OS X :: Setting Up A Mac Pro And IMac With Time Capsule?

Aug 16, 2009

I have an old(er) iMac [24 inch white - 750gb - 3GB ram] that I have used for three years and just got a Mac Pro [3 TB - 8GB ram] that I am looking to set up for use with my other Apple stuff (AppleTV, Time Capsule, and iPhone)

Here's the deal - I have a baby at home (which means tons of pictures and video) and I wanted to figure out a way to best set up my gear to get the most out of it. I was thinking of using the iMac as an Internet/Media Streaming Machine and Use the Mac Pro for all my work/Photoshop/Editing stuff. Any thoughts?

And then there is Time Machine and the Apple TV - I have lots of stuff and am not sure the best way to set up my time capsule (1TB).

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OS X :: Setting Up A Time Capsule As A Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have installed and have running a new Time Capsule. I would like to access files through the wireless network between two Apples and two PC's. At present the Apples are working wonderfully, however the PC running Windows 7 sees the network is unable to access it.

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Hardware :: Setting Time Capsule Permissions?

Nov 27, 2008

I am using my time capsule also as external hard drive. Recently i copied a series of files from my powerbook to the time capsule and tried to open them directly from the remote drive. It told me that access was denied (Permission denied). I checked the info and it said that I have "custom access". 3 Users groups were present, one (unknown), another group called staff, and a group called everyone; all with read and write priveleges. Only I wasn't present. When I dragged the file to the desktop, the unknown user disappeared and (Me) appeared. I could open the file normally from the desktop.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Time Capsule As Router?

Feb 2, 2009

I have TC and wish to establish it is my router. Into it will be plugged a PC running Vista (trust me...it's gone in four months to be replace by an iMac!). I have a Macair that will link up wirelessly. Currently I'm running a home network through a Netgear DG834GB and connectivity is good.

My DSL service comes from Deutshe Telekom via a DSL spliter. Therefore, I suspect the Netgear is working as my router and DSL modem.

My initial trials of setting up the TC as a stand-alone router and through the Netgear have been a failure.

1) Can I run the TC as a stand alone router connected to the DSL splitter or do I require the Netgear as my modem?

2) If I need the Netgear, I need someone to walk me through the steps to configure the TC to operate via Ethernet connected to the Netgear.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - Setting Up Internet Connection

Nov 10, 2010

I recently got a new time capsule but I have difficulties setting up the internet connection. The time capsule is connected to our WAN using a cable in my office. The computers in our organization are authenticated using their MAC address. So, I have to add the MAC address of the time capsule to make it connected to the internet. I want to connect the TC to our WAN using a cable, then I want to connect my MacBook using a wireless connection to the TC.

When I config the TC using the NAT mode (Share a public IP address), I can use the internet but I get a double NAT error and TC's LED is yellow. When I config the TC using the Bridge Mode, the led goes green. Anyway, if I connect my MacBook using wireless I cannot reach the internet. I get no error in this case so I don't know what is happening inside the TC. Interestingly, if I connect the MacBook to the TC using an ethernet cable, it works perfectly! I have added all the MAC addresses of the wired and wireless interfaces to the list of my computers.

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Windows On Mac :: Firewall Setting Adjustment And Time Capsule?

Jan 13, 2009

I tried playing command and conquer: tiberium wars on windows. I have never had an issue playing with my old router but have recently upgraded to the Time Capsule and I could not connect when I was playing online. I could connect initially but when I would go into a game it just would not allow me to connect to start the game. I then plugged directly into my cable modem and was able to connect right away. Do I need to go into Time capsule and adjust a setting?

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Hardware :: Setting Up Xbox Live Via Time Capsule?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm home from college for the term, and I'm trying to get Xbox Live working on my brother's 360, but he managed to lose the wireless adapter. Instead of dropping the $100 for a new one, I'm trying to adapt the Time Capsule I already own to the purpose. My house already has a private wifi network, but the router is downstairs and the 360 is upstairs so I can't just run an ethernet cable to it.

What I want to do is set up the Time Capsule in the same room as the 360, connect it to the existing wireless network, then run an ethernet cable from the Time Capsule to the 360 so the 360 can connect to live. I tried joining the existing network, but that sets the TC up as a client and doesn't allow anything connected to it via ethernet to access the internet. Airport Utility won't let me set up the TC as an extension of the existing network unless it's connected via ethernet to the original access point, and like I said earlier, running ethernet cable isn't an option.

