OS X Mavericks :: When Transferring Contents Of Previous Mac / Mail Folders Were All Empty
Jun 20, 2014
I just bought a new iMac with OS X Mavericks, and when I transferred my data from my old iMac with Snow Leopard, all my mailboxes appeared, but they were empty. How can I get back my saved emails?
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Aug 26, 2014
New folders do not open empty but have contents from a subfolder of finder. I also had an empty folder on desktop so I renamed it & opened it only to find the same content.Â
2012 Mac Mini with OS 10.9.4
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May 26, 2012
I've been obliged to reinstall ALL my data.On a brand new hard drive, I did a clean DVD install of 10.6.5, and then a clean Software Update install of 10.6.8, in my MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo, with 4 MB of RAM.I have NOT been able to rely upon my Time Machine backups (long story).Instead, I've been obliged to do a raw copy of all my data from an external hard drive.Everything seems to be back where it was except Mail 4.5.Mail launches fine, it can see all my accounts, it can pull down new mail, and I can see all my Mail folders, as evidenced by this screen grab:The problem is that ALL my Mail folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Trash, Junk, etc) appear to be empty.Â
So, for example, the Mail folder called 'Newspapers' shows that it has 20,418 unread messages within it.However, when I click on the 'Newspapers' folder, I can't see ANY messages, either read or unread.Instead, I just get a blank white screen.All my Mail accounts are running on standard POP configs. No IMAP complexities, or anything like that. I've installed EXACT copies of these three folders, all of which worked fine before I was forced to reinstall all my data:
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB RAM
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm trying to move emails from the "On My Mac" section from one mac to my new one. I've successfully transferred the folders from ~/Library/Mail and they show up, but the folders are empty when I open the mail application on my new mac the folders are empty.
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Sep 3, 2009
how to use Smart Folders to pull the contents of two or more other folders together?
Almost like Microsoft's new "libraries." I can't find an option for "folder is...." or "location is..."
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Jul 2, 2014
Since installing Mavericks I have found that lots of basic tasks have become a bit difficult.Â
One such frustrating example of this is whenever I go to empty my trash folder in Mail it crashes. If I select it through the menu (ie. <Mailbox> <Erase Deleted Items> <In All Accounts>) it works fine but I like to do a quick check before emptying the trash and that seems to cause my Mac to implode into a processing black-hole of burning lava (it gets hot until I <Force Quit>).Â
15" MacBook Pro | 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 | 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3 | 10.9.3
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm having a new problem with Mail in Mavericks that seems to have just started around a month ago. When I have emails in the trash in Mail and choose Erase Deleted Items to empty the trash it seems to fully delete them all within the Mail app. But as I just discovered yesterday by going to the gmail website (for the first time in awhile) they are apparently not being deleted from the server. The emails are properly being moved into trash within gmail but when emptying trash in Mail they do not empty within gmail.Â
As I said, this is a recent problem that never happened with Mavericks Mail for me before a month ago. I just updated to 10.9.4 today and its still happening. Â
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Aug 28, 2009
I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD. When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??
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Aug 24, 2010
I use a PHP script that records the number of clicks on a weblink I want to monitor. Every so often I want to zero (or empty) a number of files (all are .dat files) to start the counting afresh. Is there a way to automate this using maybe Automator or AppleScript?
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a Mac Pro arriving today and I'm wondering if I can transfer all of the applications, or really just one or two of the applications from the computer it is replacing.
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Jun 3, 2010
I bought a new laptop yesterday. I upgraded from a Macbook to Macbook pro last night. Despite the fact I got home close to midnight and had to be up for 0430 for work, I just couldn't let this new machine sit in the box it was sitting there asking me to open the content. Me being the obedient women that I am I had to follow my heart.I opened the laptop, powered it, looked at it, admired my new lighted keypad and....went to bed. So my issue is this. Now that I have turn the computer on once now, how do I transfer all the content of my old laptop onto the new one? what do I look up to make the transfer?
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Sep 2, 2014
When I expand the Sent folder in Mail (directly below inbox), all my email folders from my yahoo mail account are there plus Sent.I also have all the same folders listed below that under my email address including sent and sent messages. Some outgoing messages are in "Sent" folder and some in "Sent Messages" folder.Not sure how this happened but I can not delete the folders under sent. I am hesitant to delete the Sent folder.
