode, it will open and then shrink to the top quarter of the page. The lower 3/4 page will be black and it will not allow me to do anything.
Every few days when I try to open Mail app message viewer window from the minimized state, by clicking on the App icon in the Dock, it will not open -- even though Mail app is running. When this starts happening there is no way to make the message viewer appear, even though Mail app has not crashed does appear to be running. Also, at this time, any minimized emails will not open from the Dock either. If I restart Mail app this fixes it, but the problem comes back.
minimized email messages often seem to get lost by the Dock after this happens as well, so I lose track of messages I had minimized for future reference (they no longer appear in the Dock and I have to find them and open them and minimize them again... since I sometimes minimize several messages in the Dock to respond to or have for easy reference this is annoying).
The Mail viewer window opens briefly on Mail startup but disappears immediately.
It will open from a minimised window (while the program is open) or by opening a new viewer window only.
This has started happening since Mavericks was installed - before this, the viewer window always appeared automatically when I clicked on Mail or command-tabbed to Mail.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
The left column of Apple Mail viewer window has a function at the bottom allows you to see pop up the "Mail Activity" but very little activity shows in there. Nothing like the separate Activity function which you can open from under the drop down "Window".
Is the Mail Activity in the viewer window not working properly or is it supposed to show only very limited Mail Activity?
Would be convenient to not have to use the separate window for viewing Activity.
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Mac Air OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
Mail [snow leop] stops displaying messages in viewer window until I open a new viewer window. That is the message text in the right window section does not show. I have looked for an item in Preferences and find nothing relating to this. This is an issue that occurs more often now. What need I do?
New Mac user here. I've got EyeTV running so that it automatically exports certain TV episodes to my ITunes library (watchable on an Apple TV). I was wondering if it's possible to script something that runs automatically and deletes old episodes of TV shows in my ITunes library so that I don't completely fill up my hard drive?
I am trying to do research on how to fix my current problem of not being able to open my terminal window. When attempting to do so I get the following error message:
You are unauthorized to run this application.
The administrator has set your shell to an illegal value.
I looked at some previous posts and some people said download iterm2 and put the following command: sudo chsh -s /bin/bash my_username. After this enter password and it should be fixed. However when doing that I get the following response: SC is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
Couple of things, firstly SC (which is me) is the administrator to this computer (this is my computer and there are no other users on it).
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I'm currently writing a GUI applescript program, and I wondering if there was a way to intercept the red "X" button being clicked. I would like to execute my own code before the window closes. If that's not possible, is there a way to make the application quit when the window is closed, like in System Preferences.app?
OSX's Mail.app used to display the actual colored flag in the (classic layout) viewer's flag column; visible and compact. I've noticed recently (since the iOSemite update?) that it displays the words (Red/Orange/ etc.) instead. With a narrow column that used to accommodate the flags, this now shows "R…/O…/ etc. instead. Since my Mail window is only a 1/2 screen wide, there is simply no room for an inch-wide column.
Is there a way to make Mail show the actual flags in that column, rather than the verbose names of the flags?
If not, I can of course rename the flags into a single-character name, so it fits
You know that button in the top right of all windows which when you press it, minimises the toolbar and just shows the contents of the window (dont know what its called)... well is there a keyboard shortcut for this? If not - anyone know how I can make a shortcut?
When I updated to Lion the language was French.I selected English and continued.A few times now I have encounted a pop up window e.g. in printing that is partly in English and partly in French.What on earth is going on?
My finder windows seem to show that I'm "sharing" with other computers. I have file sharing turned off in System Preferences. On the left side of the finder window it shows "Favorites" and under that "Shared" pops up with what I assume are other computers nearby. These are not names of other computers in my house. These computer names pop up and come and go. They are the same two names. Underneath the "shared" names, my external drives show up under "Devices". My cable modem is connected to an Apple Airport Extreme router. Any ideas on why this "sharing" is showing up?Is my data secure?
My MacBook Pro Retina Display laptop is having display refresh issues. hard to explain whats going on, but its basicly lagging. When I open a new window, not everything shows up, sometimes only a button will show up. If the whole window does show up and I try to move it, the frame will be ghosted where every I move it. The only way I found to fix this is to restart the computer.
Its completely updated
I tried turning off the automatic graphics switching
I've noticed over the last while that the clock in the top right of my log-in window screen is about 20 minutes behind the actual time. When I login, the desktop clock changes to the right time. How to adjust the log-in window clock?
Successfully moved mail to another partition ~ however not getting Spotlight (or Mail) to index or search email since the move.Tried adding the folder to Spotlight privacy settings ~ then removing but no luck.Tried contacting Apple however moving mail from Libraries is not 'supported' so no love there. how to get Spotlight to search mail residing on another partition?
I just upgraded my hdd a couple of mins ago from the 120 gig to a seagate 500gig , but before doing that i used "carbon copy cloner" to clone my old drive, as well as the 8gig partition i had there where i used to keep my copy of snow leopard (easier that carrying the disk around).CCC cloned both partitions perfectly.I named them Mac and Mac-backupthen I created another partition using disk utility and named it Win - this is where i want to install win7 via bootcamp. The "Win" partition is totally empty.
I have a pretty strange issue about sound in my macbook pro 13". I have NO sound at all. when i try to decrease, or increase the volume, the little window with the speaker shows a little forbid signe there. In the sound preferences its says, no output device. What can i do? I tried to install osx86 to my girlfriends laptop, and i downloaded multibeast. Accidently i installed it, to my macbook, and it messed up my whole system. When i rebooted it, it couldn't boot, and i had to restore my system. Everything looks like good to me, i even got back my personal files too, but the sound is not working. Multibeast installed VoodooHD kext, but i removed it already.
After clicking on 'get mail' the download bar shows activity but no mail is downloaded to the inbox. Checked to see if for some reason mail is being downloaded to another box but not so.I know that mail is being sent because I can receive it on my iphone under same email address.Email was working ok until yesterday when this started happening. Not sure what to check or how to correct.
The following Applescript segment works in Snow Leopard and fails in Lion with "AppleEvent handler failed. number -10000" tell application "Mail"set new mail sound to "Glass"end tell In addition, the Apple-supplied, Mail Applescript for gathering Mail information "Display All Accounts and Preferences.scpt" fails (again with "AppleEvent handler failed. number -10000") on the line set displayString to displayString & my formatFields("New mail sound", new mail sound) & return
The Console Log reports the following error.
Mail: [<MailApp 0x7fd6a9e009a0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key newMailSound. The Mail Applescript property "new mail sound" appears not to be recognized correctly. I do not have any Mail plugins. Several additional sounds have been added to the system sound set. Mail reports no problems using them.
Under Snow Leopard, I used the same Applescripts (fired off by iCal) which turned on/off Mail's New Mail Sound depending on the time of day, i.e. I set the new mail sound to be "Silent Alert" in the evening and restored it to my default new mail alert in the morning. Any guidance as to what might be wrong and how to solve this problem would be very welcome.
I'm trying to write an applescript studio (I know, outdated) application. I'm attempting to get a window to pull down from the top, like a preferences or save dialog, but when I use this code display panel window "Progress" attached to window 1 It fails saying "Can’t get window 1. (-1728)"
I am currently trying to generate a report using the headers from Apple Mail. The script I have works, but I would like to be able to pull out messages that are sent to a specific recipient ( a certain distribution group in this case...).