OS X :: Remove Bloatware And Unnecessary Files Without Reinstalling
Aug 17, 2009is it possible to remove trial programs and not needed language/printer drivers without reinstalling OS?
View 10 Repliesis it possible to remove trial programs and not needed language/printer drivers without reinstalling OS?
View 10 Repliesi just got my mac book pro a few days ago, does anyone know how to get rid of some unecesary files to clean up the hard drive? leopard takes up so much room
View 3 Replies View Relatedsome good programm which can delete all unnecessary files on your mac ?
MacBook Pro
I want to move my imovie files over to the room I have on my spare hard drive. I'm down to only 24 GB on my macbook pro, because of this big project I just finished. Is there a way for me to move all of the files I no longer need? Also, if I have to access them, how easy is this? I have a macbook pro.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI download a trial software and I deleted it with AppZAp, in Application does not appear any more but some files still on my Mac as they appear whwn I use another software.
Is there any Software to delete all this files unnecessary from my Hard Disk, or maybe an Utility to run, I am new on Mac OS.
My Mac has slowed down in the last few days. Any tip on how to clean-up the possible unnecessary files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt seems that whenever I uninstall an application, there is always an empty folder of the program I uninstalled in Library>Application Support and possibly others. Why wouldn't OS X delete those automatically after I uninstalled them? They obviously don't take up too much space cause it's just an empty folder, but why doesn't os x automatically delete it?
View 11 Replies View RelatedAs the title implies I need an application to delete unnecessary language files from my applications... I know it exists but I can't remember its name, so google didn't drop me the result.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you free up unnecessary files on Startup disk? I keep getting the message saying that it's almost full
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy iMac and MacBooks are running slow. How do I clean unnecessary programs and files off the computers?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Macbook Air will arrive sometime this month, and I've gone for the 64GB SSD 11" model.
I've noticed a few people saying they have reinstalled OS X when their machine has arrived to remove the bundled apps and get some drive space.
I have never had a machine with an SSD before, and I was just wondering whether doing a clean install would affect the performance of the Macbook at all? I've heard stories about how certain things can degrade the performance of the SSD, but I don't really understand the technology yet.
As this is only going to be a portable writing machine, I certainly don't need any of iLife or the other apps that come pre-installed.
i need help locating my files after reinstalling Mac os x due to a kernel panic. Can I back my iMac up from my ipod?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I am still using Tiger. Down to about 15% (17 of 104GB) free space on hard drive and looking to unload unnecessary stuff. /Library/Printers (3GB): I assume I can safely get rid of everything related to printers I do not use.... /Library/Audio/Apple Loops (3GB): of stuff for GarageBand and iLife, which I never use... /Library/Application Support: another 3GB of stuff for GarageBand and iLife... (in fact, can I simply Spotlight for GarageBand and iLife and remove almost everything associated?) Any reasons I should not delete the above? Anything else I should consider deleting? (The big hog is Parallels, but I use that daily). I have pared Documents to the essentials.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a windows dude, you can tell. I need to turn off unnecessary processes on a Mac. In "Windows", I would edit the startup processes... and in Computer admin, turn off all "services" I did not need.
What do I do on a Mac? I need it to be permanent, not temporary (like I know how to shut off iTunes helper for a session- I want it off after restarts, too.
Also, I want to pare this mac down to just the essentials- any advice for what to kill, and what I should not touch?
We use Paypal to print off and pay for postage labels. Usually there are 2 or 3 pages depending on the country the label is for. Unfortunately, we don't need the customs label or the insurance page, so 2 out of 3 pages are a waste of ink and time and unfortunately again, these 2 unecessary pages have a habit of printing out first..Until I installed Snow Leopard last year. And magically the print order reversed and I was able to get my label off and cancel the rest.I got a new printer this week, and it's printing back in the old order Totally miffed. Anyway to affect the label order? It's going to save so much trouble
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MBP yesterday at best buy and transfered all my old files from my other macbook over to it.
I am going to give the old macbook to the wife and wanted to give her my old macbook but with a clean install.
I do not have the original disk with the old macbook but I did update to snow leopard on it. The disc are back 2500 miles away. I put the new MBP disc in but it said it cannot install.
