OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Convert OLM To Mac Mail
Dec 2, 2014
Few days, I was trying to import OLM files in a Mac mail format, but and I was not able to access OLM data from Apple Mail with efficiency!. how I can import my Olm files in a Mac mail format easily.
How would I convert a string like 12:34 to an Applescript timestamp? I'd like to be able to add/subtract minutes to/from such items; i.e., to be able to use 12:34 + 6 minutes, for example.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), iMac 24" 2.8 ghz 4 GB RAM
I recently got an IMAC and began using the OS-X mail program. AFter sending an email, i looked for it in the "sent folder" and did not see anything. Does the program save sent emails in that folder?
My Mac Mail was working great until a couple of days ago when Hotmail in it stopped working. I checked all the settings and everything is fine. I had the old pop3.live.com and smtp.live.com but went ahead and changed to pop-mail.outlook.com and smtp-mail.outlook.com and still no luck. I tried using Microsoft's site to troubleshoot but it is worthless. I tried locating a phone or email support but no luck.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Up until today my MAIL app in my iMac let me use an email address that is from the AOL.com group (netscape.net)…I cannot send emails now because I can't get the computer to connect to the server. My iPad will….but not the desktop. I tried using a different server name; smtp.nestcape.net, which is the one I used in the iPad…but the iMac won't let me change it to that one..so back to the old smtp.aol.com……Still my MAIL app is not recognizing this or letting me connect!?!. I tried creating a new password at the wedpage of that email account.. successfully..but it has made no difference. I am stumped and have wasted half the day trying to deal with this.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 2.4GHz IntelCore2Duo4GB800MHzDDR2SD
I would like to encrypt only one of the accounts I have associated with MacMail. To do this, I plan to create a new disk image using disk utlity, then dragging the particular Mail account to that folder. Since I don't want to encrypt all accounts, I'm not sure what folders I ought to put into my new encrypted drive image.
In the "homelibrarymailV2" folder, I do see the POP or IMAP folder for the account I want to encrypt, but I was wondering if I also need to add the "Mailboxes" or "MailData" folders that are also there since they seem to have information in them related to my accounts as well.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
It can receive them, but i can't fwd or send a new email, when i do it's just a still image? This only started happening when i'm updated to Mavericks.
For some unknown reason, all my iCloud Mails that were in my inbox on my iMac, my iPhone, my iPad have disappeared without me actually deleting them. When checking on icloud.com the mails are not there neither. How can this happen all sudden? All my Mails in the Sent Folder are still there. I am using the latest software on all my devices.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, 2.4GhZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, 1TB
I cannot send mail from my iMac today even though I was able to do it yesterday. I am on Mountain Lion. The Connection Doctor says that one of the SMTP servers of all those I have used in the past is connected. (The "light" is green.) I suspect there is something wrong in the Mail Preferences, but I don't know where to start to fix this problem. When I tried troubleshooting a related mail problem a few weeks ago, I received an error message saying that more than one account was attached to that SMTP server. Where I should start?
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Mail 6.6
this is not a matter of Outlook changing the default email application to itself, after an Office installation, the Mail app has completely disappeared from my Mac. Searching from Spotlight -and even from the command line- finds nothing. The app just disappeared. did Office do this? Nothing else changed before or after the installation.
When I use Time Machine to restore my old mails, it doesn't works, shows the backups on the right but I can't click. The Backup was made on Mountain Lion and I installed a clean Maverick.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), backup doesn't works
Outgoing e-mails not going. Problem developed yesterday but has occurred now and then since I upgraded from Snow Leopard to 10.9.3. In the past the problem has mysteriously solved itself after a few days. I would like to know what causes it and how to solve it right away.
Incoming emails arrive all right.
My provider, Suddenlink recommended changing my outgoing server but that made no difference, so I have gone back to the settings that do work most of the time.
When I went to Suddenlink's web address (www.suddenlink.net) and opened my e-mail account there, I could send and receive, but I would like to work with Mail rather with Suddenlink's POP.
