OS X :: Apple's Snow Leopard Disc Will Install On Tiger Macs

Aug 27, 2009

Though users of older Intel-based Macs were led to believe they would have to spend $169 to migrate from Tiger to Snow Leopard, new reports state the $29 upgrade disc will work just fine.

In his review of Snow Leopard, Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, Mossberg reveals that those who have been hesitant to upgrade their Mac will be able to take advantage of Snow Leopard's bargain price, without the need to install the intermediate Leopard operating system first.

"For owners of Intel-based Macs who are still using the older Tiger version of the Mac OS, Apple is officially making Snow Leopard available only in a "boxed set" that includes other software and costs $169," Mossberg said. "The reasoning is that these folks never paid the $129 back in 2007 to upgrade to Leopard. But here's a tip: Apple concedes that the $29 Snow Leopard upgrade will work properly on these Tiger-equipped Macs, so you can save the extra $140."

Wired also confirmed that they were able to upgrade a system directly from Tiger to Snow Leopard. In addition, it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead.

"Of course, the transition isn't guaranteed to be as smooth as it would be from Leopard to Snow Leopard," the report said of the Tiger to Snow Leopard upgrade, "and that's because some older, Tiger-only third-party applications need to be upgraded to newer versions that work with Leopard or Snow Leopard."

Originally released in April 2005, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is more than a little long in the tooth at this point, especially considering the astounding success of its follow-up, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.

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OS X :: Upgrading Two Macs Tiger & Leopard To Snow Leopard?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got two Macs: one Tiger (iLife '06), and one Leopard (iLife '08) and I would like to upgrade both to Snow Leopard. I'm in the UK.I need help finding the best price/capability compromiseI have looked at the prices for doing this and come up with the following options:Most expensive optionBuy the 5-user Mac Box Set (Including OS X Snow Leopard, iLife 09, iWork 09) for 179This way I've got both machines running the latest everything.Next OptionBuy the Single User Leopard box set (including iLife/iWork 09) to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?108.34) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?147.34. This way I have iLife/iWork 09 on the MacMini but not the MacBook.

Cheapest OptionBuy the Single User Leopard disc to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?68.99) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?107.99.

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Disc

Sep 12, 2009

Now that it's been out for awhile, I was curious what people's success rates have been with just getting the Snow Leopard disc and not the box set to upgrade Tiger? Or is it still recommended to get the Box Set? I honestly rarely use either the iLife or iWork suites, so that's why I was wondering.

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OS X :: How Can I Install Snow Leopard Onto Tiger In A Same System?

Aug 30, 2009

How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.

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OS X :: The Quickest Way To Install Snow Leopard From Tiger?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm trying to install snow leopard over tiger.I managed to get ahold of a .DMG of Snow Leopard build 10A432.I also managed to access the hidden folder "System" by pressingApple+Shift+G and typing "system/installation/packages."I then deleted all the unnecessary printer driver package files and the VISIBLE Optional Installs folder.

I noticed the structure of the library subfolder of the HIDDEN system folder in the snow leopard dmg slightly echoes that in the VISIBLE system folder of Tiger, which can be accessed by searching hard drive name>system>library.

I'm a complete noob, so bare with me as I ask:
Is it possible to simply copy the HIDDEN library subfolder from the snow leopard dmg to the VISIBLE system folder of Tiger (which is at HDD>system>library?

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Mac Mini :: HDD Upgrade - SATA II - Tiger Up To Snow Leopard Install Solution?

May 14, 2010

I want to upgrade my wife's Mac Mini (2007, 1.66 GHz Core Duo, model T2300) with a new HDD. I've done that a couple years back, but times were less complicated. Here are my questions:

1) I hope a 7200 rpm drive will improve performance, without generating more noise than a 5400 rpm drive. Is that a correct assumption and would you recommend that?

2) Looks like many of the 500 GB 7200 rpm drives are SATA II. Will that be compatible with the plugs in the machine? Will I have to set any kind of jumper pins (I've never done that, though)? 3) My plan is to naturally do a time machine back up of the current drive to use it to build the new one. However, I still need to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard. The Mac mini came with a Tiger install disc. How do I get to SL with the least trouble? Do I need to start with the original Tiger disc, then use the Leopard disc and finally upgrade with the SL disc or can I use the SL disc right away?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Get Another Copy Of Install Disc That Came In Box?

May 26, 2012

How do I get another copy of the install disc that came in the box?


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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard With Another Computer's Back Up Disc?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Snow Leopard with my "Mac OS X install DVD" to my friends's Mac, I have a MBP and he has a MB, will it work?

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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard On Shared Disc Drive?