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Feb 2, 2009
I want to transfer my iWeb site from my desktop mac to my laptop. I backed up everything from my desktop G4 onto an external HD, and from that, copied all the data in my User Folder/Sites into the same folder on my laptop.
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Apr 21, 2012
I am trying to delete some old documents from the Mac. It was quite easy to find the delete button but the menu states that the content will be gone and an empty page will remain. I would like to get rid of the empty page too! How do I do that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 5, 2012
I spent a lot of time selecting cuts to put in my iTunes Store Wish List (had to listen to the auditions to find the right versions, etc.). Now when I go to my wish list, it says it's empty. Is there a time limit or something? I filled out the Wish List a few weeks ago.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 3, 2014
I am using Mail from my 15", late 2012, 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 MBP running Maverick OSX 10.9.5 with 16 GB memory. I have 4 mail accounts with approximately 30 folders. Everything has worked fairly good the past year, with a bump here and there. Suddenly today nearly all mail in these folders has disappeared. There are a few folders that have retained all their mail, however the majority is gone. Is there a remedy or is it gone? Rebuild has done no good.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Jun 10, 2012
Today I bought an iMac to replace my 2009 Mac Mini. Since the iMac had already been set up, I just transferred my data from Time Machine to it through Migration Assistant. A couple hours later I noticed that all my previous Time Machine backups from my Mac Mini didn't transfer over and that Time Machine had reset itself up.
Is there any way I can transfer over those previous backups from my Mac Mini to my new iMac? I know OS X Lion has a feature to do this, but both computers are running Snow Leopard. I am using a WD 2TB My Book for all my TM backups.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 12, 2008
I have two users on my Mac Mini; myself and the missus. I want to transfer my address book contents from my account to hers. I have tried exporting vcards and Address Book archive, but I can't get either to upload properly on to her address book.
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Jun 1, 2014
I have had problems recently getting new folders to list alphabetically and went: Library>Mail>V2> removed envelope folders > and re-opened Mail and the listing worked properly.Â
Then I updated: OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 (Update (Combo) [URL] ... This sorted out what was, after installing Mavericks, a slower computer. Very happy. However now, when I do a search in the Mail App. and then drag one email to a folder and then click on others and choose move to 'the same folder as one before' it does this but the search replenishes the same email and around and around we go. Before updating this was working fine. How to rectify the search to folder problem descibed above
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Jun 25, 2014
After Installing Maverick on my Mac it seems that I have no mail folders anymore and I lost also all the mails that were stored. How do I get these back?
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Feb 17, 2010
I setup MS Entorage on the mac working with a Exchange Account. I am able to see all Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks. However, although I can see the folders in Tasks, I cannot see the contents of the folders! I get the following message "There are no messages in this folder".
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Jun 22, 2014
i use both an apple mail email and an IMAP email for my business. Â
I have had a recurring problem with filing mail:I am trying to file all email messages onto my iCloud folders on my mail. Â
1. When i file mail into a folder into won't stay in the folder. It comes back into my inbox.
Furthermore, if it does file messages (which is sporadic) then the messages will go into the folder but someones a copy will also reappear back in my inbox)Â
2. When i delete emails: the appear back in my inbox even though i have deleted them.Â
I do not receive an error message when this happens, the emails just pop back up & into my mailboxÂ
How I can do a work around to get message to stay in the folder i want them? Due to this issue my inbox has over 4000 emails in the inbox and i really need to file documents away.
I am operating on OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) and all my updates are up to date!
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Jun 30, 2014
My home folder is corrupted. I created a new user account and it seems to be fine. I'd like to transfer all my data files to my new account. This is no problem with most applications, but I'm not sure what to do with Apps that save the data themselves.Â
2008 MacPro  2 x 2.8 GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon, 14 gb 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM OSX 10.9.3 Mavericks
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Aug 6, 2010
I am near the end of an extensive editing project in FCS 2 and I am having problems with the system hanging up constantly. I have 8gb of ram (the max for my machine) and my main internal drive is a 250 gb HD. I'm wondering if I can backup & delete files from my main drive to free up space and hopefully improve performance, and if it will cause any problems.
