OS X :: Setting Up Router On New IMac?
Jun 29, 2009
I currently have a Netgear DGN2000 router connected to a PC running Windows XP. Tomorrow my new iMac is arriving, and it will replace this PC.
How do I set up the router on the iMac? Is it as simple as plugging it in or will there be settings that need changing or anything?
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Mar 24, 2009
I have been sent a wireless router from Virgin, with no instructions or disc. To cut a long story short they now tell me they have no support for Mac users
I'm sure it's not that difficult, what steps do I have to take?
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Feb 2, 2009
I have TC and wish to establish it is my router. Into it will be plugged a PC running Vista (trust me...it's gone in four months to be replace by an iMac!). I have a Macair that will link up wirelessly. Currently I'm running a home network through a Netgear DG834GB and connectivity is good.
My DSL service comes from Deutshe Telekom via a DSL spliter. Therefore, I suspect the Netgear is working as my router and DSL modem.
My initial trials of setting up the TC as a stand-alone router and through the Netgear have been a failure.
1) Can I run the TC as a stand alone router connected to the DSL splitter or do I require the Netgear as my modem?
2) If I need the Netgear, I need someone to walk me through the steps to configure the TC to operate via Ethernet connected to the Netgear.
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Dec 26, 2009
I Have a linksys Wireless-G router (Model WRT54G) that's already hooked up to one PC & I'd like to hook my new Mac Pro to it. Is it possible?
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Mar 15, 2008
Does anyone out there is able to guide me thru the step on setting up a 2Wire all-in-one router with the AirPort Extreme base station? I was reading from somewhere, they were saying like i need to bridge the 2 router together or something.
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Nov 19, 2010
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
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Nov 4, 2010
Basically what I wanna know is: Can I configure time machine to back up to a hard disk that is connected to my router? I guess essentially I'm trying to make a homemade time capsule. Is this possible and if so, how?
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Aug 12, 2008
I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.
So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.
HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up google.ca..." or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.
ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine.
Any thoughts on this?
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm going to install a 120gb SSD in my 27" iMac core i7. Currently I have a 2TB Hitatchi drive installed. I would like to install OSX as well as all my apps on the SSD and then keep all my user files on the 2TB drive. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get this set up once I install the SSD.
Right now I have all data, apps and OSX on the 2TB drive. Here's what I'd like to do. Once I install my SSD I'm going to do a fresh install of OSX and my apps. Then I'd like to remove OSX and apps from my 2TB drive and only keep my user files on it. My questions are ...
1. What's the best way to remove OSX from my 2TB drive? Do I have to erase the disc and then load all my user files once its been erased.
2. Also, is it ok if I keep OSX and all my apps on the 2B drive as well as my user files but still boot from the SSD? I would only be accessing my user files on the 2TB drive but wonder if I can still keep the OS and apps installed at the same time. Assuming I could but it would kind of be a waste of space, right?
3. Once I get both SSD and 2TB drive set up how I want them, I need to regularly back both of them up using CCC. I have a 3TB external drive that I backup to. Will I need to create 2 partitions on it, one for the SSD and one for the 2TB? I would like the SSD partition to be bootable incase the drive ever fails I wont miss a beat. I'm assuming to back both of them up I would need to create separate partitions on my external drive, one for the SSD and one for the 2TB.
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Sep 19, 2010
Currently, in order to get the most distance out of my wireless router, I have my wireless router in the living room. This is because my ps3 is in one room and my Imac is in another. my router is more or less in the middle of my ps3 and imac both of which i connect wirelessly to the internet. Since ive done this my signal upstairs is poor. So, can I use my Imac to boost the signal upstairs. My wireless router was plugged into my Imac beforehand and the signal upstairs was fine. but since ive had to move the router for my ps3 its further away from upstairs and the signal has dropped. short of moving the router back.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have my PS3, iMac, MBP, and TV connected fine to my wireless network. I tried connecting my PSP to my network, and I get an error, saying something along the lines that the network isnt compatible. Anyone know what type of security setting I need to have, that would be comaptible with my psp?
