OS X :: Safari Unstable Program
Nov 28, 2009Never seen so many beachballs and crashes in my life.
View 24 RepliesNever seen so many beachballs and crashes in my life.
View 24 RepliesDoesnt seem like there was ever an issue until the last few updates after SL, and I kept hoping the new updates would fix it, but same thing. Anyone have the same issue, or solution perhaps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tryed to quit out of the Safari program but it will not quit.
I have a 24" Mid-2007 iMac, with 4GB of ram. I'm trying to setup Boot Camp with either XP or Vista so I can run some CAD software (Solidworks) for a class I'm taking. I installed XP SP3 using media that had SP3 pre-applied, and installed the Boot Camp drivers that came with my computer, then downloaded the Boot Camp 2.1 update. However, applications frequently crash - windows update fails randomly, the solidworks installer crashed, internet explorer crashes, etc. I then decided to try out Vista - formatted the partition, started from scratch, same deal. Ran the Boot Camp driver DVD, applied the Vista Boot Camp 2.1 update, then the crashed begin. Windows Update failed about halfway through the updates, internet explorer crashes, didn't even bother installed Solidworks.
What is going on? I have absolutely no problems in OS X, and I've never encountered anything like this in XP or Vista before on other computers. Jokes aside, a fresh install typically works for a while. It makes me think its a hardware issue - but what hardware failure would only manifest itself in windows?
My bro is having one heck of a time with RAM upgrades. First he popped in two Kingston 2 GB sticks and thought all was well. His MBP 2.26 was fine for a few hrs until when he tried to restart and he got the 'gray screen of death' where nothing happened. just clocking, no apple logo. So we removed the RAM and put in the stock 2 GB. Started up fine. Put the Kingston back in. Would not start. Ok prob solved. Then he just got OWC RAM and put in 2 sticks. Ran fine for the night but he called me over late last night and he is getting the SBBOD when trying to open Photoshop, iMovie, and iTunes. I had to hold the power button down to get out. Definitly not normal. Restarted and it was fine. It shows 4 GB RAM...but again the machine locks up and we have to do a force shut off. So I just said pull that stuff out and let's look at this more closely. Maybe the sticks were not seated right or whatever. Inspected and everything looked fine. His friend was so fed up he ran and got his MBP 13 and opened it up (he has stock 4 GB) and put it in his machine. His MBP booted up fine and we played with it for about 1.5hrs and did not crash. He had photoshop and iMovie up at the same time running and the thing was working very good. With the 2 GB he said it lagged a lot.
So we're not sure. I told him to return the OWC and buy Crucial but now he's all up and arms saying "I'm just gonna waste my money and buy Apple RAM at the Apple Store and be done with this crap!!!!" he was pretty frustrated as he needs to get going on some work projects I guess and he now doesn't care if its gonna cost him $200. He says its peace of mind. Well not peace of mind for your wallet! thoughts? just a fluke? OWC I've heard a lot of good things but I've never used the stuff. I normally used Crucial. Isn't Apple RAM the same thing anyway?! his $... just think its weird that his machine didn't like 2 brands of RAM, kinda made me think its the machine...
My wi-fi signal keeps failing in the house, but the fixed connection is stable. This might well be a stoopid question, but can too many wi-fi devices cause a router to go unstable? In the house we have four macs, two iPhones and three airport expresses. The router is the standard one that comes with O2 broadband in the UK and has been pretty reliable until the last couple of weeks
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have had such instability issues with Firefox lately that I have temporarily switched to Safari. I started noticing this on 1.5, but has only gotten worse on 3.5, including 3.5.2. Here is a list of observations:
1. On my Mac, if Firefox is idle for a good time, say a number of hours, it tends to become very sluggish, sometimes even locking up.
2. I used to sleep my system overnight, and 90% of the mornings, Firefox would be locked up.
3. About 50% of the time after sleeping the system overnight, my whole system would be locked up. If not locked up, then the whole system would be very sluggish until I force quit Firefox.
4. I temporarily solved all of these "sleep-overnight" issues by making sure Firefox was shut down before sleeping the system. After doing this, the system just wakes up immediately and works well, like it did some time ago, before the Firefox issues.
5. My son using Vista is reporting the same set of things, in that Firefox locks up itself, and it locks up his whole system, requiring a system reboot. So similar, but worse (yeah, Windows, I know).
