OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Gfortran: lots Of 'idle Memory' After Return From Subroutines With Large Arrays?

Jun 3, 2012

Don't know how to file a possible bug report.  I checked my OS-X version and it is 10.5.8,  maybe more recent versions have been fixed: Here is a cut & paste from the gfortran bugzilla site  [reply] [-]2012-06-04 02:38:12 UTC Calls to fortran subroutines that use large temporary arrays fill up 'idle memory' on the MAC-OSX, as can be seen with 'top' or the Mac 'activity monitor'.  I found that I can get around this by using:  call system('purge')  in the code to evoke the command line 'purge' from within the program before the 'return' statement for such subroutines to free the idle memory; but I was wondering whether something could be done more fundamentally at the compiler level to avoid this problem.  Without such clearing of idle memory I used to hear lots of disk access being done to get around the small amount of free 'core' memory.  Massive arrays would eat up  many Gb of core memory by turning it to 'idle memory'.  Maybe there is a compile time option that I do not know about. [reply] [-]Comment 12012-06-04 02:47:43 UTC This sounds more like a bug in the Mac OS X kernel/libc and how it handles memory allocation.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: OSX Mail App Uses Lots Of Memory With Exchange Change

Jun 1, 2012

A couple weeks back, we switched from exchange 2007 to exchange 2010.The only change required on the OSX mail client was to change the server address.I have two macbook pros, one is a 2GB early vintage intel, and the other a more recent 4GB model.Both of them are configured for access to the exchange server.Both are running 10.6.Once the change was made, both clients started using huge amounts of memory.This isn't a leak, as is reported in some Lion threads, because it eventually comes back down again.When you start the client, it might use about 150MB of RAM.After a while I have seen as much as 1.6GB of RAM usage on the 4GB machine.If you take the exchange account out of the mix (disable it in preferences) the client consistently stays at about 75MB of RAM.The peak isn't limited by the client as far as I can tell -- it basically uses up all free memory and drives the system completly nuts.Many of the applications no longer perform well once they are subjected to memory starvation, and this includes the mail client itself.

I am now running the activity window with Mail to see if I can spot a pattern, but in one case I watched Mail's memory usage grow in Activity Monitor with nothing in the Activity screen.I aso tried creating a new account instance on the 4GB machine, but without any cached data the behavior was far worse.It very quickly consumes the entire machine and doesn't seem to return to normal.I am firmly convinced this is a side effect of changing the exchange service or one of the exchange settings, if for no other reason than the behavior is new on two systems.It's still unforgivable for the Mail client to do this -- if it can consume all available memory then it needs to monitor itself and defer or break up what it is trying to do.I am a great fan of this mail client but this is so unusable that it might force me back to outlook running in a VM.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Activity Monitor Shows Idle Memory To Be 80% Or More?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm using a 2009 model MacBook with 4GB of RAM and a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo Processor. I've been having issues for quite a while now where even with just ONE program active, it will often lag, slow WAY down, or even flat out crash. Upon further inspection in the Activity Monitor, I discovered that the vast majority of the computer's memory -- at least 80% and up -- is marked as idle. 

First: What does this mean?

Second: Is there any thing that can be done about the stated issues? 

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OS X :: Transferring Large Zip File To Memory Stick

Jul 6, 2009

I have a 8gb memory stick and want to transfer my 5gb zip file to it but I get error code 0. I read this is because my zip file is too big in FAT format and that if I change it to ntsf or something I'll be able to transfer it.

1. How do I change it into ntsf format
2. What should I download to write into the ntsf format memory stick on my mac.

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OS X :: Startup Disk Full - Large Memory Available?

