MacBook Pro :: Just Wondering Why My FW800 Is Acting Unstable And Slow?
Feb 11, 2010
I recently got the mid range 15in MBP. The firewire 800 port is a particular interest of mine which I am expecting to be able to depend on and take advantage of. But much to my dismay it is very irregular, and many times drops down average USB2 speeds or even slightly less.
Now dont get me wrong, the FW 800 port has done almost double the the fastest I have seen USB do, but what I cant figure out is why this is only happening sometimes and sometimes this same FW is performing worse I have three different FW 800 drives now and have tried all sorts of things like switch cables, verify, repair, or check disks/permissions, and basically anything else i thought might help. Still, sometimes its really fast and other times, not.
I would say for the most part FW800 is transferring a little above USB speeds, which is better than nothing, but actually still disappointing. Anyway, if some one has any experience or advice about this, let me know.
I dont see why a drive will act one way once and another the next time. What might be effecting or causing this? Is this normal?
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Aug 31, 2010
I just picked up my MBP yesterday from the Apple Store after the display was replaced. I've noticed it's been acting a little slower. For example when I scroll down it lags sometimes (when it never used to), and when I am deleting a word or something it might freeze or take a few seconds to delete. Also on occasion it goes into the spinning wheel which I rarely ever saw before.
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Jul 7, 2010
I'm running FF 3.6.6 on a MacBook Pro (new 2010) OS 10.6.4 and Firefox has been acting really slow and the death wheel comes up A LOT. I just re-installed snow leopard onto my MBP because flash was sluggish but just found out that it was FF all along. Whenever I go to right click or go to the menu, the death wheel comes on. When viewing flash videos, the video stops but audio continues for about 3sec then the video catches up. This happens every time. Is this just me or are there other people that are having the same experience? I'm not running anything else on the computer and it acts the same way.
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Dec 8, 2008
I'm having an issue with my MacBook Air on my friends wireless router in an apartment that I just moved in to. It is a Belkin N Wireless Router. The internet runs painfully slow. Takes about 1 minute to load a page, and sometimes it does not load at all. The internet and router work fine on my iPhone and another macbook. It just runs slow on my MacBook air. Anything in system preferences or anything I need to change?
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Nov 9, 2010
I purchased a FW800 enclosure for my Seagate 500GB 5400rpm HD. I just got a 2010 13" MBP. I was previously using a 2006 MBP with an ExpressCard slot, and had this hard drive connected over eSATA. According to TomsHardware the max sustained write speed of this drive is around 65MB/s, which is what I was getting over eSATA. So I got the FW800 enclosure now that I can't use eSATA with the thought that I'd be getting the same 65MB/s that this drive is capable of. FW800 should be able to handle up to 100MB/s. But I'm only getting around 40MB/s, closer to what I should be getting if I was using FW400.
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Feb 12, 2010
This is my second time around re-installing snow leopard - clean. Why is it so slow? The spinning wheel comes up all the time, even for mundane tasks such as minimizing a window where I have to wait 10 or 15 seconds at a time. This time around I installed all the latest updates and iLife '09 - but its still as slow as ever. I also downloaded latest version of firefox.
I uses a late 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz 15 inch, and previous OSX flies on this machine. I'd like to go back to OSX Leopard but I can't cause I need the latest version of iPhone SDK which only runs on snow leopard. What's going on here Apple? Your OS is unstable and slow, and there's no acknowledgement from your site whatsoever!!
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Aug 27, 2014
I recently updated my FCPX to 10.1.3 after a couple of weeks away on work, and now upon resuming work on projects I had been working on without any problems before, FCPX becomes unusable - it is slow, refuses to render, ends up hanging up my whole iMac until I eventually manage to force quit FCPX.
I have tried deleting preferences on start up of FCPX but this has not worked.
I am working on a couple of large corporate pieces on a tight deadline and now I can't so much as change a single title, whereas before I was flying through it.