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Hardware :: Setting Up College House Network With Time Capsule

Jul 20, 2009

I'm moving into a house with 4 friends and we need to setup a home network which I am in charge of. 2 people have Macs and 3 have Windows. I want a central hard drive that everyone can throw their music and videos on to share. We also want wireless N. I was wondering if a Time capsule would be a good way and a good value or what the best way to set this up would be.

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MacBook Air :: Moving Time Capsule Data - How To Restore Image From Time Capsule

Nov 29, 2010

I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?

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OS X :: 802.11n Over Time Capsule For IMac And Air?

Feb 12, 2010

I didn't know where best to put this, so hope this is okay to post here. I couldn't find anything similar.

I've Virgin Broadband currently running through my Time Capsule. It's the 10mbps service so assuming only 802.11g. I want to upgrade to the 20mbps service, but this uses 802.11n and need to make sure that;

a) My Time Capsule can send a signal, with limited configuration needed - it's already working, so assume they just send a new signal and it should still work.

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Hardware :: How To Use New Imac, Time Capsule

Oct 21, 2008

My dad has just bought a 20" imac along with the time capsule 500gb. He has a Bt business hub that is the dsl modem and router for his internet.

The Time Capsule was bought under the impression it would replace the Bt Hub. Having done a bit of post-purchase research I see that this isnt the case.

It was primarily bought as a backup so the fact it cant act as a wireless router /modem (i mean to be able to get rid of the business hub which is rubbish) isnt a major problem.

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IMac :: Time Capsule Killed Wi-Fi?

Dec 28, 2010

I got time capsule for Xmas and I tried installing it today and I popped in the disk and installed it, which went alright. Now when I tried to set up my time capsule, it seems to have disabled my Wi-Fi network, even though it appears a strong connection, it just doesn't bring up my Internet anymore, even when I try to surf on my iPhone with Wi-Fi, it still doesn't work, so I am using my 3G network now.Also, can I not use time capsule to expand my hard-drive for more space on my operating system? I need more space, that's what I heard time capsule can do, in conjunction with backing up old files too.

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IMac :: Which Hard Drive To Use For Time Capsule

Oct 23, 2010

I've seen several hard drives that all say that they are suitable to use with the Time Capsule feature on the iMac. Particularly I noticed a entire range of Seagate drives (Free agent Goflex Pro, etc). I am planning on getting one of the new iMacs with a built in 500 GB drive. Which TC drive would you guys recommend and what features are important?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Sync With New IMac?

May 29, 2009

I have had my Time Capsule set up for about half a year, all worked fine with my old iMac. Now that I have copied the profile of my old iMac to a new one, I tried accessing the Time Capsule to do some deleting. It does open the Time Machine and shows the starry universe and all the screens, yet it won't show anything before today. How can this be? And, more importantly, how do I solve it?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Backup IMac

May 5, 2010

I'm buying a iMac i7 with 2tb HD and am thinking to go with a Time Capsule for backup. Can I just run the backup periodically, keeping it turned off most of the time? I see that the product lasts about 18 months, so I should get much more use if that 18 months were due to continuous running, and I only turn it on when needed. I'm sure it will be a few years before I ever get close to using 2 TB if ever, in that sense, would it be better to buy a 1 TB Time Capsule over a 2TB simply because of the longevity issues & my backup requirements, not to mention the expense?

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IMac :: Ethernet Connection Speed To Time Capsule

Sep 12, 2010

at what speed data is transfered to TC if IMac (Quad Core I5) is connected to it via ethernet port?

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IMac :: Upgrading WiFi To Work With Time Capsule

Mar 4, 2009

I have an iMac Core Duo 2006 (the first intel mac). I want to upgrade the WiFi so that it will work with my time capsule (1st gen) 5ghz WiFi network.

I was looking and there appears to be 2 options
1. Airport Extreme Card Model MA688Z/B
2. Airport Extreme Card Model BCM94321MC

Which of these will work and which is best? At the same time I will also be upgrading the HDD to 640GB Samsung Spingpoint F1.