Jul 13, 2009

I was using my Macbook awhile ago and I got a popup message saying my startup disk is full, even though I have 84.05 gigs available. I figured it was a fluke and ignored it. A bit later, I was doing some stuff in Finder and noticed at the bottom where it says my drive's free space, it suddenly went from 84.05 GB free, to zero free, gave me the error message, and went back up to 84.05 gigs free, and it's done this a couple times...and the only thing I was doing was copying a 3 KB text file from a thumb drive. Anyone know WTF is up with that? It definitely is strange and I've never seen it before. I just ran a Verify in Disk Utility and everything checks out, no errors

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OS X :: Startup Disk Full When Large Memory Is Empty?

Dec 14, 2008

I keep getting a message saying my startup disk is nearly full when their is 104GB left.

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OS X :: Safari Consumes Large Memory When Scrolling Webpages

Apr 27, 2010

Anyone know why my Safari takes up to 70% CPU when scrolling up and down webpages. Makes the whole computer super laggy!

Closed all webpages with Flash on them and the problem's still there.

Also tried resetting Safari and emptying it's cache. It made it faster for a few minutes, but then the slowness was back.

Can it be related to my hard drive (got almost no page-outs)?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Printtool Is Taking Up Large Amounts Of CPU And System Memory Resources

May 7, 2012

Printtool is taking up large amounts of CPU and System Memory resources.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Slow Restart / Shutdown If Lots Of Apps Are Open

Oct 15, 2009

this isn't a big deal but I've found that when I shutdown or restart with a few applications (even longer if there are a lot open), it sort of just waits (showing me the spinning wheel of eternity - SWOE lolz) after every application is closed (which is almost instant) at the desktop, I can only see my background picture, sometimes it does this at the blue screen occasionally, does anyone know why.

It can wait for up to 20 or 30 seconds, this is on my sig rig w/ the SSD - so I find it a bit odd.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Apple Mail Receiving Lots Of Garbage Notes?

May 18, 2012

Our visitor's laptop has received 80+ messages all of which don't look like email at all - they look just like notes, yellow background, lines, margin.

...and the contents are complete nonsense. I went online to her mail server and these messages were not there. 

why she should be apparently downloading a bunch of notes with garbage in them? I didn't even know you /could/ download notes! 

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OS X :: Return To Leopard Default Dock?

May 11, 2008

i do not like the way my dock is atm (icon order etc and cant find a order i like) is there a way to get my dock back to the orignal (like fresah install) as i loved the way it was presented

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OS X :: Leopard Installation Fail - Return?

Jun 4, 2009

Well the lady I talked to at Apple apparently didn't know what she was talking about, and after 3 attempts to install Leopard onto my ibook 4g. I discovered that the laptop does not come with enough RAM to install it. So, since it was never installed, but obviously has been opened.. is it going to be hard to try and return it?

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OS X V10.7 :: Return From Lion To Snow Leopard?

Feb 25, 2012

Does anyone have experience to go back to Snow Leopard Lion? With Carbon Copy Cloner, it is not possible. As I have stated there is only one way to reformat system partition and reinstall Leopard Snlow.

Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Now Way return

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: How To Return An Item To The Dock

Apr 14, 2012

I use Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard.  I just inadvertently removed the "Documents" icon from the Dock.  How do I replace the "Documents" folder on the Dock?

Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver 2002) Dual, Mac OS X (10.4.11), I also use MacOS 9.2.2

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Keyboard Letters Not Working After Idle Time On Opened Mac

Mar 28, 2012

I left my macbook pro open for along period of time, I am not sure if its as gone to"power save" mode. But it was not in sleep mode. After I open it some of the letters in my mac book pro is not working anymore. Num lock is not working, plus sign is not working, number six is not workingletter "y" "m" "h" is not working too

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: OS X Corruption Of Raid 5 And 6 Arrays?