This is my second time around re-installing snow leopard - clean. Why is it so slow? The spinning wheel comes up all the time, even for mundane tasks such as minimizing a window where I have to wait 10 or 15 seconds at a time. This time around I installed all the latest updates and iLife '09 - but its still as slow as ever. I also downloaded latest version of firefox.
I uses a late 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz 15 inch, and previous OSX flies on this machine. I'd like to go back to OSX Leopard but I can't cause I need the latest version of iPhone SDK which only runs on snow leopard. What's going on here Apple? Your OS is unstable and slow, and there's no acknowledgement from your site whatsoever!!
My G4 MDD Dual 1.25 has become a little unstable in the last few days, applications keep hanging, or just refuse to start (not responding message seen if I force quit) and it?s now a bit temperamental about shutting down or seeing flashcards. Now the only thing I done in recent days is install a Firmtek SeriTek/1S2 SATA controller, could this be the cause of this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne happy side effect of the .3 upgrade is that toast now works with my HL-DT-ST DVDRW GA11N:drive. No unstable connection message, no coasters.. it's a miracle :-)
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince switching to Lion, the screen image on our iMac has become VERY unstable. It frequently flickers to the right and even moves completely to the right and disappears. It also zooms in unexpectedly and cannot be restored to normal view without backing up a screen. Another annoying feature is that while the screen flickers and twitches, one cannot access hot fields to enter data or select pull down menus.
Intel iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
OS 10.6.8 unstable, even from sleep, until escape is pressed
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), unstable from sleep until ESC press
My macbook pro is connected to the internet via WiFi router, and it very often it happens that my macbook loses connectivity with it. WiFi logo shows the same signal strength, but all browsers (Safari & Chrome) can't load webpages.
This issue can be solved by turning WiFi on and off, but it happens again and again. It looks like connectivity loses when Macbook goes in sleep mode and get's back from it, but sometimes connectivity issues happen even without sleep mode switching. I found in the internet that this issue can be solved by turning off Bluetooth.
How do i tell safari to open transmission and not azureus when clicking on a magnet link.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSome program or process is opening Safari. It's not going to any pages in a window, it just opens and is on. I shut it down, and it comes back sometime later - I don't know the pattern though. how I can track this down? I'm on a 1 year old iMac 10.6.8?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt
Whenever I to open Safari, over 80 windows open immediately. My homepages are two websties and I'll get probably 30 or so windows with my Home "pages" combination, and then another 50 of windows of sites I visted recently. If I proceed to close the windows out, Would reinstalling Safari work? Or does this look like a virus and should I just restore from my time machine backup? My most recent backup is roughly 1 week old and my external has not been connected since this began to happen. It's worth noting this only happens to Safari--Firefox works perfectly fine. No other odd behaviors (ie. system lag, program crashes, etc.) have appeared.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
What should I do to complete installing itunes 10.3 when this window popup? "There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personal or package vendor".
Windows XP
I've been having issues with my wireless. I use my home wireless network as my primary internet connection. I've noticed that I'll be using it without any problems, and then suddenly I notice pages arent loading (or if i'm playing WoW, huge lag spike.) The only way to get it going normal again is to turn the airport off and back on, and let it reconnect. Sometimes that fixes it for the rest of the day, other times I have to do that every 30 minutes. It just depends. I found [URL] but that doesn't seem to be the issue at hand, because my signal never drops, the connection just dies. Anyway of a fix? It's a pain in the ass to have to always turn my wifi on and off.
View 15 Replies View Relatedmy name is David Francis and I publish a community magazine in Bowling Green KY. I consider myself fairly adept with computers and technology having been working with them since 1987. I was a full time web developer for 10 years prior to starting a magazine company in 2007. My experience (was) Microsoft (can I say that here?) and PC. I developed ASP websites using SQL databases and I was more or less a MS Partner having invested many years on the PC and the MS Software (lots of money too I should say.) I was "persuaded" to learn the Macintosh by a fellow publisher and friend who loaned me a computer and Adobe software for six months. I must say I reluctant, but realized quickly that I needed the tools and performance of the MAC.
I purchased a brand new MAC Pro in Nov 07 (2 x 2.66GHz Dual Core), this was the same month that Leopard came out and it was included with the new machine. It came with 2gb of ram which I upgrade (MAC certified ram) to 4bg about six months ago.)I immediately installed Adobe Creative Suite CS3 which I purchased as well as Office for MAC, Parallels so I could run Windows (sorry), and a logitech mouse and keyboard............................