I plan to backup the Soundtrack Pro Loops to an external drive, which will free up about 21gb of space. Is there anything else that's safe to do this with (if this process is safe, that is.)? Can I also backup the "Previous systems" folder & delete it from my main drive?
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Feb 23, 2012
I'm doing some major maintenance of my Macbook at the moment, and so far that has included running Onyx and Cocktail, and I'm not in the process of defragmenting files and free space with TechTool.In the process of defragmenting files, a few files called "daily.out" cropped up as fragmented and large. They were contained inside a folder called /private/var/folders.Â
On inspecting this folder, it would seem that all of its contents are subfolders with "cache" or "tmp" in them. I assume these are all temporary files and caches, using my incredible genius discerning skills. Â
Question is, can I safely just trash the entire contents of this /folders/ directory? Some of these caches and logs have grown to gigantic sized, the entire folder is about 200MB at this stage, and they remain even though I used Onyx and Cocktail to clear out caches.
exactly what is this directory used for and which caches are they? They're obviously not the same caches as you find in /Library/Caches or ~/Library/Caches/, so what's the difference? Can they safely be gotten rid of? When running cocktail, one of the options is to ignore the caches of audio units and such, I work often with DAWs so I was just wondering, what good does a "cache" do for these plugins, and why wouldn't you want to clear them from time to time?Â
EDIT: Also I did a full and complete backup of my entire HD using Carbon Copy before I started my maintenance session so I'm ok with taking risks, if there's a slight possibility of this causing problems. I'd just like to know what might happen first.
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Sep 28, 2009
Mac Mini 10.4.11
1.5 GHz PowerPC G4
I want to delete a previous account and create a new one. Unfortunately, when I go to System Preferences > Accounts, it is blank! It is completely empty, devoid of anything but a title that says Accounts. I have tried the following: Restarting; trying to access it on a different account; accessing Accounts through the help viewer, View menu, right-click on it's Dock icon, and through Spotlight search. In all cases, I get a blank Accounts screen. Also of note, the usually illuminated "Back" button on the upperleft isn't illuminated. All that's illuminated is the "Show All" button, which takes me back to System Preferences. I Verified Disk permissions. I tried to Verify Disk and discovered that it says it needs repair. This may or may not be the cause, but for now I can't use my Install CD because the drive is broken. (It keeps spitting out all CDs/DVDs I put in.)
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Dec 17, 2009
After my experiments with Applescript and Automator there was some folder created with another folder inside consist of first folder consist of second folder consist of first folder and so on. Placed it to trash and tried to empty - but without results. Tried emptying with option key, tried secure emptying, tried rm -rf ~/.Trash command and also
cd ~/.Trash sudo rm -r `ls -a` and also other variants with rm - no results. There are no any error messages (like "files in use"), just nothing happens. 10.5.8. Disk permissions are all ok. Shot of trash with folders opened to some deep.
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Jul 28, 2010
I cannot delete empty folders from my Trash ( mac 10.5) I read all the threads in Macforum. Tried every possible code in Terminal, external programs that were advised. I found using ls -alO that one of my folder is hidden that's about it. But I have 5 folders in the Trash ( Zero KB), not deletable!
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Sep 3, 2014
I have 4 drives on my mac pro and tons of folders, some with sub folders. I need a searchable listing of all folders and sub folders to consolidate, re-organize, etc. I don't mind buying a utility but would like something that can do all of the above and either let me search and organize the list or let me dump it into Excel.Â
Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Nov 9, 2009
When I go into my iTunes folder (on windows ) all of my music folders are empty. There is an artist folder and an album folder for all my music but each one appears empty.
When I right click on the main iTunes folder it tells me that I have 26gB of stuff so it must be there somewhere (and I haven't set them to be hidden files). When I am using iTunes and go onto 'Get Info' for a song, it tells me that it is in the iTunes folder. Also, when I search for a specific song title in Windows, the file is shown.
Was wondering if anyone else was having this problem or knows of how to rectify it.
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