Nov 30, 2010

I was inquiring as to buying a raid-6 array from a well known company. I received the following as part of a pre-sales discussion. I have never heard this before, but wanted to seek others opinions as it sounds just too bizarre to be true - I mean how can people run snow leopard server if this is the case and manage data? He is recommending Raid-0 arrays backed up to another raid-0 array nightly, fwiw. For the record, I'm looking at Atto hardware cards and mini-SAS 8 bay enclosures, not software raid. Text of interest:

"These days a drive failure isn't the most common means of losing data. What we see the most problems with is what's called data corruption. It's when the data stored on a drive becomes scrambled for one of several reasons. On a software based RAID 0 it's usually easily repaired with tools like Disk Warrior or Tech Tools Pro. When the problem occurs on a Hardware based RAID 5 or RAID 6 the parity can quickly become unreadable making the RAID unusable by the computer. There are no tools that can repair the corruption on a parity RAID once it reaches a certain point. The problem arises because the parity data is stored across all of the drives, and in the case of a RAID 6 it has 2 sets of parity stored on each drive making corruption a huge problem.

If everything is going correctly and your workflow is correct you shouldn't see much corruption. We do see a lot occurring when video is stored on drives, and at times software or OS updates cause corruption all by themselves. OSX is famous for the problem since 10.5 came out. One common way to create problems for yourself is dragging and dropping files from one location to another. When you drag and drop you do not get the whole file, some of the index is lost. Do this enough and you'll have a problem because it's cumulative. Try this; do a "Get Info" on a file and note the file size. Then drag that file to another location and do a "Get Info" on the destination file copy. You'll see that the new copy is smaller, it's lost some index data. Do this enough and the file can become unreadable and will have to be repaired. Do it enough on a parity RAID and you can make the file unreadable and irreparable."

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Get A Return Receipt When I Send Email In Mail Program?

Apr 25, 2012

how do I get a return receipt when I send an email in the Mail program?

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Mac Pro :: Apple Softraid Support 2 Arrays?

Aug 6, 2009

I'd like to try it but I don't want to risk my existing array.

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Mac Pro :: The Correct Sequence To Setup RAID Arrays?

Jul 19, 2010

Yesterday I bought a new Mac Pro. I absolutely LOVE it, and don't care if they replace it tomorrow. It is a terrific machine. I do want to set up two sepeate RAID arrays inside it, and could use a little help, as I've never done this before. I want to set up one array, of two large (say 1TB) drives in mirrored (RAID 1?) format for all my data. I want to set up another of two smaller (300GB) WD Velociraptor drives, which I already own, in striped (RAID 0?) format for the operating system, and my applications, as well as a bootcamp partition.

This is where it gets complicated for me. Much of my data is on one of the velociraptor drives in another computer. My question is, can I install the two new 1TB drives, set them up as RAID 1, using the original drive that came in the Mac Pro, move my data over from the old computer, then install the velociraptors, set up that RAID 0 array, and install the operating system. In other words, will the "new" operating system recognize the data raid array that I had created with the "old" operating system?

An easier question. When setting up the operating system on what will be my new RAID 0 array, do I just boot from the CD? and secondly, do I first set up the striped raid, and then install the operating system, and then the bootcamp partition? Or is there a different sequence to use.OK finally, when booting into windows through bootcamp, will windows be able to see the seperate data RAID array?l

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Mac Pro :: Using Multi Leo/Vista Boot RAID0 Arrays From SSDs

Aug 4, 2009

As we discussed in other threads it could be particularly advantageous to use SSD RAID0 arrays for dual or even multiple booting. With a decent amount of striped SSDs the idea is to run all your operating systems and applications with high speed. At least that is the theory. To test the idea I have decided to use two Maxtor 160 GB HDD in a very basic dual RAID0 array configuration for booting OS X and Vista-64 in AHCI mode.

Here we go:

First thing I learned is that you have to partition the HDDs prior to building your array.

Second thing I learned is that you have to keep it all in HFS+ to make it work.

So now I have used disk utility to create two equal size partitions in HFS+ with GPT on both HDDs.

Next I fused the two lower partions together for a first RAID0 array named 2R-Leo. Format is still set to HFS+ and RAID0 mode is selected.

Then I fused the two upper partitions together for a second RAID0 array named 2R-Vista. Here format is also set to HFS+ and RAID0 mode is selected.