Okay, I think this is the right thread to discuss this in, if it's not I apologize. So I got a 13" unibody MacBook back in February. I've got a 2 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, and 2 gb 1067 MHz DDR3. I'm starting to run out of hard drive space, plus I want to dual-boot Windows 7 when it comes out, unfortunately we still live in a PC dominated world.
My questions are, if I replace it myself this will void my warranty won't it? I didn't buy any sort of AppleCare with my MacBook so I just have whatever the standard warranty is.
Second, is there a limit to the size of hard drive I can put in there? Does it have to be made by a certain manufacturer? And at any size does it start becoming unstable with my amount of ram and processor?
my question is if the internet is disconnected for a while and then connected again, will the system auto-start the schedule job again. Because the internet connection may not be very stable at the mid-night time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy desktop and trackpad are unstable. The icon size will not stay stable and the tracpad acts like it has a mind of it's own....
Mac Pro 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I am using an IMac connected to the internet via wlan. While my windows laptop which is connected to the same wlan has no problem, the imac connection to the wlan is very unstable. Working online is thus a problem.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I close a safari window without closing the whole program, and not using control quit?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat happens is that i attend a school, where we are 700 people using the same internet. Actually it's divided into 4 sections, so there are probably 250 in my group. This network is protected by a WPA2 password, and has additional login forms, which gives the school the ability to check all in- and outgoing transfer. However, I have lately been getting some problems connecting. What happens is that I connect, and it works for about 2 minutes. Then, it just won't load any sites and just keeps trying to load until it finally admits that it can't retrieve the server. It's my third year. and I have never experienced this before, so I thought: Well, gotta be the school's internet, but i haven't heard of any other ones having this problem. This makes me worried that my macbook's airport extreme card is broken.
I was wondering if anyone had experienced a similar problem, or maybe could give a hint towards a solution? I am running a 13 inch macbook unibody (the silver one), with the newest system and all upgrades installed. Problem is: The airport extreme card is located in the display. I don't get why, but it makes me not want to change it myself, should it be destroyed.
I recently got the mid range 15in MBP. The firewire 800 port is a particular interest of mine which I am expecting to be able to depend on and take advantage of. But much to my dismay it is very irregular, and many times drops down average USB2 speeds or even slightly less.
Now dont get me wrong, the FW 800 port has done almost double the the fastest I have seen USB do, but what I cant figure out is why this is only happening sometimes and sometimes this same FW is performing worse I have three different FW 800 drives now and have tried all sorts of things like switch cables, verify, repair, or check disks/permissions, and basically anything else i thought might help. Still, sometimes its really fast and other times, not.
I would say for the most part FW800 is transferring a little above USB speeds, which is better than nothing, but actually still disappointing. Anyway, if some one has any experience or advice about this, let me know.
I dont see why a drive will act one way once and another the next time. What might be effecting or causing this? Is this normal?
I recently updated my FCPX to 10.1.3 after a couple of weeks away on work, and now upon resuming work on projects I had been working on without any problems before, FCPX becomes unusable - it is slow, refuses to render, ends up hanging up my whole iMac until I eventually manage to force quit FCPX.
I have tried deleting preferences on start up of FCPX but this has not worked.
I am working on a couple of large corporate pieces on a tight deadline and now I can't so much as change a single title, whereas before I was flying through it.
Late 2013 27inch iMac
3.4GHz i5
24gb 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096MB
OSX 10.9.4
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
While working with any map, such as weather or just google maps, the screen zooms in and out, moves side to side constantly.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I moved my room around yesterday, and originally my iMac was in the far corner of my small bedroom. After the rearrange, now its on the opposite side of the room, and since then the iMacs internet connection has been unstable. It'll drop, randomly slow down to a crawl etc. My MacBook is fine, and so is my PS3, its just my iMac thats causing havok, all because I moved it from one side of the room to the other. I can't be because I've simply moved the iMac from one side of the room to the other can it? My MacBook can pick up a strong signal from the bottom of the garden, so the iMac really has no excuse.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter installing Yosemite, both Word and Filmmaker are unstable. Also, iPhoto will not load photos from my camera.