OS X :: How To Change Default File Permissions

Sep 21, 2009

Using OS X Leopard 10.5.8 on PowerPC G5. We have 15 people sharing files on a network. If we open a file on the network, work on it, and save it, it is readable and writable for everybody. But if we drag the file off the network, work on it on our own hard drive, and save it, and then drag it back to the network, it is read-only for everybody. Documents made on our own hard drives are, by default, read-only for others. This is a real time waster for us!

This means that every time we make a document on our own hard drives, we have to remember to go to the extra trouble to change it's permissions before we put it on our network. Please, is there some way to change the default settings, so that if I, say, save a Word doc on my hard drive and then move it to the network, it is readable and writable by everybody without me having to change it's permissions?

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OS X :: Change Default Permissions When Writing To HD?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and I'm having problems with file permissions. When I save a file, the file is readable and writable by the owner, and read only to all others (which I know is normal), but I would like my files to have read and write access to all upon saving them. Is there any way to accomplish this without simply changing the permissions of all the parent directories?

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OS X :: Change Default Permissions With Multiple Users?

Jan 3, 2007

my wife and i share a computer, but use seperate accounts for seperate mail accounts, etc. here is a problem that bothers me from time to time: when one of us creates a new file/folder, by default it is read-only to the other user. we are both administrators on the machine, but still we run into permissions issues. for myself, i can override the settings for a particular file/folder by changing the permissions, but my wife is not so technical. we trust eachother and prefer to have complete access to eachother's files, since we share many.

is there a way to set default permissions for new files/folders to be more open, easier to share with multiple users? also a related question i've had is, is it possible to share a common iphoto/itunes library between two different user accounts? for example, when one person uploads a new itunes album or new photos, for the other person's library to be automatically updated as well?

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OS X :: Change Permissions Of .DS Store File?

Jan 15, 2010

I want Safari to stop being a complete whack-a-mole spaz and ALWAYS open in the same place EVERY time I open the application. Is there a way to change the permissions of the .DS_Store file so that it can NEVER be edited, without wreaking havoc on the system? If I quit Safari with a download window open it opens my window in a funky size and in a different location which parses me off more than Fergie's man-itude.

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OS X :: How To Change Default App For Media File

Oct 25, 2009

Somehow windows Media Player became the default player for mp4 files. So when you double click on one parallels runs. But I figured out where to change it by choosing other and choosing the right app and choosing always use but it does not change the default app. How do I change it?

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OS X :: Way To Change The Default File Format For Grab ?

Jan 23, 2007

Is there a way to change the default file format for Grab? Who uses .tiff anyway!?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Change Default File Types?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to change the default file type settings for AVI files. I dont want quick time as the default program as some avi wont open. If I choose the file and select open with / and choose another application (VLC)  then select always open with- it opens that file ok. But I want a global change so all AVI types open with VLC media player.

Does mac have similar to windows where I can edit file type associations to a purticular program 

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

then select always open with- it opens that file ok. But I want a global change so all AVI types open with VLC media player.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Change Default File Type For Grab

Mar 30, 2012

How do I use Terminal to change default file type for Grab?

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Intel Mac :: Change The Default Program Setting When Download A File?

Apr 3, 2012

For example; Numbers keeps opening downloaded files intended for Quicken.  I can change the program to open the download, but I can't find a way to make the change be the default.

Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6), PC with XP

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MacBook Pro :: Change A Default File Location To External Hard Drive?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm editing on Final Cut Pro but it's automatically saving all the files I am capturing to the hard disk using up all my storage space. I have a 2tb external hard drive how do I change the path so it will automatically save all the imported clips to the external hard drive?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Cannot Change Default Program To Open Specific File Type

Jun 2, 2014

Whenever I attempt to change the default program to open a file, it automatically reverts to whatever was selected previously. I work with a lot of .ai files and my default Illustrator version is set to Creative Cloud. CC crashes constantly on my machine, however CS6 runs smooth as silk. I'd like to be able to double click an .ai file and have it open in CS6, not CC. When I right click > Get Info > Open with and change it, it reverts as soon as I click "Change all..." 

Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Intel Mac :: Change File/folder Permissions From Read Only To Read/write?

May 5, 2012

How do I change a file or folder permissions from 'read only' to read/write.

I want to edit some music track information in iTunes, but my iTunes music folder is 'read only'

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: Change Permissions Whenever Access And Change By Another Account

Jun 6, 2009

I've been changing the permissions on some of my folders and files in my normal user account so they can be accessed and changed by another account. Problem is, I have a program that saves new files into a particular folder. When it saves the new file, the permissions are the default, meaning I have to change them myself in order to make them writeable by the new account. So my first question is - is there a way to make my first user account always save files with a set of permissions that I specify?

My next question is - what should these permissions be? Both of the accounts are admin accounts. Should I therefore set group to be 'admin' and give rwx permissions to the group? Or is it possible to set owner to 'admin'? Can a file be owned by a group? Looking forward to your answers! This UNIX stuff is fun!

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OS X :: Default Permissions Locked Down

Jun 7, 2010

Here in the office we have 2 macs and a server. When I create any kind of file (Photoshop, After Effects, FCP etc.) The default permissions are locked down for others and is locked up. See pic. How can I open all this up so it can be read write for anyone by default?

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OS X :: Proper Default Permissions/ Ownership For Secondary Drive?

Oct 28, 2009

I recently bought I new primary sata drive for a MacPro and loaded Leopard on it while keeping a 2ndary internal sata drive ... which included data ... intact.

Now under Leopard, under permissions for the 2ndary internal sata drive, it sees an "unknown" account (which is the previous Tiger owner) and it doesn't allow any writing/ deleting on the 2ndary drive.

I know how to change the permissions and ownership but don't know exactly what Leopard default ownership and permissions I should assign to the 2ndary drive.

The new Home acct name, System, Admin, Everyone etc.
Usually there is a cascading list of 2 or 3 but I can't remember what
they should be.

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MacBook Pro :: Usb Drive With Fat32 File System Not Preserving File Permissions

Mar 15, 2012

When ever I copy some files or create a file in my external USB drive which is a FAT32 one. file permissions are not preserved. All files/folders has 777 are permission. Is this how it work in mac or am I missing something?

MacBookPro5,3, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Can't Change Em Back After Change Permissions

Dec 12, 2009

On the Get Info tab of my Applications folder I changed the permissions so that I have all the read and write rights of the whole folder. The it somehow changed to Name: system, and the Privilege: Read and Write. I didn't know that I was NEVER supposed to do that until I googled the issue. I googled a lot, and most of the solutions says that I need my mac DVD. I am currently in North Africa visiting my parents, and my Disks are back home. I tried many things, but the more I try, the more I seem to mess up my macbook. I have a macbook white with Mac OS X 10.5.8. Some suggest to go to Terminal, and use chown -R, but as soon as I open Terminal, i get the following:

login: PAM Error (line 400): System error
login: Could not determine audit condition

[Process exited - exit code 1]

I tried many suggestions, namely: "http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=804099&highlight=application+folder+-permissions But I can't use Terminal.......................

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OS X :: Can Change Permissions On Directory?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a large music library that I have amassed over the years, but when I began ripping CDs there was no artwork on the iPod so it didn't matter, but now it would be nice to have it. I purchased a program called coverscout that finds artwork and automatically attaches it to the songs, but I have a problem. Somehow I have made every song read only. The program can't write the artwork to the tracks unless I change each one to rw. I tried to change just the directory, but that doesn't work.

Is there a terminal command to change all files in a directory to read/write? Just for your information all the songs are organized in a folder called music then subfolder of the artist and then a subfolder to that of the albums. It would be great to just change it all and then when I'm done change it back to read only.

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OS X :: Change Permissions On Firewire Drive?

Jun 28, 2005

i have an external western digital firewire/usb 2.0 drive that i use for backing up my stuff. i can read and write from it when its plugged into my PC but i can only READ when its plugged into my mac. how to change this so i can read and write when plugged into my powerbook?