Sep 3, 2009

My 3 year old MacBook's ComboDrive doesn't work and I was wondering if I could Install Snow Leopard via a shared SuperDrive from a MacBook Pr over Wi-Fi. Is it possible to copy the installer locally and then install Snow Leopard or would I have to get an External SuperDrive?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Disc For Mini - Install On Macbook Air?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a brand new mac mini, its come with a Snow leopard disc but it says for mac mini on it. I also have a Macbook Air with 10.5. I would like to know if it will work to upgrade the Macbook Air via the remote install over my wifi?

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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard From Dead Finder Disc

Jul 29, 2010

After getting the message that Finder had an error -10801 (or something similar, i can't remember...) I forced my macbook pro to shut down. Afterwards I can log-in but non of the finder windows appear on the desktop. Also I cannot open any other application or shut down the Computer. when I put in my Leopard Install disc and turn on the Computer holding down the C I only get a grey screen. I have done that for 10 minutes. When I do the same with Snow Leopard "CPU Drop-in DVD" I get a menu: 'Choosing language' and then MAC OS X Installer asks 'To set up the installation of Snow Leopard, click continue". However, I am afraid of doing that if it erases all my documents. I have the possibility of choosing a UTILITY menu, but down know what to do with this (e.g. Go to Disk Utility or Terminal). Does anyone have a clue of how to help the Danish student?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 10.6.8 Clean Install Without Original Disc?

Feb 20, 2012

i have a macbook pro 13" from around august 2010. i'm happily running 10.6.8 on it but i need to do my anual clean install.

however, i've lost my original install disc. is there a way around this? is there a way i can order a replacement? 

i have a retail bought snow leopard dvd but this wont work as it's older than the machine. 

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MacBook Pro :: Clean Install Of Snow Leopard Using Remote Disc?

Mar 31, 2010

My dvd drive is busted, so I'm attempting to use remote disc to install snow leopard on my macbook pro (running 10.5.5). There doesn't seem to be a clean install option without running the snow leopard disc from boot. Is there any way that I can run the install disc from boot via remote disc so I can run a clean install? I tried restarting my computer and holding down the alt/option key, which showed the only available boot drive as my macbook pro's internal hard drive.

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OS X ::Windows 7 Under Boot Camp - Using The Snow Leopard To Install Disc?

May 12, 2010

I got my new Macbook today. I've reformatted and installed Snow Leopard. Then I set up Boot Camp and installed Windows 7. I installed all the drivers under Windows 7 using the Snow Leopard install disc. One problem that remains is under Windows 7, I can't tap the trackpad to click. I have to use a mouse.Anyone know of a fix? Can't find it under Apple Support at all.

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Applications :: Install Snow Leopard From Different Computers Setup Disc

Jul 19, 2010

I have a Macbook running Mac OS 10.4.11 which i believe is Tiger. I just purchased a refurb 2009 macmini which came with came with setup disc which includes snow leopard. Am I able to use that disc to install snow leopard on me macbook? If so how do i go about doing it.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: MacBook Pro Keep Ejecting Install Disc - Won't Boot

Mar 26, 2012

I bought a Mac OSX 10.6.3 Snow Leopard CD (Family Pack) to upgrade on my Macbook Pro, but it won't boot. There are sound like it was running but it reject in the end. My Macbook Pro is Intel Core Duo 2GHz with 2GB Ram. It is currently running OSX 10.5.8. I tried the disc on other Macbook running 10.6.6 purchased 2-3 years ago and it work. So I don't really know what happen with mine. My DVD drive work fine though.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Install Upgrade - Disc Cannot Be Partitioned

May 8, 2012

I am trying to install Snow leopard 10.6.3 to my laptop from 10.5.8 version I have. I am get an error code saying I am unable to do so due to the disc not being able to be partitioned. I've tried going to disc utility to partition the disc but it says that I cannot due to the disc being a start up disc. How do I upgrade my software?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), want to upgrade to snow leopard

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Address Book Deleted - How To Restore Without Install Disc

Jun 20, 2012

Accidentally deleted address book and I don't have an install dvd/cd. I looked at others' answers and all I got was that you have to have the install disc. Are there any ways for me to restore my address book running mac os x 10.6.8 btw.

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Running OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) - Can Reboot Using Snow Leopard Install Disc?

Aug 23, 2014

Can I reboot my iMac running ox 10.9.4 using my Snow Leopard install disc?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Insterted The Tiger Disc It Would Tell That It Was Unable To Install Mac OS X On Computer?

Jun 8, 2010

I recently purchased a MacBook 2.1 running 10.4.11, however the seller of the item sent the computer to me with a lot of his own data on so I decided to delete this and start fresh.Whenever I insterted the Tiger disc it would tell me that it was unable to install Mac OS X on my computer so I decided that the best thing to do would be to erase the hard drive, however in doing so I erased the operating system and now whenever I try to boot the computer from the disc I am faced with a folder with a question mark flashing at me.

