OS X Server :: How To Disable File Permissions In Mac
Dec 31, 2008
I recently started working for a web design company, we use a Mac G5 Tower with Leopard Server installed. What I need to do is, if at all possible, disable file permissions so that anyone on the network can make changes to a file without having to change the permissions first. Right now, after a file is created the permissions have to be changed to allow everyone else to make changes if needed. Is there a way to disable file permissions in order to avoid this problem altogether? I personally run Linux, as such I am not a Mac guru so any help will most likely need to be in basic terms so I don't get lost.
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Apr 11, 2009
disable permissions on folder and all enclosed items? is this possible?
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Mar 15, 2012
When ever I copy some files or create a file in my external USB drive which is a FAT32 one. file permissions are not preserved. All files/folders has 777 are permission. Is this how it work in mac or am I missing something?
MacBookPro5,3, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Oct 8, 2008
All of the permissions are setup as they were on my local computer. I need to reset the permissions so the server can manage them correctly. I have tried to do this via "get info" on the containing folder, via the server tools and via disk utility, but I have still not managed to correct the problem.
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Mar 4, 2010
I've recently bought a Mac Mini to use as a network file & print server for my home network. Up until that time, I used an AirPort Extreme for that purpose, but ran into some issues with using multiple external drives connected via a hub to the AirPort Extreme's USB port.
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Jul 6, 2012
Looking for a bit of help with permissions on a lion server.We have a Transfer folder where files are exchanged on our network.All staff have the "general" group assaigned to their username.So on our Transfer folder, the permissions that i've set areÂ
General - Read Write
root - Read Write
staff - Read Write
Others - None
When one user uploads a file its fine, but when another goes to overwrite the file it says they dont have permission. Looking at the file, the permissions don't revert back to the server. The file ends up with permissions like.
general - read write
(persons username) read write
staff - Read only
Others - Read only
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Sep 8, 2006
Is there a way to disable/turn off multicasting on my OSX server ?
The reason I ask is because I am trying to deploy netinstall images to client Macs and when I am trying to do this my network grinds to a halt and someone said to me that multicast may have something to do with this ?
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Jun 30, 2012
how to really uninstall this server?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 1, 2012
I'm trying to edit permissions on a folder via the Server App, and having some trouble. I can access all of the other folders on the shared volume and edit them just fine, but on one folder the OK button is always grayed out. Here's what I'm doing:Â In Server App, selecting the server under StorageChoosing the drive I want to editSelecting the folder I wantUnder the gear, choosing Edit Permissions.It shows me the list of users just fine and I can see that there's a problem, but no matter what changes I make it won't let me click OK. It also won't let me click + to add a new user.This works fine on all of the other folders on this same drive. Should I just reset all of the ACLs for that folder in the Terminal and try again?
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm using mac os x server as SMB file sharing server and i got some issues with permissions.Â
I try to use POSIX permissions. I put :
owner -> read & write
group -> read & write
other -> read onlyÂ
And after propagate these permissions it's working fine.
Until an user create a folder or a file and i see that the permissions of it are :
owner -> read & write
group -> read only
other -> read onlyÂ
I have set default permissions on new files and folder for this sharepoint with the great permissions for the group. But it didn't work..Someone have a solution ?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 20, 2012
I've SL 10.6 server with FTP service Everytime anyone creates new file or folder it gets new permissions!Â
How to get parent folder or file permissions for every new file or folder, without propagate permissions everytime manualy.
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Mar 20, 2012
For class evaluation purposes, I would like that one user could only establish one SSH connection o a OS X 10.4 server.
It linux I could mess with the /etc/security/limits.conf, but it does not seem available in OS X.
Also, in sysctl I could not see any suitable variable to set.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Mar 17, 2012
I'm aware of how enabling sFTP support in Lion Server by enabling SSH access in the Hardware settings.
Now, if I do log in using sFTP in Transmit client Software with a normal user account who should be able to access via SSH but got only permissions for the "Public" folder on the Server, that user via SSH/sFTP can see/access the root Directory of the server anyway!
