OS X Mountain Lion :: Ability To Download Attachment From Inside Mail Disappeared
Aug 29, 2014
Normally when I opened an email that had an attachment (like my paystub pdf), there was a down arrow under the header line in the upper right corner that allowed me to download the attachment. Suddenly it is gone - and gone on all my past emails that I have done this with.Â
For some unknown reason, all my iCloud Mails that were in my inbox on my iMac, my iPhone, my iPad have disappeared without me actually deleting them. When checking on icloud.com the mails are not there neither. How can this happen all sudden? All my Mails in the Sent Folder are still there. I am using the latest software on all my devices.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, 2.4GhZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, 1TB
Have an email with 18 attachments (word and excel stuff) is my only option to click (or right-click) each one to download them?? or is there a quicker (read simpler) way.This is via web browser iCloud, as I'm running an older macbook Pro.
I'm having a problem with Apple Mail. It won't let me open .doc attachments in a compose window, yet I can open .docx attachments without issue. For example, when I compose a new message and attach a document, I like to double click the attachment within the message to confirm that I'm sending the right file to my client.
With 10.5, this wasn't an issue. Everything opened as expected. But with 10.6, I get an error message that says "Mail was unable to save the attachment "file_name" to disk. Verify that your downloads folder exists and is writable." Again, this is ONLY happening with .doc files and it happens no matter which account in Mail I choose to send from.
I created a folder in my favourites bar and on my Dock next to my download folder, which had a combination of picture and word documents. I noticed this morning the folder is now just a ? I cannot locate any of my files anywhere and I know i didnt delete the folder.
Today I was doing an update to several apps. at the end of the session as instructed I re-started my machine. When it came back the dock at bottom was missing. How do I re install that?
All of my iMail accounts/mailboxes disappeared overnight (two nights ago). I did not delete the accounts/mailboxes, nor was anyone else using this computer (a MacBook Pro). Did make one change before this happened: I setup a LogIn Password. Running OSX 10.8.5 Mountain Lion. Time Machine not setup (so no backup). Using iCloud but not for Mail.
Received an email attachment that is zipped, and instructed to open it with Archive Utility. For some reason I cannot open it, or if it is open, find it.
When I forward an email to my bookkeeper through mail, it always comes in as an attachment on her PC. She says this happens to another person as well who is using a Mac?
Once I could see which of my emails had an attachment but now I cannot. There once was an icon next to message in the email list to indicate the attachment and its name. The attachments are there. Also at one time I could sort my email by attachment.
I seem to have lost the ability to save to, or open documents from, iCloud (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote). When I try to open a file I get the following box:  URL....There is no iCloud option. Same for when I am trying to save. I am signed into iCloud. I have checked Documents & Data and each iWork app. How do I get my iCloud stuff back?Â
When attaching a simple PDF (size 15.8MB) to a simple OS Lion email, when going out it expands to 21.4 MB. This exceeds my ISPs 20MB maximum file size. Why a simple PDF would expand by almost 5 MB. The same email without the attachment is only 400 KB.
I am wanting to download the new software for my iMac when it comes out in the summer but I do not have the OSX Lion. So do I need to download OSX Lion before downloading Mountain Lion?
I recently got an IMAC and began using the OS-X mail program. AFter sending an email, i looked for it in the "sent folder" and did not see anything. Does the program save sent emails in that folder?
I have purchased Mountain Lion from the App Store. When I try to download i get a message stating that it cannot be downloaded. My Mac Book Air has the correct specifications needed but Apple won't let me download the software.
I'm using Apple Mail 5.2 on a MacBook Pro 13" with OS 10.7.3. I have 4 email accounts (3 x exchange and 1 x POP). The sent box for one of my exchange accounts has disappeared from the 'Sent' list, where all my account's sent boxes are listed. It is visible on my iphone, which makes me think it is a Mail issue rather than a server issue. I've tried restarting the app and rebuilding the mailbox but nothing will make it reappear.
I had approximately 15 draft emails. They were stored on computer, i.e. the setting "Store draft messages on server" was NOT checked. I re-used those messages often in my business. I am on Mail version 5.2 (1257) and Lion 10/7
Suddenly the whole folder disappeared.
None of the draft messages are in my email account on the server - and they are all gone (deleted?) from on the computer. In other words, I currently see none of my long and quite important Drafts anywhere.Is there any other way to find these drafts and bring them back?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27 inch, Mid2011, 2.7 Ghz Intel Cor
All Mail outgoing server settings disappeared? Trying to avoid keying in 3 different settings. Time Machine backup. Is there specific file containing old settings that I can restore of copy?
Few days, I was trying to import OLM files in a Mac mail format, but and I was not able to access OLM data from Apple Mail with efficiency!. how I can import my Olm files in a Mac mail format easily. Â
My Mac Mail was working great until a couple of days ago when Hotmail in it stopped working. I checked all the settings and everything is fine. I had the old pop3.live.com and smtp.live.com but went ahead and changed to pop-mail.outlook.com and smtp-mail.outlook.com and still no luck. I tried using Microsoft's site to troubleshoot but it is worthless. I tried locating a phone or email support but no luck.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Up until today my MAIL app in my iMac let me use an email address that is from the AOL.com group (netscape.net)…I cannot send emails now because I can't get the computer to connect to the server. My iPad will….but not the desktop. I tried using a different server name; smtp.nestcape.net, which is the one I used in the iPad…but the iMac won't let me change it to that one..so back to the old smtp.aol.com……Still my MAIL app is not recognizing this or letting me connect!?!. I tried creating a new password at the wedpage of that email account.. successfully..but it has made no difference. I am stumped and have wasted half the day trying to deal with this.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 2.4GHz IntelCore2Duo4GB800MHzDDR2SD
I would like to encrypt only one of the accounts I have associated with MacMail. To do this, I plan to create a new disk image using disk utlity, then dragging the particular Mail account to that folder. Since I don't want to encrypt all accounts, I'm not sure what folders I ought to put into my new encrypted drive image.Â
In the "homelibrarymailV2" folder, I do see the POP or IMAP folder for the account I want to encrypt, but I was wondering if I also need to add the "Mailboxes" or "MailData" folders that are also there since they seem to have information in them related to my accounts as well.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
It can receive them, but i can't fwd or send a new email, when i do it's just a still image? This only started happening when i'm updated to Mavericks.Â
I cannot send mail from my iMac today even though I was able to do it yesterday. I am on Mountain Lion. The Connection Doctor says that one of the SMTP servers of all those I have used in the past is connected. (The "light" is green.) I suspect there is something wrong in the Mail Preferences, but I don't know where to start to fix this problem. When I tried troubleshooting a related mail problem a few weeks ago, I received an error message saying that more than one account was attached to that SMTP server. Where I should start?
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Mail 6.6