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Dec 25, 2008
My router is a WRT54GS with DD-WRT firmware. It works fine with my old eMac (w/ original airport) and every PC in my house, but not with my new iMac (w/ airport extreme).
At first I thought I might need to power cycle it, but it didn't work. Then I thought it might be conflicting with something, but that wasn't the problem. On a side note, I also have a WRTU54G-TM for VOiP phone. It works with both Macs equally, unlike the GS. The only problem with that one is it will randomly kick my Macs off the network and I end up turning off airport and turning it back on when that happens.
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Mar 4, 2009
It has had connection problems around this time last year, and i fixed it, but now i have to keep resetting the router which is a pain.
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Jun 7, 2012
I just got a WNDR3800 Netgear router and I have not been able to get it to work. I have a PowerPC G5 iMac running OS 10.4.11 . The system requirements on the box includes Mac OS, no version specified. So I assumed it would run with my OS version.
Info:iMad PPC, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 12, 2008
I'm running a Belkin N-draft router (F5D8633) as my wireless access point. My iMac is connecting fine to it. I'm just wondering is there any way to know if it's connecting using a 802.11n draft connection or 802.11a/b/g. I know this can be done in windows but I'm new to the world of Mac.
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Dec 17, 2010
I recently purchased an iMac desktop and installed it in my home office. It worked fine, except that the airport was connecting erratically to the wireless router, which is located about 5-7 meters away in a different room. I tried re-positioning the iMac to have better 'reception' but the problem persists. I can see the number of airport connectivity 'bars' changing every second and then going off fully. Very frustrating.
Could there be a problem with the iMac antenna? A colleague told me that if there's a wireless phone in the house near the router that can cause problems. Another told me that the router (a basic D-link 802.11g, 5 yrs old) needs to be replaced.
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Oct 13, 2010
My business uses a payment processor, and we have two iMacs hooked up to a router. Since both computers use the same gateway (same external IP address that the internet sees), the payment processor can only process payments from one iMac at a time. Both iMacs cannot run an order at the same time. My question is this: Is there a way to configure the router to give each iMac a separate IP address that the internet sees, so that they can both process orders with the payment processor at the same time? If this is a bit confusing, I will try to clarify more.
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Jun 17, 2007
i really want a new iMac but can't afford it right now. so i was thinking of getting an older iMac to replace the pc we have now. if i do do this can i use the wireless router that i have now with an iMac G3 or G4?
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Jun 20, 2012
I can connect to my router via wireless connection, but I cannot open any webpage.
Anyone has an idea what the problem might be?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Jan 2, 2011
I recently purchased a 24 inch imac computer and I have an HP 460 CB mobile printer which prints wirelessly and would appreciate any information from the members on how to set up the computer so it can print wirelessly.
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Aug 16, 2009
I have an old(er) iMac [24 inch white - 750gb - 3GB ram] that I have used for three years and just got a Mac Pro [3 TB - 8GB ram] that I am looking to set up for use with my other Apple stuff (AppleTV, Time Capsule, and iPhone)
Here's the deal - I have a baby at home (which means tons of pictures and video) and I wanted to figure out a way to best set up my gear to get the most out of it. I was thinking of using the iMac as an Internet/Media Streaming Machine and Use the Mac Pro for all my work/Photoshop/Editing stuff. Any thoughts?
And then there is Time Machine and the Apple TV - I have lots of stuff and am not sure the best way to set up my time capsule (1TB).
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Mar 2, 2010
My question relates to memory configuration. If I buy it with the minimum 4 gig, I think that's 2 2 gig modules. Can I buy two third party (OWC or Crucial) 4 gig modules and add them, giving me a total of 12 gig, or would have to get rid of the original 2 2 gig parts? If it's possible to mix the 4 gig pairs with the 2 gigs, will there be any negative performance issues related to that? If I can mix them, do I need to worry about who I buy the 4 gig parts from? Lastly, any positive or negative comments on OWC or Crucial (or other suggestions) for memory in general?