I am trying to remove duplicate files and is there a reliable shareware that I can use?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
My MacBook Air shows that I am using about 44gb. However, when I calculate each folder, they total only 30gb. I am assuming that the difference is made up of hidden/deleted files. How do I find and delete unnecessary hidden files.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have vmware and winzip running under XP. Now my Leopard environment has Winzip associated with .rar files. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the association between winzip and .rar files please?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to take some dvd's and put them onto my Western Digital Media Player. My problem is that each episode of the show in question is made up of 2 .vob files. The second file for each episode automatically plays the directors commentary, and has to be turned off manually in VLC player. Is there a way to remove this track? I've tried conversions in VisualHub, Audio Converter, and Mac the Ripper, but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to remove junk file in Mac?
iMac, iOS 5
Found some difficulties while migrating from hdd to hdd+ssd system.
Basically i want to copy system files only (using CarbonCopyCloner) to ssd and leave the rest of my data (music, films etc) on hdd.
I started with installing a blank system to my new ssd. Then Im about to copy all folders from my current HDD, excluding some big ones that I want to store on hdd.
So my question is: am I doing it right? Won't any hidden files be missing after this kind of migration?
How do I remove these purchased files? The ones with the cloud n lightening bolt icon. I'm using iTunes on my iPhone 5.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
what im trying to do is transfer my entire music library from itunes to an micro SD card to go in my Galaxy S5 but from what i can gather the files that i purchased years ago are DRM protected and wont open up on the phone or even show on the list of tracks. what i want to know is how do i remove the DRM protection from these files?? iv tried deleting and re-downloading one of the songs from the cloud as a test (couldnt be bothered to download the 60 odd songs if it didnt work) but i dont think it worked as it wouldnt transfer to Kies.
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
How can I remove Badges from Files in Aperture Library.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Unlike Windows, this damn-ded MacOS X won't ask what to do when moving several items with the same name to a single location. In Vista and 7, it asks if you want to replace all similarly named items with a single of the items or if you want to put all of the similarly named items in the new location and append an annotation at the end of the file name. (I think Windows appends "Copy #" to duplicates) So, I'm left with, "File, File 2, File 3, file 4" in a single folder. I need an Automator action to sort this out and simply move or delete the duplicates.
The simplest action I can think is: Ask for files>get files>select files with similar filenames, neglecting the last characters if they are numerals>reference the size (with accuracy of 1 byte) of selected files>label files of the same size red>select red files>move red files to a selected folder. How can I get these sort of tools? I need a measuring action and another action that will compare file names...
I heard that someone gained lots of gbs back by doing this...
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to remove ALL Keynote '09 preference files at a Global Level, without fully uninstalling. what files need manually pulled to completely set Keynote on 10.7.x to full default?
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am having difficulty removing backup files that are locked from my desktop that I transfered from a backup external hard drive. It starts to delete but whern it gets to 0 it rewrites the file. this happens evn after I answer "remove all locked files".
Mac mini 2.0 intel, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I could not find any recent helpful answers via Google, but eventually discovered, by trial and error, that you need to delete the failed downloads in three places namely: /Library/Updates (this is probably unnecessary)
and the *two* files here:- /private/var/folders/<complicated long path>/<name> where <name> ends in .pkg and also in .pkg.resumeData (i.e. the "same name" twice)
I found out where these were being saved by (*immediately* after the update-failure), typing find /private/var/folders -newerct "1 minute ago" -name "*.resumeData" and sure enough, these corresponded to the failed downloads. I removed them with sudo rm /private/var/folders/<complicated long path discovered via find/<name>.pgk sudo rm /private/var/folders/<complicated long path discovered via find/<name>.pgk.resumeData
and then the software update started working again instead of always aborting with e.g. "iTunes: partially downloaded" etc. The reason for the original failure is my poor internet service that constantly breaks halfway through any long-ish downloads.
An example of the actual filepath on my 10.6.8 Mac OSX is:
/private/var/folders/02/027LjtRMGXSZNggzpqLQg++++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.SoftwareU pdate/swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/<same amount again in length>
in other words, really long winded and very difficult to find (I have been trying to do this all day and could not find anything via the www) - I hope it helps you!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)