i do not like the way my dock is atm (icon order etc and cant find a order i like) is there a way to get my dock back to the orignal (like fresah install) as i loved the way it was presented
I used Unsanity Silk a few months ago to adjust my system fonts. I have since uninstalled it but am left with some of the system menus without their default fonts. Is there a way to return all of the fonts to their as-installed state without performing a reinstall?
I inadvertently pressed a key or command while using Mail and now all of the inbox, send and draft communications are viewable. I have tried returning Mail to default settings, but nothing has worked. I have tried Help and View options and Preferences, but nothing works. Does anyone know of a simple step for returning setings to display only most recent communications with the entire text displayed separately beneath?
I want to set my dock to default settings Basically, I want my dock to look exactly like it did when I first turned on my mac for the very first time. I want all the items I added to the dock gone, and all the default ones I removed back in the dock. I know I can do it manually, but I want to know if there's a way to do it via terminal or something like that.
A while back I downloaded a program called Dock Doctor in order to mess with my dock graphics. Unfortunately it, never really worked right, so I decided to remove it. When I removed it, my dock kept the last setting it had from when Dock Doctor was installed, and I am unable to get it back to the default. I have tried everything I can think of. I deleted the files from the library > preferences which deal with the dock, and that didn't help. I then tried to install both cleardock, which wouldn't install (gives me an error), and cleardock, who's settings don't seem to be changing my dock at all. Something dock doctor did seems to have completely locked my dock graphics down and nothing I do seems to be able to fix it.
A quick question. On the far left side of the dock, what is the default icon that is there? For some reason I seen mine go up in a cloud and I can't remember what it is. Right now I have "Finder, Dashboard etc...
Well the lady I talked to at Apple apparently didn't know what she was talking about, and after 3 attempts to install Leopard onto my ibook 4g. I discovered that the laptop does not come with enough RAM to install it. So, since it was never installed, but obviously has been opened.. is it going to be hard to try and return it?
Does anyone have experience to go back to Snow Leopard Lion? With Carbon Copy Cloner, it is not possible. As I have stated there is only one way to reformat system partition and reinstall Leopard Snlow.
On my Macbook, running Leopard, I recently changed all my icons. (applications, folders, default files, etc.) I changed the Finder and Trash icons via System/Library/CoreServices. But the Dock won't recognize that the Finder icon has changed-- it's still showing me the old icon. That's Problem 1.
Then I created a new user account, and discovered that on that account the Dock shows the correct Finder image. But Problem 2: the new account doesn't recognize my default file icons. It flashes them for a second when I save the file, and then reverts back to the regular white default image. (Even though all the .icns files are correct in the application's Resources folder.) I really don't want to download Candybar or anything, since I know it can be done without that.
Don't know how to file a possible bug report. I checked my OS-X version and it is 10.5.8, maybe more recent versions have been fixed: Here is a cut & paste from the gfortran bugzilla site  [reply] [-]2012-06-04 02:38:12 UTC Calls to fortran subroutines that use large temporary arrays fill up 'idle memory' on the MAC-OSX, as can be seen with 'top' or the Mac 'activity monitor'. I found that I can get around this by using: call system('purge')  in the code to evoke the command line 'purge' from within the program before the 'return' statement for such subroutines to free the idle memory; but I was wondering whether something could be done more fundamentally at the compiler level to avoid this problem. Without such clearing of idle memory I used to hear lots of disk access being done to get around the small amount of free 'core' memory. Massive arrays would eat up many Gb of core memory by turning it to 'idle memory'. Maybe there is a compile time option that I do not know about. [reply] [-]Comment 12012-06-04 02:47:43 UTC This sounds more like a bug in the Mac OS X kernel/libc and how it handles memory allocation.
I'm a little confused with Snow Leopard, I have been reading and it looks like in order to enable the 64-bit you need to press key 4 and 6 when booting, I installed SL the next day it came out and since than my apps are running in 64-bit (looking at the Activity Monitor) without have to press 4 and 6 (it looks like 64-bit is the default on my macbook) which wasn't a problem until today that I wanted to run office 2004 and it didn't work, I was reading and it looks like rosetta wont run in 64-bit so, I don't know how to run my system in 32-bit.
1 - How can I turn the 64-bit off? 2 - Is it true that I need to run office in 32-bit? If question number 2 is true, what if I want to run some apps in 64-bit do I need to reboot?