Late 2013 27inch iMac
3.4GHz i5
24gb 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096MB
OSX 10.9.4
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 21, 2010
I got me a macbook pro 10.6.5, 8 gb memory, and 2.8 intel processor - software newly updated and all in order and I keep it pretty organized and use my permissions repairs and all that malarky and all was fine and good until I closed the lid on my When i opened it, it was acting very slow - much slower than normal and had a lot of spinning beach-balls of death. I forced it to shut-down as it did not seem as if it was in a happy place, and upon restarting, things are going even SLOWER.
Weirdly, too my finder sidebar had jumped back to defaults. in trying to open itunes, it had also gone back to defaults, and when i tired to open my mail, it crashed out, saying it could not index anything... I've managed to get my mail programme working, (practically by reinstalling everything) but - and here's the kicker - I can open firefox and use internet and other programmes ok, at regular speed, but if I try click onto my home folder, or documents folder or anything that has to do with this account, the whole thing freezes and takes AGES to do anything, beach balls of death, etc... I've even opened new account and tried to access that guest account's home folder and documents etc, and there are no issues with speed or access.
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Jul 13, 2008
I have a dual 2ghz G5 and today when i started it up, it took over 45 minutes to get my home screen. I reset it and it still takes 45 minutes to turn on. A few months ago i replaced both internal hdd's to 500gb and it has 2x1gb of ram. Its running Tiger and i would not like to update to leopard because i need os9 support.What could be causing the slow startup?
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Oct 15, 2009
I was wondering for any of you in the US if the iTunes store has been acting very slow (for about the past day)? It takes forever to load pages and it takes 3 hours to download an HD show when it should be taking 10 minutes tops. I know my internet connection is fine because everything else is working at its normal pace, but for some reason, navigating the iTunes store and downloading has been quite sluggish.
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Mar 18, 2010
I moved my room around yesterday, and originally my iMac was in the far corner of my small bedroom. After the rearrange, now its on the opposite side of the room, and since then the iMacs internet connection has been unstable. It'll drop, randomly slow down to a crawl etc. My MacBook is fine, and so is my PS3, its just my iMac thats causing havok, all because I moved it from one side of the room to the other. I can't be because I've simply moved the iMac from one side of the room to the other can it? My MacBook can pick up a strong signal from the bottom of the garden, so the iMac really has no excuse.
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Jan 9, 2010
I bought a MacAlly GS350SUAB hard drive enclosure for the firewire 800 port. Before I made the purchase, I looked around for some FW800 drive xbench scores and found a few results:
When I ran the xBench disk test on my drive, I was unimpressed. They weren't much better than when I plugged it in using the USB port.
Uncached Write34.81 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write43.62 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read18.11 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read46.06 MB/sec [256K blocks]
I thought maybe xBench was sucking, so I timed how long it took to write a 831MB file to the drive using both USB and FW800, and it was actually faster (marginally) on USB. FW800 took 30 seconds, while USB took 28. Something doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this could be? I do have a FW400 audio interface hooked up, but that is of course plugged in to the FW400 port and shouldn't make a difference. The hard drive I'm using came out of a Seagate FreeAgent. Is it possible it's just a really slow drive?
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a 2010 13" MacBook Pro. I bought a FW800 enclosure for my 500GB Seagate 5400rpm HD. In OSX using Path Finder to test transfer speeds I get around 40MB/s. Pretty good. Not as fast as it should be given the drive and FW800's possible speeds, but acceptable. When I switch over to my boot camp partition with Vista Ultimate installed I get 4MB/s. I can't figure out why I'm getting such slower speeds with Vista. I did the tests using the exact same files. So what am I missing? How can I get the transfer speeds I should be getting in Vista?
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Jun 1, 2009
Recently, Safari has been acting extremely slow and loading webpages weird.For example, when I went to MacRumors, I get this half-ass loaded version (see picture).
I have to reload it several times to get it to function correctly. I tried resetting Safari and emptying the cache but those did nothing.
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Apr 29, 2012
I have an eMac and it is very slow so I was looking at upgrading some of the parts. I know I can fit in new RAM but is it possible to get and install a new faster processor?
