OS X :: Samsung Hard Drive Acting Weird In Leopard?
Dec 2, 2010
I plugged it into my Mac, made it OS X Extended, and it worked great. It has 500GB on it. All of a sudden it became Read Only, which prevents Time Machine to perform any back-ups. The Mac forum suggested I format it, but that's only for NEW drives first connecting. I've had this for almost a year working fine. It's no longer showing up as an icon on my desktop or in Finder. Disk Utility shows it, but all the options to repair disk are greyed out.
Whenever I browse a folder with movie files, I get this window popping up, and it doesn't go away for a little while. I'm thinking of just removing Flip4Mac and finding an alternative.
I just tried cleaning my keyboard/macbook with some baby wipe type cleaners. Great job of cleaning off the macbook but now when I went to boot the machine...the keyboard was all screwy... for some reason it thinks that when I'm just simply pushing down one key, it assumes the command button is being held down... sometimes it thinks that multiple keys are being held and I'm trying to string together an apple command.
my question is this....
1) are there any methods that I can try to fix the keyboard with?
2) I don't have applecare any longer on my macbook, does this mean that Apple will not be able to help me with repair options? does apple by chance take old computers that are broken and give you some sort of credit towards a new one?
3) can I sell this macbook on eBay and possibly get a decent ammount of money for it even with the keyboard issues?
When you want to raise or lower the volume, as you raise or lower them, the accompanying volume that you're setting it to should raise and lower as you go along. Well, I've noticed that this hasn't been happening lately and some of my other sounds have disappeared too, such as in ichat, the sent message and received message sounds aren't occurring even though the settings are set for them to happen. Anyone else experienced this before? I just want to know how I can get my volume keys to work again so that I can hear them as I raise and lower the volume even if there's no sound coming
Recently, Safari has been acting extremely slow and loading webpages weird.For example, when I went to MacRumors, I get this half-ass loaded version (see picture).
I have to reload it several times to get it to function correctly. I tried resetting Safari and emptying the cache but those did nothing.
So I have this really weird issue that isn't a real problem as much as a nuisance, but it is quite irksome. In the the sidebar of the Finder window, the icons for my hard drive (along with the windows partition) will change randomly and without my involvement. Sometimes they show up as the windows entourage logo, sometimes this other weird icon I can't recognize. Has anyone seen this before / know why this is happening?
Just replaced my 120 GB drive with a 640 GB drive. All went well with the install. I installed Snow Leopard first on the drive via external enclosure, then installed the drive and migrated my user profile via Migration Assistant. All updates are current and I even reset the PRAM. I get some sluggishness sometimes when web browsing. Seems like the system stutters a bit, I get the spinny pinwheel, then all is fine. There is also a bit of a lag in MS Word, or typing emails.
For some reason, I can't click and drag to the move the files in my external. I have shows/music whatever in there and I used to be able to click and drag it to the desktop and it would copy onto there.Or if I clicked and dragged into the trash, it would go there and I could delete the file.Now, nothing happens when I click and attempt to drag it to the desktop or trash. I was able to do so forever with this hard drive, why the sudden change? How do I fix this?
ive had the unibody macbook 13" since dec and its been running smoothly. the other night i shut the lid and put the comp to sleep just like every other night, i put the computer on the floor gently and woke up about 6/7 hours later. when i turned it on, i hear this weird buzzing...purring....ticking? i guess i dont know how to describe it. im sure its not the fan cuz i have istat and it would tlel me if the fans going crazy fast...which it isnt, so yea what do i do...is this a serious problem? can i get this fixed?
I have a Samsung HX-M101UAB/g 1TB external hard drive that is running NTFS-3G drivers that don't work with OSX Lion. Is there anyway that i can get this external hard drive to work now that i have upgraded?
Lately, I've been having trouble with my optical drive. It used to read ISO CDs, which it no longer can do. I assumed that was a software issue. Now it's spit out two DVDs and can't read them.
I'm starting to worry that the drive is actually failing. Is there a test I can do before I decide the drive needs replacement? If it's some kind of munged software or firmware issue and I replace the drive, I'm gonna feel like a doofus.
I'm outside of AppleCare now, so if it needs replacing, I'm going to have to do it myself.
I just replaced the hard drive (now I have 1 TB!), but that was relatively simple. I've never replaced a laptop optical drive before.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Clearly there must be a way to do this, right? Can I install off an external hard drive? Off a USB drive? Share my macbook pro's DVD drive somehow? If the hard drive on the mac mini is completely reformatted and I plug it into the USB port on the external hard drive which I partition and install the Leopard DMG would it be able to boot off of it?