I am not running Leopard yet (I cannot run it till I either get a processor upgrade or a new Mac). I have Default Folder. Before I upgrade to Default Folder 4.06 I was wondering if Default Folder is actually needed with Leopard?
I know it's a dumb question, but I've recently noticed that my mac has been making the most annoying sound quite frequently (i.e. basso). Just wondering what the default was as I'm fairly sure it hasn't always made this sound.
I am currently running 10.5.8, and I have changed my default icons. I love this feature, and this web page will show you how to do it. [URL:...] I am about to upgrade to Snow Leopard soon, and I am wondering if anyone else knows if it will still work? I quite like my 'glass icons' as my defaults.
For some reason my MacBook Pro now has the default print orientation as landscape. I have searched the forums and found what I believe is the correct solution: delete the com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs.plist file from the user Library/Preferences. Now I am a little nervious about throwing away what may be a system type file, so I would really appreciate if someone would confirm that when this preference file is trashed, the system will rebuild it, I am guessing, on a restart.
I have an external webcam that I would like to use instead of the webcam built in to the iMac. For audio, I can go to System Preferences -> Sound -> Input and select a device for sound input. With video though, there is no such option I can find. I can manually select the webcam when I use FaceTime or Skype, but I have to manually go into the preferences for each application every single time I open it. Neither application nor the operating system has a way of setting a default webcam that I can find.
Just installed Snow Leopard (10.6) a few days ago, and most things are working as expected. However, I find that when I customize the Safari (4.03) toolbar, it will remain in that form until I quit. But when I open Safari again, the customized toolbar appears for a few seconds, and then reverts to the default. Very frustrating, as I have to customize it each time I open it in order to use buttons that have vanished. Firefox (ew) is fine, by the way.
I am currently the owner of an aging Dual 800 Quicksilver and running Tiger on it. Been working on this machine for almost 7 years and still runs like a champ. It is starting to show its age big time, especially in CS3. Just wondering if I should hold off on getting the Mac Mini until Snow Leopard comes as its default system? Do you think Apple will give the mini another boost in specs this year? I'll be getting the Mini this year at some point with the Dell e-IPS 22" monitor. I'm a little nervous since I have heard so many issues with CS3 and Leopard (at work, we tried it and it constantly crashes). I don't want to bother with CS4 (or CS5 for that matter).
How much faster would the new mini be compared to what I have now? And ONE last thing. I know the 2009 mini has only been out for a short time, has anyone attempted to put in more RAM than the 4 GB supported? Photoshop is a hog for RAM if working on multiple layers, etc.
My ISP sent an email that they want me to change the port my email program uses. They said most programs use port 25 and they wanted it changed to port 587 because it's safer. I called them to clarify and the tech had me change my Mail 3.6 preferences/advanced from port 995 to port 110 which he said was safer. Doing so renders me unable to e-mail so I switched it back to port 995. He couldn't figure out why 110 wouldn't work and suggested I contact Apple. I need to make any changes to my Mail account or not based either on the message from my ISP or the change the tech was trying to make. Unless I hear otherwise I'm staying at 995.
Information: iMac w/ Leopard Mac OS X (10.5.6) first time Mac user
I'm pretty new to Mac and I'm currently quite confused about how to set default settings for all my files and folders in Snow Leopard. Specifically, I would like for all the icons in Finder windows (and preferably also in the "Documents" stack in the Dock) to automatically be displayed as large icons and also for all my files and folders to be arranged by Kind - all of this in "List View". In "Icon View", all of these things do work (except for in the "Documents" stack in the Dock).
In "List View", when I select "Use as Defaults" in the "View Options" panel (View>Show View Options), it does not seem to apply my settings automatically to all my folders and files. Likewise, when I right-click in a Finder window and select "Arrange by > Kind", it only seems to arrange by Kind in that particular folder.
I have read several other threads, but none of the solutions seem to work for me. One thread suggested that I hold "alt" after I have right-clicked so that the option "KEEP arranged by" shows up, but this does not seem to happen in "List View".
When I save a file it has the permissions RW RW R. There is another 10.5.8 non-intel Mac Pro then when they save a file to the destop, it is RW R R. How do you change the default saving permissions? I want it always to be RW RW W.