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jan 22, 2010
My bro is having one heck of a time with RAM upgrades. First he popped in two Kingston 2 GB sticks and thought all was well. His MBP 2.26 was fine for a few hrs until when he tried to restart and he got the 'gray screen of death' where nothing happened. just clocking, no apple logo. So we removed the RAM and put in the stock 2 GB. Started up fine. Put the Kingston back in. Would not start. Ok prob solved. Then he just got OWC RAM and put in 2 sticks. Ran fine for the night but he called me over late last night and he is getting the SBBOD when trying to open Photoshop, iMovie, and iTunes. I had to hold the power button down to get out. Definitly not normal. Restarted and it was fine. It shows 4 GB RAM...but again the machine locks up and we have to do a force shut off. So I just said pull that stuff out and let's look at this more closely. Maybe the sticks were not seated right or whatever. Inspected and everything looked fine. His friend was so fed up he ran and got his MBP 13 and opened it up (he has stock 4 GB) and put it in his machine. His MBP booted up fine and we played with it for about 1.5hrs and did not crash. He had photoshop and iMovie up at the same time running and the thing was working very good. With the 2 GB he said it lagged a lot.
So we're not sure. I told him to return the OWC and buy Crucial but now he's all up and arms saying "I'm just gonna waste my money and buy Apple RAM at the Apple Store and be done with this crap!!!!" he was pretty frustrated as he needs to get going on some work projects I guess and he now doesn't care if its gonna cost him $200. He says its peace of mind. Well not peace of mind for your wallet! thoughts? just a fluke? OWC I've heard a lot of good things but I've never used the stuff. I normally used Crucial. Isn't Apple RAM the same thing anyway?! his $... just think its weird that his machine didn't like 2 brands of RAM, kinda made me think its the machine...
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Jun 22, 2014
My macbook pro is connected to the internet via WiFi router, and it very often it happens that my macbook loses connectivity with it. WiFi logo shows the same signal strength, but all browsers (Safari & Chrome) can't load webpages.
This issue can be solved by turning WiFi on and off, but it happens again and again. It looks like connectivity loses when Macbook goes in sleep mode and get's back from it, but sometimes connectivity issues happen even without sleep mode switching. I found in the internet that this issue can be solved by turning off Bluetooth.
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Jul 31, 2008
I've been having issues with my wireless. I use my home wireless network as my primary internet connection. I've noticed that I'll be using it without any problems, and then suddenly I notice pages arent loading (or if i'm playing WoW, huge lag spike.) The only way to get it going normal again is to turn the airport off and back on, and let it reconnect. Sometimes that fixes it for the rest of the day, other times I have to do that every 30 minutes. It just depends. I found [URL] but that doesn't seem to be the issue at hand, because my signal never drops, the connection just dies. Anyway of a fix? It's a pain in the ass to have to always turn my wifi on and off.
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Jul 29, 2009
Okay, I think this is the right thread to discuss this in, if it's not I apologize. So I got a 13" unibody MacBook back in February. I've got a 2 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, and 2 gb 1067 MHz DDR3. I'm starting to run out of hard drive space, plus I want to dual-boot Windows 7 when it comes out, unfortunately we still live in a PC dominated world.
My questions are, if I replace it myself this will void my warranty won't it? I didn't buy any sort of AppleCare with my MacBook so I just have whatever the standard warranty is.
Second, is there a limit to the size of hard drive I can put in there? Does it have to be made by a certain manufacturer? And at any size does it start becoming unstable with my amount of ram and processor?
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Nov 5, 2010
What happens is that i attend a school, where we are 700 people using the same internet. Actually it's divided into 4 sections, so there are probably 250 in my group. This network is protected by a WPA2 password, and has additional login forms, which gives the school the ability to check all in- and outgoing transfer. However, I have lately been getting some problems connecting. What happens is that I connect, and it works for about 2 minutes. Then, it just won't load any sites and just keeps trying to load until it finally admits that it can't retrieve the server. It's my third year. and I have never experienced this before, so I thought: Well, gotta be the school's internet, but i haven't heard of any other ones having this problem. This makes me worried that my macbook's airport extreme card is broken.