It appears to do something when I insert the disc that my housemate got with his MacBook Pro which runs Snow Leopard but still tells me that it is unable to install OS X.

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MAc :: IBook G3 Wont Read OS X Tiger Install Disc?

May 11, 2009

I have an ibook G3 dual usb which was running Tiger but after an update to 10.4.11 I think it is, was running very slowly and the browser (i tried safari, camino and firefox) was constantly crashing. I have a back-up copy of retail Tiger on DVD as my original disc is scratched and no longer reads.I erased the hdd in hope of a clean install, but when I tried to boot from the dvd it just showed up with the flashing ? I know the disc will boot as it works in my G4 powerbook.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Boot G4 From Retail Tiger Install Disc

Feb 7, 2009

so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Install Mac Snow Leopard On Apple Power-PC G5?

Apr 14, 2012

is it possible to install mac snow leopard on apple power pc g5

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Windows On Mac :: Full Install Leopard / SL Disc To Run Bootcamp / Update Disc?

Oct 13, 2009

Please take pity on a confused newbie. I'm running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" Macbook with 1GB ram. My school requires me to run Bootcamp to take my exams. They told us that we need 10.5 minimum OS and must have our 'original system discs'. The installation dics that I have are for Tiger. If I buy an upgrade disc to Leopard/SL, will that contain the windows drivers I need to install after I install bootcamp? Or do I need to buy a full installation disc of Snow Leopard (since I think you can't buy the Leopard full installation anymore)? Another issue someone mentioned is that both Leopard & SL require 1BG ram minimum, which is what I have. I'm worried the os will run very slow, but I don't really have the money to buy new ram and get it install (and don't want to crack the fragile top case) now that I have to buy the new software too.

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OS X :: System Restoring IMac - Use Leopard / Tiger Disc?

Nov 27, 2010

I was wondering how would I do a system restore on my Leopard upgraded (from a Tiger OS) iMac? I have done several google searches and i keep getting various answers (which there are different ways but I just want to restore my iMac to factory setting) Would I use my leopard or tiger disk, and how would I go about doing a system restore? What I wanted to do was do a system restore on my mac and upgrade to Snow Leopard. There are alot of scattered unimportant photos, movies, and games on my mac and it feels like a system restore would save me alot of time.

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MacBook Air :: Ripping Leopard Install Disc Via Remote Disc

Jun 2, 2008

Well, my question is very simple: I have a MBA and this other laptop from work, a crappy HP which is old as hell. I'm planning to use Remote Disc to reinstall my Leopard, since the upgrade to 10.5.3 really screwed things here, and I can't figure out why. Point is: instead of running all Leopard installation thru Remote Disc, I would prefer to share Leopard disc 1 over Remote Disc and restore it to a partition on my external HD, making a clone of it, which would install *much* faster. Has anyone tried anything like this? There's any Windows program which allows me to rip a Mac DVD to a Mac partition?

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OS X :: Unable To Install Snow Leopard / Stops At Grey Apple Logo And The Spinner

Aug 29, 2009

Pretty smooth sailing until I had to reboot my mac pro. It just stops at the point where you have the grey Apple logo and the spinner.

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OS X :: MBP Disc Drive Won't Recognize Snow Leopard Disc?

Aug 29, 2009

I have a 2007 Intel MBP, running Leopard. I purchased the family version of Snow Leopard. When I tried to install it, it just spins the disc for a minute, makes the noise like it's trying to read it and then spits it out. All other discs work fine with my MBP so I know it is not the disc drive itself. I have all software "up to date." My brother installed SL on both of his MBs, one newer than mine and one older, just fine (with the same disc). I haven't seen anything out there with this issue so I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone knows how to resolve this issue (beyond taking it back to Apple and exchanging).

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OS X :: Won't Install Tiger / Showing Apple Logo Screen And Making Noise

Nov 20, 2008

I just bought an iMac G5 off ebay and today I tried to use the Tiger install dvd because the previous owner had deleted software like textedit, etc.

Anyway, I put the disc in and clicked on Install Mac OS X, then clicking restart. once the iMac shuts down and begins to restart, as it is on the grey screen you can hear the disc being read, then as the background goes a different shade of grey and the Apple logo appears, a minute or so passes and then the iMac begins making a lot of noise. I went away for 10 minutes, came back and it was still doing the same thing.

So I'm basically looking for help because I really want to erase and reinstall everything.

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IMac :: Install New Hard Drive But Missing Leopard Install Disc

Jan 30, 2010

I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?

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