how to set specific folder permissions to users using the enabled SSH/sFTP option?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Mini late 2007 - 2GB RAM - 2Ghz
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Apr 8, 2012
I have a mini that had the latest Lion Server installed and was being configured, I know very little about servers and it would appear my friends who were helping set things up know even less. As I have now found out tomy cost. This was a refurbished MMserver direct from Apple - preinstalled with Lion Server. After it was almost configured with admin, users, filesharing, mail, ical etc and ssl authentication, a bunch of new users, groups etc suddenly appeared in the admin interface. All these were deleted to leave only the ones that had been set up.Â
Now the users we set up along with admin can log and use the machine as a user but cannot do anything that will affect the systemas they do not have permissions. Even the names with server permissions have been restricted access When logging into the server app I get the following message. Msg: This server is not supported. Server supports servers running Mac OS X 10.7.Â
If I go into Apple Software Update it wants an administrator's name and password...the one used to log into the system in the first place no longer works. Given there is no data / files of importance on this machine, I thought I would use Disk Utility to start again but hit the same issue of not having permissions. I have tried all the names and passwords I know and which were used and non have worked. If I then use cmd+r on boot up nothing happens it just continues to boot to the log in screen,Â
I looked in server admin and nothing is registered and when i add the server name..it just searches but does not do anything. How can I get this back to to the start - a virgin system....so I can start setting it up?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
I have a group of designers that are connected to X Server running Snow Leopard. I have placed them in a group, "MarComm" I have granted everyone full read/write access. ( I can trust them all) I have tried to propagate these permissions..I saved the changes and restarted server. For some reason there are 2 sets of permissions.
1) full access (desired configuration)
2) "custom" access Â
This "custom" access does erratic things..for ex:Â
Allows the designer to pull off a job folder containing 12 items. He has permission to use 8 items, but not the remaining 4.Â
Perhaps I need a step by step tutorial on how to create a proper "group" and to propagate permissions. I understand that the ACL should take precedence over the POSIX. I am not well-versed in using the terminal, but I am a careful person, and willing to try it.Â
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 19, 2012
we had an older xserve die on us recently, a g5 system running 10.5. we were able to recover most of the file content we needed off of the server, but not all of it (yet), and not any of the system files itself (the main drive was toast)Â the problem im having is this... we've been migrating this content over to a newer server running 10.6.8 server. Several of the files we need to get at and modify however were locked via the finder right before the original server went down (we do this to prevent others from editing a live file on the server). now, because the user data for these files was lost (terminal & finder show them as being owned by "unknown") we cannot change ownership of the files to unlock them.so basically, its a permissions loop that we cannot escape from:Â terminal will not let us chown or chmod the file, because its owner is unknown because the file is locked via finder, it will not let us change the owner.
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Nov 29, 2008
I was trying to install the latest xpac for WoW on my mini today, but the first two accounts were installed from a different user account (I am an administrator) Is there a way besides changing the permissions on each file one by one to give my self read & write access to all the files with in the WoW directory?
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Jun 7, 2010
Computer: iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
System: OS X 10.5.8
I used to only have one user account (user1) on my iMac, but recently I made a second one (user2) that is intended to eventually replace my original user account. (Why I did this: Photoshop CS3 was unusable with errors, and after trying every fix known to man [aside from a clean install of Leopard], the only thing that worked was to use Photoshop on a new user account ... weird, I know.)
Here is my problem: I moved all my files from /user1/ to /user2/ (e.g. - photos from /user1/Pictures/ I moved to /user2/Pictures/, and so on...). The problem is that most of these files do not have user2 listed under "Sharing and Permission" when I get information about the files (so I don't have permission to access them).
I tried this:
* Clicking on an enclosing folder and going to 'get info'
* Adding user2 and setting permissions to read & write
* Clicking the gear symbol and selecting 'apply to enclosed items...'
Didn't work; 'user2' did not get added to the user list for 'Sharing and Permissions' of the enclosed items. In the meantime, I did this:
* I noticed that every item already has the 'staff' group listed (with read only permission)
* I changed staff from 'read only' to 'read & write'
* I clicked the gear symbol and applied to enclosed items.
Now all enclosed items allow staff to read & write. This is ok for now, but I'd rather just allow 'user2' permissions when needed, instead of allowing the whole 'staff' group (whatever staff group includes... ?) Also, is there anything else I should know about transferring user accounts that I might not have thought of?
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Apr 18, 2012
Since installing Filemaker Server 12 on our Lion Server 10.7.3, the Webmail is no longer working. I know with previous installations of Filemaker Server I have been asked whether I wanted to keep the system version of PHP or install PHP which comes with Filemaker Server, but I don't recall being prompted about it on this occasion. Previously I had always opted to retain the system PHP.