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Dec 4, 2014
Trying to turn on AirDrop on my Mac. When I go to Finder --> Go --> AirDrop, no box comes up that lets me select whom I will accept files from.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 6, 2009
Right now I have an old router/modem. And I want to buy a new one that has QoS...i found Linksys WRT54GL. But it has no ADSL modem...So I am asking you, Is it possible to connect this linksys router to my router/modem? But in way, that the router/modem will no longer be a router, but only a modem.
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Mar 22, 2009
I just recently got Verizon Fios internet. I am having a problem with making the router they supplied my default router.I am not trying to piggy back or connect additional routers. I just want to use the Fios router.Prior to Fios, I had Time Warner and i used my own router and as soon as I opened up my macbook, it would immediately find that router as my default. Now, with Fios, when i open my "Airport" icon at the top on my screen, it NEVER choses my Fios router as my default, making me change to it every time i want to use my internet after opening up my computer.
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Apr 3, 2009
i just got sent a new Modem/Router from Verizon
model number: GT704-WG
And i have a Wireless Router from Netgear is there any way i can make both the modem and router to work together using Netgears router because the one verizon sent me always loses connection and i just dont like how it operates. I had my old modem working perfectly with the Net gear router but i guess since this has a built in Router it automatically makes it use it
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Jan 31, 2009
I have read a few forums and walkthroughs where a lot of people, often everyone, eventually had sucess in connecting their XBox 360 to their mac and accessing Live. I have tried everything I can find to make this work. Here is what I have done:
I am running Leopard and using a Linksys Router. I began with the following:
On the iMac:
Ethernet Connection (manual)
Subnet: 255.255.255
Last, I tried using making the primary and secondary DNS addresses the same. Every time I have the same problem.... it fails when testing the DNS.
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Feb 19, 2009
My airport connection to the wireless router has, over the last few days, been becoming increasingly flaky and intermittent followed last night by a total refusal to connect. It had been working fine for at least a year up until recently. The funny thing is that iStumbler finds my router(as well as some neighbours'), and reports a signal strength similar to what I have always had. Problems started as follows: iMac would show full bars, then no bars and then full again, followed by a slow drop to nothing. Turning airport off and back on again, would repeat this process. Occasionally, the iMac would also require the WPA2 password. And progressed to: Over a few days things got worse to the point that I had no usable connection and the airport would not always pick up any networks and would request the WPA2 password repeatedly always followed by a 'Connection timeout'.I would say that the airport extreme card is broken, except iStumbler is reporting 'normal' service. Also, my iPhone reports full signal strength sitting next to the iMac! Can anyone shed some light on this? Typically, Applecare expired all of 2 weeks ago.
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May 12, 2010
I have recently moved from windows to the iMac and will be moving all of my photos. I do just casual, family photos and landscapes etc. Nothing professional. I have purchased Aperture for cataloging and to make it easier to find things as well as editing. There are probably experts on this out there so I am asking for recommendations on how to set things up. I used Adobe PhotoShop Elements which had an excellent tagging system, but want to move to Aperture for this.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have gone over many different methods of fixing my moms macbook not connecting to the internet. I know it's blasphemy, but I'm not a mac person to begin with and this is not making me think any higher of them.I know there are other posts about the issue, but people just keep getting off track with the first posters question.She has Mac OS X version 10.6.3At first it was giving me "invalid password", but that was not the issue, because my dads "HP" laptop was connecting just fineeeeeeee without any errors to drive the consumer insane! Now, it's just giving me "connection timed out".The first thing I did was to do a hard restart of my belkin 802.11g router to reset settings do default. Updated firmware to latest version.
For some reason, the airport utility was unable to find any airport wireless devices. I also connected the ethernet straight into the mac and it was still giving me the error.I tried making another location. I tried moving airport to the top of the network preferences and made ethernet "inactive". I have tried running network Diagnostics in safari and that was a waste of time..(sorry I'm so negative, but this has really gotten to me) This just kept giving me an error saying it can't fix the issue because it has no idea as well.I'm at the end of my rope and would love to have my opinion of macs back on the "maybe" side of things.
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