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OS X :: How To Connect With IMac Wireless Range And New Time Capsule

Oct 7, 2009

I have a 2006 Intel iMac (Running 10.6.1)that is not seeing my wireless routers (D-Link 628 and Time Capsule Dual-channel). The D-Link is downstairs. It is not in the best place, but at my only option. My Macbook Pro sees the D-link fine on the same desk as the iMac. I replaced the D-Link with the Time Capsule and the iMac doesn't even see that. If I bring it close (completely underneath the desk) to the iMac it will see both routers. The weird part is before a hard drive crash and replacement it worked fine (I know, I know something is amiss from the replacement).

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ICloud :: Will A Restore From Time Capsule Wipe IMac

Apr 24, 2012

My iMac was stolen by burglars on Friday. Sunday evening, when I found out, I ordered a remote wipe (from my Air) on the stolen iMac.  Apparently, it hasn't yet come online, though, so the wipe hasn't happened. Today I went a bought a new iMac, and right now I am restoring my (old/stolen) iMac onto my new iMac to a Time Capsule that the thieves didn't find. Suddenly, I got very worried: When it finishes restoring, and says "hi" to the internet,  - will it appear to be the stolen iMac and be wiped? 

In other words: how does iCloud identify the stolen computer - by the machine, or by it's content?(pretty worried right now, since I don't remember the six digit code that will need to be entered IF it is wiped; I made it up when I was completely frantic from the shock of walking into a home that was broken in to.)


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IMac (Intel) :: Why Is Machine Not Finding Time Capsule

Sep 2, 2014

I have a desktop mac from mid 2011 and also a 2010 mac mini.  I just got a new time capsule and time machine cannot find the new time capsule.  I know the new time capsule is working because I have a third machine from late 2012 that found the new time capsule easily.  Could it be an operating system issue?  I am running 10.9 on the machine that is working, 10.8 on the mid 2011 machine, and 10.7 on the mac mini. 

Imac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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OS X :: 1st Generation Time Capsule Failing After IMac Wakes From Sleep

Jun 12, 2009

I recently bought a 1st generation 500GB Time Capsule as I don't need the dual-band functionality of the 2nd Generation. Since setting it up I've been having a problem, whenever my iMac sleeps from a long period of time the backup is delayed when I wake the computer up. This would be less irritating if the backups continued like normal after the computer was awake, but I have to keep re-starting the backups manually to get the backup schedule back on track. This is especially frustrating as the whole point of the system is so I don't have to worry about manual backups.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Connect Imac G4 And Time Capsule Wireless

Sep 23, 2009

I have a dual band time capsule working wirelessly with 3 macs all intel (24 iMac, mbp 13, mb 13) with no issues. I was trying to connect a 17" flat panel G4 to the same wireless network on the time capsule and it fails to see the network.

When I type in the network name and password (WPA) it comes back with "encryption method not supported by the wireless network". Although all the others macs are working on this same network using the same encryption, the old iMac refuses to play nice. Is there something else I've overlooked?

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IMac (Intel) :: Backing Up All But System Files To Time Capsule

Dec 3, 2014

I have a 2013 iMac on OS 10.9.5 with no problems.  I will be receiving a new iMac w Retina Display on Yosemite, which I'll be backing up with a new, unused TC.

I want to copy and transfer files from older iMac to the new one using the TC, but right now I don't want upgrade to Yosemite on the older iMac. 

Can I manually select files from the older iMac to copy to the TC, and what files must I leave out so that there aren't any problems that transferring files from an older OS to a newer one won't arise?

iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3TB TC

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Hardware :: 27" IMac - Replaced Time Capsule Hard Drive

May 20, 2010

I have a 500GB time capsule that quickly ran out of space with my 27" iMac 1TB drive. I wanted to buy a Guardian MAXimus 1.5TB Raid-1 Hard Drive for $360 to do my backups. The cost was high and I decided to look into replacing the Time Capsule drive. I bought a 2TB Western Digital Green internal drive for $130 and replaced it using the Hardmac instructions. The 2TB Green drive runs near silent and is a lot cooler than the original 500GB drive. The swap was easy to do, but I destroyed the rubber mat glued on the bottom. I bought a Rosewill enclosure for $23 for the 500GB drive. I considered buying a FW800 enclosure, but that was $60 and it didn't seem worth it for a back up drive.