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OS X :: Permissions On Shared Folders Don't Change

Mar 20, 2009

I have my music shared on my home network and i would like it if they could not change my files around. Every time i change the settings to Read Only for all of the users/groups it reverts back to Read & Write. How do i go about making my folders read only?

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OS X :: Change All Folder Permissions Globally?

Mar 22, 2009

] Trying to use ChronoSync to sync Mail between my MacPro (source) and my MacBook (target). For some reason most (not all) of the Folders end up with a red - in them on the MacBook. How do I just set all Folder permissions to Everybody (will this work?) on my MacPro so I can sync and not have a problem (or at least move on to the next one )? There are far too many Folders to go through one at a time. Already spent 30 minutes and finely ended up deleting one by mistake. Is setting to Everyone the way yo do it? Who is Staff and why does my name on the MacPro get changed to Nobody on the MacBook even though it is the same on both?

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OS X :: Change Permissions For Hundreds Of Files?

Feb 22, 2010

I have been using my parents OS X login primarily for my computer life. I have made videos, played games, etc. using one account. But I decided to make my own account, and have had some success transferring files. However, the permissions are still set to the other account. So in iMovie, I can watch my videos but not edit them, since I have read-only permissions. I could easily go into finders "get info" menu and change permissions, but I have hundreds upon hundreds of imovie projects. So, how can I change the permissions of hundreds of files at a time? Editing the folders permission didn't work.

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OS X :: Change Permissions On Time Machine HD

Apr 7, 2010

My back up disc all of a sudden won't work with time machine. It is saying read only. I don't know how this happened and now I can't change it back.

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OS X :: Change Permissions In Bulk On Certain Files

Jun 30, 2010

For some reason, a number of files on my hard drive are "read" instead of "read/write." I am not sure how this happened, but I wanted to know if there's a quick way to change the permissions on about 1000 files without changing each one one-by-one. You would think clicking the folder and changing it there would solve this issue...

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Software :: Change Permissions To All Files At Once

Mar 13, 2009

i have a bunch of old files and folders i copied from old external HD into my new Mini (OSX 10.5.6). now many of them don't have me set as the User. how do I change permissions for EVERYTHING to make me the User?

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Intel Mac :: How To Change Permissions For ITunes

Apr 5, 2012

How do I reset my computer so that I can download purchased music from the ITunes store?

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Change Permissions On Many Files At Once?

Jun 6, 2012

I recently had a large hard drive crash, and, long story short, I got all my data back but now have a different user account on a new hard drive.  The permissions on all the files on the computer are fine. 

However, I am a recently graduated film student and use an external drive to edit video.  When I tried to open up Final Cut Pro and work on a project, I was told that the program couldn't work because I didn't have "write" access to my scratch drives.  I changed the permissions on the relevant folders and can now open the application fine, but can't actually edit because ALL the medi files don't give me full read/write access. 

I can change them all one at a time, which requires I enter my password for each one, but this would take a few days of work to complete.  My question is: how can I add my user account with read/write permission to many files at once?  I've heard this can be done with Terminal, but I'm not sure how.     

My computer specs: 15in Macbook Pro, early 2008.System 10.5.8

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Change Permissions On ExtHD

Nov 30, 2014

Can't change permissions on extHD, coming up with error msg; An unexpected error occurred (error code -8076). What do I do?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Change Permissions To A Disk / Folder?

Feb 25, 2012

I put an external USB drive into my Macbook Pro, to transfer some files from it to a PC. I wanted to delete a file from a folder that I've just copied, but the file would just pop right back on.I've tried to erase the whole drive, Disk Utility couldn't. Tried to use sudo chmod 755 on the volume, it said that I only have read only previliges.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Driver : USB Transcend JF V30/8G

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MacBook Air :: How To Change Permissions Of External Disc

Mar 29, 2012

how can i change the permissions of an external disc. i just have permission to read

MacBook Air

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