With that done I exited the disk utility to get a fresh start on it. I then entered disk utility again.

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MacBook Pro :: Media Backup - Mirror - For Bigger Arrays?

Jan 6, 2010

At this point I wish I just got a MacPro instead, this wouldn't be a question. I have a new 17"uMBP, bought specifically to take advantage of eSATA through the expresscard slot. I do photography and video work. I bought the best possible card, the Sonnet Tempo dual eSATA, to offer highest transfer speed and because it's the newest technology. To accommodate my media I bought a OWC Mercury Elite Al-Pro 2TB RAID 0. It's great. I wish I got the Qx2 RAID 5 but it's a little pricey and expensive to upgrade, but at least it has redundancy. I need to have a reliable backup solution. Drobo is expandable but I've seen so many poor reviews. I could buy another Al-Pro 2TB RAID 0 and connect them both and do a software RAID 1 with them. Or I could buy a cheap 2TB eSATA external and do daily backups. I could also get a dock and fill up drives as needed. Is there really an advantage to mirroring other than if my drive fails in the middle of a job? Wouldn't the software RAID needlessly slow down my system? Even if I did get the Qx2 RAID 5 it is bad to rely on such a system by itself to both store and backup my media or is it in itself a very reliable solution?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: How To Make Large Posters From Photos

Feb 21, 2012

What program can I use to make posters from photos on  my apple?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Freezing Of Download Bar On Large Downloads?

May 24, 2012

when downloading zip files on my I mac, OSX 10.6.8  Safari 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) my downloads on large files freezes and keeps adding download time but not advancing the download bar.  I have left it on for days and there is no movement in the download bar.  Stays at ...for ex. 7.3 MB.   Smaller files download ok

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Text Size Has Become Very Large?

Jul 3, 2012

everything we open on our desk top is very large. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Download Large Size File Update

Apr 17, 2012

My connection is very slow (1Mb cable/DSL). How can I download a a large-size update when the download starts over every time the connection is cut? Can I use a download manager with Software Update?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Large Excel File Not Saved Neither Recoverable On IMac

Jun 5, 2012

I work on Excel files through my Office Mac program. On two occasions, a large Excel file, (about 1.5 MB) will not save and is not recoverable. It gives me an error code -43. I work on many such files without problem, but this has now happened on two occasions with important files.

IMac 10,1, Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Return To Snow Leopard From Lion?

Apr 14, 2012

How do I return to snow leopard from lion?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Is Stuck In Recovery Mode Due To A Large File Attachment?

Apr 5, 2012

my mail is stuck in recovery mode due to a large file attachment.  I have deleted the email from aol and mail still tries to recover it day after day

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), aol account

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OS X :: Lots Of Apps Taking 100% CPU?

Aug 23, 2009

I've had my black Macbook (early 2008) running Leopard for just over a year now, and I've had a pretty persistent problem (since November or so). A lot of different things that are even somewhat CPU intensive seem to always make my fan go crazy (up to ~6200 RPM), and a look at Activity Monitor shows that they're taking up 100% CPU. Here's a few things that sometimes make it happen:

-Finder, when I'm in a folder with video files (doesn't happen with every video, but with certain videos it always happens - Activity Monitor says Finder is running over 100% CPU and I need to relaunch it to get it to stop!)

-Flash videos in Mozilla/YouTube

-Any kind of game utilizing some amount of graphics

-Running a Windows virtual machine (sometimes)

I really doubt these things are actually that CPU intensive, so something's wrong. Any ideas?

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MacBook Pro - SSD Is Full But Lots Of RAM Available

Apr 1, 2012

I just had a pop-up tell me my SSD is full. But I have lots of RAM available. Computer does seem slow and delicate tho. What's up? Could my machine be spending SSD space and not RAM? I just had a pop-up tell me my SSD is full. I have tons of RAM available. Computer does seem slow and delicate tho. What's up?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), re SSD

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