OS X :: Saving Itunes Library As Individual Tracks?
Jun 21, 2010
I want to remove all my music from itunes and save each song as individual files on an external hardrive (not as the itunes library file) is this possible or do i need to re record all my CDs individually?
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Sep 1, 2014
I have iTunes 11 and I've checked the box to allow me to sync only checked tracks under options. However, when I click on an album, no check boxes appear.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 4, 2014
I have imported a cd into iTunes. A couple of the songs are medleys and the cd divided them into individual tracks. Is there a way to link songs together so they always play together in order of the medley?
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1
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May 2, 2009
I have all my music on my external Hard Drive and I direct iTunes to that.Consequently I can only listen to music when the external HD is on, which is fine. So here's my Question. If/When I drop new music into iTunes while the external HD on, how can I be sure it's copying to the external HD? I just dropped some new music into iTunes, and then when into the iTunes folder in the external HD, and it doesn't seem to be there. Do I have to set something up in iTunes Preferences? (cause I can't seem to find it!)
iTunes 8.1.1
OS 10.5.6
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Mar 17, 2012
I have just tried to add to albums to my iTunes library. The albums are in folders on my hard drive. Previously I just selected 'Add to Library' from the iTunes drop down menu. This would create a copy of the tracks in my iTunes Library. From there I could drag and drop them into a playlist.I select 'Add to Library' as usual. Select the folder and hit 'Open'. iTunes then creates a playlist for that folder but looks like it is playing the mp3's from their original folder location. It is not actually adding the tracks to my iTunes library.
As far as I know I have not changed any setting. I have been back in and revisited all of the settings options but can't see any issues there either. I have been using this 'Add to Library' method for around 10 years so am curious to find out what is wrong.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm using Garage Band 09, I need to know how you change the tempo of individual tracks in a songwriting project, not a whole song. I have recorded an acoustic instrument, and vocals but when I try and put a apple prerecorded drum track behind the song it doesn't fit; So I need to change the tempo of the drum beat to match the song, I have tried all the different preloaded tracks but none of them fit, I need to speed up the tempo of the individual track, not the whole song.
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Jan 23, 2006
I recently decided to delete all the iTrip stations from my library but I couldn't left click/drag to select them all because you can't.
Command 'a' doesn't help either because it selects all the songs in the library, where as I only wanted to select certain ones.
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Apr 17, 2012
I use iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on Mac. I spend some time googling and searching for solutions for my problem, but everything is either outdated or simply doesn't work. I have a smart playlist with all songs that are matched on iTunes Match, but which are below 256k bitrate. I want to delete them from the library, so I can download new 256k versions of them. This is supposedly possible by using Option + Delete, but that doesn't work for me. I also tried all kinds of other combinations like SHIFT + Option + Delete or CRTL + Option + Delete and none of them work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 22, 2010
If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?
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Jan 14, 2009
my sister is going overseas and wants all of her box sets of TV shows on her lappy as she is going to study and needs a way to keep her self entertained, me being the nice guy i am with a mac pro, thought i would do it on my machine... Which leads me to the issue: How do i get handbrake to save each disc as individual chapter divx's? i have 30 DVD's of 5eps to get sorted in around 24hrs :O
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May 17, 2012
How do I equalise the volume of tracks on iTunes as some quieter than others?
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Mar 8, 2012
after installing the latest itunes update march 8th 2012 an error started to show that said error saving itunes library cannot be saved error (-54) or something like that.im using OSX Lion
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 20, 2009
I noticed that this box pops up everytime I go to close iPhoto and it's an extremely slow process. Each time I have closed iPhoto, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to "save this critical information." Before I upgraded to my new 27" iMac, it would never do this and iPhoto would close right away. Is this standard now? Why does it take so long to do its thing and close?
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Jun 25, 2014
I accidentally moved an event from my library to the trash (from within FCPX using the 'move event to trash' command). I realized what I did right away and hit 'undo' from the file menu. When I open the event library I can see everything there, but the project is not showing up in FCPX, even after restarting the program.
Is there a way to save the project? I also saved all of the project files/folders, including the 'current version' to a separate folder before accidentally trashing (copied them to a backup with the master files I created). Is there a way to restore those files? I like to save the project folders/files with my masters in case I ever has to revisit any project for any reason. Figured I could just drop them back into the directory and then reimport all of the 'missing' media.
