OS X :: Trying To Defragment The Hard Drive Using Snow Leopard?
Jan 29, 2010
I am trying to defragment the hard drive using snow leopard but I get the following message:You cannot use this algorithm on the selected volume. Off-line algorithms need to unmount the disk so you need to boot from a different disk, partition, computer or CD/DVD. Alternatively, use the Quick (on-line) algorithm.How would I do this without doing a quick algorithm? Basically how do I unmount the disk or boot from a different disk or DVD and run this program, iDefrag.
Basically I'm trying to install windows xp on my macbook and bootcamp is telling me i need to defragment my hard drive. So i have a few questions. 1. First i don't know the best way to back up all my stuff without having to copy all of it back (I'm hoping to just reload the bare essentials so i can start fresh) - will time machine work well or should i manually grab all my essential files and drag em over to my external hd? Will my stuff be defragmented when i load it all back onto my mac? 2. If i just copy my itunes folder to the external HD, will it save my tags, artwork and library? For Iphoto too, if I just copy the folder will it remember my library? 3. Which system/library folders are essential, what besides my documents, pictures, music, movies and games 4. Is there anyway to copy over applications like Logic 8 and Microsoft Word and not have to reinstall them, and is it worth it?
Ok so sometimes I like to watch HD movies on my Xbox from my external usb hard drive that is formatted HFS+. I heard that formatting with Snow Leopard frees up that extra bit of HD space so I thought i'd try it. Well it sure did free up the space - after the erase/reformat there was 249.4 GB out of 250 GB (normally after a reformat there's only 232 GB out of 250 GB). So I go to plug the usb hard drive in my xbox 360 and it didn't recognize it. WTF? So then I tried to reformat it back to HFS+ with Macdrive on Windows but it still isn't recognized by the xbox.
Never before saw this in my mac HD drive - got this tmp folder, and it's got various folders in it including files called listeners and sock...what is all this? Never saw this before on my hard drive and I've had my mac pro for 4 years now? Is this mal or spyware? How to get rid of if so?
Info: Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FC Studio 3
When installing Snow Leopard, will it erase my hard drive and force me to start all over or will it just update the software and keep everything the way it is on my Mac now?
Yesterday, I stuck the upgrade DVD in and started the upgrade. Half way through the process it rebooted. At this point a big warning sign came up saying there has been errors, please reboot (I haven't seen this again). The current situation is that the macbook (Black 250gb) boots for around 20 seconds (grey screen with apple and ajax style loader gif thing) before powering down. Attempted remedies and outcomes. I have reinserted snow leopard and leopard to check the disc utility. It tells me quite quickly that the disk needs repairing. On clicking repair, it tells me that it requires me to backup erase/install. I have attached the mac to a macbook pro (the one I'm writing on) using target mode. The host (this one) cannot see the disk in finder mode but can in disk utility. The hard drive of the target is grayed out and i cannot right click for further options (such as reveal).
I have tried starting in single user mode but I get the following message: Singleuser boot fsck not done. I have tried starting in verbose mode but i get an I/O disk error and then it turns itself off. I have tried to force mount the target in terminal but it says resource busy. I only have myself to blame as it is inexcusable not to backup prior to an upgrade. I'm just so used to mac products working perfectly. To make matters worse, the last backup was on a hard drive which i have just found out is also corrupt (and my itouch stopped working today too!). So basically I have no backup. To portray the gravity of the situation, the info on the computer is a 1.5 year project. that's basically over a 5th of my life that I may have to repeat! The problem (from reading) is that the file structure is messed up. I'm sure that my files are there, it's just I can't access them.
My question is simple. How can I find and copy files from the broken macbook to this new and working macbook pro.
I am having problems with my I-Mac. It is the 2.8GHZ 24" model and when I try to start it up I get a white screen with a blinking grey file folder with a "?" mark in it??
I had this problem before. Erased the hard drive and then reinstalled everything. I made it through it but I think I may have done it wrong. Anyways the computer worked good till the other day. I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now it is doing it again.
Do I need to start with the install disk 1 that came with the computer and install disk 2, then install snow leopard? Or can is there a faster route of doing this?
Looking to upgrade to Lion but want to back up to external hard drive first. I have OS X 10.6. Time capsule vs another plug in? I already have wirless via internet service so is Time capsule worth the $ vs another plug in product?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My hard drive has mysteriously renamed itself DB1973 Currently Being ModeratedMar 10, 2009 3:27 AM The hard drive item that sits permanently on my desktop has been renamed to 'pe. I noticed this yesterday evening, after I'd downloaded some software updates and tried to back up my files using Time Machine. An image file that was saved on my desktop has also changed its name, from "Peter and Laura caricature" to "-09§". However, the name of a movie file saved on my desktop has remained the same, so whatever has caused these file names to change hasn't affected everything on my desktop (I only had three items there - the hard drive, the image and the movie).Is this something I need to be concerned about? Does it signal some sort of corruption or virus? No-one else uses my machine.
I have an external hard drive which I first used with my pc. It is formatted for NTFS. Now with my new MBP, I want to back up data, and I am having no luck. The external hard drive is a Verbatim brand, 500GB. On their website FAT32 download dosnt work! I have tried disk utility with no luck. What am I missing?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am already aware that Snow Leopard reports hard drive sizes in base 10 and not base 2.
I'm not here to argue about proper use of SI unit prefixes, the HD manufacturer marketing cabal that reports base 10 and not base 2 sizes on the box or the merits of gibibytes vs gigabytes or GiB vs GB.