And from the WAN I get just a screen saying webmail is turned off and that I can turn it on by using the Server app on the server (It is already checked in the server app).Â
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 2, 2012
I have an OS X Server 10.6 setup with iChat and it works perfectly.This Mac is connected directly to the WWW, no firewall. I have an OS X Server 10.7 setup with iChat and it works perfectly EXCEPT for File Transfers This Mac is connected directly to the WWW, with a Netgear FVS336Gv2.I have opened all the correct ports for TCP & UDP and mapped them to my OSX Server 10.7 atÂ
why should JUST file transfers do not work?This iChat OSX Server 10.7 is setup for people on the same server, using the same domain. File Transfer in iChat WORKS on the internal network OK?File Transfer in iChat DOESN'T WORK on external network?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Server
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May 1, 2012
This is the error log im getting back from the addressbook server error log. I noticed that the push notification is not working for the addressbook server.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
We are a small business with 2 mac mini's, 2 macbook laptops and another macbook pro laptop who is remote. (the remote laptop is not a deal breaker) We are beginning to have a nightmare with file storage, everyone is saving their own work to their own workstation and it's becoming difficult to share files etc. Basically, our requirements for a solution are:Â
- Sensible file server, allowing all on-site computers to use the server as a main file storage
- Something I can back all computers up with from time machine
- Useful to restrict certain users to certain files
- Useful to have external access to files when off site and via the likes of iPad etc. Â
I've looked in a NAS Raid drive and the OsX Lion Server and also the Time capsule and am just so confused at what to buy. Although the calendar sharing options etc. on the server would be useful, we can also do this via icloud. It's mainly the file access that is such a problem. Â I wonder whether a time capsule would be good enough as a file server - which we then back up to the cloud to secure the data.
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Sep 21, 2009
Using OS X Leopard 10.5.8 on PowerPC G5. We have 15 people sharing files on a network. If we open a file on the network, work on it, and save it, it is readable and writable for everybody. But if we drag the file off the network, work on it on our own hard drive, and save it, and then drag it back to the network, it is read-only for everybody. Documents made on our own hard drives are, by default, read-only for others. This is a real time waster for us!
This means that every time we make a document on our own hard drives, we have to remember to go to the extra trouble to change it's permissions before we put it on our network. Please, is there some way to change the default settings, so that if I, say, save a Word doc on my hard drive and then move it to the network, it is readable and writable by everybody without me having to change it's permissions?
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Jan 15, 2010
I want Safari to stop being a complete whack-a-mole spaz and ALWAYS open in the same place EVERY time I open the application. Is there a way to change the permissions of the .DS_Store file so that it can NEVER be edited, without wreaking havoc on the system? If I quit Safari with a download window open it opens my window in a funky size and in a different location which parses me off more than Fergie's man-itude.
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Feb 5, 2010
I want to edit this file but when I want to save it says: Document 'xxxxx' cannot be saved. You do not have write permissions. [URL]
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Mar 25, 2010
After getting a replacement IMac and restoring all my files, applications, etc., from a Time Machine backup, I went to run a game I have which attempted to install a patch, but the patch would not apply, why, file permissions I'm sure. It looks like when Time Machine restored my computer it also restored my previous user account. I had to login as the restored user account to apply the patch. Now this brings up some questions.
My new user account is an admin, why wouldn't it be able to apply the patch. I logged into my old account to give my new account read/write permission on the game folder, but still couldn't apply the patch? Do I have to be the owner? Any good links about file permissions in Snow Leopard. I'm thinking I may have to re-install these apps to fix the permissions.
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May 12, 2010
Have googled and MRoogled, sans success. I want to see Unix file permissions and user / group owner in the Finder ,for work reasons. How do I do this?
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Apr 30, 2012
I want to be able to disable Mission Control for client computers. We are a school with a 1:1 computer setup and it is too easy for the kids to swipe their desktop away when a teacher walks by. I know I could manually disable the gesture, but I can't disable to my knowledge by permissions and I would rather disable the whole thing all together.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 1, 2012
Is there a way to disable or hide the sleep button at the login screen? I am trying to send updates and/or commands from ARD.... But the end users are putting the computers to sleep by pressing the sleep button. This is causing the ARD updates/commands to fail. The computers and severs are all Lion OSX. If I can disable the sleep button at login then I can send the updates/commands. I normally only do the updates/commands when there is no user logged in.So I am not concerned with the case where the user is already logged in and puts the computer to sleep. I have already setup an MCX in WGM for the Energy Saver.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
I need to disable any external device like hdd usb or hdd firewire and usb key as well. Is there a way to do it in osx lion server ? I've heard that deleting some extension could do that job but which one ?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), LION SERVER 10.7.4
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