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Apr 27, 2010
Is there a way to back up individual movies/tv series in iTunes? I've ripped a lot of my dvds to itunes to watch on my iphone. My macbook HD is really starting to get full. Can I just do a TM backup, and then just delete whole tv series? And then, can I individually restore them from the TM backup? If so, how? Does this make sense?
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Jul 1, 2014
I want to download several songs from an album at one time. Is there a way to do this?
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Jun 23, 2014
I want to remove some of my iOS App Store purchases from iOS App Store's "Purchased" tab, is it possible, if it is how can it done...
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Jul 7, 2010
My laptop crashed last week and I am now on a brand new operating system (windows 7) using a Dell Inspirion PC. Ive lost all my old music off my hard drive. I have a bunch of dvds a mate of mine burned for me back home that i brought to the USA, and i have no idea how i got the music off them originally and into itunes/on my hard drive. I cant copy directly from the dvd to my hard drive as each song is encrypted. I know my mates password in the case that happens in itunes and it asks for it, but im not being given the chance to enter it anywhere. Obviously itunes recognizes the disc and i can play the music in there generally, but i cant copy the music to the library.
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Apr 11, 2009
I recently had a HD disaster, all my music (aprox 50000 tracks) got lost. With FileSalvage I got them back, problem is they all lost their id�s, now they are displayed by number. Musicrenamer works on the ones with id3 tag, but I�m still up the creek without the proper instrument. Itunes wont let me get the tracknames as the music wasnt imported using itunes. Anyone know if there�s a way around this? Third party software to get tracknames? I need acces to gracenote or similar database..
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May 16, 2009
All of my music has come from the iTunes store, and I have updated the ones available to non-DRM status for the $0.30 that Apple charges. Now my question is, is there a quick way of seeing which songs I have that still have DRM on them? I think it's only a few, but I'm trying to figure out without clicking CMD+I on over 1,000 songs.
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Dec 22, 2009
i've just deleted thousands of tracks from my iTunes.
However, the artwork and the songs still appear on my iTunes after i deleted them, but if i try to open it the message "the song xxx could not be used because the original file could net be found. Would you like to locate it?" would appear.
Now when i try to add songs from iTunes to my movie project in iMovie, the above message would appear thousands of times and i will have to press NO each time.
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Apr 25, 2012
My join cd tracks is greyed out. I been trying to join cd tracks into one. It did work but then after 4 months ago the join cd tracks got greyed out. I need this option cause i have single tracks that i would like to join into one. I did hightlight selected all i do see the blue but still no join cd tracks not avaible.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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May 14, 2012
In importing my cd collection to itunes, I've noticed that sometimes it will separate a track or tracks into more than one copy of an album. Why is this and how can I make it stop? It's only happened a couple times but is still annoying. The other day it separated track 2 of a cd from the other tracks, so I had 2 copies of that disc in itunes. One with just track 2 and a second with all the other tracks. Today it separated each track of an entire cd, so I had 10 copies of the same disc, each with one song.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 8, 2014
When I put a CD in--a store bought CD, it just comes up at Track 01 etc. The CD name doesn't even come up.i recently tried it again and it did not work.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 10, 2010
I keep my iTunes Media folder on my external drive, but I found that recently iTunes has put several of the albums I've ripped on my local drive (/Users/<me>/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music, I assume that's the default location). Not sure why, though I know there was a time when my drive was inaccessible for some reason, so perhaps I ripped them then. Anyway, point is I want to move them to the external drive where the rest of my music lives. I tried just "moving" them in Finder, and I say "moving" because Finder doesn't really let me move but rather copies to the external drive. Which I think is part of the problem, since I then moved the local versions to the trash bin, from which they still played on iTunes. I guess iTunes (or MacOS in general) tracks where files move. Once I emptied the trash, though, iTunes claims it can't find them. Even though shiny new copies are right there in my iTunes media folder on the external drive.
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Mar 9, 2012
I want all of the songs in a playlist to have the equalizer set to "Dance". I find changing each song individally to be time consuming and tedious. Is there a way to do it all at once.. like Command-A does for selecting all in other applications?
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Jul 5, 2012
Some of my music is duplicated and I want to remove them. How do I remove them directly from the device without any syncing?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 27, 2014
What is the best way to move individual itunes playlists/albums to another location? I know how to move the whole itunes folder, but I would like to move select folders in itunes to an external hard drive (i already have one with an itunes folder which i've used previously) but keep some on my computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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