I'm getting a new hard drive in my iBook G4 tomorrow, as well as more memory, and was wondering if there is anything special I will need to do to install Leopard on this HD that has nothing on it.
on my Mac Pro (2.66Ghz) I have two hard drives. One contains Leopard and the other hd is used for Time Machine back-ups.I want to add another hard drive that will contain Leopard and Windows XP using Bootcamp.fter I install Leopard on the newer hard drive how can I choose which hard drive to boot from? Also, on a bad day I want to boot to the XP partition on the new drive
I have the disk image for Leopard on my external hard drive. I put it on there from my Powerbook. I tried to reinstall Leopard onto a Macbook but it wouldn't let me because I had to do a GUID partition on the external hard drive. I did that, put the DMG back onto the external drive and went to install it. I went to Startup Disk under System Prefences but my hard drive isn't showing up.
I put the leopard install disk into my computer and started installing it. It went fine until it asked me where to install Leapord. With all other installs (applications, games, etc...) my hard drive will show up and that's what I'll click on, but here nothing shows up except my iPod that was plugged in. As a note, it worked on my other computers, but is not working on my G5.
my white macbooks hard drive broke along with my cd drive. I purchased a new hard drive and put it in but now I have no way to install Leopard since my cd drive is broke.I do understand the best way would be to buy an external CD drive and use that but I would rather not waste all that money on one use.I do have a firewire cable and my friend has a white macbook. I've heard that you can boot using another computer and use there cd drive via firewire by holding "T" or whatever.
Ok so sometimes I like to watch HD movies on my Xbox from my external usb hard drive that is formatted HFS+. I heard that formatting with Snow Leopard frees up that extra bit of HD space so I thought i'd try it. Well it sure did free up the space - after the erase/reformat there was 249.4 GB out of 250 GB (normally after a reformat there's only 232 GB out of 250 GB). So I go to plug the usb hard drive in my xbox 360 and it didn't recognize it. WTF? So then I tried to reformat it back to HFS+ with Macdrive on Windows but it still isn't recognized by the xbox.
I can't install Leopard on a USB drive from my iMac, then move the drive to my Air and boot that? It's just for emergency purposes, so if trackpad gestures are missing or something, no big deal. I just want a DiskWarrior drive I can use on all my Intel Macs--especially the Air with no DVD drive. (I know I could install OS X using the Air itself--but wireless installation would be slow. Better to install OS X quickly on my iMac via USB.)
I am trying to defragment the hard drive using snow leopard but I get the following message:You cannot use this algorithm on the selected volume. Off-line algorithms need to unmount the disk so you need to boot from a different disk, partition, computer or CD/DVD. Alternatively, use the Quick (on-line) algorithm.How would I do this without doing a quick algorithm? Basically how do I unmount the disk or boot from a different disk or DVD and run this program, iDefrag.
how do i reformat the hard drive on my macBook Pro 10.5.8 - dvd player doesn't work - otherwise what is the best way to delete stuff off the hd I want to keep the os on it.
I just purchased a used MAcBook Air 2,1 however it did not have a hard drive in it. I purchased a Solid State replacement drive (Mercury Aura Pro MBA), however I cannot get it install Snow Leopard (Legal copy with a license). I get all the way through the install (Country, etc), but when it asks me where to install the SSD does not show as an option only the drive that has the DVD in it.
Never before saw this in my mac HD drive - got this tmp folder, and it's got various folders in it including files called listeners and sock...what is all this? Never saw this before on my hard drive and I've had my mac pro for 4 years now? Is this mal or spyware? How to get rid of if so?
Info: Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FC Studio 3
I have a Power Mac G4 (Mirror Front) and am currently running Leopard (10.5.8) on it. It came with a 20 GB HD and I have added a 250 GB HD to it. What I would like to do is transfer the OS over to the 250 GB drive. I've seen some posts that talk about cloning software. Is that the best way or could I some how reload the OS on the bigger drive and remove or make the smaller drive a slave.
I have a Samsung external DVD writer model SE-S084 that I am really struggling to find the drivers for in order to use it with my macs mini. I know it is compataible but the Samsung website is next to useless in trying to find the right download
My Samsung ML-2510 stopped working when I installed snow leopard. I've tried the following, after finding others with similar problems (before snow leopard).
1. re-installing the driver from the Samsung website.
2. deleting the printer from the "printer & fax" pref, then adding it again, selecting "print using..." the new driver from the drop down menu.
3. downloading the Samsung Drivers from the apple website
The New Samsung GO N310 is a very cool NetBook with awesome battery life. Claimed 9 hrs... 6-7 hrs real world. I bought this for my Grandson who needed a computer for school with good battery life. This is his first computer of his very own.
I ran across a Samsung GO N310 Hackintosh on Snow Leopard
Has anyone tried this on this model? My Grandson seems to be interested in trying to make this happen.
I'm running a Macbook Pro 4 (Year '09-'10) w/ a Intel Core 2 Duo, Speed 2.4 GHz. I've a Samsung 720 HD TV and am wondering if there is a way to play video directly from my Macbook Pro to my TV's HDMI port? Is there a USB to HDMI?