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Hardware :: 24" Imac - Using Time Capsule - Not Appearing On Airport Utility

Jul 31, 2010

I've got a 24" imac which i've had for a couple years now but i just recently purchased a new 15" macbook pro as i was needing a laptop for going offshore. I also bought the 1tb time capsule. I had a real problem setting it up as the time capsule was not appearing on the airport utility, but after a while of messing around, i think i got it working. I have a bt homehub (wireless router) which has an ethernet cable going into the time capsule (wan port). I can now access the time capsule through the imac, macbook and my dads windows laptop. So i had a heap of movies that i put onto the time capsule and they worked fine. But now for some reason when i go to open a movie, it takes forever to load up and when it finally does its starts to buffer etc. So can anyone give advice on how to sort this? Because before the movies just opened instantly and played fine.

One other thing i wish to do is to access my time capusle from my macbook when im offshore. I've heard this is possible to do it from "back to mac" via mobileme which i have. I tried to set this up but when i registered my mobile me details to the time capsule it starting restarting it which i presume was to update the details. But it failed and then the time capsule didn't appear on any of the computers again. After eventually getting it back by restarting etc i think from then on was when the movies started playing up on it. But i have not tried to do the back to mac again incase it does the same thing! Its really driving me mad, i have been tempted just to take it back and get a normal HD but i'd rather not! As i thought by having the time capsule it would save me taking a HD with my macbook when im offshore.

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OS X :: Time Capsule Sizing - Can I Use 500gb Time Capsule

Jun 13, 2009

Question - if I have a 500GB hard drive in my MacBook, but 80GB are partitioned separately for Windows via boot camp, can I use a 500GB Time Capsule?

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OS X Yosemite :: Way To Verify 1s And 0s Written To Newly Formatted Drive In IMac And 3rd Gen Time Capsule

Dec 4, 2014

after choosing format, initially, for Time Capsule, further chose to write 1s and 0s and I don't see either progress bar or any other indication process completed. Will lights blink differently? Is there other way to verify process completed?  Apple offers us the option to write zeros but without way of confirming they were written. I find this puzzling, at least.

Time Capsule 3rd gen 1 tb, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: Will Not Connect To Time Capsule Used As Base Station In Roaming Network

Sep 9, 2014

I have a network that is made of up a Time capsule as a base station and 3 airport express's used to extend my wifi coverage. It is setup as a roaming network with each express hardwired to the base time capsule. I have a iMac that will not connect to the base station, it will only connect to one of the remote express's. The iMac is next to the base satation. Other mac notebooks, iPhone or iPads all connect to the base station when they are near it. Only my iMac will not connect to it.

time capsule

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OS X :: Stream Music From Time Capsule To Mac Mini / Hookup Mini To Time Capsule Via USB

Jul 19, 2009

I am planning on purchasing a mac mini solely for the purpose of playing music - it will be hooked up to a hi-fi amplifier and speakers. All of the music that will be on the computer will be in lossless format, which is very large. I will need a lot (320+ GB?) of storage.

I'm wondering if I can cut costs by buying an old 80 GB mini and augmenting its hard drive with a time capsule. I was planning on buying a time capsule anyway, so I could save something like $300. My questions are: would I be able to stream music from the time capsule to the mac mini? Would I be able to import music from itunes directly onto the time capsule? If I hook the mini up to the time capsule via USB, can it serve as a hard-drive, even if my internet is down? Is it going to be much more worth my time to buck up and buy a new 320 GB mini?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - Works Fine On IMac And Macbook But Not Macbook Pro?

Dec 30, 2008

I got a refurb 500gig Time Capsule for Christmas, and was able to set it up fine with my iMac, but when I tried to set it up with my Macbook Pro that I use through school it wouldn't show up/mount via wifi or USB. When I tried with my moms Macbook just to see, hers sees it fine.

I have a feeling its something to do with the image the school uses on the machines, but when I emailed IT, they said "Typically the images that are set up for each program are just a collaboration of programs required for you to complete course work in your specific program. There are no specific permissions turned on or off that would not allow you to connect to this device."

I had my dad play with the router, but its not the issue because the other two machines can access the Time Capsule with no issues. I can give the Time Capsule its own IP in Airport, and it shows it as connected but still won't show it when it scans to set it up with Time Machine. I can ping the Time Capsule from both the iMac and Macbook Pro. The software has been installed on both machines as well.

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