I was wondering if anyone had experienced a similar problem, or maybe could give a hint towards a solution? I am running a 13 inch macbook unibody (the silver one), with the newest system and all upgrades installed. Problem is: The airport extreme card is located in the display. I don't get why, but it makes me not want to change it myself, should it be destroyed.
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Jun 17, 2012
I just got my nre 13in macbook pro last thursday (June14) and since then it was froze thrice. One was when I was downloading a game demo, and two more times when I was trying to watch a movie online. The whole system just froze each time, and I had to force shut down by holding down the power button then powering it back up. Then most recently, when I was on a skype call, the whole screen just blacked out, and my call was dropped etc, and it turned back on by itself after 10-20 seconds.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 25, 2010
for the last week or so my MBA has been showing a ~3 inch bar running vertically along the middle-left of the display. Until today, the area looked just like blurry pixels (some things like graphics would still appear, so I don't believe the problem is with the pixels themselves). Now the area has become a gray bar of pixels.
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Apr 16, 2012
I think my Pro is acting strange and it might be a virus. I am relatively new to Apple (1 yr) and would like to know how to best scan my notebook.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
My battery keeps on acting up and needs to be replaced. I don't have applecare. I was wondering what the price would be for me to get a new battery.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 1, 2014
i Have a late 2013 Mackbook air since upgrading to Yosemite 10.10.1 Serial No CO2LXR9SF5V7 my key board has stopped working. Can login with key board but then that is it does not work thereafter. Wi FI keeps disconecting.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 3, 2009
The words on webpages jumble up on top of each other and pictures are chopped up. I literally have to take my track pad and scroll up and down vigorously for several seconds and literally shake everything back into place.
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Aug 29, 2009
I just tried cleaning my keyboard/macbook with some baby wipe type cleaners. Great job of cleaning off the macbook but now when I went to boot the machine...the keyboard was all screwy... for some reason it thinks that when I'm just simply pushing down one key, it assumes the command button is being held down... sometimes it thinks that multiple keys are being held and I'm trying to string together an apple command.
my question is this....
1) are there any methods that I can try to fix the keyboard with?
2) I don't have applecare any longer on my macbook, does this mean that Apple will not be able to help me with repair options? does apple by chance take old computers that are broken and give you some sort of credit towards a new one?
3) can I sell this macbook on eBay and possibly get a decent ammount of money for it even with the keyboard issues?
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Mar 6, 2012
I have a really annoying problem with my macbook pro. Often (maybe 40-50% of the times) when i click some text field (on a webpage in Chrome or Safari, or in Finder's search field - actually any text field on my mac) and start to write something, nothing happens. Then if i use my trackpad and CLICK on the text field, all of the letters which i wrote, suddenly appears. The same thing happens with scrolling (in Apple's Preview app, browsers, finder etc.). Sometimes when i try to scroll, nothing happens. If i then click anywhere inside the window, it scrolls. Same thing happens with gestures if i use Preview to view a pdf in fullscreen. If i use 3 fingers swipe to browse to another page, nothing happens. If i click anywhere it immediately go to the other page. Is this software or hardware related? I'm thinking software, unless it has something to do with my trackpad. It's a 13" Macbook Pro (2.3 i5)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 15, 2012
Lately, I've been having trouble with my optical drive. It used to read ISO CDs, which it no longer can do. I assumed that was a software issue. Now it's spit out two DVDs and can't read them.
I'm starting to worry that the drive is actually failing. Is there a test I can do before I decide the drive needs replacement? If it's some kind of munged software or firmware issue and I replace the drive, I'm gonna feel like a doofus.
I'm outside of AppleCare now, so if it needs replacing, I'm going to have to do it myself.
I just replaced the hard drive (now I have 1 TB!), but that was relatively simple. I've never replaced a laptop optical drive before.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
Ever since I updated the EFI firmware a while ago, my boot partition is totally screwed. My Macbook pro boots once in 3 tries and any operation with the boot partition (including checks and repairs) fails.
I have Mountain Lion DP3 now (had the first build, when I did the update). The latest problem I'm having now, after an uninstall is when turning on File Vault : "FileVault Failed: Boot file not written"
MacBookPro5,1, Mac OS X (10.6.1), 4GB
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