I'm just asking for a way to change the size reporting back to base 2.
I haven't yet found a way to change it back here in the forums or on Google and only a few others have asked in other threads.
I figured that making a new thread would be helpful for people who just want a solution instead of arguing about base 10 vs base 2 and having to dig through other threads full of that.
"In addition, it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead."
I'm a newbie here but wonder if the above AppleInsider statement is true. I installed Snow Leopard over my existing Leopard w/out a hitch. Earlier OS X retail DVD versions clearly distinguished between "Install" and "Upgrade" - correct?. I'm confused where I read Snow Leopard required an existing OS (Leopard or Tiger) to install. It appears Snow Leopard is a "full install" DVD?
This is a major issue for me, as I feel like I'm going to end up damaging my hard drive.
I am downloading a legal torrent to my external hard drive, however when I quit Transmission and try to eject my external drive, nothing happens. Snow Leopard doesn't even say it is in use like it is meant to. It just does nothing to eject the drive.
So I end up having to yank the USB plug out.
What gives? It ejects normally as long as I don't download to it.
I have a white shell Fall 2007 (Santa Rosa) Macbook with a 120gb 7200 RPM hard drive. I bought a new 320gb hard drive and snow leopard today and want to ensure that I won't lose anything if I back my hard drive up as a "regular leopard" machine and then try and recall the files after installing the new drive as a "snow leopard" running system.
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
How to adapt an external hard drive with Snow leopard (from my sold Mac Pro) to my Mac Book Pro with Lion?I would like to use the external on a permanant basis as it has 2T without deleting a lot of the programs.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Macbook pro has just had a new 500gb hard drive in it and osx snow leopard had not been put on it because i never got a disk when i bought it. It still comes up with the grey screen with the flashing folder which i think would be normal because there is nothing on the hard drive. How do i install OSX Snow Leopard back on it the cheapest way possible?
My Macbook pro has just had a new 500gb hard drive in it and osx snow leopard had not been put on it because i never got a disk when i bought it. It still comes up with the grey screen with the flashing folder which i think would be normal because there is nothing on the hard drive. How do i install OSX Snow Leopard back on it the cheapest way possible? and easiest.
My mac is slow. Obvious points are covered. Maximum RAM installed; All apple software updates downloaded and permissions repaired after each download.Activity Monitor shows no obvious 'hogs'.Hard Drive (250GB) has almost 50GB free I am considering some sort of clean up using something like ONYX but feel that the hardware /software package should be almost self maintaining.15 years using Macs, since OS5 but not minded to look under the hood very often, since that is what brought me to Apple in the first place.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GB Ram
How to adapt an external hard drive with Snow leopard (from my sold Mac Pro) to my Mac Book Pro with Lion? Any hints on where to start? I would like to use the external on a permanent basis as it has 2T without deleting a lot of the programs.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am putting this under OS questions because I assume it is an OS thing. The computer is a Mac Mini, I also have a Mac Pro workstation. I am consolidating all photos on to one external drive I plan to duplicate and remove to a safe deposit box, returning it occasionally to update it. My wife tends to store stuff on the stystem drive of our home mac mini (which is only 120gb) so I did a search of "Macintosh HD" looking for anything with ".jp" in the filename.
I soon realized most of these were in a folder that could be generically described as "USER>>Library>>Mail>>IMAP-(Account)>>GMAIL>>" with several layers more depending on when it was sent. It seems every email is being physically stored on hard drive, including attachments. This has turned into many GB of stuff, and explains some of our system drive congestion. How do I stop this? Note that I do not want to stop iCal from syncing my Gmail calandars, I just don't need mail stored on HDD, as it stays in Gmail server forever anyway.
Note also that we both sign in as same user, and I use gmail and it does NOT do it for my account, only hers, so I assume when I set up system it asked for an email and I put in hers. She uses browser based mailing, so I don't see why this is happening, unless mail just updates anyway. This is cluttering up my system drive unnecessarrily, and seems an odd feature. How do I safely eliminate files that are there (not just pics but anything else that is unnecessary) and how do I keep it from doing it again in the future?
I'm trying to free up space, and notice that on my hard drive, under "Updates" there are several. Screen shot below. My question is this: can I delete some of them? Would the most recent update be all I need to retain?
My TM backup files are getting unnecessarily large so I would like to delete them and rescan my computer again. However, I don't want to risk deleting my TM backups and have the computer fail, so I wanted to copy the backups temporarily to a spare disk until the new backup had been completed successfully. So can the TM backups be moved just like any other file?
I changed my HD in my MacBook Pro to a bigger one and then wanted to Restore the System via Time Machine onto that new HD. Sadly I dont have the Snow Leopard DVD that was coming with the MacBook. Though I have another Snow Leopard DVD, that I purchased earlier for my older Mac. Now the Problem:When I try to Boot the Macbook Pro from the older Snow Leopard DVD it always freezes and says: "You have to restart your Macbook. Press the power button until it switches off and then press the button again". But iwill not boot from the DVD.Is there another possibility to Restore my System from my Time Machine Backup to the new HD?
I've been having this problem for a while now and its only with images and videos when i try to open any picture or video this msg comes up "The file couldn’t be opened because there is no such file" and i can only open it if i copied the file from my hard drive to my computer.when i open the info for the same picture (one in on the hard drive and one my computer) the one on the hard drive has nothing under "more info" while the one on my computer has a lot of details under "more info" .Â