I have three e-mail accounts. They duly appear in the Mail sidebar. I have dragged them into the order in which I want them, with the one I almost always use at the top and my college one (which I prefer only to use for college business) at the bottom. But quite often they — spontaneously, it seems — move around and put themselves into an order that I do not like, with the result that I accidentally send messages from the wrong e-mail address. Why do they do this, and how can I stop them and fix them in place?
If I am in Mail on my MacBook the mail program knows nothing about any addresses in my contact list.
The Address Panel and Previous Contacts lists are empty.
If I open my contacts list - I see all my contacts properly.
They also sync properly between my phone and macbook. I can add a contact to my pone and a second or two later it appears on my MB; and I can add a contact to my MB and seconds later it appears on my phone.
Here is when I believe the problem started.
I wanted all my mail and contacts to be in my 'documents' folder so I could sync that folder, and only that folder, between multiple places and machines and also backup everything in one fell swoop.
a) I moved the mail and the application support/addressbook folders from my library to my docs folder. b) In the terminal created hard links in the original places pointing to the new. I was careful to make hard links not soft.
From the finder and from the terminal the links are all working fine works fine. And as I mentioned the sync function to my phone finds the moved files and works great. Mail work fine. I can create new accounts etc so mail preferences work fine. I also did this with my messages and dropbox and they are working fine.
I am running 10.8.2 build 12C60 and Mail 6.2 (1499) on a MB Pro 15" Early'08 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Could Mail have a relative address or very low level address to the addressbook built into it?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 1TB-hdd, Verizon Router & FIOS ONT
What happens when the error message in the Mail program is long that you cannot get to the bottom of it? I cannot click it or even access this email from a folder or mailbox to delete it. Am I going to be stuck with it for eternity???
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I am using Apple Mail on my Mid 2010 iMac (27", 3.6 GHz i5, 12 Gig RAM, 10.8.5) and have recently run into a bit of strangeness. I shut down the iMac every evening, without shutting down Mail. Mail opens on startup, as expected. However, my list of emails is not current, with the latest email from about 1AM that morning. I know this is the case because I see many more recent emails on my iPhone. When I quit Mail and restart it, all the emails show up. How I can get Mail back to its old behavior, namely showing me all emails in my inbox on startup?
Is there anything I can to do to stop Mail from reading/importing messages from Hotmail that must be taken from Hotmails server, i.e., they are not even in my Hotmail’s Junk folder and certainly not from the Inbox either.
I’ve tried the reset, unchecking Junk/ Trash , rebuild etc.
Mail also reads my Gmail junk and trash folder in error.
It's an IMAP account, and someone accessed the email from an iPad - almost the entire inbox was emptied.
I have TM running and I have restored the INBOX.mbox file to the finder just in case. And here are the steps I have followed: Tried to restore all the emails into the inbox in question through TimeMachine in Mail.Tried to restore the entire INBOX through TimeMachine in Mail.Tried to restore email via importing the recovered folder.Tried to do a test import of 1 email through TimeMachine in Mail.
All failed.
The sent items are still OK and present, and the account is in active use, so if I could just restore the inbox emails that would be the best.
I understand that when they are restored they will need to upload to the server and populate there, but 2 hours should definitely be enough and there is no visible activity in my mail to indicate that is happening.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 16gb RAM
I have received an email in graphical HTML format — a series of venues and dates for a band in the form of a grid. It shows up beautifully in webmail, but in Apple Mail it shows uselessly as unformatted and unpunctuated text. Is there any setting in Mail prefs., or some other subterfuge, that would allow such emails to show properly in Mail?
Being a recent convert from Windows and Outlook, I'm struggling to keep track of my emails on my Macbook Air as related messages get grouped together and stored under a single item. Is this setting configurable in some way and, if so, how do I manage it?
Normally when I opened an email that had an attachment (like my paystub pdf), there was a down arrow under the header line in the upper right corner that allowed me to download the attachment. Suddenly it is gone - and gone on all my past emails that I have done this with.
I operate a small business, and need to keep an archive of all email on my computer for at least one year (not on the cloud, as I live on a small island and our internet service is sporadic). I prefer to manually delete all email after 12 or 13 months. It seems like Apple Mail no longer allows this?